Remote Sensing

Minicurso: introdução ao Quantum GIS

Remote Sensing / Qgis / Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Temperature and emissivity separation from ASTER data for low spectral contrast surfaces

Remote Sensing / Land Surface Temperature / Geomatic Engineering / Atmospheric Correction / Vegetation Cover / Thermal Infrared

A model-data intercomparison of CO2 exchange across North America: Results from the North American Carbon Program Site Synthesis

Environmental Science / Remote Sensing / Multidisciplinary / Seasonality / Model validation / Eddy Covariance / Performance Model / Evaluation Model / Natural experiment / North America / Forest ecosystem / Environmental Conditions / Geophysical / North American / Large Scale / Multiple model / Simulation Model / Growing Season / Eddy Covariance / Performance Model / Evaluation Model / Natural experiment / North America / Forest ecosystem / Environmental Conditions / Geophysical / North American / Large Scale / Multiple model / Simulation Model / Growing Season

Estudo preliminar da vegetação da parte do médio curso do Rio Indaiá (MG) utilizando imagem ASTER

Image Processing / Remote Sensing / Land Cover / Decision Tree / Atmospheric Correction / Sensoriamento Remoto / Forest fragments / Sensoriamento Remoto / Forest fragments

Estudo preliminar da vegetação da parte do médio curso do Rio Indaiá (MG) utilizando imagem ASTER

Image Processing / Remote Sensing / Land Cover / Decision Tree / Atmospheric Correction / Sensoriamento Remoto / Forest fragments / Sensoriamento Remoto / Forest fragments

Estudo preliminar da vegetação da parte do médio curso do Rio Indaiá (MG) utilizando imagem ASTER

Image Processing / Remote Sensing / Land Cover / Decision Tree / Atmospheric Correction / Sensoriamento Remoto / Forest fragments / Sensoriamento Remoto / Forest fragments

SARAS: A SAR Raw Signal Simulator

Electromagnetism / Remote Sensing

Análise Orientada a Objeto no Mapeamento dos Estágios Sucessionais da Vegetação na Escala 1:25.000 - um Estudo de Caso da Rebio União, RJ

Remote Sensing / Land Cover / Atlantic Forest / Thematic Maps / Sensoriamento Remoto / Object Based Image Analysis / Conservation Unit / Vegetation Cover / Land Cover Mapping / Object Based Image Analysis / Conservation Unit / Vegetation Cover / Land Cover Mapping


Remote Sensing / Coastal Management / Coastal Geomorphology / Geoprocessamento / Geoprocessamento aplicado as questões Ambientais / ZONA COSTEIRA / Qgis / ZONA COSTEIRA / Qgis

Parallel consensual neural networks

Information Technology / Remote Sensing / Signal Processing / Pattern Recognition / Statistical Analysis / Neural Networks / Parallel Processing / Neural Network / Multidisciplinary / Classification / Bayesian methods / Data Fusion / Sensor Fusion / Data Transformation / Time Frequency Analysis / Backpropagation / Statistical Pattern Recognition / THERMAL INFRARED REMOTE SENSING DATA / PROBABILITY DENSITY / Intelligent Networks / Classification Accuracy / Conjugate Gradient / Wavelet packet / Neural Networks / Parallel Processing / Neural Network / Multidisciplinary / Classification / Bayesian methods / Data Fusion / Sensor Fusion / Data Transformation / Time Frequency Analysis / Backpropagation / Statistical Pattern Recognition / THERMAL INFRARED REMOTE SENSING DATA / PROBABILITY DENSITY / Intelligent Networks / Classification Accuracy / Conjugate Gradient / Wavelet packet

Uso de Dados de Sensoriamento Remoto para Identificação de Ilhas de Calor em Teresina-PI

Remote Sensing / Urban Heat Island Effect / Urban Climatology / Urban heat island / Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Urban and Regional Planning

System considerations for multispectral image compression designs

Mechanical Engineering / Remote Sensing / Multispectral Imaging / Data Compression / Resource Management / High resolution satelite image / Spatial resolution / Multispectral Images / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / High resolution satelite image / Spatial resolution / Multispectral Images / Electrical And Electronic Engineering

moda estadistica

Landscape Ecology / Earth Sciences / Remote Sensing / Urbanization / Urban Development / Biological Sciences / Urbanisation / Environmental Sciences / Urban Growth / Change detection / Land Use / Coastal lagoon / Reference Data / Spatial Scale / Supervised Classification / Satellite Imagery / Agricultural land use change / Route / Land Use Land Cover Change / Land Use and Land Cover Change / Urban Land Use / Urban Area / Biological Sciences / Urbanisation / Environmental Sciences / Urban Growth / Change detection / Land Use / Coastal lagoon / Reference Data / Spatial Scale / Supervised Classification / Satellite Imagery / Agricultural land use change / Route / Land Use Land Cover Change / Land Use and Land Cover Change / Urban Land Use / Urban Area
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