Dentistry / Immunohistochemistry / Adolescent / Humans / Child / Female / Male / Young Adult / Oral Oncology / ENT / Ultrastructure / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Odontogenic-tumors / Myofibroblast / Female / Male / Young Adult / Oral Oncology / ENT / Ultrastructure / Aged / Middle Aged / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Odontogenic-tumors / Myofibroblast
Immunohistochemistry / Humans / Male / Cadaver / Hyaluronic Acid / Adult / European Continental Ancestry Group / Alcian blue / Adult / European Continental Ancestry Group / Alcian blue
Breast Cancer / Immunohistochemistry / Family history / Case Report / Medical Case / Differential Diagnosis / Minimally Invasive / Germinal Center / Medical / Medical Case Reports / Differential Diagnosis / Minimally Invasive / Germinal Center / Medical / Medical Case Reports