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Improving Primary Students' Vocabulary Mastery Using Total Physical Response
Samsul Khabib
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
Five Paragraphs Essay
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in teaching English using Total Physical Response. This methode was originally developed by Dr. James J. Asher with the pioner research in the past 50 years ( The activities which are done in this method tend to give students experience more than a concept. The experience involves the physical movement which is very suitable to the students' characteristic, esepcially students in a primary class when they learn vocabulary with its aspects.
Children, in learning their first language, appear to do a lot of listening before they speak, and their listening is accompanied by pysical responses (reaching, grabbing, moving, looking, and so forth) (Brown, 2007). Being seen from the characteristic, Total Physical Response, however, will work more evectively with the young learners. Coomands were an easy way to get learners to move about and to loosen up: "Open the window," Close the door," "Stand up," "Sit down," and so on (Brown, 2007). The use of Total Physical Response has been seen to be very benefetial. Many succesful successful communicative, interactive classrooms utilize Total Physical Response activities to provide both auditory input and physical activity (Brown, 2007).
In additional, it is shown that learning a second language takes almost the same place like learning a first language. Meanwhile, children learn a second language with their own characteristics which seems to be different from adults do. As the child matures into adulthood, some would maintain, the left hemisphere (which controls the analytical and intelectual functions) becomes more dominant then the right hemisphere (which controls the emotional functions) (Brown, 2007). Furthermore, primary students belong to the children learner with their unique characteristis in learning. They tend to learn in very fun way, such as playing games that use body language, facial expression, and so on.
It is becoming increasingly to ignore the important of vocabulary in learning a new language. In the literature of English language teaching and learning a recurring theme has been the neglect of vocabulary. This neglect sits uncomfortably with the significance place on vocabulary learning by learners themselves (Hedge, 2000). Vocabulary takes a very significance place for students success in learning language. There are some aspect that teacher should be aware when they teach vocabulary. Hedge (2000) demonstrate to look at two aspects of meaning (the meaning and the world to which word refer and the relations that exist among words). Words not only have sequential relationships, but exist in complex relationship with other words in the language in a network of meanings. Thus, why learning vocabulary has significantly been very important.
In general, therefore, it seems that knowing children needs while they learn a language becomes one of the ways to overcome the problems that will appear during the teaching and learning process. However, Total Physical Response provides techniques that children (students of primary school) need in learning language, especially learning vocabulary.
Brown, H. D. (2007). Principle in language teaching and learning. New York: Pearson Longman.
Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. New york: Oxford University Press.
Improving Primary Students' Vocabulary Mastery Using Total Physical Response 4
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