Drug Development from Natural Resource: A Systematic Approach

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Send Orders for Reprints to [email protected] Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 15, 52-57


Drug Development from Natural Resource: A Systematic Approach S.B. Sharma* and Richa Gupta Department of Biochemistry, University College of Medical Sciences, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095 (University of Delhi), India Abstract: Modern research in drug discovery from medicinal plants involves a multidimensional approach combining botanical, phytochemical, biochemical combinatorial chemistry and bioassay-guided fractionation approaches. Natural sources continue to provide an alternative as pharmacological leads against various devastating diseases such as diabetes, CVD, cancer etc. Nowadays, there is enormous requirement of safe and effective drugs in the world. This has prompted scientists to revert back towards S.B. Sharma natural resources as a potential source of therapeutics for treatment and management of such chronic and fatal diseases. However, there are certain serious challenges and limitations in this field including scale up and commercialization of active compounds which allow only one in thousand lead molecules to be developed as drug. A systematic and scientific approach is an essential requirement for drug development from natural resource. This mini review provides an overview of the methods involved in natural product research starting from crude plant extract to bioactive pharmacological lead. Moreover, it also discusses the limitations of working concerning the bioactivity of medicinal plants.

Keywords: Bioassay guided fractionation, characterization, limitations, mechanism of action, natural source, structurefunction relation. INTRODUCTION The term “natural products” spans an extremely large and diverse range of chemical compounds derived and isolated from biological sources like plants, minerals and organic matter [1]. The interest in natural products continued from over 1000 of years [2]. In recent years, natural products have experienced resurgence in drug-discovery programmes, mainly due to their superior chemical diversity over synthetic compound libraries and their drug-like properties. There are a number of widely used drugs which are derived from natural sources which can be available in the form of food supplements, nutraceuticals, and complementary and alternative medicine. In fact, some widely used drugs against certain life threatening diseases are derived from natural sources (Table 1). This mini review provides a systematic methodology which can take us from nature to therapeutics with practical examples. It will discuss the methods involved in natural product research starting from crude plant to complete isolation, purification and characterization of active compound. BIOACTIVE PLANTS




Bioactive compounds in plants can be defined as secondary plant metabolites eliciting pharmacological or toxicological effects in man and animals. The typical *Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Biochemistry, University College of Medical Sciences, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095 (University of Delhi), India; Tel: 09818041119; E-mail: [email protected] 1875-5607/15 $58.00+.00

bioactive compounds in plants are produced as secondary metabolites. Secondary metabolites are produced within the plants besides the primary biosynthetic and metabolic routes of compounds aimed at plant growth and development, such as carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and lipids. They can be regarded as products of biochemical “side tracks” in the plant cells and not needed for daily functioning of the plant. These compounds can be categorized into different classes- glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, etc. and are documented to be used against many devastating diseases. Few examples of bioactive compounds are tabulated in Table 2. Table 1.

List of widely used drugs derived from natural sources.

Name of Drug




Galega officinalis



Vinca rosea



Taxus brevifolia



Digitalis lanata

Cardiovascular disease


Digitalis purpurea

Cardiovascular disease


Berberis vulgaris

Bacillary dysentery


Atropa belladonna

Neurological disorders

© 2015 Bentham Science Publishers

Drug Development from Natural Resource: A Systematic Approach

Table 2.

Bioactive compounds isolated from natural sources.

Name of plant

Active compound


Diabetes [3] Eugenia jambolana

α-Hydroxysuccinamic acid

US patent-6426826, 2002 Indian patent 230753, 2009 (Sharma et al.) [4]

Cassia auriculata

Coumarin derivative

Patent filed (Sharma et al.)

