
Release of silver nanoparticles from outdoor facades

Electron Microscopy / Kinetics / Titanium / Environmental Pollution / Multidisciplinary / Metal Nanoparticles / Silver / Rain / Paint / Urban Storm Water Management / Silver Nanoparticle / Environmental / Electron Microscope / Metal Nanoparticles / Silver / Rain / Paint / Urban Storm Water Management / Silver Nanoparticle / Environmental / Electron Microscope

Prioritizing contaminants of emerging concern for ecological screening assessments

Ecology / Environmental Monitoring / Risk assessment / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Animals / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Aquatic organisms / Risk Assessment / Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / Environmental / Hazardous Substances / Animals / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Aquatic organisms / Risk Assessment / Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / Environmental / Hazardous Substances

A Novel in Vivo Bioassay for (Xeno-)estrogens Using Transgenic Zebrafish

Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Estrogen Receptor / Reproductive health / Environmental / Differential expression

Managing Ecosystem Resources †

Multidisciplinary / Environmental science and technology / Environmental

Regurgitated pellets of Merops apiaster as fomites of infective Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia) spores

Microbiology / Environmental microbiology / Bees / Birds / Animals / Nosema / Predatory Behavior / Environmental / Fomites / Nosema / Predatory Behavior / Environmental / Fomites

Regurgitated pellets of Merops apiaster as fomites of infective Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia) spores

Microbiology / Environmental microbiology / Bees / Birds / Animals / Nosema / Predatory Behavior / Environmental / Fomites / Nosema / Predatory Behavior / Environmental / Fomites

College and University Environmental Programs as a Policy Problem (Part 2): Strategies for Improvement

Environmental Science / Environmental Education / Environmental Studies / Social Problems / Critical Thinking / Social Justice / Environmental Management / Ecology / Environmental Sustainability / Interdisciplinary Studies / Multidisciplinary / Higher Order Thinking / Problem Solving / Humans / United States / Universities / Environmental Eduation / Environmental / Social Justice / Environmental Management / Ecology / Environmental Sustainability / Interdisciplinary Studies / Multidisciplinary / Higher Order Thinking / Problem Solving / Humans / United States / Universities / Environmental Eduation / Environmental

Regurgitated pellets of Merops apiaster as fomites of infective Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia) spores

Microbiology / Environmental microbiology / Bees / Birds / Animals / Nosema / Predatory Behavior / Environmental / Fomites / Nosema / Predatory Behavior / Environmental / Fomites

Australia, uranium and nuclear power

Climate Change / Renewable Energy / Environmental Studies / Social Perception / Mining / Multidisciplinary / Nuclear power / Nuclear Waste / Nuclear reactor / Environmental / Radioactive waste / Multidisciplinary / Nuclear power / Nuclear Waste / Nuclear reactor / Environmental / Radioactive waste

Australia, uranium and nuclear power

Climate Change / Renewable Energy / Environmental Studies / Social Perception / Mining / Multidisciplinary / Nuclear power / Nuclear Waste / Nuclear reactor / Environmental / Radioactive waste / Multidisciplinary / Nuclear power / Nuclear Waste / Nuclear reactor / Environmental / Radioactive waste

Remarkably low temperature optima for extracellular enzyme activity from Arctic bacteria and sea ice

Microbiology / Environmental microbiology / Sea Ice / Temperature / Seawater / Ice / Gram-negative bacteria / Enzyme activity / Low Temperature / Environmental / Ice / Gram-negative bacteria / Enzyme activity / Low Temperature / Environmental
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