FAWIRA Project Report Summary

May 30, 2017 | Autor: Ferrah Ali | Categoria: Algeria, Agricultural Research, Agrifood industry, SMEs and PMEs
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FAWIRA Report Summary Proje ct re fe re nce : 295088 Funde d unde r: FP7-INCO

Final Repo rt Summary - FAWIRA (Strengthening o f Fo o d, Agriculture and Water related Internatio nal Research Co o peratio n o f Algeria) Exe cutive Summary: The ove rall obje ctive of FAWIRA proje ct is the s tre ngthe ning of coope ration capacitie s for food, agriculture and wate r re late d re s e arch activitie s of INRAA in the conte xt of the Europe an Re s e arch Are a and de ve lopme nt of the Food, Agriculture and Wate r ce nte r of e xce lle nce , by facilitating its participation in Europe an and re gional collaborative re s e arch initiative s , to re s pond to Alge rian’s s ocio-e conomic ne e ds . The s pe cific obje ctive s of FAWIRA proje ct are formulate d as follows : - Analys is of ne e ds and opportunitie s in re s e arch and innovations fie lds re late d to Food, Agriculture and Wate r in Alge ria. - Build capacity and training activitie s (Human Capacitie s Building and Re s e arch Ins trume nt’s Stre ngthe ning). - Cre ate ne twork involving re s e arch ins titutions , SME’s and othe r s take holde rs . - Dis s e minate re s ults and knowle dge of the proje ct. - Ens ure proje ct s us tainability. The imple me ntation of FAWIRA proje ct has allowe d re aching a s ignificant numbe r of tangible re s ults , name ly: - Ide ntification of ne e ds and opportunitie s for re s e arch and innovation in Alge ria confe rring a gre ate r vis ibility for re s e arche rs and formulation proce s s of inte rnational proje cts for me e ting the s ocio-e conomic ne e ds of Alge ria. - Capacity building and training of re s e arche rs . - Stre ngthe ning linkage s and ne tworks involving re s e arch ins titutions , public ins titutions and SMEs (Triple he lix mode l) both at the national and re gional le ve l us ing, in the las t cas e , a «Clus te r» approach ce ntre d on re gions and te rritorie s . - The dis s e mination of proje ct re s ults and ne tworking with Europe an and inte rnational initiative s in favour of the inte rnationaliz ation of INRAA's activitie s In addition to the s e re s ults , the cons ortium has e s tablis he d appropriate conditions for the s us tainability of the proje ct, among which we can me ntion: - The de ve lopme nt of a s trate gic bus ine s s plan for INRAA. - The adaptation of the organiz ation of INRAA by cre ating an e conomic valoriz ation de partme nt of re s e arch re s ults . - Ins titutionaliz ation of «ope n days » as a s pace de vote d to the dialogue be twe e n the triple he lix's s take holde rs and as an ins trume nt for updating databas e re late d to agricultural re s e arch ne e ds and prioritie s in Alge ria. - De ve lopme nt and s ubmis s ion of ne w re s e arch proje cts (H 2020). The pote ntial impact of the s e re s ults re late to s tre ngthe ning links be twe e n the triple he lix actors in Alge ria, the de ve lopme nt and cons olidation of the Euro-Alge rian s cie ntific partne rs hips , gre ate r inte gration of re s e arche rs and INRAA in the Europe an Re s e arch Are a (ERA) and, ultimate ly, promoting e xce lle nce and capacity building of INRAA. Furthe rmore , the capacity building of INRAA, pe rforme d in FAWIRA proje ct frame work, has e ffe ctive ly contribute d to the national e ffort in re s e arch-de ve lopme nt to s upport the priority is s ue s inhe re nt to the country's food s e curity. Inde e d, the activitie