A multispectroscopic study of PbOxZnO0.6−x(P2O5)0.4 glasses

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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293±295 (2001) 657±662


A multispectroscopic study of PbOxZnO0:6 x …P2O5†0:4 glasses Gwenn Le Saout, Franck Fayon, Catherine Bessada, Patrick Simon, Annie Blin, Yann Vaills * Centre de Recherches sur les Mat eriaux a Haute Temp erature, CRMHT-CNRS, 1D avenue de la Recherche Scienti®que, 45071 Orl eans cedex 2, France

Abstract The structure of ternary PbOx ±ZnO…0:6 x† ±…P2 O5 †0:4 glasses has been investigated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Raman scattering and infrared spectroscopy (IR), over the compositional range from x ˆ 0 to 0.6. The evolution of the 31 P NMR chemical shift and Raman high-frequency modes re¯ects mainly the Zn/Pb substitution in these glasses. The NMR and Raman spectra show that at high ZnO content, the phosphate network has a strong interaction with Zn cations through P±O±Zn bonds. In glasses with high lead content, IR re¯ectivity spectra indicate that the phosphate network and lead cation are less correlated and that Pb2‡ has a mixed network former±network modi®er role in the glass structure. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Owing to their low preparation temperature and aqueous corrosion rate, the lead zinc phosphate glasses have been considered as a potential storage medium for nuclear wastes [1]. In addition, their low melting temperature and low viscosity make them attractive for glass-to-metal sealing applications [2]. The speci®c applications of these ternary PbO±ZnO±P2 O5 glasses make challenging the knowledge of their structure±properties relationships. However, only few studies have been devoted to the characterisation of their structure [3±6]. The structure of binary phosphate glasses has been extensively studied using various techniques,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33-2 38 25 76 89; fax: +33-2 38 63 81 03. E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Vaills).

like Raman scattering [7±10], infrared spectroscopy (IR) [11,12], neutron and X-ray di€raction [13,14] and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy [7,15±19]. The phosphate network is made of corner-sharing PO4 tetrahedral units that can be classi®ed according to their connectivity, Qn , where n is the number of bridging oxygen per tetrahedron. The polymerisation degree of the phosphate network decreases with modi®er addition and also depends on the nature of the counterion. In binary PbO±P2 O5 and ZnO±P2 O5 glasses with high modi®er content, recent studies [7,15,19] indicate that the Pb2‡ and Zn2‡ cations participate in the glass network. In this work, we have studied the short range order of the phosphate network and the interactions between the 3 anionic …PO4 † groups and cations in ternary PbOx ±ZnO0:6 x ±…P2 O5 †0:4 glasses, using 31 P magic angle spinning NMR, IR and Raman spectroscopies.

0022-3093/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 3 0 9 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 7 6 7 - 0


G. Le Saout et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293±295 (2001) 657±662

2. Experimental details The PbOx ±ZnO…0:6 x† ±…P2 O5 †0:4 samples were prepared from stoichiometric powders resulting from the mixing of …NH4 †2 HPO4 ; Pb…NO3 †2 and Zn…NO3 †2 aqueous solutions (x ˆ 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6). The mixtures were melted in Pt crucibles for 1 h at a temperature varying from 800 to 1000 °C depending on composition and the melt was poured onto a stainless slab. All sample compositions were checked by chemical analysis (1 mol% uncertainties). For IR and Raman experiments, the glass samples …10  10  10 mm3 † were polished using ethanol and opaline at the ®nal stage. Another series of samples was synthesised using the same procedure including an additional 0.1 mol% of GdCl3 in the batch composition to reduce the 31 P NMR relaxation times. These samples were found identical to the undoped glasses from chemical analysis and Raman spectra. Crystalline Pb2 P2 O7 ; Pb3 P4 O13 were obtained by annealing the glasses with same composition at 500°C and checked by powder X-ray di€raction. Glass transition temperatures were determined using a di€erential scanning calorimeter (Setaram DSC 92) with heating rates of 5 °C/min. The solid state NMR experiments were performed on a Bruker DSX 300 spectrometer with a 4 mm MAS probehead operating at a Larmor frequency for 31 P of 121.4 MHz. The one-dimensional 31 P MAS spectra were recorded at 5 and 10 kHz spinning rates with recycling time varying from 2 to 20 s to prevent saturation. The 31 P chemical shifts were referenced relative to a 85% H3 PO4 solution. The Raman spectra have been recorded on a T 64000 Jobin Yvon spectrometer using the 514.5 nm wavelength of a Argon±Krypton laser with an incident power of 0.4 W for the laser output. Detection was made with a cooled CCD multichannel detector. Right-angle scattering geometry was used for glass samples. For powdered crystalline samples, measurements were done in micro-Raman con®guration, (Olympus BX40 microscope), in back-scattering geometry. All experimental spectra were corrected by the m4 scattering dependence of the Raman intensities and the Bose± Einstein population factor.

