
Action, Error, Ethos: Political ontology as tragedy or comedy?

Comedy / Giorgio Agamben / Michel Foucault / Political Ontology / Aesthetics and Politics / William Connolly / Tragedy / Ethos / William Connolly / Tragedy / Ethos

À espera de Marcelo: Mito e Tragédia em O Irmão de David Mourão-Ferreira

Greek Tragedy / Reception Studies / Drama / Classical Reception Studies / Aeschylus / Sophocles / Euripides / Tragedy / Teatro / Ancient Greek Tragedy and its Reception / Orestes / Literatura Portuguesa / Euripides Electra / David Mourão-Ferreira / Sophocles / Euripides / Tragedy / Teatro / Ancient Greek Tragedy and its Reception / Orestes / Literatura Portuguesa / Euripides Electra / David Mourão-Ferreira

Κουρσάρος, Ν. 2013. \"Κριτική Θεατρικής Παράστασης Αισχύλου, \'Αγαμέμνων\' με την Καρυοφυλλιά Καραμπέτη και τον Μηνά Χατζησάββα\" (

Critical Theory / Classics / Greek Tragedy / Theatre Studies / Drama / Ancient Greek History / Aeschylus / Sophocles / Theatre / Tragedy / Theatre Criticism / Ancient Greek Drama / Θέατρο / Aeschylus Oresteia / Ancient Athens / Classical Athens / Θεατρική κριτική / Ancient Greek History / Aeschylus / Sophocles / Theatre / Tragedy / Theatre Criticism / Ancient Greek Drama / Θέατρο / Aeschylus Oresteia / Ancient Athens / Classical Athens / Θεατρική κριτική

Nietzsche\'s CosmoPsychical ∞: A Post-Nihilist Ethos

Philology / Psychoanalysis / Comparative Literature / Philosophy / Metaphysics / Political Philosophy / Philosophy of Science / Greek Tragedy / Cosmology (Physics) / Philosophy Of Religion / Metaphysics of Consciousness / Continental Philosophy / Continental Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy) / Gilles Deleuze / Friedrich Nietzsche / Deleuze / Psychoanalysis and religion / Nihilism / Philosophy of Time / 19th Century (History) / 18th- and 19th-century philosophy / Social and Political Philosophy / 19th-century German philosophy / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Modern Political Philosophy / Russian Nihilism / Moral and Political Philosophy / Psychoanalysis and Politics / Time and Eternity / Cosmology / Tragedy / Contemporary Continental Philosophy / Nietzsche’s evaluation on Men of Ressentiment / Eternity / Moral Nihilism / Classics and Ancient History: society, history and religion of the ancient Greeks / Post-Nihilism / Existential Nihilism / Socio Political Philosophy / Meditation Practice and Theory; Nihilism; Friedrich Nietzsche / Historiology / Political Philosophy / Philosophy of Science / Greek Tragedy / Cosmology (Physics) / Philosophy Of Religion / Metaphysics of Consciousness / Continental Philosophy / Continental Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy) / Gilles Deleuze / Friedrich Nietzsche / Deleuze / Psychoanalysis and religion / Nihilism / Philosophy of Time / 19th Century (History) / 18th- and 19th-century philosophy / Social and Political Philosophy / 19th-century German philosophy / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Modern Political Philosophy / Russian Nihilism / Moral and Political Philosophy / Psychoanalysis and Politics / Time and Eternity / Cosmology / Tragedy / Contemporary Continental Philosophy / Nietzsche’s evaluation on Men of Ressentiment / Eternity / Moral Nihilism / Classics and Ancient History: society, history and religion of the ancient Greeks / Post-Nihilism / Existential Nihilism / Socio Political Philosophy / Meditation Practice and Theory; Nihilism; Friedrich Nietzsche / Historiology

Contemporary Anglo-American Drama of Exile

American Literature / New Testament / Contemporary Drama / Exile / American Drama / Contemporary American Literature / Contemporary Literature / Theatre of the Absurd / Anglo-American literature / Satire / Tragedy / The Bible in Art and Literature / Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / Psychological aspects of dramatic literature / Contemporary American Literature / Contemporary Literature / Theatre of the Absurd / Anglo-American literature / Satire / Tragedy / The Bible in Art and Literature / Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / Psychological aspects of dramatic literature

il tragico prima del tragico

Poetics / Tragedy / Peter Szondi

Plauto e o triunfo da tragédia

Comedy / Roman Comedy / Lyric poetry / Epic poetry / Plautus / Tragedy / Plauto / Titus Macius Plautus / Tragedy / Plauto / Titus Macius Plautus


Theatre / Tragedy
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