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Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing
Aerial remote sensing hyperspectral techniques for rocky outcrops mapping
Geophysics / Remote Sensing / Geological mapping / Spectral analysis / National Park / Infrared / Annals / Ground Truth / Infrared / Annals / Ground Truth
Spectral Signatures in Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing / Sensors and Sensing / Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research / Remote sensing and GIS
Imaging spectrometry for remote sensing of ecosystem processes
Mechanical Engineering / Aerospace Engineering / Remote Sensing / Near Infrared / Space / High Resolution / Infrared / Early Terrestrial Ecosystems / High Resolution / Infrared / Early Terrestrial Ecosystems
Ecological Research Needs from Multiangle Remote Sensing Data
Remote Sensing / Geomatic Engineering / Research Needs / THERMAL INFRARED REMOTE SENSING DATA / Early Terrestrial Ecosystems
Mapeamento do uso e cobertura do solo do município de Caxias do Sul (RS) através de imagens do satélite CBERS
Remote Sensing / Pattern Recognition / Land Use / Spatial Organization / Sensoriamento Remoto / Natural Environment / Processamento de Imagens / Geographic Information System / Remote Sensing Image / Natural Environment / Processamento de Imagens / Geographic Information System / Remote Sensing Image
Sistema de Monitoramento e Alerta de Inundações e Secas no Pantanal
Remote Sensing / Decision Making / Time Series / Language Use / Sensoriamento Remoto / Statistical Model
Sistema de Monitoramento e Alerta de Inundações e Secas no Pantanal
Remote Sensing / Decision Making / Time Series / Language Use / Sensoriamento Remoto / Statistical Model
Diagnóstico das áreas de preservação permanente na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Tijuco, Ituiutaba - MG, utilizando tecnologia SIG
Remote Sensing / Engenharia / Land Use / Engenharia Agrícola / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Engenharia Agricola
Systematic data acquisitiona prerequisite for meaningful biophysical parameter retrieval?
Geophysics / Information Retrieval / Remote Sensing / Earth / Local Development / Carbon Cycle / Strategy / Earth Observation / Models / Data acquisition / Synthetic Aperture Radar / Regional scale / Geomatic Engineering / SAR / Context Modeling / Mosaics / Data Processing / Spatial resolution / Homogeneity / Data Consistency / Extrapolation / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Carbon Cycle / Strategy / Earth Observation / Models / Data acquisition / Synthetic Aperture Radar / Regional scale / Geomatic Engineering / SAR / Context Modeling / Mosaics / Data Processing / Spatial resolution / Homogeneity / Data Consistency / Extrapolation / Electrical And Electronic Engineering
Identificação Das Ocupações Irregulares Nos Fundos De Vale Da Cidade De Londrina/PR Por Meio De Imagem Landsat
Remote Sensing / Geographic Information System
Diagnóstico das áreas de preservação permanente na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Tijuco, Ituiutaba - MG, utilizando tecnologia SIG
Remote Sensing / Engenharia / Land Use / Engenharia Agrícola / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Engenharia Agricola
Diagnóstico Das Áreas De Preservação Permanente Na Microbacia Hidrográfica Do Corrego Jataí
Remote Sensing / Land Use / Revista / Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Gestão de Imagens da Cultura do Milho geradas por Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados
Remote Sensing / Precision Agriculture / Drones / UAVs for Mapping / Vants
Persistent surface snowmelt over Antarctica (1987–2006) from 19.35 GHz brightness temperatures
Remote Sensing / Multidisciplinary / Microwave Imaging / Snowmelt / Indexation / Ice Sheets / Liquid Water Content / Brightness temperature / Ice Sheets / Liquid Water Content / Brightness temperature
Diagnóstico das áreas de preservação permanente na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Tijuco, Ituiutaba - MG, utilizando tecnologia SIG
Remote Sensing / Engenharia / Land Use / Engenharia Agrícola / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Engenharia Agricola
Alocação de reserva legal em propriedades rurais: do cartesiano ao holístico
Remote Sensing / Legislation / Nature Conservation / Environmental Impact / Protected Area
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