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Starch vermicelli template-assisted synthesis of size/shape-controlled nanoparticles
Organic Chemistry / Green Chemistry / Nanoparticle / Morphology / Carbon Nanotube / Transmission Electron Microscopy / Nanowires / Gold nanoparticle / Silver Nanoparticles / Gold Nanoparticles / OR / Amylose Content / Fine Structure Constant / Carbonization / X ray diffraction / Food Sciences / Mung Bean / Silver Nanoparticle / Large Scale / Carbohydrate Polymers / Transmission Electron Microscopy / Nanowires / Gold nanoparticle / Silver Nanoparticles / Gold Nanoparticles / OR / Amylose Content / Fine Structure Constant / Carbonization / X ray diffraction / Food Sciences / Mung Bean / Silver Nanoparticle / Large Scale / Carbohydrate Polymers
Morphological review of the freshwater fairy shrimp Dendrocephalus brasiliensis Pesta, 1921 (Anostraca: Thamnocephalidae)
Crustacea / Morphology / Anostraca
Isomeric periodic mesoporous organosilicas with controllable properties
Engineering / Microstructure / Materials Chemistry / Morphology / Porous Materials / Text / Ph / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Surface Area / Organometallic Compounds / PH Value / Text / Ph / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Surface Area / Organometallic Compounds / PH Value
Larval development ofMyzostoma cirriferum (Myzostomida)
Physiology / Zoology / Electron Microscopy / Scanning Electron Microscopy / Morphology / Immunohistochemistry / Annelida / Animals / Skin / Digestive System / Larva / Tubulin / Nervous System / Species Specificity / Larval Development / Immunohistochemistry / Annelida / Animals / Skin / Digestive System / Larva / Tubulin / Nervous System / Species Specificity / Larval Development
Light and electron microscopic description of Polysporoplasma n. g. (Myxosporea: Bivalvulida), polysporoplasma sparis n. sp. from Sparus aurata (L), and Polysporoplasma mugilis n. sp. from Liza aurata L
Microbiology / Electron Microscopy / Medical Microbiology / Taxonomy / Morphology / Developmental Stages / Ultrastructure / Spores / NC / S / M / L / Vc / Electron Microscope / Disease Prevalence / Developmental Stages / Ultrastructure / Spores / NC / S / M / L / Vc / Electron Microscope / Disease Prevalence
Estudo Morfo-anatômico da Folha e do Caule de Piper arboreum Aubl.(Piperaceae)
Morphology / Anatomy / STEM / Leaf
Estudo Morfo-anatômico da Folha e do Caule de Piper arboreum Aubl. (Piperaceae)
Morphology / Anatomy / STEM / Leaf
Lingüística de Corpus
Corpus Linguistics / Morphology
Lingüística de Corpus
Corpus Linguistics / Morphology
Morfologia e histoquímica das glândulas de Duvernoy e supralabial de seis espécies de colubrídeos opistoglifodontes (serpentes, Colubridae)
Morphology / Histochemistry
Microstructural and photocatalytic properties of sol–gel-derived vanadium-doped mesoporous titanium dioxide nanoparticles
Materials Engineering / Microstructure / Structure / Nanoparticle / Scanning Electron Microscopy / Morphology / Nanoparticles / Transmission Electron Microscopy / Heterogeneous Catalysis / Block Copolymer / Photocatalysis / Porosity / Sol Gel Process / Titanium dioxide / Pore Size / Band Gap / Non crystalline solids / Methylene Blue / Crystallite Size / Surface Area / Wavelength / Microstructures / UV light / Titanium oxide / Sol Gel Method / Poloxamer / Morphology / Nanoparticles / Transmission Electron Microscopy / Heterogeneous Catalysis / Block Copolymer / Photocatalysis / Porosity / Sol Gel Process / Titanium dioxide / Pore Size / Band Gap / Non crystalline solids / Methylene Blue / Crystallite Size / Surface Area / Wavelength / Microstructures / UV light / Titanium oxide / Sol Gel Method / Poloxamer
Morphology and ultrastructure of a Pasteuria form parasitic in Tylenchorhynchus cylindricus (Nematoda)
Zoology / Electron Microscopy / Scanning Electron Microscopy / Morphology / Transmission Electron Microscopy / Parasite / Animals / Bacillus / Bacteria / Host-parasite interactions / Invertebrate Pathology / Ultrastructure / Nematoda / Parasite / Animals / Bacillus / Bacteria / Host-parasite interactions / Invertebrate Pathology / Ultrastructure / Nematoda
Morphology and ultrastructure of a Pasteuria form parasitic in Tylenchorhynchus cylindricus (Nematoda)
Zoology / Electron Microscopy / Scanning Electron Microscopy / Morphology / Transmission Electron Microscopy / Parasite / Animals / Bacillus / Bacteria / Host-parasite interactions / Invertebrate Pathology / Ultrastructure / Nematoda / Parasite / Animals / Bacillus / Bacteria / Host-parasite interactions / Invertebrate Pathology / Ultrastructure / Nematoda
Славянские pluralia tantum. Проблема дефектной парадигмы / Slavic pluralia tantum. Problem of defective paradigm
Slavic Languages / Morphology
Morphological development
Languages and Linguistics / Morphology / Language Processing / Morphology and Syntax / Child Language Development
Caso Default e O Sincretismo Pronominal No Português
Morphology / Pronouns / Case system and grammatical relations
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