s imple me nte d by the FAWIRA proje ct have contribute d to ide ntifying and launching proje cts which have s ocio-e conomic impacts in te rms of cons olidation of s us tainable de ve lopme nt, valuation of re s e arch products , promotion of innovation, e ntre pre ne urs hip de ve lopme nt and job cre ation in the are as of agriculture , food indus try and wate r re s ource s . Proje ct Conte xt and Obje ctive s : «Stre ngthe ning of Food, Agriculture and Wate r re late d Inte rnational Re s e arch Coope ration of Alge ria» (FAWIRA) is a UE funde d proje ct de dicate d to the re inforce me nt of coope ration capacitie s of the INRAA (National Ins titute of Agronomic Re s e arch of Alge ria). The ove rall obje ctive of FAWIRA proje ct is the s tre ngthe ning of coope ration capacitie s for food, agriculture and wate r re late d re s e arch activitie s of INRAA in the conte xt of the Europe an Re s e arch Are a and de ve lopme nt of the Food, Agriculture and Wate r ce nte r of e xce lle nce , by facilitating its participation in Europe an and re gional collaborative re s e arch initiative s , to re s pond to Alge rian’s s ocio-e conomic ne e ds . According to this frame work, the s pe cific obje ctive s of FAWIRA proje ct are formulate d as follows : - Analys is of ne e ds and opportunitie s in re s e arch and innovations fie lds re late d to Food, Agriculture and Wate r in

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Alge ria. - Build capacity and training activitie s (Human Capacitie s Building and Re s e arch Ins trume nt’s Stre ngthe ning). - Cre ate ne twork involving re s e arch ins titutions , SME’s and othe r s take holde rs . - Dis s e minate re s ults and knowle dge of the proje ct. - Ens ure proje ct s us tainability. Proje ct Re s ults : The activitie s de ve lope d in the frame work of FAWIRA proje ct had allowe d re aching a s ignificant numbe r of tangible re s ults . 1- Analys is of Food, Agriculture and Wate r Re s e arch Ne e ds and Opportunitie s in Alge ria. The activitie s pe rforme d during the proje ct have be e n at the origin of the : • Ide ntification of the Alge rian re s e arch and innovation prioritie s in the fie lds of food, agriculture and wate r (FAW). • Es tablis hme nt of State of the art re late d to re s e arch and te chnologie s in Alge ria in the fie ld of FAW and ide ntification of s e ctors , te chnologie s and pros pe cts to s atis fy Alge rian s ocio-e conomic ne e ds . • Cre ation of databas e re late d to re s e arch and innovation ne e ds and prioritie s that will be utiliz e d to build Euro-Alge rian proje cts . • Analys is of national policie s and curre nt S&T Coope ration in FAW in pros pe ct of s tre ngthe ning re lations hip and coope ration be twe e n Alge rian ins titutions and to cre ate a ne twork for the participation in Europe an and inte rnational re s e arch activitie s re s ponding to the ne e ds of Alge ria. • Ide ntification of comme rcial opportunitie s to be de ve lope d in the future through re s e arch and innovation activitie s de vote d to FAW. 2 - Enhance innovation. In pros pe ct to cre ate an indus try-le d food-wate r innovation clus te r with the participation of INRAA’s re s e arche rs and, in ge ne ral, to e nhance coope ration be twe e n the Alge ria and the EU, thre e “Ope n Days ” to promote link be twe e n re s e arche rs and SMEs have be e n organiz e d by the proje ct. The main re s ults achie ve d through the s e activitie s are : - The ide ntification of ne e ds , challe nge s and targe ts of the food and wate r s e ctor to e nhance innovation in Alge ria. - The e