
ZooBank progress report

Bioinformatics / Nomenclature / Zoological nomenclature

Three structurally related, highly potent, peptides from the venom of Parabuthus transvaalicus possess divergent biological activity

South Africa / Nomenclature / Sequence alignment / Mice / Animals / Insects / Peptides / Rat Brain / SCORPIONS / Neurotoxins / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / South African / Protein Sequence Analysis / Rats / SYNAPTOSOMES / Nervous System / Protein Conformation / Biological activity / Species Specificity / Amino Acid Sequence / Protein Binding / Toxicon / Cumulant / Motor activity / Insects / Peptides / Rat Brain / SCORPIONS / Neurotoxins / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / South African / Protein Sequence Analysis / Rats / SYNAPTOSOMES / Nervous System / Protein Conformation / Biological activity / Species Specificity / Amino Acid Sequence / Protein Binding / Toxicon / Cumulant / Motor activity

Cross-cultural systematic biological surveys in Australia’s Western Desert

Endangered Species / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Nomenclature / Ecological

Nomenclatural and taxonomic changes in Paepalanthus (Eriocaulaceae) from São Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil

Evolutionary Biology / Plant Biology / Taxonomy / Nomenclature / Minas Gerais / National Park / Synonyms / National Park / Synonyms

Taxonomy of Cryptocarya species of Brazil

Botany / Plant Systematics / Nomenclature / Lauraceae

Thiede, J. (2016): A review of Agave mitis (Asparagaceae/Agavaceae). Bradleya 34: 200-216.

Systematics (Taxonomy) / Mexico / Nomenclature / Flora / Agave / Asparagaceae / Agavaceae / Asparagaceae / Agavaceae

Gnaphalium peguense, a new name for Gnaphalium flaccidum (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae

Botany / Systematics (Taxonomy) / Plant Ecology / Conservation Biology / Taxonomy / Biology / Ecology / Plant Taxonomy (Taxonomy) / Plant Systematics / Medicinal Plants / Angiosperm Taxonomy / Forest Ecology / Field botany / Plant Taxonomy / Nomenclature / History of Botany / Molecular systematics and plant taxonomy / Botanical Nomenclature / Nomenclatura / Biology / Ecology / Plant Taxonomy (Taxonomy) / Plant Systematics / Medicinal Plants / Angiosperm Taxonomy / Forest Ecology / Field botany / Plant Taxonomy / Nomenclature / History of Botany / Molecular systematics and plant taxonomy / Botanical Nomenclature / Nomenclatura

Nomenclatura na língua portuguesa em cromatografia multidimensional abrangente

Nomenclature / Gas Chromatography / CHEMICAL SCIENCES / Quimica Nova
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