History Portuguese and Spanish

Imagologia e Mitos Nacionais: O Episódio dos Doze de Inglaterra na Literatura Portuguesa (c.1550-1902) e o Nacionalismo (Colonial) de Teófilo Braga

Portuguese and Brazilian Literature / Mythology / Portuguese / Literature / Portuguese History / Portuguese Medieval History / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Portuguese Colonialism and Decolonizaton / History Portuguese and Spanish / Portuguese Literature / History of the Portuguese Empire / National Myths / Imagology, National Stereotpyes / Portuguese Medieval History / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Portuguese Colonialism and Decolonizaton / History Portuguese and Spanish / Portuguese Literature / History of the Portuguese Empire / National Myths / Imagology, National Stereotpyes

“«De vossa Real presença desejada»: Uma apologia político-alegórica a D. Filipe II de Portugal”

Art History / Portuguese Studies / Habsburg Studies / History Portuguese and Spanish / Spanish Siglo de Oro Drama / Philip III of Spain / Arquitecturas efémeras / Philip III of Spain / Arquitecturas efémeras

Os Mercadores da Liga Hanseática em Lisboa na Viragem do século XV para o século XVI

German History / Portuguese History / History Portuguese and Spanish / Early Modern Europe / Early Modern economic and social history / History of the Portuguese Empire / Atlantic history / Modern German History / late medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts / Hanseatic League / Medieval Economic and Social History / Hanseatic studies / Early Modern European History / History of the Portuguese Empire / Atlantic history / Modern German History / late medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts / Hanseatic League / Medieval Economic and Social History / Hanseatic studies / Early Modern European History

Sem pacto: Filipe IV e a tributação do clero português

Early Modern Portuguese History / Seventeenth Century / History Portuguese and Spanish / History of the Clergy / Fiscal History / Cathedral chapters / Catholic Church History / Cathedral chapters / Catholic Church History

“A ilha de Tenerife como enclave estratégico nos interesses portugueses no final do século XVI”

Early Modern History / Portuguese History / History Portuguese and Spanish / History of the Portuguese Empire / Canary Islands / Macaronesia Region

FDC-13-2001-A formação da força militar durante a Guerra da Restauração

Portuguese Studies / History Portuguese and Spanish / Portuguese Restoration War

FDC-49-2013-Governadores de armas, mestres de campo e capitães mores no Alentejo na Guerra da Restauração

Portuguese Studies / History Portuguese and Spanish / Portuguese Restoration War

Manuel Baptista Peres, um mercador português em Lima

Inquisition / History Portuguese and Spanish / Peruvian History / Judaism / The Spanish Inquisition

Tomé Quaresma, médico português em Lima

History Portuguese and Spanish / Judaism / Spanish Colonial Peru / The Spanish Inquisition

Cartagena das Índias, porto de destino das rotas negreiras

History Portuguese and Spanish / Slave Trade / Peruvian History / Colombian History / Inquisition tribunals in the Americas

Viagens e viajantes nas Américas

Portuguese History / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / History Portuguese and Spanish / Argentina / Peruvian History / Colonial Studies


Portuguese Studies / Galician Studies / Portuguese History / Medieval Iberian History / History Portuguese and Spanish / Iberian History / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Medieval Galicia / Portuguese Reconquista / Reconquista / Iberian History / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Medieval Galicia / Portuguese Reconquista / Reconquista

VIAGENS ULTRAMARINAS monarcas, vassalos e governo a distância (na íntegra)

Portuguese and Brazilian Literature / Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / History of Science / Brazilian Studies / Brazilian History / Enlightenment / Portuguese Colonialism and Decolonizaton / History Portuguese and Spanish / Intellectual History of Enlightenment / Naturalism / History of the Portuguese Empire / European Enlightenment / Empire / Colonial Brazilian History / Colonial Administration / Intelectual History / Spanish enlightenment / Independencias Hispanoamericanas / Art and Art History / Brazilian History / Enlightenment / Portuguese Colonialism and Decolonizaton / History Portuguese and Spanish / Intellectual History of Enlightenment / Naturalism / History of the Portuguese Empire / European Enlightenment / Empire / Colonial Brazilian History / Colonial Administration / Intelectual History / Spanish enlightenment / Independencias Hispanoamericanas / Art and Art History

A Destreza das Armas: da Espanha a Portugal no século XVII

Modern History / History Portuguese and Spanish / Modern Weapons

Recrutar. Produzir. Abastecer: repensar a produção e o comércio agrícolas em tempo de guerras (1369-1400)

Military History / Economic History / Military Science / Strategy (Military Science) / Medieval History / Portuguese Studies / Sociology of the Military / Medieval Studies / Portuguese History / History Portuguese and Spanish / Medieval Archaeology / Social History / Portugal (Archaeology) / Portugal (History) / Portuguese Studies / Sociology of the Military / Medieval Studies / Portuguese History / History Portuguese and Spanish / Medieval Archaeology / Social History / Portugal (Archaeology) / Portugal (History)
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