s tablis hme nt of an olive oil clus te r in Bouira re gion including re s e arche rs from INRAA, local ins titutions , and a s pe cializ e d coope rative (“Coopé rative CHOK”). - The e s tablis hme nts of a s trate gic de ve lopme nt plan for compe titive re s e arch to face the ne e ds of re gional marke t. 3 - Human capacitie s building and re s e arch ins trume nt’s s tre ngthe ning. Inte ns e activitie s re late d to capacity building have be e n pe rforme d to e nhance INRAA’s re s e arche rs capacitie s . The s e activitie s had be e n ce nte re d on organiz ation of four kinds of activitie s : • Training works hop for re s e arche rs . During the whole proje ct duration, two training s e s s ions we re organiz e d. The s e training s e s s ions we re orie nte d towards the formation of junior and s e nior re s e arche rs around the matic re late d to the FP 7 and H 2020 programs . • Organiz ation of Broke rage -e ve nts for de finition of proje ct ide as and drafting proje ct conce pt. Thre e broke rage e ve nts , organiz e d during the proje ct duration, have be e n us e d as a dialogue s pace to colle ct diffe re nt conce pt ide as and ne e ds from SMEs , public adminis trations and re s e arch ce nte rs . The s e broke rage me e tings have allowe d e s tablis hing a lis t of proje cts and proje ct ide as (25 in total). Some of the s e proje cts have alre ady re ache d an advance d maturation proce s s . The maturation and ide ntification proce s s of proje cts , as we ll as the ide ntification of partne rs that will be involve d in propos als , will continue through the «Ope n days » that will be ins titutionaliz e d by INRAA as a frame work for dialogue and cons ultation with triple he lix actors . • Coaching s e s s ions on propos al making and proje ct manage me nt. Imple me nte d s ince of the be ginning of the proje ct, the coaching proce s s was bas e d on two «face -to-face » coaching s e s s ions , s upple me nte d by an e le ctronic s upport provide d to re s e arche rs be twe e n the two s e s s ions . Thirty-five (35) re s e arche rs re ce ive d individual coaching s ince the s tarting of the proje ct. Re s e arche rs coache d and e ngaging in the formulation of conce pt-note s as we ll as in H2020 proje cts have be e n and will be s ys te matically monitore d by the cons ortium and INRAA. Some of the s e re s e arche rs have be e n alre ady involve d in FP7 proje cts (CINEA Proje ct), while othe rs are e ithe r at the s tage of finaliz ing the ir H2020 proje ct propos als (Submis s ion s tage re ache d) or at the be ginning of maturation proce s s of the ir proje cts ide as . Holde rs of the s e proje cts have participate d in a s tudy trip in Europe (Italy) to de ve lop the ir proje cts and improve the ir proje ct formulation capacity. We note , more ove r, that the be s t conce pt note s we re s e le cte d to be the s ubje ct of a s pe cial communication during the final confe re nce of FAWIRA proje ct. • Se tting up a ne w laboratory de dicate d to Agrifood te chnology. A ne w Agrifood te chnology laboratory has be e n e s tablis he d at INRAA le ve l. The s e tting up of laboratory was s upporte d by a training program including a te chnological training provide d by proje ct partne rs and a s pe cific training has be e n imple me nte d to he lp te chnicians and re s e arche rs to calibrate and mas te r the available e quipme nt. Expe rts that have be e n s ubcontracte d carrie d out the las t. 4- Strate gic planning and s tre ngthe ning of INRAA. A bus ine s s plan for inte gration, inte rnationaliz ation and e xpans ion of INRAA’s activitie s has be e n de ve lope d. It mainly include s re s ults de rive d from: - Analys is of INRAA’s s pe cific ne e ds for re s e arch, training and mobility/ne tworking in re lation to pre s e nt tre nds in the Food, Agriculture and Wate r s e ctor. - An in de pth analys is of the e nvironme nt in which INRAA is e mbe dde d (Thre ats and opportunitie s ). - Strate gic activitie s in the re fe re nce are a and actions ne e de d for improving vis ibility and cre ating e ffe ctive ne tworks ; P a ge 2 o f 6 Research and Innovation