Infrared re¯ectivity spectra were recorded near normal incidence using a Fourier transform interferometer (Bruker IFS 113v), covering the wave number range 10±12 000 cm 1 with a spectral resolution of 6 cm 1 . The frequencies of the transverse optical (TO) and longitudinal optical (LO) vibration modes were determined by ®tting the IR re¯ectivity spectra with a four parameter dielectric function model [20].

3. Results 3.1.



Fig. 1 shows the 31 P MAS NMR spectra of the PbOx ±ZnO0:6 x ±…P2 O5 †0:4 glasses for x ˆ 0, 0.3 and 0.6. These spectra show two partly overlapping 31 P isotropic resonances with their associated spinning sidebands (marked with asterisks). These two isotropic peaks at about 10 and 22 ppm are attributed to Q1 and Q2 units, respectively, according to the 31 P chemical shift ranges in binary lead phosphate glasses [16] and zinc phosphate glasses [7]. The 31 P NMR spectra can be ®tted assuming Gaussian lineshapes for each Qn units. From these simulations, the isotropic shifts, line widths and the relative populations of each Qn unit

Fig. 1. 31 P MAS NMR spectra (10 kHz spinning rate) of the glasses ZnO0:6 …P2 O5 †0:4 (A), PbO0:3 ZnO0:3 …P2 O5 †0:4 (B), PbO0:6 …P2 O5 †0:4 (C). The asterisks mark spinning sidebands.

G. Le Saout et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293±295 (2001) 657±662

were determined for each glass composition. The obtained Qn distributions …Q1  Q2 † re¯ect low disproportionation reaction constants similar to those measured for binary ZnO±P2 O5 [7] and PbO±P2 O5 [16] glasses. As shown in Fig. 2, the 31 P isotropic chemical shift of each Qn species varies with the glass composition. We observe an increase of the 31 P isotropic chemical shift as the lead content increases. As previously demonstrated [21,23], the Qn chemical shift is directly in¯uenced by the nature of the counterion and decreasing the cationic potential of the counterion leads to an increase of the 31 P chemical shift. The 31 P chemical shift variation in PbOx ±ZnO0:6 x ±…P2 O5 †0:4 glasses is thus related to the progressive substitution of Zn by Pb atoms in the glass structure. For each Qn units, the linewidth re¯ects the structural disorder such as bond length and bond angle variations and higher coordination sphere disorder. The 31 P linewidth decreases with lead addition from 15 to

Fig. 2. 31 P isotropic chemical shift of the Q2 species …j† and Q1 species …N† versus lead content.


10 ppm and from 12 to 7 ppm for Q2 and Q1 units, respectively. This indicates a weaker distribution of P±O bond lengths and P±O±P, O±P±O bond angles and less contorted phosphate chains in glasses with high lead content. 3.2. Raman and IR spectra The Raman spectra of the PbOx ±ZnO0:6 x ±…P2 O5 †0:4 glasses (VV polarisation) in the range 10±1500 cm 1 are shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 displays the imaginary parts of the dielectric function (TO mode structure) and the imaginary parts of the inverse dielectric function (LO mode structure) obtained from IR re¯ectivity spectra. The analysis of the high frequency part of Raman (VV and VH polarisation) and IR spectra shows that the bands around 700 and 1150 cm 1 correspond to symmetric vibrations of the phosphate network (Fig. 3), while the bands around 900 and 1250 cm 1 are asymmetric vibration modes (Fig. 4). From the comparison between the glass spectra and those of crystalline reference compounds of known structure, we can see that these bands are characteristic of long phosphate chains and are, respectively, assigned to the ms …P±O±P† [8], ms …PO2 † ; mas …P±O±P† and

Fig. 3. Reduced Raman spectra of the glasses ZnO0:6 …P2 O5 †0:4 (A), PbO0:3 ZnO0:3 …P2 O5 †0:4 (B), PbO0:6 …P2 O5 †0:4 (C) and the crystalline compounds Pb2 P2 O7 (D), Pb3 P4 O13 (E). Low frequency Raman spectra of the samples C, D, E are displayed in the inset.


