Breast Cancer / Breast surgery / Regional Anesthesia / Breast Cancer Recurrence Preventiion / Breast Cancer Research / Regional Anesthesia, Ambulatory Anesthesia / Ultrasound Guided Anesthesia / Ultrasound guided regional anesthesia / ECOGRAFIA Y ANESTESIA / Regional Anesthesia, Ambulatory Anesthesia / Ultrasound Guided Anesthesia / Ultrasound guided regional anesthesia / ECOGRAFIA Y ANESTESIA
Breast Cancer / Chile / Humans / Breast Cancer Early Detecion and Treatment / Mutation / Female / Polymerase Chain Reaction / South America / Case Control Studies / Female / Polymerase Chain Reaction / South America / Case Control Studies
Regeneration / Stem Cells / Human Embryonic Stem Cells / Stem cell and Regenerative medicine / Cancer / Breast Cancer / Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (I Psc) / Cancer stem cells / Prostate Cancer / Cancer Cell Biology / Cancer Biology / Plant Molecular Marker / Molecular Markers / Adult Stem Cells / Cancer Research / Brain cancer / Regenerative Medicine / Cancer, Stem Cell Biology / Stem cell Therapy / Stem Cell Research / Cancer Genetics / Hematopoietic Stem Cells / Mesenchymal stem cells / Regenerative Neurobiology and Neurology, Stem Cell Medicine / Breast Cancer Research / Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine / Radiation and Cancer Stem Cells / Molecular Marker / Stem cells and Regenerative Medicine / induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), embryonic stem cells (ESCs) / Breast Cancer / Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (I Psc) / Cancer stem cells / Prostate Cancer / Cancer Cell Biology / Cancer Biology / Plant Molecular Marker / Molecular Markers / Adult Stem Cells / Cancer Research / Brain cancer / Regenerative Medicine / Cancer, Stem Cell Biology / Stem cell Therapy / Stem Cell Research / Cancer Genetics / Hematopoietic Stem Cells / Mesenchymal stem cells / Regenerative Neurobiology and Neurology, Stem Cell Medicine / Breast Cancer Research / Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine / Radiation and Cancer Stem Cells / Molecular Marker / Stem cells and Regenerative Medicine / induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), embryonic stem cells (ESCs)
Breast Cancer / Physical Therapy / Mobility / Cortisol / Exercise / European / Controlled Clinical Trial / Sympathetic Nervous System / Cancer Related Fatigue / Digestive Alpha-amylase / European / Controlled Clinical Trial / Sympathetic Nervous System / Cancer Related Fatigue / Digestive Alpha-amylase
Genetics / Polymorphism / Breast Cancer / DNA damage / Lung Cancer / Head and Neck / Bladder Cancer / Humans / Statistical Significance / Nucleotide Excision Repair / Meta Analysis / European / Neoplasms / Large Scale / Case Control Study / DNA binding proteins / Cancer Risk / Confidence Interval / Tissue Specificity / Head and Neck / Bladder Cancer / Humans / Statistical Significance / Nucleotide Excision Repair / Meta Analysis / European / Neoplasms / Large Scale / Case Control Study / DNA binding proteins / Cancer Risk / Confidence Interval / Tissue Specificity