- Re s ource s ne e de d for upgrading e xis ting human capabilitie s and the te chnical infras tructure and e quipme nt and the re late d le ve l of pote ntial inve s tme nt. 5- Ne tworking activitie s . Se ve ral activitie s have be e n e xe cute d to e ns ure ne tworking activitie s with othe r re le vant EU initiative s . Inde e d, the FAWIRA cons ortium participate d in ne arly 43 national and inte rnational e ve nts cove ring a wide s pe ctrum of activitie s including in particular: - Ne tworking activitie s and e xchange s with EU funde d proje cts (CINEA, EARN, MEDSPRING, FP4BATIW, MOICT). - Participation in Euro-Me dite rrane an and Europe an confe re nce s organiz e d around is s ue s re late d to wate r and e nvironme nt. Finally, the proje ct had be e n clos e d by a final confe re nce he ld at INRAA he adquarte rs on 27 Nove mbe r 2014. This confe re nce was an opportunity to pre s e nt outcome s of the proje ct and was atte nde d by all actors that have be e n involve d in the imple me ntation of proje ct activitie s s ince its ince ption (SMEs , re s e arch ce nte rs , unive rs itie s , public ins titutions ). This confe re nce was e nhance d by the active participation of the s e nior officials from Alge rian Minis try of Agriculture and s cie ntific re s e arch and EU de le gation. Pote ntial Impact: 1- Pote ntial impact (including the s ocio-e conomic impact and the wide r s ocie tal implications of the proje ct s o far). The pote ntial impact of the proje ct re late s to s tre ngthe ning links be twe e n the triple he lix actors (Re s e arch, SMEs , Public ins titutions ) in Alge ria, the de ve lopme nt and cons olidation of the Euro-Alge rian s cie ntific partne rs hips , gre ate r inte gration of re s e arche rs and INRAA in the Europe an Re s e arch Are a (ERA) and, ultimate ly, promoting e xce lle nce and capacity building of INRAA. 1.1 - Stre ngthe ning linkage s be twe e n s take holde rs of the triple he lix in Alge ria. The firs t e xpe cte d impact is the cons olidation of re lations and coope ration be twe e n public and private actors of the triple he lix in Alge ria and the cre ation of a favorable e nvironme nt for gre ate r participation in inte rnational re s e arch activitie s (H2020 and othe r inte rnational and Europe an programs ) in the fie ld of agriculture , agrifood and wate r. In this s e ns e , the FAWIRA proje ct has allowe d to organiz e and de ve lop re lations hips with me ntione d actors through s e ve ral ne tworking activitie s . Be s ide s the cre ation of an innovative clus te r de dicate d to olive oil in the «Bouira» re gion, ins titutional actors (ANVREDET, ONID), e conomic companie s («Coope rative CHOK», «Inoculum Plus », «EURL Agrilab», «ASGARD») as we ll as re s e arch ce nte rs (UTSHB, USTO, ENP, EPAU) have be e n as s ociate d in all proje ct activitie s . Some of the s e actors have be e n e mbe dde d in UE funde d proje cts (CINEA Proje ct) or in ne w cons ortia forme d to s ubmit ne w H2020 proje cts . This tre nd will be re inforce d by the ins titutionaliz ation of INRAA's "ope n days " and the launch of proje ct portfolios ide ntifie d by the FAWIRA cons ortium. 