
Designing audio aura

Lifelong Learning / Multimedia / Interaction Design / Augmented Reality / User Interface / Interface Design / Sound Design / Workplace Learning / Vrml / Case Study / Handheld Device Use / User Centered Design / Awareness / Client Server / Tactile / Auditory Icons / Computer Human Interaction / Work Practice / Design and Implementation / Support System / HCI Education / Form Factor / Interface Design / Sound Design / Workplace Learning / Vrml / Case Study / Handheld Device Use / User Centered Design / Awareness / Client Server / Tactile / Auditory Icons / Computer Human Interaction / Work Practice / Design and Implementation / Support System / HCI Education / Form Factor

Naturalizing Consciousness

Consciousness / Awareness

A Context Conceptual Model for a Distributed Software Development Environment

Software Engineering / Knowledge Management in Software Engineering / Global Software Development / Problem Solving / CSCW / Context Awareness / Conceptual Model / Collaborative Software Development / Distributed Software Development / Awareness / Context Model / Context Awareness / Conceptual Model / Collaborative Software Development / Distributed Software Development / Awareness / Context Model

Placebo-Controlled Trial of Familiar Auditory Sensory Training for Acute Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Report

Cognitive Science / Auditory Perception / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Treatment Outcome / Neurological Rehabilitation / Brain / Humans / Female / Male / Awareness / Clinical Sciences / Arousal / Adult / Neurosciences / Acoustic Stimulation / Brain / Humans / Female / Male / Awareness / Clinical Sciences / Arousal / Adult / Neurosciences / Acoustic Stimulation

Processamento temporal e consciência fonológica nas alterações de leitura e escrita: dados preliminares

Phonetics / Auditory Perception / Speech perception / Reading / Writing / Humans / Child / Awareness / Learning Disorders / Codas / Humans / Child / Awareness / Learning Disorders / Codas

Percepção em Groupware Educacionais

Groupware / Collaborative Learning / Awareness

Is unawareness of psychotic disorder a neurocognitive or psychological defensiveness problem?

MMPI-2 / Schizophrenia / Social Desirability / Brain / Humans / Female / Male / Defense Mechanisms / Follow-up studies / Psychotic Disorder / Awareness / Mental Disorder / Questionnaires / Classification and Regression Tree / Adult / Psychotic Disorders / Logistic Models / Cognition disorders / Female / Male / Defense Mechanisms / Follow-up studies / Psychotic Disorder / Awareness / Mental Disorder / Questionnaires / Classification and Regression Tree / Adult / Psychotic Disorders / Logistic Models / Cognition disorders

Response to editorial by Davidson

Pediatrics / Adolescent / Memory / Child Behavior / Humans / Child / Paediatric Anaesthesia / Anesthesia / Awareness / Newborn Infant / Anesthetics / Pediatric Anesthesia / Forearm / Child / Paediatric Anaesthesia / Anesthesia / Awareness / Newborn Infant / Anesthetics / Pediatric Anesthesia / Forearm

Placebo-Controlled Trial of Familiar Auditory Sensory Training for Acute Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Report

Cognitive Science / Auditory Perception / Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Treatment Outcome / Neurological Rehabilitation / Brain / Humans / Female / Male / Awareness / Clinical Sciences / Arousal / Adult / Neurosciences / Acoustic Stimulation / Brain / Humans / Female / Male / Awareness / Clinical Sciences / Arousal / Adult / Neurosciences / Acoustic Stimulation

Awareness: em busca de presença e prontidão na prática coral, Comunicação, 2015.

Music / Performance Studies (Music) / Phenomenology of the body / Choral Music / Awareness

Disaster preparedness among Hong Kong nurses

Nursing / Disaster Medicine / Adolescent / Hong Kong / Disaster Preparedness / Emergency Medical Services / Humans / Advanced Nursing Practice / Questionnaire / Female / Male / Nurses / Awareness / Middle Aged / Adult / Post Disaster Planning / Emergency Medical Services / Humans / Advanced Nursing Practice / Questionnaire / Female / Male / Nurses / Awareness / Middle Aged / Adult / Post Disaster Planning

Dissociations, Developmental Psychology, and Pedagogical Design

Psychology / Cognitive Science / Developmental Psychology / Instructional Design / Child Development / Psychology of Unconscious / Teaching / Humans / Child / Child Psychology / Social Environment / Awareness / Cognitive processes / Psychology of Unconscious / Teaching / Humans / Child / Child Psychology / Social Environment / Awareness / Cognitive processes
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