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Soil Properties
Soil Properties
Agregação de um planossolo sistematizado há um ano e sob cultivo de arroz irrigado
Soil Physics / Magnesium / Iron / Ciência / Soil Structure / Manganese Oxide / Multiple regression analysis / Aluminum oxide / Soil Properties / Soil Aggregation / Manganese Oxide / Multiple regression analysis / Aluminum oxide / Soil Properties / Soil Aggregation
Causas da variação em produtividade e qualidade do melão em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo fertirrigado
Data Analysis / Water Availability / Soil moisture / Regression Analysis / Multiple Regression / soil pH / Soil Properties / Soil Chemical Properties / Fruit Quality / Organic Matter / Physical Properties / Cucumis Melo / soil pH / Soil Properties / Soil Chemical Properties / Fruit Quality / Organic Matter / Physical Properties / Cucumis Melo
Produção de fitomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes por plantas de cobertura no cerrado piauiense
Geology / Aquatic Ecology / Production / Forest Ecology And Management / Ecology / Wastewater Treatment / Aquatic Plants / Biological Sciences / Phosphorus / Environmental Sciences / Water Quality Management / Nutrient Enrichment / Plant growth / Nitrogen / Nutrient Content / Potassium / Agricultural land use change / Biomass production / First Year / Soil nitrogen / Leaf Litter / Nutrient Loading / Soil Properties / Growth Inhibition / Above ground biomass / Dry Mass / Pig Slurry / Wastewater Treatment / Aquatic Plants / Biological Sciences / Phosphorus / Environmental Sciences / Water Quality Management / Nutrient Enrichment / Plant growth / Nitrogen / Nutrient Content / Potassium / Agricultural land use change / Biomass production / First Year / Soil nitrogen / Leaf Litter / Nutrient Loading / Soil Properties / Growth Inhibition / Above ground biomass / Dry Mass / Pig Slurry
Variabilidade espacial de propriedades físico-hídricas de um nitossolo sob a cultura do feijoeiro irrigado
Soil Science / Soil Physics / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Crop Production / Reduced Tillage / Spatial Variability / Spatial Variation / Conventional tillage / Conservation Tillage / Engenharia Agrícola / Soil Properties / Spatial structure / Soil Physical Properties / Bulk Density / Volumetric Water Content / Semivariogram / Soil Bulk Density / Spatial Dependence / Soil Tillage / Engenharia Agricola / Reduced Tillage / Spatial Variability / Spatial Variation / Conventional tillage / Conservation Tillage / Engenharia Agrícola / Soil Properties / Spatial structure / Soil Physical Properties / Bulk Density / Volumetric Water Content / Semivariogram / Soil Bulk Density / Spatial Dependence / Soil Tillage / Engenharia Agricola
Produção de fitomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes por plantas de cobertura no cerrado piauiense
Geology / Aquatic Ecology / Production / Forest Ecology And Management / Ecology / Wastewater Treatment / Aquatic Plants / Biological Sciences / Phosphorus / Environmental Sciences / Water Quality Management / Nutrient Enrichment / Plant growth / Nitrogen / Nutrient Content / Potassium / Agricultural land use change / Biomass production / First Year / Soil nitrogen / Leaf Litter / Nutrient Loading / Soil Properties / Growth Inhibition / Above ground biomass / Dry Mass / Pig Slurry / Wastewater Treatment / Aquatic Plants / Biological Sciences / Phosphorus / Environmental Sciences / Water Quality Management / Nutrient Enrichment / Plant growth / Nitrogen / Nutrient Content / Potassium / Agricultural land use change / Biomass production / First Year / Soil nitrogen / Leaf Litter / Nutrient Loading / Soil Properties / Growth Inhibition / Above ground biomass / Dry Mass / Pig Slurry
Soil Science / Soil Analysis / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Spatial Distribution / Spatial Variability / Spatial Pattern / Forestry Sciences / Sampling strategy / Variable Rate Application Systems / Soil management / soil pH / Veterinary Sciences / Soil Properties / Precision Farming / Soil Chemical Properties / Spatial Dependence / Cerne / Spatial Variability / Spatial Pattern / Forestry Sciences / Sampling strategy / Variable Rate Application Systems / Soil management / soil pH / Veterinary Sciences / Soil Properties / Precision Farming / Soil Chemical Properties / Spatial Dependence / Cerne
Efeito da força iônica da solução de equilíbrio na adsorção de cádmio em Latossolos brasileiros
Pesquisa / Specific surface area / Trace element / Soil Properties / Organic Matter / Ionic Strength / Sulfuric Acid / Ionic Strength / Sulfuric Acid