Glycine max

Guanidium derivative

Momorandica charantia


Gymnema sylvestris Gymnemic acid

Patent filed (Sharma et al.) [5] [6]

Cardiovascular Diseases α-Hydroxysuccinamic acid


influenced by factors such as the age of the plant and environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, rainfall, amount of daylight, soil characteristics and altitude) [13]. Thus, it is important to take this into consideration for the re-collection purpose, in order to ensure reproducible profile (nature and amount) of metabolites [14]. A plant taxonomist or a botanist should be involved in the detailed authentication of the plant (i.e. classification into its class, order, family, genus and species) [15]. Any feature related to the collection, such as the name of the plant, the identity of the parts collected, the place and date of collection, should be recorded as part of the voucher (a dried specimen pressed between sheets of paper) deposited in a herbarium for future reference. Extraction of Plant Materials Plant materials are commonly extracted by means of liquid solvents in what is known as the “solid-liquid solvent extraction”. A typical solid-liquid solvent extraction process for plant materials involve drying and grinding of the plant material, choosing a suitable extraction solvent and extraction procedure [16]. Maceration

[7] Eugenia jambolana

Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1

Indian patent 230753, 2009 (Sharma et al.)

Terminalia arjuna

Arjunolic acid


Vitis vinifera



Glycine max



Taxus brevifolia



Vinca rosea



Glycine max




This simple, but still widely used procedure involves leaving the pulverized plant to soak in a suitable solvent in a closed container at room temperature [13]. Occasional or constant stirring of the preparation (using mechanical shakers or mixers) can increase the speed of the extraction. Maceration involves soaking the plant material in a suitable solvent, filtering and concentrating the extract [17]. The use of a cold solvent reduces decomposition, but the process takes longer and uses larger amounts of solvent. Percolation This is similar to the maceration process, but hot solvent is refluxed through the plant material. It is quicker and uses less solvent, but decomposses because heat may occur [17].


Soxhlet Extraction

Depending upon the objectives, different methods could be followed in search of the active compounds from plants. This includes biochemical combinatorial chemistry and bioassay- guided fractionation approaches.

Soxhlet extraction is a form of continuous percolation with fresh solvent, which uses special glass ware. In this procedure, the plant material is separated from the extract by encasing it in a paper thimble beneath the dropping condensed solvent. When full, the solvent in the thimble siphons off into the main vessel containing the extractant, and the process continues [17]. The advantage of this procedure is that fresh solvent continually extract the plant material more effectively with minimum solvent, however, heating and hence decomposition of compounds is again a disadvantage.

The most preferred technique used in natural product chemistry is Bioassay-guided fractionation. It is usually used when the active component is not known. After isolation of a pure substance, the task of elucidating its chemical structure can be addressed. For this purpose, the most powerful methodologies available are nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and mass spectroscopy (MS) [13]. General strategy for plant-derived drug discovery is discussed as follows: Collection and Identification of Plant Material The whole plant or a particular part can be collected depending on where the metabolites of interest (if they are known) accumulate. Collection of plant materials can be

Steam Distillation There is a special apparatus for distilling volatile oils which are immiscible with water. If compounds being extracted are water soluble, the method is less useful because a large volume of aqueous extract is produced. However, in some cases, a partition system may be used to concentrate the extract [17].

54 Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1

Sequential Solvent Extraction If the polarity and solubility of compounds that are isolated are not known, a convenient and frequently used procedure is sequential solvent extraction. In sequential solvent extraction, the plant material is extracted with a series of solvents of different polarity. The usual way is to start with a non-polar solvent and exhaustively extract the plant material followed by a series of more polar solvents until several extracts are obtained by increasing solute polarity. For example, a first step, with dichloromethane, will extract terperoids, less polar flavonoids (flavones, flavonols, flavonones) and other less polar materials [17]. A subsequent step with acetone or ethyl acetate will extract flavonoid glycosides and other medium polar constituents. A subsequent extraction with alcohol or water will extract highly polar constituents [17]. The chemical profile of solvents used for extraction is diagrammatically presented in (Fig. 1).

