
“Monarquia mais dilatada que se viu no mundo”: considerações sobre dimensão de domínios e imaginação política em frontispícios no império espanhol *

Iconography / History of the Book / Historia / Iconografia / Engraving / Gravuras / Século XVII / Colonização / Gravuras / Século XVII / Colonização

M. A. Bilotta, As imagens como fundamento da memória urbana na Europa medieval: a ilustração e decoração dos Estatutos e dos Costumes no sul da França, na Itália comunal e na Península Ibérica no final da Idade Média (séculos XIII-XV), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, FCSH/NOVA, 28.11.2016

History / Iconography / Art History / Art / Manuscript Studies / Illumination (Manuscripts, Books) / History of Art / Manuscripts (Medieval Studies) / Medieval illuminated manuscripts / Languedoc / Catalonia / Historia / Histoire de l'art / Manuscripts / Histoire Médiévale / Toulouse / Provence / História / Histoire / Medieval Languedoc / Bologna / Medieval Provence / Enluminures / Iconographie / Medieval Catalonia / Histoire Medievale / Southern France / Statuti Regionali / Catalogne médiévale / Illuminated manuscripts / Manuscrits Enluminés / Histoire De L'art Médiévale / Toulouse Moyen Age / Statuti Italiani / Histoire Del L'Art / Histoire De L'Art Médiéval / Usatges / Illumination (Manuscripts, Books) / History of Art / Manuscripts (Medieval Studies) / Medieval illuminated manuscripts / Languedoc / Catalonia / Historia / Histoire de l'art / Manuscripts / Histoire Médiévale / Toulouse / Provence / História / Histoire / Medieval Languedoc / Bologna / Medieval Provence / Enluminures / Iconographie / Medieval Catalonia / Histoire Medievale / Southern France / Statuti Regionali / Catalogne médiévale / Illuminated manuscripts / Manuscrits Enluminés / Histoire De L'art Médiévale / Toulouse Moyen Age / Statuti Italiani / Histoire Del L'Art / Histoire De L'Art Médiéval / Usatges

EXPRESSÕES NA ARTE SACRA - Ícones Romenos no Vidro

Iconography / Romanian Studies / Byzantine Iconography / Iconografia / Transilvania / Glass Icons / icones romenos / lagar mistico / Glass Icons / icones romenos / lagar mistico


Russian Studies / Iconography / Punk Culture / Russian Orthodoxy / Punk Studies / Orthodox Christianity / Pussy Riot / Orthodox Christianity / Pussy Riot


Iconography / Art History / Hebrew Bible / Biblical Studies / Jewish - Christian Relations / Rabbinic Literature / Early Christian Art / Biblical Exegesis / Jewish Art History / Rabbinic Literature / Early Christian Art / Biblical Exegesis / Jewish Art History

Constelações de imagens: metáforas e ensaios

Iconography / Aby Warburg / Representation / Metaphor in Architectural Design / Aby Warburg. Mnemosyne-Atlas

Adriano emperador de Roma.

History / Classics / Roman History / Iconography / Imperial Rome / Roman Iconography / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Hadrian / Ancient Rome / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Roman Iconography / Roman numismatics and archaeology / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Hadrian / Ancient Rome / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology

ARISI, B. 2011. Raposa Serra do Sol 2008, bastidores de um filme etnográfico às vésperas da decisão do STF. Tellus, ano 10, n. 20, jan/jul. Pp 297-307.

Anthropology / Iconography / Visual Anthropology / Indigenous Studies / Ethnography / Brazil / Indigenous Peoples Rights / Derechos Humanos / Antropología / Antropología Visual / Povos Indígenas / Etnologia Indígena / Brazil / Indigenous Peoples Rights / Derechos Humanos / Antropología / Antropología Visual / Povos Indígenas / Etnologia Indígena

2017_Inventario dos mosaIcos romanos de Portugal.pdf

Iconography / Art History / Ancient Mosaics / Civitates; Uillae; Romanización / Roman Archaeology / Roman mosaics of Portugal / Inventário de mosaicos romanos em Portugal / RoGeMoPorTur / Roman mosaics of Portugal / Inventário de mosaicos romanos em Portugal / RoGeMoPorTur

2017_Inventario dos mosaIcos romanos de Portugal.pdf

Archaeology / Iconography / History of Art / Early Christian Architecture / Early Christian Archaeology / Roman Archaeology / Identifying Cultural Interchanges in the Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World / Roman mosaics with geometric patterns / greek and roman mosaics / Roman Archaeology / Identifying Cultural Interchanges in the Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World / Roman mosaics with geometric patterns / greek and roman mosaics

2017_Inventario dos mosaIcos romanos de Portugal.pdf

Archaeology / Iconography / Art History / Early Christian Art / Underwater Archaeology / Early Christian Architecture / Early Christian Archaeology / Early Christian Mosaics / RoGeMoPorTur / greek and roman mosaics / Early Christian Architecture / Early Christian Archaeology / Early Christian Mosaics / RoGeMoPorTur / greek and roman mosaics
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