French Literature

Stendhal - O Vermelho e o negro

French Literature / Stendhal

BETA DOC: English ~ Espanol ~Português ~ Français~ Who is Olofin? ~ ¿ Quienes es Olofin? ~ Quem é Olofin?~ Qui est Olofin?

Religion / African Studies / Latin American Studies / French Literature / Portuguese and Brazilian Literature / Anthropology / Philosophy / Education / Social Sciences / Spanish / Latin American and Caribbean History / Theology / African Diaspora Studies / Pagan Studies / Brazil / African American Studies / Ethnicity / Ifa-Orisa/Orisha Tradition in Africa and the Diaspora / Metodología y Teoría de la Investigación Social / Yoruba / Antropología / Santeria Cubana / Anthropology / Philosophy / Education / Social Sciences / Spanish / Latin American and Caribbean History / Theology / African Diaspora Studies / Pagan Studies / Brazil / African American Studies / Ethnicity / Ifa-Orisa/Orisha Tradition in Africa and the Diaspora / Metodología y Teoría de la Investigación Social / Yoruba / Antropología / Santeria Cubana


French Literature / Poetry / Nonsense / Maurice Blanchot / Georges Bataille / 20th Century French Literature / Sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion) / Monstrosity / Literatura / Modern French Poetry / Obscenity / Literatura Francesa / Literatura Comparada / Literatura Comparada (Comparative Literature) / French Poetry and Poetics / La Experiencia Interior De Georges Bataille / Denis hollier / 20th Century French Literature / Sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion) / Monstrosity / Literatura / Modern French Poetry / Obscenity / Literatura Francesa / Literatura Comparada / Literatura Comparada (Comparative Literature) / French Poetry and Poetics / La Experiencia Interior De Georges Bataille / Denis hollier

\"Virgilio no pulpito: Bossuet, a antiguidade paga et o \'sagrado canal\' da pregaçâo\", Letras, vol. 24, n°49 (juil.-déc. 2014), p. 17-34.

French Literature / Rhetoric / Preaching / Intertextuality / 17th Century French Literature (Literature) / French Early Modern / Early Modern Sermons / Baroque Sermons / Paganism and Christianism / Religious Rhetoric / French preaching in the Early Modern era / French, Italian, and Spanish Medieval and Early Modern literature and cultural productions. Law and Literature. Religious discourses. Early Modern Iberian Worlds. Early Modern printing culture. / Paganism and Christianity / Early Modern French Literature / Sermons / Preaching and Sermons / French Early Modern / Early Modern Sermons / Baroque Sermons / Paganism and Christianism / Religious Rhetoric / French preaching in the Early Modern era / French, Italian, and Spanish Medieval and Early Modern literature and cultural productions. Law and Literature. Religious discourses. Early Modern Iberian Worlds. Early Modern printing culture. / Paganism and Christianity / Early Modern French Literature / Sermons / Preaching and Sermons

Literatura, teoria e política. Resenha de Nathalie Quintane. Les années 10. Paris: La Fabrique, 2014.

Critical Theory / French Literature / Political Philosophy / French Studies / Literature / Politics and Literature / Critical Thinking / Politics / Contemporary French Philosophy / Literary Theory / Contemporary Literature / Contemporary Poetry / Art Theory and Politics / 21st Century French Literature / 21st Century Studies / Contemporary Political Philosophy / Contemporary French Literature / French / Literatura / Art and Politics / Contemporary Continental Philosophy / Littérature Française / Littérature contemporaine / Literatura contemporânea / Littérature / Littérature et politique / Littérature Contemporaine Française / Contemporary French and Francophone Literature / French Litterature / 20th and 21st Century Literatures of Immigration and Exile / Litterature / Literatura e Política / Littérature française contemporaine / Nathalie Quintane / Politics and Literature / Critical Thinking / Politics / Contemporary French Philosophy / Literary Theory / Contemporary Literature / Contemporary Poetry / Art Theory and Politics / 21st Century French Literature / 21st Century Studies / Contemporary Political Philosophy / Contemporary French Literature / French / Literatura / Art and Politics / Contemporary Continental Philosophy / Littérature Française / Littérature contemporaine / Literatura contemporânea / Littérature / Littérature et politique / Littérature Contemporaine Française / Contemporary French and Francophone Literature / French Litterature / 20th and 21st Century Literatures of Immigration and Exile / Litterature / Literatura e Política / Littérature française contemporaine / Nathalie Quintane

Vénus Erótica ou Nin no país das maravilhas: um entendimento do erotismo no feminino.

