

History / Mythology / Galician Studies

A diferença que faz a diferença: originais e cópias Guarani-Mbya

Mythology / Amerindian Studies / Amerindian Cosmologies / Guarani / Mbya

Silent Hill: aspectos religiosos e mitológicos da franquia de games

Christianity / Psychology / Psychoanalysis / Mythology / Video Games / Jungian psychology / Jungian psychology (Religion) / Psychology of Unconscious / Myths and Symbols as carriers of unconscious content / The 1970s and 1980s (U.S. history) / Carl G. Jung / Ancient myth and religion / Analytical Psychology / Psicología / Stephen King / Carl Gustav Jung / Psicologia Analitica / Satanism / Symbols / Horror / Jogos Digitais / Silent Hill / Religious Cults / Jungian Analytical Psychology / Psicologia / Jungian psychology / Jungian psychology (Religion) / Psychology of Unconscious / Myths and Symbols as carriers of unconscious content / The 1970s and 1980s (U.S. history) / Carl G. Jung / Ancient myth and religion / Analytical Psychology / Psicología / Stephen King / Carl Gustav Jung / Psicologia Analitica / Satanism / Symbols / Horror / Jogos Digitais / Silent Hill / Religious Cults / Jungian Analytical Psychology / Psicologia

Tolkien e a Teodiceia de O Silmarillion: uma proposta de J. R. R. Tolkien como teólogo.

Mythology / Theology / Philosophical Theology / Literary Criticism / J. R. R. Tolkien / Augustine / Thomas Aquinas / René Girard / Problem of Evil / C.S. Lewis / G.K. Chesterton / Rudolf Otto / Fairy tales / St Thomas Aquinas / Tolkien / St. Augustine / Tolkien Studies / C S Lewis / G K Chesterton / The Silmarillion / Augustine / Thomas Aquinas / René Girard / Problem of Evil / C.S. Lewis / G.K. Chesterton / Rudolf Otto / Fairy tales / St Thomas Aquinas / Tolkien / St. Augustine / Tolkien Studies / C S Lewis / G K Chesterton / The Silmarillion

Myth as a Temporal Concept: Antiquity and Primitiveness

Mythology / Enlightenment / History of concepts / Intellectual History of Enlightenment / Comparative mythology

\"Global Shakespeare as a Tautological Myth.\" Scripta Uniandrade: Revista da Pós-Graduação em Letras 14.2 (2016) - ISSN: 1679-5520

Mythology / Globalization / Film Studies / Shakespeare / African Diaspora Studies / Intercultural Theatre / Market economy / Global Shakespeare / Intercultural Theatre / Market economy / Global Shakespeare

Como a mitologia grega fundou a civilização

Religion / Ancient History / Mythology / Ancient Greek Religion / Historia Antiga / História e Cultura da Religião / Ancient Greek Mythology / Mitologia / História e Cultura da Religião / Ancient Greek Mythology / Mitologia

Metamorfoses: a transformação dos mitos e o ato de (re)contar histórias

Mythology / Latin Literature / Ovid (Classics) / Ovid Metamorphoses / Classical Studies

Congresso de História e Mitologia - O Caos: As diferentes faces da desordem

History / Mythology / Transdisciplinarity / Comparative mythology
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