
Violência e Saúde Coletiva: contribuições teóricas

Violence / Public Health / Crime / Deviation

A posição da arquitetura e do urbanismo frente às questões de segurança

Violence / Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Revitalização Urbana

Perigos e riscos da superexposição na sociedade da informação: reflexões sobre ciberviolência

Information Science / Sociology of Violence / Violence / Cybercrimes / Cyber Security / Biblioteconomia

\"Sem violência\": Elementos para uma crítica da violência política

Violence / Revolutions / Political Violence and Terrorism / Walter Benjamin / Slavoj Žižek / Hannah Arendt / Violencia Política / Hannah Arendt / Violencia Política

Política em tempos de exceção: Para uma crítica do direito de resistência

Violence / Human Rights / Collective Action / Politics / Resistance (Social) / Walter Benjamin / Slavoj Žižek / Jacques Rancière / Protest / Giorgio Agamben / Michel Foucault / Biopolitics / Hannah Arendt / Cultural power and resistance / Social Control / Walter Benjamin / Slavoj Žižek / Jacques Rancière / Protest / Giorgio Agamben / Michel Foucault / Biopolitics / Hannah Arendt / Cultural power and resistance / Social Control

Trauma care systems in South Africa

Nursing / Traumatology / Violence / Urbanization / Emergency Medical Services / South Africa / Pregnancy / Humans / Child / Substance Abuse / Injury / Accidents / Alcoholism / Female / Male / Clinical Sciences / Newborn Infant / Public health systems and services research / Wounds and Injuries / Child preschool / South Africa / Pregnancy / Humans / Child / Substance Abuse / Injury / Accidents / Alcoholism / Female / Male / Clinical Sciences / Newborn Infant / Public health systems and services research / Wounds and Injuries / Child preschool


Violence / Prejudice / Latin American literature / Contemporary Literature / Short story / Rubem Fonseca

Sociedade de Controle, Guerra às Drogas e as Favelas do Rio de Janeiro: O Caso do Centro de Comando e Controle da UPP Rocinha

Sociology / Political Philosophy / Violence / Michel Foucault / Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari / State of exception / Society of Control / State of exception / Society of Control

A(s) Guerra(s) dos Meninos: uma adaptação, vários sentidos

Journalism / Violence / Film Adaptation / Investigative Journalism / Children's Rights / Documentary Film

Introdução a Música, Violência e Política em Paul Bowles (PhD)

American Literature / Neuroscience / American Studies / Music / Violence / Music and Politics / Sound studies / Musicoliterary Studies / Music and Politics / Sound studies / Musicoliterary Studies

Expectativas Desalinhadas: Sony, Charlie e os Fundamentalismos Modernos

International Relations / Globalization / Terrorism / Violence / International Terrorism / Political Violence and Terrorism / Surveillance Studies / Political Violence / Cyber Terrorism / Surveillance / Counter terrorism / Religion and Violence / Zygmunt Bauman / Laicite / Critical Terrorism Studies / French foreign policy - especially towards the Maghreb and Europe. Islam, immigration and terrorism / Relações Internacionais / Globalização / Terrorismo Y Antiterrorismo / Terrorismo / State sovereignty / Bauman / Muslims in France / Sony / Terrorism and Counterterrorism / TERRORISMO GUERRA VIRILIO Y POSESTRUCTURALISMO / TERRORISMO INTERNACIONAL / Zigmund Baumann / TERRORISMO Y CONTRATERRORISMO / Charlie Hebdo / Political Violence and Terrorism / Surveillance Studies / Political Violence / Cyber Terrorism / Surveillance / Counter terrorism / Religion and Violence / Zygmunt Bauman / Laicite / Critical Terrorism Studies / French foreign policy - especially towards the Maghreb and Europe. Islam, immigration and terrorism / Relações Internacionais / Globalização / Terrorismo Y Antiterrorismo / Terrorismo / State sovereignty / Bauman / Muslims in France / Sony / Terrorism and Counterterrorism / TERRORISMO GUERRA VIRILIO Y POSESTRUCTURALISMO / TERRORISMO INTERNACIONAL / Zigmund Baumann / TERRORISMO Y CONTRATERRORISMO / Charlie Hebdo

Rev Saúde Pública 2014;48(1):94-102 Homicides and territorial struggles in Rio de Janeiro favelas

Police Science / Violence / Organized Crime / Homicide (Social Sciences) / Slums, Favelas, and Shanty-towns / Organized Retail Sector / Drug Trafficking / Organized Retail Sector / Drug Trafficking

A moral mínima de Rubem Fonseca

Violence / Jean Jaques Rousseau / Literatura brasileira / Literatura Latinoamericana / Estudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto / Ética / Violencia / Rubem Fonseca / Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea / RUBEM FONSECA LITERATURA CUENTOS / Ética / Violencia / Rubem Fonseca / Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea / RUBEM FONSECA LITERATURA CUENTOS
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