Portuguese History

entrevista (não limpa, e transcrita ainda com as fortes marcas da oralidade em que as respostas foram exprimidas) de Patrick Mangovo a Armando Marques Guedes, sobre Cabinda e Angola, feita a 16 de Março de 2009

African Studies / International Relations / International Relations Theory / Portuguese Studies / International Law / Portuguese History / African History / Political Science / Africa / Angola / Portugal / International Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples (Nationalism, Self Determination, Secession) / Angolan History / Power Sharing / Portuguese History / African History / Political Science / Africa / Angola / Portugal / International Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples (Nationalism, Self Determination, Secession) / Angolan History / Power Sharing

Pintar, fotografar, etnografar o estrangeiro em Paris A in/voluntária patrimonialização de uma memória incómoda

Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Urban Geography / Anthropology / Visual Studies / Art History / Art / Photography / Ethnography / Portuguese Studies / Heritage Studies / Portuguese History / Contemporary Art / Visual Culture / Urban History / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Contemporary History / Migration / Painting / Identity (Culture) / Haiti / Urban Studies / Ethnology / International Migration / Memory Studies / History of Art / Migration Studies / Social History / Transnational migration / Urban Sociology / Documentary Photography / History of photography / Visual Arts / Haitian diaspora / Fine Arts / Historia / Arte contemporáneo / Swiss Art / Haitian Studies / Art History / Art / Photography / Ethnography / Portuguese Studies / Heritage Studies / Portuguese History / Contemporary Art / Visual Culture / Urban History / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Contemporary History / Migration / Painting / Identity (Culture) / Haiti / Urban Studies / Ethnology / International Migration / Memory Studies / History of Art / Migration Studies / Social History / Transnational migration / Urban Sociology / Documentary Photography / History of photography / Visual Arts / Haitian diaspora / Fine Arts / Historia / Arte contemporáneo / Swiss Art / Haitian Studies

Portugalczyk Osculati – fazer um português ou fazer de português na Polónia?

Portuguese History / Social Representations / Poland / Representaciones Sociales

Receção e representação da Revolução Russa no colapso da I República Portuguesa

Portuguese History / Russian Revolution / I Portuguese Republic


Religion / Portuguese History / Poland / Portugal / "Marian Apparitions" of Fatima, 1917

Historiografia da ciência - a recuperação de um lugar para a participação portuguesa

Cultural History / Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / History of Science / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Cultural History of the Portuguese and European Expansion / Early Modern Intellectual History and the History of Ideas / Cultural History of the Portuguese and European Expansion / Early Modern Intellectual History and the History of Ideas

Sobre o papel de Portugal nas etapas preliminares da revolução científica do séc. XVII

Cultural History / Early Modern History / Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / History of Science / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Early Modern Europe / Cultural History of the Portuguese and European Expansion / Early Modern Intellectual History and the History of Ideas / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Early Modern Europe / Cultural History of the Portuguese and European Expansion / Early Modern Intellectual History and the History of Ideas

Portugal e a aurora da ciência moderna - uma revisitação

Cultural History / Early Modern History / Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / History of Science / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Early Modern Europe / Early Modern Intellectual History / Cultural History of the Portuguese and European Expansion / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / Early Modern Europe / Early Modern Intellectual History / Cultural History of the Portuguese and European Expansion

“A questão colonial na política externa do Estado Novo”

International Relations / Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / Colonialism / History of the Portuguese Empire / Imperialism / Estado Novo / Portuguese «Estado Novo» / Imperialism / Estado Novo / Portuguese «Estado Novo»

“Do indígena ao imigrante”

History / Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / Colonialism / Imperialism / Colonialism and Imperialism


Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / African History / Africa / Colonialism / Guinea-Bissau / Mozambique / History of the Portuguese Empire / Angola / Decolonization (African History) / Cape Verde / Imperialism / Cabo Verde / Decolonization / Angolan History / Moçambique / History of Mozambique / São Tomé and Príncipe / Colonialism and Imperialism / Nationalism and Decolonization / Guinea-Bissau / Mozambique / History of the Portuguese Empire / Angola / Decolonization (African History) / Cape Verde / Imperialism / Cabo Verde / Decolonization / Angolan History / Moçambique / History of Mozambique / São Tomé and Príncipe / Colonialism and Imperialism / Nationalism and Decolonization

O orgulho português e a escrita da História em António da Silva Rego (1906-1986)

Portuguese Studies / Portuguese History / Historiography / Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion / History of the Portuguese Empire / Portugal (History) / Portugal / Historiografia, História Moderna e Contemporânea, Teoria da História / Historiografia / Portugal (History) / Portugal / Historiografia, História Moderna e Contemporânea, Teoria da História / Historiografia

Manuela Santos Silva, Contornos matriciais da instituição monárquica transportada para o Brasil: poder régio e família real nas origens da monarquia portuguesa in Brasil e Portugal. Unindo as duas margens do Atlântico, Lisboa, Academia Portuguesa de História et alia, 2013, pp.377-390.

Medieval History / Early Modern History / Portuguese Studies / Medieval Studies / Portuguese History / Monarchy / Women and Gender Studies / Queenship in Medieval and Early Modern Europe / Monarquía Hispánica / Monarchy / Women and Gender Studies / Queenship in Medieval and Early Modern Europe / Monarquía Hispánica

Retour au Trás-os-Montes. Autour de trois films d’António Reis et Margarida Cordeiro

Portuguese History / Film Analysis / Cultural Landscapes / Portuguese Cinema
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