July 28, 2017 | Autor: J. do Nascimento ... | Categoria: Higher Education, Public Policy
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ISSN : 2278 – 859X

A Peer Reviewed International Journal of Asian Academic Research Associates



Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Acre - Brazil 2 Federal University of Amazonas –Brazil

ABSTRACT This article discusses the process of expansion and repurposing of technical schools in Brazil. The study shows that recent changes in the technical and technological bring in its wake the expansion of public higher education reform, already foreseen in the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases - LDB Nº 9394/96, to de-focusing the debate on restructuring university public Brazilian. However, to accomplish this process the government created a new type of institution Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (IFETs) with the same prerogatives of universities, technical schools of basic education, college education and technological centers and units training for youth and adults. We conclude that the expansion of higher education for IFETs and the flexibility of the institutional model is part of the cognitive reorganization of the workforce crumbles worker training.

Key words: Reform of technical education, institutional Hybridization, public policy.

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Introduction Every public policy is a form of intervention in reality, is a rational and directional shape is cumulative and random. Fit into a historical space and time and are linked to the action of the State and Civil Society in a divergent interests that delineate the temporal relationship of forces.

So, reforming an educational system of a country is important because it is processed through all desired changes in the world of work, productive organization and ideological turning point - a cultural societal project that intends to assume, therefore, the reforms in education in Brazil has never been so acute as in the 1990s. In this period, we had structural reforms at all levels of education, culminating in a path of no return that - by gradual and cumulative policies - would transform the futures scenarios of our educational system, putting once in the list of changes required by the neoliberal regime.

In this sense, we will discuss the policies of the Brazilian technical education having as temporal clipping the years 1994 to 2011. It aims to explain the recent changes to the technical and technological bring the baggage of the expansionary reform of public higher education, as expected the Law of Guidelines and Bases (LDB) Nº 9394/96i, for defocusing the debate on restructuring the Brazilian public university.

The work is divided into five sections, including this introductory character, the second presents the methodology and the third shows how the reforms were advancing technical education since 1990. On fourth, we discuss how the reform of technical and technological network implemented by the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is linked to two processes: the reconstruction of the vocational education system through policies and cumulative process of expansion of the built-in IFETs goals of public higher education and ultimately concludes that this new institutional translates as the expansion of the new university system serving the capital guidelines and agreements of international organizations. Methodology The historical materialist dialectical method is, supported by the bibliography search. Therefore, we believe that education policy is built on constant relations of groups, classes and interests forces. Is necessary to understand the context of reality to learn the whole, because the deeper knowledge of educational policy is given as. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 125





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[…] a process of concretization that proceed from the whole to the parts and the parts to the whole, for the essence of phenomena and of the essence of the phenomena, the totality for the contradictions and contradictions to the totality; correlations and exactly in this spiral process where all the concepts come into reciprocal motion and mutually elucidate. (Kosik, 1976, p. 41) We also understand that the historical materialist method not open to neutrality. It is both theoretical and practical in search of transforming reality. Therefore, the present work is also part of our practice as educators in Federal Education Institute of Acre and the Federal University of Amazonas, in the effort to understand the object to transform it.

The steps were: 1) compile the legal texts of the educational reform of the Brazilian technical education since 1990; 2) reading of theoretical frameworks that address the reform of superior education in Brazil; 3) analysis of the legislative provisions of vocational education based on the categories of the method, and the analytical axis Content Analysis of Bardin (2001). In the proposed Bardin (2001, p.46) the purpose "of content analysis is the manipulation of the message (content and expressions of that content) to highlight the indicators that allow inferences about another reality than the message."

For better understanding, interpretation, analysis and evaluation of the studied object categories were defined. These arise from the proper historicity of the problem and the relationships that it has with the social, productive and cultural life of men. In this sense the categories addressed in the paper are: hybridization / flexibility and expansion / regionalization.

From the exploratory reading of the reality studied, we perceive that the flexibility category began to colonize the educational facilities in the late 1950s, and was linked to the neoliberal discourse of reorganization of work, the means of production and the company. In 1960, this category becomes part of the Brazilian educational discourse in the university reform of 1968, which proposed the flexibility of courses and curricula for short degree courses. However, in the current historical moment, this flexibility introduces as "institutional" hybridization of the proposed Federal Education Institute, Science and Technology (IFETs) "pluricurriculars". Hybridization is, in this understanding, the expansion of higher education through the invention of a new institutional framework (IFETs) institutions that are hybrid,

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thus they are the same prerogatives institutes with universities, technical schools and universities of technology education, and units formations for youth and adults.

