Descrição do Produto
ME 362AUTOMATIC INDUSTRIAL COOLER WITH WIRELESS PC CONTROLAUTHORSSaif Khan Alen (0910077) Md. Arman Hossain Naiem (0910081) Ishtiaq Jamil Siddique (0910090)Group No: B17
Robot name: AICWPC
Date of Submission: 18/06/13
ME 362
Saif Khan Alen (0910077) Md. Arman Hossain Naiem (0910081) Ishtiaq Jamil Siddique (0910090)
Group No: B17
Robot name: AICWPC
Date of Submission: 18/06/13
Copyright Statement:
All images and content contained herein are subject to copyright; All rights reserved. Any usage of these images and content by any person or entity must be preceded by written consent from BUET. Only BUET has the right to use and reproduce fully or partially the work being presented
© Copyright 2013
The completion of this robot was not an easy task for us. The project was bit different
from other software based projects and a huge hardware and electronic knowledge were
required. In accomplishing this goal many personals gave the helping hand for us. We would
like to appreciate their guidance and encouragement since without their support the project
would not have been a success.
First of all we would like to thank Kazi Arafat Rahman lecturer of Department of Mechanical
Engineering for his help in designing the robot and he helped us chose the right materials for
the project and solving various circuit problems. It is a pleasure to mention Adnan Morshed
lecturer of Department of Mechanical Engineering who helped us in motor related problems.
Also we would also like to thank Md. Zahabul Islam lecturer of Department of Mechanical
Engineering for his assistance in various mechanical problems. Finally Aminul Islam Khan
helped us in a lot of problems and guided us through many critical errors.
Then we would like to thank Shaban tahura in Machine shop a lot for her assistance in
making the structure design and helping us give valuable design information, then we would
like to thank Mr. Sanwar in Welding shop for his assistance in making various holes,
and connections in the robot.
And we need to mention about some of our friends in Department of Mechanical
Engineering. They gave us a great support in making some required mechanical components
in developing the prototype.
Our team was together as a family, sharing all the happiness, hardships and even the
personal matters, during the last several months. Each member contributed maximum to
make this a success. We would like to thank all other colleagues that were not mentioned
here for their great support provided.
This paper presents AICWPC-bot which is a self driven vehicle capable of detecting the
highest temperature zones in a grid system and cooling that zone/part by means of spraying
suitable cooling agent.
There are several categories of robot navigation. Sensor based and vision based systems are
the two major categories of them. Sensor based approach uses various kinds of sensors such
as IR sensors and ultrasonic sensors. IR sensors are generally used for measuring the
difference in reflectivity of surfaces depending on the properties like color, roughness.
Ultrasonic sensors are used to measure the distance to an object. Robots are built to
navigate using these out puts according to the application. In vision based approach, it uses
a vision system to extract the features it needs in order to navigate. The vision system is
mostly a video or snapshot camera which can be chosen from the various kinds of cameras
available in the market. The vision based approach can be customized in to various kinds of
applications while the sensor based approach has a low processing overhead.
Line follower is a machine that can follow a path. The path can be visible like a black line on
a white surface (or vice-versa) or it can be invisible like a magnetic field. Sensing a line and
maneuvering the robot to stay on course, while constantly correcting wrong moves using
feedback mechanism forms a simple yet effective closed loop system. As a programmer you
get an opportunity to 'teach' the robot how to follow the line thus giving it a human-like
property of responding to stimuli.
"AICWPC" was developed based on a vision based system to navigate the robot through a
white line marked in the black surface. It also extracted some features in the sensor based
systems as well.
This document is intended to describe the information regarding the project "AICWP". It
explains literature survey, requirements, the techniques and technologies used, design and
implementation details, problems faced, and future improvements of the project.
