Late Roman Empire

Bibliografia completa dal 1985 al 2017 - Complete bibliography from 1985 to present date

Economic History / Late Antique and Byzantine History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Medieval History / Medieval Studies / Urban History / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Christianity / Early Medieval Archaeology / Medieval Church History / Early Medieval History / Medieval Archaeology / Papacy (Medieval Church History) / Late Antiquity / Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology) / Late Roman Empire / Late Roman Archaeology / Late Roman Pottery / Archaeology of Medieval Monasteries / Archeologia medievale / Storia medievale / Ancient Rome / Middle Ages / Late Roman Trade / Medieval Rome / Medieval Cities and Urbanism / Lombards / Carolingian art and architecture / Longobardi in Italia Meridionale / Medieval Southern Italy and Sicily / Urban History / Late Antique Archaeology / Early Christianity / Early Medieval Archaeology / Medieval Church History / Early Medieval History / Medieval Archaeology / Papacy (Medieval Church History) / Late Antiquity / Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology) / Late Roman Empire / Late Roman Archaeology / Late Roman Pottery / Archaeology of Medieval Monasteries / Archeologia medievale / Storia medievale / Ancient Rome / Middle Ages / Late Roman Trade / Medieval Rome / Medieval Cities and Urbanism / Lombards / Carolingian art and architecture / Longobardi in Italia Meridionale / Medieval Southern Italy and Sicily

Caridade compulsória: forma de pressão popular na sociedade romana tardo-antiga

Roman History / Late Antiquity / Augustine of Hippo / Late Roman Empire

Romanização e marginalidade na África do Norte

Roman History / Late Roman Empire / Roman North Africa / Roman Africa / Donatism / Roman Society

Relações e distinções dos conceitos de Gens e Populus e a construção de uma identidade nobiliárquica na Hispania visigoda na Antiguidade Tardia (séculos VI - VII)

Late Antiquity / Late Roman Empire / Visigothic Spain / Patristics and Late Antiquity / Late Antiquity, Visigothic Spain / Antigüedad Tardía / Visigodos / Antiguidade Tardia / Antigüedad Tardía / Visigodos / Antiguidade Tardia

Imperium et orbis: conceitos e definições com base nas fontes tardo-antigas ocidentais (séculos IV-VII).

Late Antiquity / Late Roman Empire / Visigothic Spain / Antigüedad Tardía / Antiguidade Tardia

O Monte Molião (Lagos) no Baixo Império: um epifenómeno

Classical Archaeology / Late Antique Archaeology / Late Roman Empire / Roman Water Supply (Archaeology) / Terra Sigillata / Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology) / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Roman Amphorae / Late Roman Amphorae / Roman Lusitania / Roman Archaeology / Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology) / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Roman Amphorae / Late Roman Amphorae / Roman Lusitania / Roman Archaeology

¿Por qué fue Tolosa capital visigoda?

Roman History / Late Roman Empire / Visigothic Spain / Roman Gaul / Archaeology Of The Migration Period And The Early Middle Ages

A Antiguidade Tardia, a queda do Imperio Romano e o debate sobre o \"fim do mundo antigo\"

Late Antiquity / Late Roman Empire / Historia Antiga / Historia Medieval / Antiguidade Tardia

Era uma vez a crise do Império romano no século III: percursos de um recente itinerário historiográfico. Revista Diálogos Mediterrânicos 9 (2015)

Roman Historiography / Late Antiquity / Late Roman Empire / Historia Antiga / Antiguidade Tardia / Crisis theory / Roman Crisis of the Third Century / Crisis theory / Roman Crisis of the Third Century

O fim do mundo antigo: uma discussão historiográfica

Historiography / Late Roman Empire / Decline and Fall of the Western Empire

O \"fim\" do Mundo Antigo em debate: da \"Crise do Século III\" à Antiguidade Tardia e além

Historiography / Late Antiquity / Late Roman Empire / Decline and Fall of the Western Empire / Roman Crisis of the Third Century

Limites e possibilidades da ação política popular no Baixo Império Romnao

Political Participation / Late Roman Empire / Plebs urbana


Ancient History / Classics / Roman History / Roman Republic / Cicero / Late Roman Empire / Roman Empire / Historia Antiga / Late Roman Republic / add História Antiga romana / Julius Caesar / Historia Antigua Clásica / Late Roman Empire / Roman Empire / Historia Antiga / Late Roman Republic / add História Antiga romana / Julius Caesar / Historia Antigua Clásica
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