A co-author dissociates himself from erroneous published results
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Int J Clin Lab Res (2000) 30: l 12
A co-author dissociates himself from erroneous published results Dear Editor, I read my name (G. Bellisola) as one of the co-authors of the paper entitled "Effects of sodium selenite on in vitro interactions between platelets and endothelial cells" that was published in the International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Research 1999; 29:80. The text contains many errors that I attribute to other co-authors and that may result in failure to reproduce the experiments described and in possible health risks to potential human volunteers or patients. As previously described [1], the concentrations of selenium (Se) in human plasma are three orders of magnitude lower (10-6M) than those reported (10-3M) in the section "Isolation of human PLT" by the co-authors. Each volunteer was orally supplemented with sodium selenite and the daily intake was 10 gg Se/kg body weight up to a maximal dose of 500 gg Se per day for 2 months [2]. However, the dose of selenite reported in the text (0.13 mM/kg body weight per day corresponding to roughly 10 mg Se/kg body weight) results in Se intoxication in humans. I really utilized 0.2 mM tert-butylhydroperoxide to start the reaction for glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) [3], while a concentration of 200 mM tertbutyl-hydroperoxide is reported in the section "GSH-Px" activity. The concentration of nitric oxide products that I measured in the supernatants of endothelial cells was in the order of 10 -6 instead of 10-3 ("Results" section). Instructions to authors (Copyright section) clearly indicate that the publication must be approved by all co-authors and I am very disappointed because neither did I approve its publication in your Journal nor did I review the proofs. To date no reprint has been given to me and I had the opportunity to read the original paper only a few days ago. Therefore I am forced to dissociate myself from the results reported in the paper, although I spent a lot of time with the other co-authors during 1997 optimizing the model of platelet/endothelial cell interaction and discussing the details and implications of our findings. In view of the possible scientific and legal implications arising from the publication of such erroneous data, I suggest that the Editor request a public rectification of the published data. Thaiak you in advance.
Dr. G. Bellisola Sezione di Immunologia, Dipartimento di Patologia, Universitg~ di Verona, PolicIinico Borgo Roma, Strada Le Grazie, 1-37134 Verona, Italy"
© Springer-Verlag 2000
References l.
Bellisola G, Perona G, Galassini S, Moschini G, Guidi GC. Plasma selenium and glutathione peroxidase activities in individuals living in the Veneto region of Italy. J Trace Elem Electrolytes Health Dis 1993; 7:42. 2. Bellisola G, Guidi GC, Cinque G, Galassini S, Liu N-Q, Moschini G, Rugiu C, Lupu A. Selenium status and plasma glutathione peroxidase in patients with IgA nephropathy. J Trace Elem Med Biol 1996; 10:189. 3. Bellisola G, Galassini S, Moschini G, Poli G, Perona G, Guidi GC. Selenium and glutathione peroxidase variations induced by polyunsaturated fatty acids oral supplementation in humans. Clin Chim Acta 1992; 205:75.
Reply from the co-authors We are grateful to Dr. G. Bellisola for having drawn your and our attention to three mistakes (actually five) in our paper entitled "Effects of sodium selenite on in vitro interactions between platelets and endothelial cells", published in the International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Research 1999; 29:80. In the final version of the manuscript, the term mM replaced the correct term gM on five occasion. This was due to an unsuitable personal computer and to our lack of attention to detail. Dr. BeUisola, after contributing to the experimental part of the paper, was involved in the drafting of the manuscript with all the co-authors. He might not have had the opportunity review the final version of the manuscript where the printing errors appeared. We apologize for that to him and you. The term mM should be replaced by gM in the following places: Page 81, "Isolation of human PLT', line 4, 5, 7; Page 81, "GSH-Px activity", line 2; Page 83, "NO products", line 3. Yours sincerely,
M.M. Ricetti, G.C. Guidi, C. Tecchio, A. Rigo, G. Perona Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale c/o Cattedra di Ematologia, Policlinico Borgo Roma, 1-37134 Verona, Italy
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