French Literature / Literature / Francophone Literature / Literatura / Anais Nin / Erotic Literature / Eroticism In Literature / Erotic Literature / Eroticism In Literature

Os fantasmas e a revolução: uma leitura de Descente de médiums , de Nathalie Quintane

French Literature / 21st Century Literacies / French Studies / Literature / Politics and Literature / Literary Criticism / Critical Thinking / Literary Theory / Literature and Politics / Contemporary Literature / Critique / 21st Century French Literature / 21st Century Studies / Contemporary French Literature / French / Literatura / Literary Theory and Criticism / Victor Hugo / Literatura Francesa / Littérature Française / French Cultural Studies / Literatura contemporânea / Littérature / Littérature et politique / Littérature Contemporaine Française / French Litterature / Literatura Fransesa / Litterature / Literatura e Política / Nathalie Quintane / Literary Criticism / Critical Thinking / Literary Theory / Literature and Politics / Contemporary Literature / Critique / 21st Century French Literature / 21st Century Studies / Contemporary French Literature / French / Literatura / Literary Theory and Criticism / Victor Hugo / Literatura Francesa / Littérature Française / French Cultural Studies / Literatura contemporânea / Littérature / Littérature et politique / Littérature Contemporaine Française / French Litterature / Literatura Fransesa / Litterature / Literatura e Política / Nathalie Quintane

Paroles, Jacques Prevert

French Literature / Literature / French / Poems / Literatura Francesa / Poemas

Imigração portuguesa na França e dupla pertença cultural

Sociology / French Literature / Portuguese Studies / Literature / Immigration


French Literature / Media and Cultural Studies / Press and media history

Spanischer Naturalismus - Emilia Pardo Bazán (Los Pazos de Ulloa, La madre naturaleza)

French Literature / Spanish Literature / Naturalism / Emile Zola / Emilia Pardo Bazán / Naturalismus

“Niderlandzki sonet Jana van der Noota ‘Tot sijn muse’ i Oda XVII ‘A sa muse’ Ronsarda. Próba analizy porównawczej“ [“Jan van der Noot’s Dutch Sonnet ‘Tot sijn muse’ and Ronsard’s Ode 17 ‘A sa muse’. An Attempt at a Comparative Analysis’], Terminus 4 (2005) no. 1, pp. 85-97

Comparative Literature / French Literature / Renaissance Studies / Literary Translation, Gender in Translation, East-West Cultural Exchange / Cross-cultural transfers / Dutch Literature / Literary translation / Imitation / Dutch Renaissance / Late Medieval & Early Modern Dutch Literature / Dutch Literature / Literary translation / Imitation / Dutch Renaissance / Late Medieval & Early Modern Dutch Literature

Modernidade, identidade e metrópole cosmopolita em Poe, Baudelaire e Machado de Assis

Comparative Literature / French Literature / Machado de Assis / Brazilian Literature / Edgar Allan Poe / North American Literature / A book length presentation of an allegorical poetic method adapted from Charles Baudelaire, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, and others. / North American Literature / A book length presentation of an allegorical poetic method adapted from Charles Baudelaire, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, and others.

Lucien de Rubempré: a história de um fracasso (Revista Três [...] Pontos)

History / Cultural Studies / Sociology of Culture / French Literature / French History / Literature / Sociology of Arts / Sociology of Literature / 19th Century French Literature / Honoré de Balzac / Historia / Literatura / Sociologia / Sociología / Literatura Francesa / Cultural Studies and Literatures / Sociologia da Cultura / Teoria da literatura / Literature / Sociology of Arts / Sociology of Literature / 19th Century French Literature / Honoré de Balzac / Historia / Literatura / Sociologia / Sociología / Literatura Francesa / Cultural Studies and Literatures / Sociologia da Cultura / Teoria da literatura
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