The expansion / regionalization is understood as a category also be a feature of capital expands and concentrated to multiply. Means expansion by spatial / regionalization of capital in designing Harvey (2004). The expansion is inherent to cognitive reorganization of the workforce and IFETs when establishing a network with mission multicampi expansion, opening two issues that must be considered: territoriality and endogenous development from local productive arrangements (APLs).

The item I of article 6 of Law 11.892 / 08, asserts that the purpose of the institute is collaborating to local, regional and national development. In this context, the law imposes a territory for IFETs. The theory of endogenous development, which includes the new institution, is the understanding that it is possible to produce development from the bottom up, beginning with the strengthening of local capabilities, in order to strengthen and upgrade the internal structures of a region. Relies on the assumptions of production: capital, human capital, knowledge and research to create social and economic conditions for new productive activities (Freitas & Araújo, 2011). In other words:

The categories in the knowledge construction process, thus expressing more general elements that lead the researcher to the proper formulation of the reality searched. The categories are, above all, historical because they are related to the degree of development of the knowledge that its constituent elements are linked. The functions of the categories are, therefore, methodological, in that it operates a movement of knowledge of the unknown (Noronha, 2002, p.18) They are part of the method and of the understanding of reality studied. It is noteworthy that the totality, contradiction and history classes are part of the itinerary of the object of interpretation.

1. The reforms in the organization of the Technical Education and Technology from 1990 Where capitalism reproductive crises he faces incumbent on the State the task of "help" reorganize new forms of accumulation and relaxation of capital. In the 1980s, the global Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 127





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capitalist system faced a crisis of financialization, the result of organic and conjectural crisis previously installed, marked by the famous May 1968, which resulted in several changes including the gold-dollar standard, the Washington Consensus and the neoliberalism. Thus, the 1990s, in Brazil, is marked by the beginning of the process of production reconstruction, economic openness, the reorganization of the educational system and labor. Here, it is understood: The restructuring of process included the development of a historical process that, given the need to reproduce a given social model needs to "revolutionize" permanently your forms of intervention and control over the work and workers (Hotz & Zanardini, 2009, p .132.). The productive reorganization comes from the proper crisis of the capitalist system installed in the central and periphery countries since 1980. In Brazil, these standards do not end up being processed in its entirety, as highlighted by Castelo (2013, p.243): Brazil in front of a complex national framework of class struggle, in which the left led by the Labor Party in the 1980s - formed a block of efficient resistance, the neoliberalism can only be established in the late 1990s with the appointment of sectors social Democracy (PSDB), aided by conservative (then PFL today DEM) and even by former Communists (PPS). Then, the neoliberal State in Brazil in 1990 was structured to ensure the hegemony of finance capital market and through restructuring of public priorities, with the intent to favor areas of high financial returns rather than social areas such as education, welfare and health . In other pole, which served to those areas covered by the constitutional rights become fields of economic return for the financialization of education, welfare, security, infrastructure, health services, etc. And, justified by the necessity of a minimal state, transferred all the subject of public goods for private profit.

In the field of work, reorganization, required a new type of worker employability and submitted to the competence. The employee shall be connected to an individual's capacity to constantly adapt to changing jobs. The idea sold by big business is that there are not jobs crisis, but the crisis proper training for new jobs. Thus, it requires the reform of the educational system to provide:

[...] Education or acquisition (consumption) of new knowledge, competences and credentials that entitles the individual to the competition in an increasingly tight Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 128





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labor market, thus not ensuring their full (and ongoing) to systemic integration the modern life. Anyway, the mere possession of new qualifications does not guarantee to the individual a job in the working world (Alves, 2007, p. 7). These changes in the educational system are now championed by UNESCO, financed by the World Bank began to organize important conferences like signs: Jomtien (1990), New Delhi (1993), EFA-9 Summit (1993), defining the conditions and directions to be followed by education.

These agreements have opened up space for cooperation and financing of educational systems and the most populous developing countries, in order to better prepare human resources for the next phase of expansion of production and capital. Castelo (2013) classifies this moment (1986-1995) as the third phase of the scheme financialized accumulation that consisted of the incorporation of the called emerging financial globalization and the consolidation of the Washington Consensus markets.

