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Sewage sludge
Sewage sludge
Avaliação do Potencial Tóxico de Latossolos e Chernossolos Acrescidos de Lodo de Esgoto Utilizando Bioensaios com Oligoquetas da Espécie Eisenia andrei Toxicity Assessment of Latosols and Chernosols Amended With Sewage Sludge Using Bioassays With Eisenia andrei Earthworms
Public Health / Environmental Risk / Sewage sludge / Legislation / Weight Loss / Heavy Metal / Environmental Control / Ecological Risk Assessment / Zinc / Soil Fertility / Human health / Clay mineralogy / Toxic Metals / Atomic Absorption / Chemical Properties / Organic Matter / Acute Toxicity / Soil Amendment / Heavy Metal / Environmental Control / Ecological Risk Assessment / Zinc / Soil Fertility / Human health / Clay mineralogy / Toxic Metals / Atomic Absorption / Chemical Properties / Organic Matter / Acute Toxicity / Soil Amendment
Avaliação do Potencial Tóxico de Latossolos e Chernossolos Acrescidos de Lodo de Esgoto Utilizando Bioensaios com Oligoquetas da Espécie Eisenia andrei Toxicity Assessment of Latosols and Chernosols Amended With Sewage Sludge Using Bioassays With Eisenia andrei Earthworms
Public Health / Environmental Risk / Sewage sludge / Legislation / Weight Loss / Heavy Metal / Environmental Control / Ecological Risk Assessment / Zinc / Soil Fertility / Human health / Clay mineralogy / Toxic Metals / Atomic Absorption / Chemical Properties / Organic Matter / Acute Toxicity / Soil Amendment / Heavy Metal / Environmental Control / Ecological Risk Assessment / Zinc / Soil Fertility / Human health / Clay mineralogy / Toxic Metals / Atomic Absorption / Chemical Properties / Organic Matter / Acute Toxicity / Soil Amendment
Análise da contaminação parasitária em compostos orgânicos produzidos com biossólidos de esgoto doméstico e resíduos agropecuários
Sewage sludge / Waste water treatment / Thermal Treatment
Cenário da disposição do lodo de esgoto: uma revisão das publicações ocorridas no Brasil de 2004 a 2014. Disposal scenario of sewage sludge: a review of papers published in the 2004-2014 in Brazil
Environmental Engineering / Environmental Management / Sewage sludge / Water and Wasterwater Treatment / Sewage Treatment
Biodisponibilidade de Cd em latossolo acrescido de lodo de esgoto
Sewage sludge / Rio de Janeiro
Avaliação do Potencial Tóxico de Latossolos e Chernossolos Acrescidos de Lodo de Esgoto Utilizando Bioensaios com Oligoquetas da Espécie Eisenia andrei Toxicity Assessment of Latosols and Chernosols Amended With Sewage Sludge Using Bioassays With Eisenia andrei Earthworms
Public Health / Environmental Risk / Sewage sludge / Legislation / Weight Loss / Heavy Metal / Environmental Control / Ecological Risk Assessment / Zinc / Soil Fertility / Human health / Clay mineralogy / Toxic Metals / Atomic Absorption / Chemical Properties / Organic Matter / Acute Toxicity / Soil Amendment / Heavy Metal / Environmental Control / Ecological Risk Assessment / Zinc / Soil Fertility / Human health / Clay mineralogy / Toxic Metals / Atomic Absorption / Chemical Properties / Organic Matter / Acute Toxicity / Soil Amendment
Lixiviação de nitrato em um Latossolo Amarelo distrófico tratado com lodo de esgoto e cultivado com canadeaçúcar
Leaching / Groundwater Contamination / Sewage sludge / Contamination
Distribuição ambiental de poluentes orgânicos encontrados em lodos de esgoto
Modeling and Simulation / Sewage sludge / Vapor Pressure / Partition Coefficient / Water soluble polymers / Molecular weight / Sewage Treatment Plant / Indexation / Molecular weight / Sewage Treatment Plant / Indexation
Lixiviação de nitrato em um Latossolo Amarelo distrófico tratado com lodo de esgoto e cultivado com canadeaçúcar
Groundwater Contamination / Sewage sludge
Sewage sludge / Heavy Metal / Second Year / Acid Soil / First Year / Randomized Block design
Variação dos teores de nutrientes foliares em eucalipto fertilizado com biossólido Variation of nutrients leaves concentrations in Eucalypt fertilized with biosolids
Sewage sludge / Nutritional Status / Mineral Nutrition / Water Resource / Forest Plantation / Eucalyptus Grandis
Nitratos e metais pesados no solo e nas árvores após aplicação de biossólido (lodo de esgosto) em plantações florestais de Eucalyptus grandis Nitrates and heavy metals in soil and in trees after application of sewage sludge (biosolids) on Eucalyptus grandis
Facility Location / Sewage sludge / Heavy Metal / Nitrogen / Sandy soil / Sewage Treatment / Soil Profile / Eucalyptus Grandis / Sewage Treatment / Soil Profile / Eucalyptus Grandis
Lixiviação de nitrato em um Latossolo Amarelo distrófico tratado com lodo de esgoto e cultivado com canadeaçúcar
Groundwater Contamination / Sewage sludge
Solarização do solo e incorporação de fontes de matéria orgânica no controle de Pythium spp
Cucumber / Sewage sludge / Field Experiment / Soil Temperature / Microbial Activity / Organic Matter / Electric Conductivity / CO 2 Emission / Fresh Weight / Cucumis Sativus / Organic Matter / Electric Conductivity / CO 2 Emission / Fresh Weight / Cucumis Sativus
Decomposição De LoDo De esgoto e composto De LoDo De esgoto em NitossoLo HápLico
Soil Science / Agriculture / Waste Management / Soil Chemistry / Sewage sludge / Composting / Respirometry / Mineralization / Composting / Respirometry / Mineralization
Avaliação de Escherichia coli como sinalizadora de esgoto sanitário em sistemas estuarinos: estudo de caso em dois rios tributários do canal de Bertioga
Banking / MARINE POLLUTION / Sewage sludge / Estuaries / Bacterial Diversity / Coastal Pollution / Bacterial pollution indicators / Coastal Pollution / Bacterial pollution indicators
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