1.2 - De ve lopme nt and cons olidation of the Euro-Alge rian-s cie ntific partne rs hips . The de ve lopme nt and s tre ngthe ning s cie ntific partne rs hips be twe e n national s take holde rs and EU partne rs have be e n, without any doubt, one of the e xpe cte d impacts of FAWIRA proje ct whos e e fforts have be e n focus e d on the pros pe ct of building collaborative ne tworks be twe e n the two partie s by s tre ngthe ning contacts involving INRAA and othe r Europe an re s e arch organiz ations to de ve lop joint or collaborative re s e arch proje cts . To this e nd, as part of activitie s imple me nte d during the whole proje ct duration, in particular through ne tworking activitie s and participation in re s e arch propos als , INRAA was able to de ve lop a ne twork of partne rs made up of 70 Europe an partne rs and 44 national organiz ations (Se e de tails in Appe ndix) incorporating both re s e arch ce nte rs , SMEs and public ins titutions . The s e ne tworks have e nable d the INRAA and othe r Alge rian ins titutions (ANVREDET, ITAFV, UFC, USTO ... e tc.) to inte grate cons ortia and de ve lop re s e arch propos als , drive n by Europe an countrie s , in H2020 frame work. The de ve lopme nt of RTD proje cts , ide ntifie d by the FAWIRA cons ortium, is an e vide nt pros pe ct for the cons olidation of the s e partne rs hips to s upport the re le vant common s ocio-e conomic proble ms for both partie s like is s ue s re late d to food s afe ty, adaptation to climate change , manage me nt of natural re s ource s and agro-biodive rs ity, wate r manage me nt, the de ve lopme nt of the innovation capacitie s of agrifood e nte rpris e s , the de ve lopme nt of te rritorial agrifood chains (Olive Oil, Date s , Organic re s ource s ), the promotion of s ocial farming, the de ve lopme nt and promotion of the s mall family farms . 1.3 - Furthe r inte gration of re s e arche rs and INRA in the Europe an Re s e arch Are a The de ve lopme nt of the above me ntione d ne tworks will e ns ure inte gration of the Alge rian re s e arche rs community into the Europe an Re s e arch Are a (ERA) and improve the ir pe rformance to me e t national and re gional s ocio-e conomic ne e ds . In particular, gre ate r participation of INRAA and national partne rs in H2020 programs and the ir inte gration into inte rnational RTD ne tworks is e xpe cte d. Improving the compe titive ne s s of re s e arche rs and progre s s in the ir care e rs count, als o, among the mos t important be ne fits of the proje ct. 1-4 - Exce lle nce and capacity building of INRAA Pave the way to the e s tablis hme nt of the firs t foundations of INRAA, in the dire ction of the e xce lle nce of this re s e arch ins titution, is an unde niable impact of FAWIRA Proje ct. This e ffort in vie w of the e me rge nce of an inte rnational ce nte r of e xce lle nce , mobiliz e d to s upport s ocio-e conomic ne e ds of Alge ria, will continue through proje cts curre ntly in maturation. This re quire me nt is cle arly re fle cte d in the s trate gic "Bus ine s s Plan" de ve lope d by the FAWIRA proje ct. P a ge 3 o f 6 Research and Innovation

