
Cosmologias contra o capitalismo: Karl Marx e Davi Kopenawa

Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Marxism / Marxist theory / Marxismo / Nomadic/Indigenous People

Significance and Reality / Significância e Realidade

History / Sociology / Anthropology / Philosophy / Art / Sociologia / Artes / Psichology / Antropologia / Psicologia / Sociologia / Artes / Psichology / Antropologia / Psicologia

A.C. Roque (2012) Catálogo da Exposição e Mostra Documental Moçambique: Ciência, Saberes e Património através das Colecções do Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical

Anthropology / Material Culture Studies / Documentation / Archives / Communication Of Memory In Archives, Libraries And Museums / Colonial Photography / Moçambique / Historia de moçambique / Colonial Photography / Moçambique / Historia de moçambique

A.C. Roque e V.R. Marques eds. (2011) Catálogo da Exposição e Mostra Documental Timor: Ciência, Saberes e Património através das Colecções do Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical

Anthropology / Archives / Communication Of Memory In Archives, Libraries And Museums / Timor-Leste Studies / Material Culture / East Timor / Historia / Antropología / Colonial Photography / Photography and colonial discourse / East Timor / Historia / Antropología / Colonial Photography / Photography and colonial discourse

Paranormal Photography - TV Ghosts

History / Parapsychology / Anthropology / Photography / Phenomenology / Ghosts / Cultural History Of Ghosts / Paranormal / Photography Theory / Photography (Visual Studies) / Time Travel / Pliny the Elder / Herculaneum / Pompeii / Ancient Rome / Interdimensional Studies of the Physical Quantum Mind / Mount Vesuvius / Digital Image Editing / Trans-time Photography / Photographic editing / InstrumentalTranscommunication / Interdimensional photography / Paranormal Mediumship / Photos of the past / Transdimensional Photography / Ghosts / Cultural History Of Ghosts / Paranormal / Photography Theory / Photography (Visual Studies) / Time Travel / Pliny the Elder / Herculaneum / Pompeii / Ancient Rome / Interdimensional Studies of the Physical Quantum Mind / Mount Vesuvius / Digital Image Editing / Trans-time Photography / Photographic editing / InstrumentalTranscommunication / Interdimensional photography / Paranormal Mediumship / Photos of the past / Transdimensional Photography

Diretrizes Básicas para Elaboração de Fluxos de Atendimento Integral à Criança Indígena

Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Human Rights / Anthropology of Children and Childhood / Ethnology / Políticas Públicas / Criança E Adolescente / Sistema de Garantias de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente / Políticas Públicas / Criança E Adolescente / Sistema de Garantias de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente

O corte de árvores : porque é que as florestas tropicais amazônicas tão diferentes da África Central?

Archaeology / Anthropology / Forestry / Climate Change / Biodiversity / Tropical Fruits

Levantamento Diagnóstico Qualitativo Sobre o Grau de Realizaçao do Direitos Humanos das Crianças e Mulheres Indígenas em Dourados/MS

Anthropology / Human Rights / Politics / Anthropology of Children and Childhood / UNICEF / ONU

Entre a medicina e a psicanálise: o saber antropológico e automodelagem na narrativa profissional de Arthur Ramos

Psychoanalysis / Anthropology / Medical History / Historia da Ciência / Historia Intelectual / History of social hygiene, eugenics, exchange of medical knowledge across national and ideological borders in the 19th and 20th centuries

Human nature: A critical reader

Evolutionary Biology / Psychology / Cognitive Science / Archaeology / Nutrition and Dietetics / Anthropology / Human Evolution / Multidisciplinary / Evolution and Human Behavior / Human nature / American Journal of Human Biology / Endeavour / American Anthropologist / Anthropology / Human Evolution / Multidisciplinary / Evolution and Human Behavior / Human nature / American Journal of Human Biology / Endeavour / American Anthropologist
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