Gender Equality

Género e liderança: uma revisão da literatura

Gender Studies / Sex and Gender / Educational Leadership / Expertise / Gender History / Performance Studies / Literature / Innovation statistics / User Experience (UX) / Leadership / Values / Business Process Management / Gender / Gender Equality / Transformational Leadership / Gender and Development / Global Leadership / Women Leadership / Leadership Development / Communication Skills / Literature Review / Women and Gender Studies / Systematic Literature Review / Educational Leadership and Management / Leadership styles / Experience of Work / Performance Studies / Literature / Innovation statistics / User Experience (UX) / Leadership / Values / Business Process Management / Gender / Gender Equality / Transformational Leadership / Gender and Development / Global Leadership / Women Leadership / Leadership Development / Communication Skills / Literature Review / Women and Gender Studies / Systematic Literature Review / Educational Leadership and Management / Leadership styles / Experience of Work

As \"bonecas\" da pista no horizonte da cidadania: uma jornada no cotidiano travesti em Belém (PA)

Gender Studies / Sex and Gender / Social Sciences / Human Rights / Transgender Studies / Urban Anthropology / Gay And Lesbian Studies / Gender / Gender Equality / Theories of Gender and Transgender / Direito / Prostitution & Trafficking / Homosexuality / Estudios de Género / Movimientos sociales / Ciências Sociais / Psicología / Género / Psicology / Antropologia Urbana / Direitos Humanos / Homosexualidades / Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Studies / Urban Anthropology / Gay And Lesbian Studies / Gender / Gender Equality / Theories of Gender and Transgender / Direito / Prostitution & Trafficking / Homosexuality / Estudios de Género / Movimientos sociales / Ciências Sociais / Psicología / Género / Psicology / Antropologia Urbana / Direitos Humanos / Homosexualidades / Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Studies

Género y didáctica. Aprender lengua y literatura italiana a través de las escritoras, Educação, tecnologias e inovação: I Jornadas Internacionais online do Projeto Peti, Universidade Aberta: Lisboa, 2014, pp. 79-88, ISBN: 978-972-674.

Gender Studies / Education / Italian Studies / Medieval Women / Gender Equality / Italian Literature / Estudios de Género / Literatura Italiana / Coeducación / Italian Literature / Estudios de Género / Literatura Italiana / Coeducación

A licença-maternidade como representação de uma ideologia velada – a divisão de tarefas por gênero e o dever de cuidado parental

Comparative Law / Gender Equality / Parental Involvement in Education / Direito do Trabalho / Igualdade De Género / Reproductive Rights, Maternity Leave, Reproductive Health Policy / Direito Constitucional Internacional e Comparado / Paternity Leave / Licença-Maternidade / Licença-Paternidade / Licença Parental / Reproductive Rights, Maternity Leave, Reproductive Health Policy / Direito Constitucional Internacional e Comparado / Paternity Leave / Licença-Maternidade / Licença-Paternidade / Licença Parental

Seis Dicas para Um Casamento Feliz

Religion / Comparative Religion / Sociology / Cultural Studies / Gender Studies / Political Economy / Philosophy / Sex and Gender / Marxism / Religion and Politics / Cultural Theory / Gender Equality / Marxist theory / Theories of Gender and Transgender / Religious Studies / Filosofia, Epistemologia, Economia, Administração, Teologia, Religião, Sociologia / Educação / Saúde / Filosofia da Religião / Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus / Religião / Educação de Jovens e Adultos / Doctrine of God, Christology, Soteriology, Historical Theology, Biblical Studies, Dogmatic Theology, Analytic Theology, Continental Theology, Biblical Theology, Thomas F. Torrance, Karl Barth, John Calvin, Systematic Theology / Felicidade / Concilio Vaticano I / Sexo / Vaticano II / Atributos De Deus / Political Filosophy / Democracia De Génro / Psicologia / Testemunhas de Jeova / Political Economy / Philosophy / Sex and Gender / Marxism / Religion and Politics / Cultural Theory / Gender Equality / Marxist theory / Theories of Gender and Transgender / Religious Studies / Filosofia, Epistemologia, Economia, Administração, Teologia, Religião, Sociologia / Educação / Saúde / Filosofia da Religião / Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus / Religião / Educação de Jovens e Adultos / Doctrine of God, Christology, Soteriology, Historical Theology, Biblical Studies, Dogmatic Theology, Analytic Theology, Continental Theology, Biblical Theology, Thomas F. Torrance, Karl Barth, John Calvin, Systematic Theology / Felicidade / Concilio Vaticano I / Sexo / Vaticano II / Atributos De Deus / Political Filosophy / Democracia De Génro / Psicologia / Testemunhas de Jeova