1.5 - Socio-e conomic impacts The capacity building of INRAA, pe rforme d in the FAWIRA proje ct frame work, will e ffe ctive ly contribute to the national e ffort in re s e arch-de ve lopme nt to s upport the priority is s ue s inhe re nt to the country's food s e curity. Furthe rmore , the activitie s imple me nte d by the FAWIRA proje ct have contribute d to ide ntifying and launching proje cts which have s ocio-e conomic impacts in te rms of cons olidation of s us tainable de ve lopme nt, valuation of re s e arch products , promotion of innovation, e ntre pre ne urs hip de ve lopme nt and job cre ation in the are as of agriculture , food indus try and wate r re s ource s . 2- Dis s e mination activitie s Se ve ral activitie s have be e n e xe cute d to e ns ure dis s e mination of information re late d to proje ct activitie s . Since it’s launching, the FAWIRA proje ct was s upporte d by a large me diatiz ation and dis s e mination proce s s to inform s take holde rs and involve the triple he lix actors (SMEs , re s e arche rs , public ins titutions ). The communication via Inte rne t was de ve lope d through imple me ntation of an online we bs ite and a forum de dicate d to Innovation and triple he lix actors communication: • Official We bs ite of the proje ct: http://www.fawira-proje ct.e u/ • Forum Link: http://www.fawira-proje ct.e u/blog/ On the othe r hand, in orde r to incre as e the vis ibility of proje ct activitie s and inte grate civil s ocie ty actors , all mos t important s ocial ne tworks (Face book, Twitte r, Slide Share , YouTube ...e tc.) have be e n mobiliz e d by the FAWIRA cons ortium. All the s e communication tools have be e n and will be mobiliz e d in the future to de al with triple he lix actors , e s pe cially civil s ocie ty and marke t force s , and to give a gre at he aring to the INRAA's activitie s . Furthe rmore , the activitie s de ve lope d s ince the launch of the proje ct have be e n s ubje ct to e xte ns ive me dia cove rage through both writte n pre s s and broadcas t me dia. This was particularly the cas e for ope n days , broke rage -e ve nts and the final confe re nce . Thus , no le s s than 17 daily ne ws pape rs , in Arabic and Fre nch language s , and thre e te le vis ion channe ls have provide d cove rage of the activitie s of FAWIRA proje ct s ince its ince ption. Lis t of We bs ite s : Re le vant contacts during the imple me ntation of the proje ct: Minis tè re de l’indus trie e t de la promotion de s inve s tis s e me nts (Dire ction de la Wilaya de Blida) Mme Baya Hariouk. Mail : [email protected] Minis tè re de l’Agriculture e t du Dé ve loppe me nt Rural (MADR) Mme Hamana Korichi. Mail : likidz @yahoo.fr Mr. Skande r Me ke rs i. Mail: s me ke rs [email protected] Dire ction de la Re che rche Scie ntifique e t du Dé ve loppe me nt te chnologique (DGRSDT/Minis tè re de l’Ens e igne me nt Supé rie ur e t de la Re che rche Scie ntifique , MESRS) Mme Fe rial Souami. Mail: fe rye l.s ouami@nas r-dz .org Mr. Be lkada Rachid. Mail : ras he e d.dgrs [email protected] Age nce Nationale de Soutie n à l’Emploi de s Je une s (ANSEJ) Mr. Bouz ar. Mail: ds .ans e [email protected] Mme Kadri Nawe l. Email : nawe [email protected] Age nce Nationale de la Valoris ation de la Re che rche e t du dé ve loppe me nt te chnologique (ANVREDET) Pr. Halliche Dalila. Mail : dhalliche @yahoo.fr Mr. Fragua Rabah. Mail [email protected] Bure au National de s Etude s pour le Dé ve loppe me nt Rural (BNEDER) Mr. Salah Be y Aboud. Mail: bne de [email protected] Ce ntre de dé ve loppe me nt de s é ne rgie s re nouve lable s (CDER) Mlle Az iz a Madjda. Mail : m.az iz a@cde r.dz Ce ntre National Re che rche e t Dé ve loppe me nt de la pê che e t de l'aquaculture (CNRDPA) Mme Hidour Ime ne . Mail : [email protected] Ce ntre de Re che rche e n Economie Appliqué e pour le Dé ve loppe me nt (CREAD) Mr. Laz re g M. Mail: laz re g.me s s [email protected] Ecole Nationale Polyte chnique (ENP) Pr. Stihi Mohame d. Mail: omar.s [email protected] np.e dn.dz Pr. Mamme ri Nabil. Mail: nabil.me me [email protected] Ecole National Supé rie ure Agronomique (ENSA) Pr. Kaddour Ets ouri. Mail : e ts [email protected] Dr. Ché rif Omari. Mail : c.omari@e ns a.dz Dr. Be nchabane . Mail : obe nchabane [email protected] Dr. Khe lifi Lakhdar. Mail : l.khe lifi@e ns a.dz P a ge 4 o f 6 Research and Innovation

