
O chá-verde é um poderoso emagrecedor, mas a superdosagem...

Testosterone / Weight Loss / Androgens / Camellia sinensis / TESTOSTERONA / Perda de peso / Chá-verde / Perda de peso / Chá-verde

Identificação dos níveis séricos do fator de crescimento tipo insulina 1 em potros com osteocondrose

Endocrinology / Biomarkers / Immunohistochemistry / Transcription Factors / Estrogen Receptor / Biological Sciences / Infection and immunity / Antibodies / Cell line / Pregnancy / Humans / Testosterone / Insulin / Placenta / Mice / Female / Animals / Listeria monocytogenes / Male / Monoclonal Antibodies / Peptides / Affinity chromatography / tESTIS / Clinical Sciences / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / Cattle / Rats / Veterinary Sciences / Leydig cells / Semen / Amino Acid Sequence / Spermatozoa / Sperm Motility / Structure activity Relationship / Protein Binding / Cancers / Bacterial Adhesion / Epitopes / Radioimmunoassay / Insulin Like Growth Factor / Breast Cancer Cells / Biology Reproduction / Molecular Sequence Data / Biological Sciences / Infection and immunity / Antibodies / Cell line / Pregnancy / Humans / Testosterone / Insulin / Placenta / Mice / Female / Animals / Listeria monocytogenes / Male / Monoclonal Antibodies / Peptides / Affinity chromatography / tESTIS / Clinical Sciences / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / Cattle / Rats / Veterinary Sciences / Leydig cells / Semen / Amino Acid Sequence / Spermatozoa / Sperm Motility / Structure activity Relationship / Protein Binding / Cancers / Bacterial Adhesion / Epitopes / Radioimmunoassay / Insulin Like Growth Factor / Breast Cancer Cells / Biology Reproduction / Molecular Sequence Data

Identificação dos níveis séricos do fator de crescimento tipo insulina 1 em potros com osteocondrose

Endocrinology / Biomarkers / Immunohistochemistry / Transcription Factors / Estrogen Receptor / Biological Sciences / Infection and immunity / Antibodies / Cell line / Pregnancy / Humans / Testosterone / Insulin / Placenta / Mice / Female / Animals / Listeria monocytogenes / Male / Monoclonal Antibodies / Peptides / Affinity chromatography / tESTIS / Clinical Sciences / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / Cattle / Rats / Veterinary Sciences / Leydig cells / Semen / Amino Acid Sequence / Spermatozoa / Sperm Motility / Structure activity Relationship / Protein Binding / Cancers / Bacterial Adhesion / Epitopes / Radioimmunoassay / Insulin Like Growth Factor / Breast Cancer Cells / Biology Reproduction / Molecular Sequence Data / Biological Sciences / Infection and immunity / Antibodies / Cell line / Pregnancy / Humans / Testosterone / Insulin / Placenta / Mice / Female / Animals / Listeria monocytogenes / Male / Monoclonal Antibodies / Peptides / Affinity chromatography / tESTIS / Clinical Sciences / High Pressure Liquid Chromatography / Cattle / Rats / Veterinary Sciences / Leydig cells / Semen / Amino Acid Sequence / Spermatozoa / Sperm Motility / Structure activity Relationship / Protein Binding / Cancers / Bacterial Adhesion / Epitopes / Radioimmunoassay / Insulin Like Growth Factor / Breast Cancer Cells / Biology Reproduction / Molecular Sequence Data

Color change as a potential behavioral strategy

Mathematics / Polymorphism / Social status / Territoriality / Biological Sciences / Cortisol / Testosterone / Aggression / Animals / Male / Social Environment / Cichlids / Arousal / Skin Pigmentation / Lake Tanganyika / Social System / State dependence / Cortisol / Testosterone / Aggression / Animals / Male / Social Environment / Cichlids / Arousal / Skin Pigmentation / Lake Tanganyika / Social System / State dependence

Leptina como marcadora do dimorfismo sexual em recém-nascidos

Sexual dimorphism / Birth Weight / Humans / Testosterone / Female / Male / Leptin / Newborn Infant / Sex Factors / Biological markers / Gestational Age / Body Height / Cross Sectional Studies / Estradiol / Male / Leptin / Newborn Infant / Sex Factors / Biological markers / Gestational Age / Body Height / Cross Sectional Studies / Estradiol

Leptina como marcadora do dimorfismo sexual em recém-nascidos

Sexual dimorphism / Birth Weight / Humans / Testosterone / Female / Male / Leptin / Newborn Infant / Sex Factors / Biological markers / Gestational Age / Body Height / Cross Sectional Studies / Estradiol / Male / Leptin / Newborn Infant / Sex Factors / Biological markers / Gestational Age / Body Height / Cross Sectional Studies / Estradiol