Estigma na trajetória profissional de uma travesti - caso para ensino / Stigma in the professional trajectory from a travestite - teaching case

Gender Studies / Sex and Gender / Diversity / Transgender Studies / Sexuality / Gender and Sexuality / Anthropology and Sexuality / Gender / Gender Equality / Theories of Gender and Transgender / Diversity Management / Homophobia / Diversity & Inclusion / Cultural Diversity / Transgender / Individual Differences / Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth / Homosexuality / Heteronormativity / Estudios de Género / Transsexuality and Transgender / Género / Diversidade / Travesti / Homofobia / Teaching Case / Transgender Oppression / Estigma / Travestis / População Transgênero / Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Studies / Travestite / Gender and Sexuality / Anthropology and Sexuality / Gender / Gender Equality / Theories of Gender and Transgender / Diversity Management / Homophobia / Diversity & Inclusion / Cultural Diversity / Transgender / Individual Differences / Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth / Homosexuality / Heteronormativity / Estudios de Género / Transsexuality and Transgender / Género / Diversidade / Travesti / Homofobia / Teaching Case / Transgender Oppression / Estigma / Travestis / População Transgênero / Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Studies / Travestite

Producing Rape Free Campus Cultures: Teaching as Activism

Sexual Violence / Gender Equality / Social Activism / Feminist activism / Social Inequality (Anthropology) / Activism / Rape Culture / Social Inequality / Sexual and Gender-Based Violence / Gender inequality / Sexual Violence Prevention / Anti violence Programmes / Anti Violence Activism / Activism / Rape Culture / Social Inequality / Sexual and Gender-Based Violence / Gender inequality / Sexual Violence Prevention / Anti violence Programmes / Anti Violence Activism

Redução das desigualdades no mercado de trabalho

Diversity / Gender Equality / Diversity & Inclusion / Equality and Non Discrimination

A instituição de cotas para mulheres e a questão do empoderamento feminino (Migalhas)

Gender Equality / Equality and Diversity / Equality / Affirmative Action / Woman Studies / Development, Sustainability, Social Justice, Poverty, Equity,gender Equality, Migration, International Affairs, Geopolitics / Gender and Affirmative Action / Development, Sustainability, Social Justice, Poverty, Equity,gender Equality, Migration, International Affairs, Geopolitics / Gender and Affirmative Action

Igualdade de Género - Tratamento de Dados Estatísticos

Gender Studies / Gender and Sexuality / Gender Equality / Women and Gender Studies


Gender Studies / Sex and Gender / Child and adolescent mental health / Adaptation / Adolescent Development / Gender / Gender Equality / Gender and Development / Adolescent Health / Adolescent / Adolescence (Psychology) / Adolescent Education (Education) / Women and Gender Studies / Adolescence / Child and Adolescent Psychology / Adolescents / Adolescentes / Gender / Gender Equality / Gender and Development / Adolescent Health / Adolescent / Adolescence (Psychology) / Adolescent Education (Education) / Women and Gender Studies / Adolescence / Child and Adolescent Psychology / Adolescents / Adolescentes

A igualdade sexual na diversidade cultural (LIBRO)

Communication / Multiculturalism / Gender Equality / International Migration / Representation of Others
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