
O olhar sobre si mesmo, ou fracasso e lucidez nos textos de Tucídides e Políbio (2014)

Comparative Literature / Narratology / Polybius / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek Historiography / Machado de Assis / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Ancient Greek Historiography / Machado de Assis / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War

O Preâmbulo da Constituição Européia: origens e heranças - algumas consierações em torno das origens identitárias (2009)

European History / European Studies / European integration / European Constitutionalism / European Union / European Constitutional Law / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Herodotus, Thucydides, and Historiography / Classical Tradition and Reception / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / European Constitutional Law / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Herodotus, Thucydides, and Historiography / Classical Tradition and Reception / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides / Diodorus Siculus / Ephorus of Cyme / Peloponnesian War

Os usos do passado na Grécia Antiga: minicurso via internet de 6 horas. Apresentação

Thucydides / Ancient Greek History / Neoplatonism / Herodotus / Platão / Historia Antigua Clásica / Grecia Antigua / Historiografia / Historiografía / Ancient Greek Literature, Classical Philology / Historia Antigua Clásica / Grecia Antigua / Historiografia / Historiografía / Ancient Greek Literature, Classical Philology

Thucydides as a prospect theorist. 2014

Behavioral Economics / Thucydides / Ancient Greek History / Prospect Theory

O problema da verdade em Tucídides (2015)

Intellectual History / Classics / Reception Theory / Narrative / Truth / Giorgio Agamben / Theory of History / Intellectual and cultural history / Narrative Theory / Theories Of Truth / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek Historiography / History of mentality (Classics) / João Guimarães Rosa / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Verdade / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Tucídides / Giorgio Agamben / Theory of History / Intellectual and cultural history / Narrative Theory / Theories Of Truth / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek Historiography / History of mentality (Classics) / João Guimarães Rosa / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Verdade / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Tucídides

A ironia do fracasso: Nícias e Tucídides, Aníbal e Políbio (2015)

Intellectual History / Comparative Literature / Classics / Greek Literature / Roman Historiography / Reception Studies / Narrative / Historiography / Hermeneutics / Ancient Historiography / Theory of History / Polybius / Hermeneutics and Narrative / Hermeneutic Phenomenology / Narrative Theory / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Dostoevsky / Ancient Greek Historiography / Romantic Irony / Irony / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Claude Romano / Martin Jay / Reception Studies / Narrative / Historiography / Hermeneutics / Ancient Historiography / Theory of History / Polybius / Hermeneutics and Narrative / Hermeneutic Phenomenology / Narrative Theory / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Dostoevsky / Ancient Greek Historiography / Romantic Irony / Irony / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Claude Romano / Martin Jay

Heródoto e Tucídides: História e Tradição

Ancient History / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Herodotus / Herodotus, Thucydides, and Historiography / Ancient Greek Language / Ancient Egypt / Herodotus, Greek Tragedy, the Presocratics; Ancient Greek Religion and Cult, and its reception / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology / Plague Thucydides / Tucídides / Thucydides and IR / Thucydides, Reception / Thucydides literary methods of persuasion / Herodoto / HERODOT TARİHİ / Tucidide / Herodotus / Herodotus, Thucydides, and Historiography / Ancient Greek Language / Ancient Egypt / Herodotus, Greek Tragedy, the Presocratics; Ancient Greek Religion and Cult, and its reception / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology / Plague Thucydides / Tucídides / Thucydides and IR / Thucydides, Reception / Thucydides literary methods of persuasion / Herodoto / HERODOT TARİHİ / Tucidide

Apontamentos para uma poética da tradução de historiadores gregos (2016)

Polybius / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Historiography / Theory of translation / Herodotus

Como se derruba uma democracia? Golpes oligárquicos contra a democracia grega antiga. INSCRIÇÃO ABERTA.pdf

Greek Literature / Thucydides / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Ancient Political Thought / Grecia Antigua / Grécia Antiga / Grecia Antigua / Grécia Antiga

Enformação da narrativa em Grande Sertão: Veredas e Tucídides (2016)

Narrative / Narrative and interpretation / Narrative Methods / Hermeneutics and Narrative / Narrative Theory / Thucydides / João Guimarães Rosa / Narrativas / Grandes Sertão: Veredas / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Tucídides / Thucydides literary methods of persuasion / Thucydides / João Guimarães Rosa / Narrativas / Grandes Sertão: Veredas / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Tucídides / Thucydides literary methods of persuasion

PREVIEW: Tucidide tassiarco?

Greek Historiography / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Historiography / Greek and Roman historiography / Peloponnesian War
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