Air Temperature

Process design applied to optimise a directly compressible powder produced via a continuous manufacturing process

Water / Pharmaceutical Technology / Experimental Design / Process Design / Particle Size / Regression Model / Air Temperature / Tablets / Moisture Content / Acetaminophen / Powders / Tensile Strength / Physico chemical Properties / Spray Drying / Bulk Density / Regression Model / Air Temperature / Tablets / Moisture Content / Acetaminophen / Powders / Tensile Strength / Physico chemical Properties / Spray Drying / Bulk Density

Environmental controls over net ecosystem carbon exchange of scrub oak in central Florida

Earth Sciences / Biological Sciences / Seasonality / Eddy Covariance / Soil moisture / Soil Respiration / Environmental Control / Net Ecosystem Exchange / Environmental Variables / Carbon balance / Oak / Air Temperature / Carbon Budget / Leaf Area / Carbon Source / Soil Respiration / Environmental Control / Net Ecosystem Exchange / Environmental Variables / Carbon balance / Oak / Air Temperature / Carbon Budget / Leaf Area / Carbon Source

Environmental controls over net ecosystem carbon exchange of scrub oak in central Florida

Earth Sciences / Biological Sciences / Seasonality / Eddy Covariance / Soil moisture / Soil Respiration / Environmental Control / Net Ecosystem Exchange / Environmental Variables / Carbon balance / Oak / Air Temperature / Carbon Budget / Leaf Area / Carbon Source / Soil Respiration / Environmental Control / Net Ecosystem Exchange / Environmental Variables / Carbon balance / Oak / Air Temperature / Carbon Budget / Leaf Area / Carbon Source

Resultados preliminares do balanço de energia sobre o oceano Atlântico tropical (PROJETO FluTuA)

Sea Level / Sea surface temperature / Air-Sea Interaction / Energy Balance / Data Collection / Relative Humidity / Solar radiation / Air Temperature / Relative Humidity / Solar radiation / Air Temperature


Sea Level / Sea surface temperature / Air-Sea Interaction / Energy Balance / Data Collection / Relative Humidity / Solar radiation / Air Temperature / Relative Humidity / Solar radiation / Air Temperature

Análise mensal do risco de queimadas para a América do Sul: resultados preliminares para 2003

Forest fire / Data Association / Hot Spot / Air Temperature / Fire Risk / Risk Map

Modelagem De Umidade Do Material Combustível, Baseada Em Variáveis Meteorológicas

Forest fire / Pinus elliottii / Floresta / Air Temperature / Fire Behavior / Wind Speed / Forest Floor / Southern Brazil / Wind Speed / Forest Floor / Southern Brazil

Mudanças climáticas e seus possíveis impactos aos sistemas agrícolas no Sul do Brasil

Climate / Phenology / Regression Analysis / Climatic Change / Air Temperature

Variação vertical da temperatura do ar no dossel de plantas de batata

Potato / Crop Production / Air Temperature / Solanum Tuberosum

Evapotranspiração máxima da cultura de pimentão em estufa plástica em função da radiação solar, da temperatura, da umidade relativa e do déficit de saturação do ar

Evapotranspiration / GREENHOUSE / Leaf Area Index / Relative Humidity / Solar radiation / Air Temperature / Water Consumption / Capsicum annuum / Water Vapor / Air Temperature / Water Consumption / Capsicum annuum / Water Vapor

Variação vertical da temperatura do ar no dossel de plantas de batata

Potato / Crop Production / Air Temperature / Solanum Tuberosum
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