Although it is fully autonomous it can still be controlled wirelessly by PC command. This
vehicle is also capable of storing important environmental data and can communicate with
the operator. This vehicle is actually a prototype of a self driven vehicle capable of locating
and cooling various hot zones located in a industry or in any High heated environment.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Robot Features
3. Application Field
4. Operation/How it works
5. Mechanical Features
7. Electronic Features/Circuit Diagram
8. Snapshots of the Robot
9. Software Features
10. Source Codes
11. Future Developments/Modifications
12. Limitations
13. Conclusion
14. Reference
List of figures:
Figure 1. ASK Transmitter Module
Figure 2. RXB6 Receiver Module
Figure 3. LM 35
Figure 4. LDR 1
Figure 5. ISP
Figure 6. Lm 7805
Figure 7. Microcontroller PIC 18F442
Figure 8. Power Source
Figure 9. LM 35 Circuit diagram
Figure 10. LCD display Circuit Diagram
Figure 11. L293D
Figure 12. PIC 16F84
Figure 13. Voltage Regulator IC 7805
Figure 14. Max 232
Figure 15. Line Follower CD
Figure 16. PIC Timer
Figure 17. Sensor Board
Figure 18. PCB Board
Figure 19. USART
Chapter 1
Robotics has become a very common application in most of the developed countries. High
Performance, high accuracy, lower labor cost and the ability to work in hazardous places
have put robotics in an advantageous position over many other such technologies. Third
world countries like Bangladesh however, are still not very familiar with the use of robots.
There are two reasons behind this. Firstly, the high initial costs in importing robots and
associated software and secondly the misconceptions of the capabilities of robots as day to
day essential applications.
AICWPC can be considered as a mobile robot or a mobile platform that can locate high
temperature zones and cool that heated object by means of spraying fluid/gas or any desired
coolant and keeping the temperature at an optimum level. This is done automatically i.e.
without the help of any human interference by implementing programs in electronic circuits,
so in any condition the robot knows what to do, where to go. An operator can issue a force
command to start cooling or to switch priorities and it can be controlled via PC through
wireless communication. It follows a line ideally a white line that is marked on the ground.
The line may consist of bends, turns and dead ends etc and the improved version of AICWPC
would deal with all types of path characteristics with a high precision. The basic objective of
AICWPC is to provide cost effective solutions for industrial applications, commercial
applications and security applications, but not restricted to them. Slightly modified version
of AICWPC may be creatively used even for home applications too. In case of a growing
country like Bangladesh one of the major fields of an autonomous robot is in industry and in
power plants and in places where high heat is produced. This robot is built for that specific
Chapter 2
Robot Features:
Line Follower:
It can follow line in an arena containing varying gradient lines, sharp turns, lines having different thickness and even gaps in tacks.
Automatic Temperature based Cooling System:
Cooling different parts of a machine by sensing temperature, the machine/part with highest temperature is given first priority.
Wireless PC Control:
To enable the user to halt/force command the robot a control scheme is required. This robot uses wireless communication and can be controlled by simple commands through Pc
Chapter 3
Application Field:
This robot mainly targets large industries, power plants, Server Rooms, any environment
where high heat is generated. It will cool any part of a machine by sensing the temperature,
thus giving the machine longer life, and also reducing any risk/danger, deformation, stress
concentration etc. It can operate in any light condition because of its LDR arrangement. It can
also be used for detecting uneven temperature distribution on any system/environment and
cool that environment and keeping the temperature constant throughout the system. Moreover
it not only cools that part it also records that data for further analysis and can give statistical
report. Thus it can show the user which part of the system is more prone to failure and can
mark those places as the most dangerous /unstable places in the system. Also it doesn't
inspect randomly in a factory/system/environment but uses precise sensors to monitor
temperature and uses definite path, so even if there is narrow place or in a maze like layout
this robot can perform its task effectively and efficiently and by following this specific
path/line the robot requires the minimum surface area/path for its operation.
Chapter 4
How it works/Operation:
This kind of robot can be of various size and shape and its components might change depending on the working area/layout/system like using different cooler for specific needs, sensing temperature using different methods. So depending on the environment or the need of the user its operation principle, component may vary but its basic operations are very simple and they are:
Taking temperature reading at various parts/nodes and monitoring all the temperature
readings at different locations of the system by using LM 35 and PIC microcontroller.
There will be 8-10 LM 35 temperature modules in the system.
Temperature modules will communicate with the master bot using RF.
Once an unstable region/high temperature place is found or a force command is issued
mark it as first priority and locate that point in the grid.
While going to that point , monitoring other regions and if any other heated part is
detected then marking it as 2nd objective and so on.
Cooling that point/node, marking it as cooled and storing the environment and
operational data.
After cooling moving to next priority.
When all objectives are clear return to start position.