Solid Waste Management / Magnesium / Solid waste / Potassium / Soil Fertility / Agricultural land use change / Organic Fertilizer / Acid Soil / Randomized Block design / Chemical Properties / Soil Properties / Cation Exchange Capacity / Soil Chemical Properties / Agricultural land use change / Organic Fertilizer / Acid Soil / Randomized Block design / Chemical Properties / Soil Properties / Cation Exchange Capacity / Soil Chemical Properties
Cátions trocáveis, capacidade de troca de cátions e saturação por bases em solos brasileiros adubados com composto de lixo urbano
Solid Waste Management / Magnesium / Solid waste / Potassium / Soil Fertility / Agricultural land use change / Organic Fertilizer / Acid Soil / Randomized Block design / Chemical Properties / Soil Properties / Cation Exchange Capacity / Soil Chemical Properties / Agricultural land use change / Organic Fertilizer / Acid Soil / Randomized Block design / Chemical Properties / Soil Properties / Cation Exchange Capacity / Soil Chemical Properties
Causas da variação em produtividade e qualidade do melão em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo fertirrigado
Data Analysis / Water Availability / Soil moisture / Regression Analysis / Multiple Regression / soil pH / Soil Properties / Soil Chemical Properties / Fruit Quality / Organic Matter / Physical Properties / Cucumis Melo / soil pH / Soil Properties / Soil Chemical Properties / Fruit Quality / Organic Matter / Physical Properties / Cucumis Melo
Composição florística e estrutura fitossociológica de dois fragmentos de floresta de restinga no Município de Bertioga, SP, Brasil
Plant Biology / Seasonality / Minas Gerais / Riparian forest / Soil Properties / Ciência florestal / Structural Similarity Index / Floristic Composition / Gallery Forest / southeastern Brazil / Ciência florestal / Structural Similarity Index / Floristic Composition / Gallery Forest / southeastern Brazil
Soils: A contemporary perspective
Remote Sensing / Multidisciplinary / Spectral analysis / Digital mapping / Soil organic matter / Soil Degradation / Geographic distribution / Ecosystem service / Natural Capital / Soil Properties / Pedotransfer Function / Environment Resources / Soil Degradation / Geographic distribution / Ecosystem service / Natural Capital / Soil Properties / Pedotransfer Function / Environment Resources
Aggregation of an albaqualf under land leveling for one year and under flooded rice | Agregação de um planossolo sistematizado há um ano e sob cultivo de arroz irrigado
Magnesium / Iron / Ciência / Soil Structure / Manganese Oxide / Multiple regression analysis / Aluminum oxide / Soil Properties / Soil Aggregation / Multiple regression analysis / Aluminum oxide / Soil Properties / Soil Aggregation
Causas da variação em produtividade e qualidade do melão em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo fertirrigado
Data Analysis / Water Availability / Soil moisture / Regression Analysis / Multiple Regression / soil pH / Soil Properties / Soil Chemical Properties / Fruit Quality / Organic Matter / Physical Properties / Cucumis Melo / soil pH / Soil Properties / Soil Chemical Properties / Fruit Quality / Organic Matter / Physical Properties / Cucumis Melo
Variabilidade espacial de propriedades físicas do solo em uma parcela experimental
Soil Science / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Crop Production / Reduced Tillage / Spatial Variability / Spatial Variation / Conventional tillage / Conservation Tillage / Engenharia Agrícola / Soil Properties / Spatial structure / Soil Physical Properties / Bulk Density / Volumetric Water Content / Semivariogram / Soil Bulk Density / Spatial Dependence / Soil Tillage / Spatial Variability / Spatial Variation / Conventional tillage / Conservation Tillage / Engenharia Agrícola / Soil Properties / Spatial structure / Soil Physical Properties / Bulk Density / Volumetric Water Content / Semivariogram / Soil Bulk Density / Spatial Dependence / Soil Tillage
Cátions trocáveis, capacidade de troca de cátions e saturação por bases em solos brasileiros adubados com composto de lixo urbano
Solid Waste Management / Magnesium / Solid waste / Potassium / Soil Fertility / Agricultural land use change / Organic Fertilizer / Acid Soil / Randomized Block design / Chemical Properties / Soil Properties / Cation Exchange Capacity / Soil Chemical Properties / Agricultural land use change / Organic Fertilizer / Acid Soil / Randomized Block design / Chemical Properties / Soil Properties / Cation Exchange Capacity / Soil Chemical Properties
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