Literary Theory

Comedia dos Estrangeiros

Comparative Literature / Literary Theory / Filology

A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory_5th ed

English Literature / Literature / Literary Theory

Parallelism: A Not-So-New Perspective

Literary Theory / Biblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics) / Biblical Hebrew poetry / Hebrew Poetry

Literatura, teoria e política. Resenha de Nathalie Quintane. Les années 10. Paris: La Fabrique, 2014.

Critical Theory / French Literature / Political Philosophy / French Studies / Literature / Politics and Literature / Critical Thinking / Politics / Contemporary French Philosophy / Literary Theory / Contemporary Literature / Contemporary Poetry / Art Theory and Politics / 21st Century French Literature / 21st Century Studies / Contemporary Political Philosophy / Contemporary French Literature / French / Literatura / Art and Politics / Contemporary Continental Philosophy / Littérature Française / Littérature contemporaine / Literatura contemporânea / Littérature / Littérature et politique / Littérature Contemporaine Française / Contemporary French and Francophone Literature / French Litterature / 20th and 21st Century Literatures of Immigration and Exile / Litterature / Literatura e Política / Littérature française contemporaine / Nathalie Quintane / Politics and Literature / Critical Thinking / Politics / Contemporary French Philosophy / Literary Theory / Contemporary Literature / Contemporary Poetry / Art Theory and Politics / 21st Century French Literature / 21st Century Studies / Contemporary Political Philosophy / Contemporary French Literature / French / Literatura / Art and Politics / Contemporary Continental Philosophy / Littérature Française / Littérature contemporaine / Literatura contemporânea / Littérature / Littérature et politique / Littérature Contemporaine Française / Contemporary French and Francophone Literature / French Litterature / 20th and 21st Century Literatures of Immigration and Exile / Litterature / Literatura e Política / Littérature française contemporaine / Nathalie Quintane

Cânone Literário e Valor Estético: Notas sobre um debate do nosso tempo (2009)

Literary Canon / Literary Theory / Canon Formation / Teoría Literaria / Literatura, Ensino de Literatura, Cânones Escolares / Crítica literaria / Lengua y valores, Literatura y valores, enseñanza de la lengua y de la literatura / Valor Estético / Crítica literaria / Lengua y valores, Literatura y valores, enseñanza de la lengua y de la literatura / Valor Estético

Das estratégias do cronista: estilo e faits divers em páginas da série \"Bons dias!\", de Machado de Assis

Literary Theory / Machado de Assis / Literatura brasileira / Brazilian Literature / Teoria da literatura / Bons dias! / Crônica / Faits-divers / Estilística / Bons dias! / Crônica / Faits-divers / Estilística

Violência e forma em Hegel e Adorno

Aesthetics / Violence / Theodor Adorno / Literary Theory / Hegel / Epic poetry / Theodor W. Adorno / Literatura / Fragmentation / Violência / Adorno and Hegel / Epic poetry / Theodor W. Adorno / Literatura / Fragmentation / Violência / Adorno and Hegel

Tudo por Ordem, Com Exceções

Literature / Literary Theory / Reading / Umberto Eco / Books

A Forma do Meio: livro e narração na obra de João Guimarães Rosa. Unicamp/Edusp, 2011.

Comparative Literature / Portuguese and Brazilian Literature / Literature / Brazilian Studies / Literary Theory / Narrative Theory / Literatura brasileira / João Guimarães Rosa / Narrative Theory / Literatura brasileira / João Guimarães Rosa

Eça em seu Tempo & Quatro Desafios para a Teoria da Literatura: A Cidade e as Serras (Intro.)

Literary Theory / Realism / Eca de Queiroz / Teoria da literatura / Realismo / Eça de Queirós / Geração de 70 / Eça de Queirós / Geração de 70

\"Escritos pelas paredes\": pasquins manuscritos e as rebeliões coloniais em Minas Gerais. (In Revista do Arquivo Publico Mineiro. 2014)

Brazilian Studies / Early Modern Portuguese History / Literary Theory / Colonial Brazil / Portugal (History) / Literatura Latinoamericana / Rebellion / Minas Gerais / Brasil Colonial / Inconfidência Mineira / História Do Brasil Colonial / Pamphlets / Pasquines / Literatura Latinoamericana / Rebellion / Minas Gerais / Brasil Colonial / Inconfidência Mineira / História Do Brasil Colonial / Pamphlets / Pasquines

Considerações sobre historiografia e narrativa a partir da leitura de Peixe Grande

Mimesis / Literary Theory / Theory of History / Representation / Teoría Literaria / Teoria da literatura / Verdade / Teoria da História / Theory of Mimesis / Teoria da literatura / Verdade / Teoria da História / Theory of Mimesis

Traços do fantástico em Mia Couto

Literary Theory / Literaturas Africanas de Expressão Portuguesa

Ficções do insólito: a literatura de Mário de Carvalho

Literary Theory / Portuguese Literature / Mario de Carvalho

Nas malhas da memória

Literary Theory / Literaturas Africanas de Expressão Portuguesa
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