Hormonal Control of Sexual Development

Science / Morphogenesis / Multidisciplinary / Dogs / Brain / Pregnancy / Humans / Prolactin / Testosterone / Castration / Mice / Sheep / Female / Animals / Male / Sex chromosomes / Androgens / Feminization / Y chromosome / Breast / Glycoproteins / tESTIS / Clinical Sciences / Newborn Infant / Cattle / Rats / Time Factors / Sex Differentiation / X chromosome / Sexual Development / Rabbits / Ovary / Sexual Maturation / Gonadotropins / Estradiol / Pregnancy / Humans / Prolactin / Testosterone / Castration / Mice / Sheep / Female / Animals / Male / Sex chromosomes / Androgens / Feminization / Y chromosome / Breast / Glycoproteins / tESTIS / Clinical Sciences / Newborn Infant / Cattle / Rats / Time Factors / Sex Differentiation / X chromosome / Sexual Development / Rabbits / Ovary / Sexual Maturation / Gonadotropins / Estradiol

Puberdade precoce associada a tumor misto ovariano (células germinativas- estroma-cordão sexual): aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos e manejo de um caso

Treatment Outcome / Humans / Child / Testosterone / Female / Medical Physiology / Estradiol / Ovariectomy / Medical Physiology / Estradiol / Ovariectomy

Hormonal Control of Sexual Development

Science / Morphogenesis / Multidisciplinary / Dogs / Brain / Pregnancy / Humans / Prolactin / Testosterone / Castration / Mice / Sheep / Female / Animals / Male / Sex chromosomes / Androgens / Feminization / Y chromosome / Breast / Glycoproteins / tESTIS / Clinical Sciences / Newborn Infant / Cattle / Rats / Time Factors / Sex Differentiation / X chromosome / Sexual Development / Rabbits / Ovary / Sexual Maturation / Gonadotropins / Estradiol / Pregnancy / Humans / Prolactin / Testosterone / Castration / Mice / Sheep / Female / Animals / Male / Sex chromosomes / Androgens / Feminization / Y chromosome / Breast / Glycoproteins / tESTIS / Clinical Sciences / Newborn Infant / Cattle / Rats / Time Factors / Sex Differentiation / X chromosome / Sexual Development / Rabbits / Ovary / Sexual Maturation / Gonadotropins / Estradiol

O diagnóstico de Deficiência Androgênica do Envelhecimento Masculino e os (des)caminhos do desejo sexual masculino

Gender Studies / Masculinities / Testosterone / Saúde Coletiva / Medicalization / Andropause

O novo homem velho: sobre o uso de biotecnologias como qualidade de vida

Biotechnology / Aging / Masculinities / Testosterone / Saúde Coletiva / Medicalization

\"Continue a nadar\": sobre testosterona, envelhecimento e masculinidade

Aging / Masculinities / Testosterone / Saúde Coletiva / Andropause

Does 2-hydroxyflutamide Inhibit Apoptosis in Porcine Granulosa Cells? ^|^mdash; An In Vitro Study

Zoology / Apoptosis / Signal Transduction / Progesterone / Testosterone / Female / Animals / Plant tissue Culture Techniques / Androgens / Ovarian Follicle / Veterinary Sciences / Sus Scrofa / Granulosa Cells / Estradiol / Down-Regulation / Female / Animals / Plant tissue Culture Techniques / Androgens / Ovarian Follicle / Veterinary Sciences / Sus Scrofa / Granulosa Cells / Estradiol / Down-Regulation

Risk factors for postmenopausal osteoporosis

Vitamin D / Calcium / Menopause / Osteoporosis / Humans / Testosterone / Smoking / Female / Risk factors / Middle Aged / Estrogens / Risk Factors / Bone and Bones / The American / Testosterone / Smoking / Female / Risk factors / Middle Aged / Estrogens / Risk Factors / Bone and Bones / The American

Recensione a Paul B. Preciado, \"Testo tossico. Sesso, Droghe e Biopolitiche nell’Era farmacopornografica\"

Feminist Theory / Biopolitics / Pornography / Testosterone / Farmacology / Beatriz Preciado / Industria Farmaceutica / Paul B Preciado / Beatriz Preciado / Industria Farmaceutica / Paul B Preciado

Physiological testosterone levels enhance chondrogenic extracellular matrix synthesis by male intervertebral disc cells in vitro, but not by mesenchymal stem cells

Extracellular Matrix / Cell Differentiation / Mesenchymal stem cells / Humans / Testosterone / Nitriles / Female / Male / Intervertebral disc / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Adult / Sex Factors / Transforming Growth Factor Beta / Chondrogenesis / Triazoles / Cell Survival / Neurosciences / Mesenchymal Stromal Cells / Nitriles / Female / Male / Intervertebral disc / Clinical Sciences / Middle Aged / Adult / Sex Factors / Transforming Growth Factor Beta / Chondrogenesis / Triazoles / Cell Survival / Neurosciences / Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
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