Sharma and Gupta

number of extracts to be screened. In low-throughput screening (LTS), small numbers of extracts (a single extract up to hundreds of extracts) are dispensed into a format that is compatible with the bioassay (e.g. a microtitre plate or sample tube). This approach is used widely in academic laboratories where only a relatively low number of extracts are assessed. In high-throughput screening (HTS), thousands of extracts are dispensed into a format (usually a microtitre plate with many wells, e.g. 384 wells per plate) and screened in the bioassay. This approach is favored by the pharmaceutical industry. This may have thousands of samples (both natural and synthetic) for biological evaluation. The large scale approach means that decisions can be made rapidly about the status of an extract, which has an impact on the cost of the drug discovery process [18]. BIOASSAY GUIDED FRACTIONATION ISOLATION OF ACTIVE COMPOUNDS


Active fractions are fractionated using a bioassay guided fractionation. In bioassay-guided fractionation (Fig. 2), a crude mixture is fractionated into its fraction components using chromatographic procedures, followed by biological evaluation (bioassay) of each fraction. Only fractions which display biological activity in the bioassay are selected for further fractionation. The cycle of fractionation and testing and further fractionation is repeated until a pure compound with the desired activity is isolated [19]. CHARACTERIZATION AND STRUCTURE ELUCIDATION OF ISOLATED COMPOUNDS Once the biological evaluation has been performed and the separation of the natural product has been achieved, the chemist will try to attempt the elucidation of the compound. Structure elucidation depends on classical spectroscopic techniques such as: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 1-D and 2-D Proton NMR as well as C-13 NMR, Infra Red (IR), Mass Spectrometry (MS) and X-Ray analysis [13]. Fig. (1). Chemical profile of commonly used solvents for extraction.


Once the extraction is complete, the extractant is usually concentrated under vacuum, for large volumes or solvents and blown down under nitrogen for small volumes, ensuring at the same time that volatiles are not lost. Aqueous extracts are generally freeze-dried and stored at 20oC as this low temperature reduce the degradation of the bioactive natural product.

Natural products are the best source for diversity in chemotype for the discovery of novel therapeutics. In today’s world, the primary requirement for any drug is proper elucidation of its mechanism of action. It is essential to spectacle the mechanism of action of every drug for its judicial use. Observing the benefits of natural products in diseases like diabetes and cancer several research groups is working on elucidation of its mechanism of action.

Extraction protocols may sometimes be modified depending on the type of molecules being extracted, e.g. acids may be added to extract alkaloids as their salts [17]. SCREENING THE EXTRACT FOR BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY Once the extract has been obtained, the biological activity is usually demonstrated by in vitro bioassay method. In vitro screening methods for biological activity are generally divided into two formats; the low-throughput screening and high-throughput screening methods, depending on the

As an example, an anti-diabetic drug imparts its activity through either pancreatic action, extra- pancreatic action or both. As diabetes mellitus is the result of relative or absolute insulin deficiency, the estimation of insulin following treatment with a drug would indicate whether the drug produces blood glucose lowering effect through insulin stimulatory activity. During diabetes, insulin signalling pathways are also affected. The key change is found in insulin receptor tyrosine kinase, whose function gets significantly reduced during type 2 diabetes. The expression of several genes involved in insulin signalling pathways is

Drug Development from Natural Resource: A Systematic Approach

Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1


Fig. (2). General scheme for bioassay-guided isolation of active compounds.

also affected during diabetes. Among these, gene which expresses glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) in skeletal muscles, adipose tissue and heart is important. In diabetes, decreased expression of GLUT4 as well as attenuation in its trafficking to the plasma membrane leads to impaired glucose disposal by these tissues. STRUCTURE- FUNCTION RELATIONSHIP- PARADIGM BEHIND ACTIVITY The backbone behind biological activities of any compound lies in its molecular structure. The major obstacle in the field of natural product research is lack of complete structural characterization of purified compounds. Recent High throughput technologies combined with advanced analytical technologies have provided new path for structural characterization of natural products. Several microarrays and customized PCR arrays have simplified the identification of molecular targets for particular diseases. These arrays can be customized for specific disease. The coupling of chromatographic methods such as high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode array detection, mass spectrometry (MS) or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) or, and with, on-line bioactivity assays, is an important tool for high throughput screening of natural product mixtures. The effective use of automated procedures and databases in the isolation, identification and biological profiling of bioactive compounds from natural sources will be the best guarantee to the continued discovery of novel chemotypes from nature [20]. Structure-activity studies of these leads, preferentially combined with computer graphic model building, should result in molecules with optimal activity and bioavailability, fewer side effects and an acceptable therapeutic index and for the development to new drugs. Innovations in analytical technology have often played an important role in the progress of natural product chemistry.