G. Le Saout et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293±295 (2001) 657±662

Fig. 4. Imaginary parts of the dielectric (Ð) and the inverse dielectric …  † functions of the glasses ZnO0:6 …P2 O5 †0:4 (A), PbO0:3 ZnO0:3 …P2 O5 †0:4 (B), PbO0:6 …P2 O5 †0:4 (C).

mas …PO2 † [8,9] vibrations. The other bands between 1000 and 1100 cm 1 are attributed to 4 5 shorter phosphate chains …‰P2 O7 Š ; ‰P3 O10 Š †. As shown in Fig. 5, the ms …PO2 † mode frequency decreases as the lead content increases. This behaviour is consistent with previous studies of phosphate glasses [24,25] indicating that a decrease of the counterion ®eld strength leads to a decrease

Fig. 5. Lead content dependence of the ms …PO2 † Raman wave number.

in the ms …PO2 † frequency. In addition, we observe a narrowing of the Raman high frequency bands with PbO content that re¯ects a decrease of the degree of disorder with decreasing cation ®eld strength. As shown in Fig. 4, well-de®ned TO modes are observed in the low frequency part (0±250 cm 1 ) of Im(e). These bands are attributed to cation±oxygen vibrations and the TO±LO frequencies determined for PbO0:6 …P2 O5 †0:4 and ZnO0:6 …P2 O5 †0:4 glasses (101±185 and 187±242 cm 1 , respectively) are in good agreement with the average values measured from IR absorption spectra by Nelson and Exharhos [24]. On the contrary, the Raman spectra of the glasses exhibits only a broad contribution in the 0±200 cm 1 frequency range which shape and intensity vary with the lead content, as observed in the case of ions with large polarizability [26]. The low frequency band of the PbO0:6 ±…P2 O5 †0:4 glass Raman spectrum is depicted in the inset graph in Fig. 3 together with those of Pb3 P4 O13 and Pb2 P2 O7 crystalline references. We observe that this low frequency band covers the whole range of the crystalline vibration modes. This indicates that, in this case, the lead± oxygen vibrations contribute to the low frequency band of the glasses. 4. Discussion The evolution of the 31 P NMR chemical shift and Raman high-frequency modes with lead content are related to a decrease of the counterion ®eld strength. However, we notice a strong variation of these parameters from x ˆ 0 to 0.3 while a lower variation is observed from x ˆ 0.3 to 0.6. As shown in Fig. 6, two regimes appear in the lead concentration dependence of the glass transition temperature Tg . This indicates signi®cant structural changes in the phosphate network of ZnO±P2 O5 glasses with the substitution of zinc for lead cation. In binary zinc phosphate glasses, the fourfold zinc coordination by oxygen atoms seems to be dominant [7] whereas, in PbO±P2 O5 glasses, the lead environment varies from more ionic to more covalent bonding environment with lead addition [15] with an average coordination number

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O±Zn bonds that participate in determining the polyphosphate glass structure. 5. Conclusion

Fig. 6. Evolution of the glass transition temperature Tg as a function of the lead content.

of about 7 [17,18]. These two regimes can thus be due to a variation of the modi®er coordination number and to a change in cation±oxygen chemical bonds. As mentioned above, the decrease of 31 P NMR linewidth and the narrowing of the Raman high-frequency bands with PbO addition indicate a weaker distribution of P±O bond lengths and P± O±P, O±P±O angles. This shows that the interaction between the phosphate network and Zn2‡ cations is important, as expected from evolution of the 31 P NMR chemical shift and Raman highfrequency modes. The phosphate chains are less constrained and contorted as the lead content increases. Thus, the decrease of the glass transition temperature with lead content can be correlated with weaker cation cross-linking between the different phosphate chains [22]. Moreover, an intense and narrow low frequency band appears at about 100 cm 1 in the IR spectra of the glass with high PbO content (Fig. 4(C)), similar to that observed in the IR spectra of crystalline PbO [27]. This indicates the presence of pyramidal PbO4 units with covalent Pb±O bonds and a mixed former±modi®er role of Pb2‡ cation in the glass structure, in agreement with 207 Pb NMR spectra of binary PbO±P2 O5 glasses [15]. These results show that, in the glasses with high lead content, the phosphate and lead cation are weakly correlated. On the contrary, in the ternary glasses with high ZnO content, the phosphate and zinc cations form P±

Using 31 P MAS NMR, Raman and Infrared spectroscopy, we have investigated the structure of ternary PbOx ±ZnO…0:6 x† ±…P2 O5 †0:4 over the compositional range from x ˆ 0 to 0.6. The evolution of the 31 P NMR chemical shift and Raman high-frequency bands re¯ect the Zn/Pb substitution in these glasses and signi®cant structural changes. The evolution of the NMR and Raman linewidths show that at high ZnO content, the phosphate and zinc cations form P±O±Zn bonds. In glasses with high lead content, IR re¯ectivity spectra indicate that the phosphate and lead cation are less correlated and that Pb2‡ has a mixed network former±network modi®er role in the glass structure.

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