Taking Temperature data from the node by wireless communication
Taking Temperature data from the node by wireless communication
Go to that point in the arena
Go to that point in the arena
Cooling high heated node
Cooling high heated node
Returning to the base
Returning to the base
Storing the node address and temperature data in PC
Storing the node address and temperature data in PC
Chapter 5
Mechanical Feature:
4 Wheeler(2-DC motor controlled Drive wheels,2-Castor wheels) of 30cm*30cm dimension.
Two storeyed circuit board and controller board frame.
Servo motor controlled water-sprayer booth.
Using 8 pairs of IR-LED pair.
Transmitter and Receiver modules are used to control the robot by PC.
Values from the sensor board are taken directly to the MCU using ADC(note: using
op-amp digital signal is avoided, as these sensor values changes depending on the lighting conditions)
Motor controller L293D and PWM control is used.
The USART hardware allows the AVR to transmit and receive data serially to and from other devices - such as a computer or another AVR.
The USART transmission system differs to most other digital busses in that it does not utilize a separate pin for the serial clock. An agreed clock rate is preset into both devices, which is then used to sample the Rx/Tx lines at regular intervals. Because of this, the USART requires only three wires for bi-directional communication (Rx, Tx and GND).
Chapter 6
Transmitter used was ASK transmitter module with an output of up to 8mW
Fig .1
Receiver used was RXB6 which is a high frequency receiver module
Fig. 2
Temperature Sensors used were LM35 series which are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors
Fig. 3
Light Dependent Resistors LDR1 were used in the sensor board to follow the line
Fig. 4
In System Programmer used
Fig. 5
Voltage Regulator LM7805
Fig. 6
Microcontroller PIC18F442
Fig. 7
Chapter 7
Electronic Features/Circuit Diagram:
1. LDR sensor board, having a sensor array of 8 modules.
2. Variable resistor controller board, having a array of 10 POT(variable resistor)-used for signal conditioning.
3. Development boards for IC's PIC18F452,L293D,LM016L,ISP,Keyboard-6 Buttons.
Power Source used in the robot:
Fig. 8
Circuit Diagram of LM 35
Fig. 9
Circuit Diagram for the LCD Display
Fig. 10
Motor Controller using L293D
Servo Motor Controller
Fig. 12
Voltage Regulator IC
Fig. 13
Signal Level Converter Max 232
Fig. 14
Line Follower Circuit diagram
Fig. 15
PIC Timer
Fig. 16
USART protocol
Chapter 8
Snapshots of The Robot:
Master Robot
Main Circuit Board
Transmitter circuit board
PC communication Board
Power supply board
Chapter 9
Software Features:
1. Complete Button controlled PID calibration system software.
2. PID algorithm for following lines.
3. Analog to Digital converter for taking the analog sensor values.
4. Radio Frequency(RF) controlled wireless communication(at a baud rate of 9600bps).
5. Timer used for modulating 20ms Servo motor pulse.
6. Pulse-Width-Modulation for precise speed control through L293D.
7. USART protocol to communicate with other Microprocessors or Computers.
Chapter 10
Source Codes:
Master Robot Controlling Code:
(using mikroC pro for PIC Compiler)
int kp=15;
int kd=12;
int ki=15;
int pwm=245;
int time=150;
int max_node=8;
sbit LCD_RS at RD6_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RD7_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RD5_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RD4_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RC5_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RC4_bit;
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISD6_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISD7_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISD5_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISD4_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISC5_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISC4_bit;
unsigned int e[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
unsigned int b[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int i=0,j=0,k=0,m=0,boundary=800;
char text1[16],text2[8],text3[8];
char uart1=0,uart2=0,uart3=0,lcd1=1,lcd2=1;
char uart[20];
int left_speed=0,right_speed=0,mode=0,mode1=0,node1=0,node2=1,node=0;
int proportional=0,integral=0,derivative=0,error=0,error1=0,previous_error=0;
int position=0,mean1=0,sum1=0,desired=8;
int mean=0,sum=0,a1=0;
int flag1=0,flag2=0,flag3=0,flag4=0,flag5=0,flag6=0,node_limit=0,node_get=1,flag=0,p1=1;
void port_init(){
void timer_init(){
T0CON.T0PS2=0; //1:8
TMR0L=0x82; //255-(.0005*8*10^6/4/8)=130=0x82 //half milisecond per flag
void l293d_init(){
TRISD.RD1=0; //IN1-4==D1,0,2,3
void motor_on(){
void motor_off(){
void motor_reverse(){
void servo_on(){
if(flag12000 && flag1=4000){flag1=0;}
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