In 1993 and 1994, then President Itamar Franco, realizes two changes that affected every technical education. Through by Law Nº 8,948 / 1994 established the National System of Technological Education turning into Federal Center of Technological Education - CEFET, all Federal Technical Schools. Moreover, made an important "recommendations for reform" through the Ten Year Plan for Education (1993-2003). Pires (2006), commenting on the impact of this transformation, imposed by law 8.948 / 94 mention that: After the approval of Law 8.948 / 94, gave up the "start" to what Guimarães (1996) calls CEFET Project. [...] "The new elements that found the policies for the sector from the 1980s, departing from understanding the strategic role of technology education in the economic development of the country" (p. 70). In this sense, she says, "technology education is seen by mentors Project and the administration of the sector, as the national integration factor" (p. 71) and, consequently, for the expansion of technical education, it was necessary to transform the technical schools in CEFETs. According to Guimarães (1996), the CEFET Project, by their reasoning, becomes the backbone of training in Brazil, because it ensures the integration and vertical integration of education at different levels (Pires, 2006, p. 01-02). Observe that transpires part of the cumulative tone of educational policies that begin to deploy in Brazil, which would consolidate the changes incorporated by LDB 9394/96, approved in the first term of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) and accomplish in the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to meet the capital reorganization and consolidation cognitive Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 129





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reorganization of the labor force as a basis for the development of regions, like teaching yourself to "the destitute of fortune" were able to break the cycle of poverty in the regions.

In this way, the educational reforms of technical education produced by the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDB 9394/96) reaffirmed intentional wingspans of an education focused exclusively on the market. Article 39 pronounced: "The vocational education, integrated different forms of education, labor, science and technology, leading to the continuous development of skills for a productive life." Moreover, its items were put aside for training and retraining of worker with no schooling to the labor market. Changes required by international organizations in education are apparent in the most effective way decrees that reorganize the urgent training of workers for the market and the beginning of the universalization of basic education, which even today is made with immeasurable intra-regional inequalities. Decree 2,208 / 97, FHC, has as objectives: Promoting the transition between school and the working world, empowering youth and adults with knowledge and skills to general and specific exercise of productive activities; II. Provide training professionals, able to exert specific activities at work, with the corresponding average levels, higher and post - graduate education; III. Specialize, improve and actualize their technological knowledge worker; IV. Qualify, and actualize reprofissionalizar young and adult workers with no education, aiming at their inclusion in the exercise and performance of the work (our emphasis) In the decree appears, lines and lines, concepts defined by neoliberal ideology, which are skill / competency, flexibility, specialization, retraining, re-profissionalization. These concepts are present also in the guidelines of multilateral organizations through pedagogies known skills, projects, learning to learn. Ciavatta and Ramos (2011), commenting on the decree, highlight that: In the case of professional education be dissociated from high school by virtue of Decree No. 2,208 / 97, the National Curriculum Guidelines preached as a repeated teaching, curricula based on competencies, as described in work situations expected behaviors. As much as it has been argued on the need to develop flexible skills that prescription has not escaped a conductive approach of human behavior and functionalist society, reproducing itself operating objectives consistent with the teaching Fordist-Taylorist production standards. It is worth noting the fact that professional education, this reform be restated as for the teaching and working class alternative to the higher level. The ideology of accountability sustained employability of workers themselves by unemployment, with the qualification and retraining were considered means of access to occupational sectors, prevailing for Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 130





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most workers, the periphery of the production sphere that dominates both the logic taylorista - Fordist precarious employment ( p.30). Changes to policies FHC technical education in Brazil are directly targeted to given the economic pragmatism, the ideology is a quick detached from a humanistic education and polytechnic education with a view to possible employment. It is the formation of the "reserve army" to serve existing occupational sectors even though these are precarious or nonexistent. In the FHC government (1995-2002) all changes to effect the Washington Consensus process of educational reform to privatization of all public services likely to profit by the private sector. Neoliberal reforms proposed by FHC and effect have almost consensus in society through the Real Plan which prints "magical air of change", the fictional economic growth overall, because ultimately only deepen the wounds of social inequality. In summary, we agree with Frigotto that: The unfinished transition of the 1980s and subordinated to the Washington Consensus from the Collor government but realized, especially in the eight years of President Fernando H. Cardoso, deepened the moat of a society raised by inequality and feeds it. It´s defined, named "Cardoso was" the clash of forces that crossed the twentieth century and made explicit in the metaphor of the pendulum used by Ianni (1966) the forces that lined the perspective of a capitalist society to associated and dependent centers hegemonic capital of the world and that postulated an autonomous and relationships decline of sovereignty without national development. (Frigotto, 2007, p.06) The changes were caused by FHC plus. The law Nº 9.649 / 98 removed the responsibility to create and maintain new technical schools from the federal government and transferred to states and municipalities. Fulfilling in part the reduction in expenses of the restructuring of the State of Bresser Pereira. Was established in art.47: § 5. The expansion of vocational education by creating new teaching units from the Union, can only occur in partnership with states, municipalities, Federal District, the productive sector or non-governmental organizations, which are responsible for maintaining and management of new schools. So that we have a stagnation of these policies and actions of federal states ended up bumping the difficulty of maintaining these schools. However, there is an incentive to the S System, both state and federal (eg: SESI, SENAI, SENAT, FIESP). This translates FHC government's plan to try to convince society about the failure of the public system to match the high standards of education required by the market. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 131