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is used routinely in phytochemistry to ‘pilot’ the preparative isolation of natural products (optimisation of the experimental conditions, checking of the different fractions throughout the separation) and to control the final purity of the isolated compounds [21, 22]. The development of LC-hyphenated techniques related to this efficient separation technique in the past 20 years has provided powerful new tools such as LC/UV photodiode array detection (LC/UV-DAD) [23], LC/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) [24] and very recently LC/nuclear magnetic resonance (LC/NMR) [25]. The combination of the high separation efficiency of HPLC with these different detectors has made possible the acquisition of on-line complementary spectroscopic data on an LC peak of interest within a complex mixture. As crude plant extracts represent very complex mixtures containing up to hundreds of constituents, these new LC-hyphenated techniques have been rapidly integrated for the study of crude plant extracts [26]. In natural product chemistry, the combination of UV, MS and NMR spectroscopic data of pure constituents has often permitted their unambiguous structure determination. Other techniques such as IR or X-ray crystallography have been used less often and mainly when the other spectroscopic methods failed to give a complete structure assignment. Advancement in NMR spectroscopy has led scientists to have a better view of their compounds. Nowadays modern NMR spectroscopy performed with cryospectrometers operating at high magnetic field (up to 21.14 Tesla, i.e. 900 MHz for 1H) and capable of executing a variety of sophisticated, multipulse and multidimensional experiments. Another advancement in this field is solid state NMR. PRECLINICAL AND CLINICAL STUDIES Once novelty and structure of the lead compound have been established, large amounts of the lead compound are isolated and the decision is made as to whether the

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compound can be synthesized de novo or whether chemical modification needs to be made to enhance the biological activity. The lead compound will undergo extensive In vivo studies to establish activity, toxicity and efficacy. These studies are known as preclinical studies. After preclinical studies a drug lead enter clinical studies, it is the most extensive evaluation stage of a drug candidate during which many drug leads fail through toxicity or lack of efficacy in humans. Successful completion of these trials usually results in a product license, which means that the compound is now a drug. Given the complexity of the process described above, it is not surprising that many natural product drug leads fail to make their way onto the market. Some estimates state that only 1 in 10,000 of plant-derived drug leads may actually make their way to the market [18]. The process is also lengthy and it may take 12-15 years from the collection of the original plant material to the granting of a license for the new drug.




As discussed earlier in this minireview there are many plants and their bioactive compounds which can be utilized for human welfare. Although, around 95% of isolated compounds derived from natural sources could not reach the market as drugs. There are several serious limitations in this field:

Supplementary material is available on the publisher’s web site along with the published article.

In conclusion, natural products discovered from natural sources have provided various clinically used drugs. As drug discovery from natural sources has traditionally been so time-consuming, faster and better methodologies for bioassay screening, compound isolation, and compound development must be employed. Even with all the limitations facing drug discovery from natural products isolated from medicinal plants can be predicted to remain an essential element in the search for new medicines. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors confirm that this article content has no conflict of interest. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Declared none.


The process which leads to an active compound is very lengthy and tedious. The isolation procedure usually starts with a number of active fractions, even though the HTS is available today; it is a prolonged process to reach the bioactive component. Secondly, the bioactive compounds usually have poor yield (0.01%0.9%). This process requires huge amount of funds which are not available. Starting from the solvent costs to the cost of bioassays involved in isolation and characterization procedures, the path from nature to therapy is an expensive affair. Lack of awareness of the systematic methodology which can lead to potential drugs- However, many research groups in the world are working in the field of drug development but the knowledge regarding preliminary screening and purification still requires lots of further understanding. Difficulties faced by researchers for commercialization of compounds- Commercialization of any compound as a drug requires collaboration with pharmaceutical company whose absolute prerequisite is series of toxicological and clinical trials. Therefore, this process from natural source to drug is a long, time consuming and money requiring process.







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Failure in toxicological studies- There are different phases of toxicological studies- acute, sub-acute, chronic which require large amount of active compound and it is difficult to scale up the compound collection even after discovery of high throughput techniques.



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Received: June 22, 2014

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Revised: September 24, 2014

Accepted: December 18, 2014

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