Dr. Amiali Male k. Mail: m.amiali@e ns a.dz Ins titut National de s Statis tique s e t de Planification (INPS) Dr. Kaci Mohamme d. Mail : kacime d_inps @yahoo.fr Ins titut Supé rie ur de la Ge s tion e t de Planification (ISGP) Dr. Mokhtar Be ne bde latif. Mail: mbe nabde [email protected] Ins titut National de la Proprié té Indus trie lle (INAPI) Mr. M. A. Hadjouti. Mail: bre ve ts @inapi.dz EARN Proje ct (UE funde d Proje ct) Dr Sife ddine labe d. Mail: s ife ddine .labe d@nas r-dz .org CINEA Proje ct (UE funde d Proje ct) Dr. Andre a Loe s ch (Coordinator). Mail: a.loe s [email protected] MIRA Proje ct (UE funde d Proje ct) Dr. Raphae l Rodrigue z . Mail: [email protected] ic.e s FP4BATIW Proje ct (UE funde d Proje ct) Dr. Nicola Tucci. Mail: nicola.tucci@mail2we b.com Join Re s e arch Ce nte r (JRC) Dr. Olivie r Lé o. Mail: olivie r.le [email protected] c.e uropa.e u INNOVABIC Dr. Albe rto Soraci. Mail: a.s [email protected] Ce ntre National de la re che rche Scie ntifique (CNRS) Dr. Be noit Darde le t. Mail: Be noit.DARDELET@cnrs .fr Fondation FilaHa Innov Dr. Nouad Mohand Amokrane . Mail: [email protected] Ins titut National de s Sols , de l'Irrigation e t du Drainage (INSID) Mme Bougrida O. Mail : ouardaros e [email protected] Mme Alle l Karima Mail: alle [email protected] Ins titut Te chnique de s Grande s Culture s (ITGC) Mme . Madani Manis s a. Mail : monis s [email protected] Office National de l'Irrigation e t du Drainage (ONID) Mr. Talaboulma R Unive rs ité de s Scie nce s e t de la Te chnologie d'Oran (USTO) Dr. Kace m Mourad. Mail : kace [email protected] Unive rs ité Mouloud Mamme ri Tiz i Ouz ou Mr. Sife r Kame l. Mail : kamal_s ife [email protected] EPAU / ASGARD Proje ct Mlle Dahmani Souhia. Mail : s [email protected] Mr. Boutaouche Ous s ama Mr. Bouroubi Salah Aquas afe Srl Mlle Male k Ime ne . Mail: mlkmn@live .fr EURL AGriLab Dr. Acourè ne Said. Mail : [email protected] SONATRACH/SNTR Dr. Baaz iz Abde lkade r. Mail: kbaaz iz @gmail.com As s ociation de s Ele ve urs Producte urs de Lait de Dar El Be ida, Alge ria Mr. Alouni A. Mail. AEBL_alge [email protected] SAIDAL P a ge 5 o f 6 Research and Innovation

Dr. Hace ne Is mail. Mail: hace ne [email protected] SIFAT Mme Yaz i Karima. Mail: s ifats [email protected] Mutue lle de la Datte Mr. Dje nnane Ammar. Mail : ammardje nnane @gmail.com AfriDatte s Mr. Khire dine El Mouaaz ISO Inte rnational Mr. Aboudaou Male k. Mail: mapgdz @yahoo.fr Ele ctronic Solutions Mr. Amaini Rafik. Mail: e le ctronique s [email protected] Mr. Dje ba Toufik. Mail: e le ctronique s [email protected] Mr. Elbe rke nnou H.A. Mail: e le ctronique s [email protected] BIOVERFORT Mr. Abde s lam Lakhdar. Mail: [email protected] CEVIAGRO (Company) Mme Bous s ad Fariz a. Mail : fariz abous s ad@ce viagro.com Coopé rative Huile d’Olive de Kaylie (CHOK) Mr. Rahal Abde lkrim. Mail : [email protected] Public Proje ct we bs ite adre s s : http://www.fawira-proje ct.e u

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Subjects Re gional De ve lopme nt Last updat ed o n 2016-07-13 Ret rieved o n 2016-09-11 Permalink: http://cordis .e uropa.e u/re s ult/rcn/186842_e n.html © Europe an Union, 2016

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