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In the first term of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, emphasizes Otranto (2012) by which the decree Decree nº. 5,225 / 2004, CEFETs attain the status of universities. This process of granting autonomy CEFETs the same parameters of the universities, which seems here as a novelty is actually the continuation of politics by accumulation, which will guide the creation of CEFETs and Institutes (which we comment below), provided the LDB Article 39 which read: "Provide training professionals, able to exert specific activities at work, with the corresponding average levels, higher and postgraduate education" and attends the university restructuring process required by international bodies. Castelo says that in the period 2003-2007: Taking advantage of the opportunities generated by the new international division of labor, the peripheral countries refocused their productive efforts in their natural comparative advantages, eg, the production of primary goods with lower costs. In concrete terms, dismantled its incipient industrial parks and repressed its productive structure, exporting goods from the primary sector of the economy- food, minerals and energy inputs - at low cost thanks to the exploitation of the labor force (Castelo, 2013 p.205). This makes Brazil a good economic times and even keeping fiscal policy inherited from FHC, unemployment rates fall to an average of 7%. In addition, the Lula government begins a series of structural reforms in teaching. Decree 5,154 / 2004 pointed to the integration of vocational education in high school.

However, the most cyclical reform of the Lula government was expressed in the Development Plan of Education - PDE (BRAZIL, 2007). In professional education assume new shapes and kick. The first aspect of what is called in this paper the integration / expansion regionalization is the intertwining development versus education versus territory. Take up the theory of endogenous development, as the state could contribute to effect development in remote regions with identified clusters. The PDE highlights: A network with 354 units can not maintain the characteristics of the previous period. The maturity of the federal network of professional and technological education and the scale and dispersion of units for all mesoregions the country require a new operational model, which involves the development of a bold political-pedagogical project, verticality providing vocational education and teaching, pleading with regular education, increasing educational level of the worker, interaction with the world of work and sciences and support to public school (Brazil, 2007, p.33). (our emphasis) Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 132





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The second aspect of reform PDE is treated in the integrated high school, which had been handled by the Lula government in decree 5,154 / 2004, however both the PDE as the aforementioned decree does not meet the principles advocated by the critics (Ciavatta & Ramos, 2011; Frigotto, 2007), a comprehensive and polytechnic education. Appears a change in vision science and education, as shown elsewhere institutional transformation designed by the government, according to the PDE:

The IFET should become a center of excellence in the provision of science education, focused on empirical research; qualify as a referral center to support the provision of science education in public schools; offer special programs for initial and continuing teacher training, with a view to training teachers for basic education, particularly in the areas of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics, according to the demands of local and regional context, and offer outreach programs giving priority scientific dissemination (Brazil, 2007, p.31). In addition, the fabric of the text of Law Nº. 11,892 / 2008 (Law creating the Federal Institutes), brings of the old ways of understanding the professional education "are educational institutions (...) specialized in offering EPT "(Brazil, 2008). This replicates what was already at the heart of Decree Nº. 5224/2004: "The CEFET are institutions specialized in the provision of technology education at different levels and types of education, with priority action in the technological area. (Art.1º) and 5773/2006 "§ 1 The CEFET are pluricurriculars higher education institutions specialized in the provision of technology education at different levels and types of education, characterized by the priority actions in the area of technology (Art. 77)".

In an historical analysis, we realize that professional education and technology (EPT) was defined as a mode of education in Law No. 10,172 / 2001, FHC. This demonstrates that: The contradictions of the Lula government in relation to EPT, however, soon appeared, and even "workers' government" he has used the structure of the state to meet the demands of capitalist forces, as was the case for maintaining certain assumptions Decree in 2208/1997 that interested entrepreneurs in the education sector and the productive sectors. The Lula government also maintained the notion of competence, derived from a business context anchored in managing for results and an equation supported on cost versus benefit, therefore dissociated from the central concern in the educational process with emancipatory perspective. (Azevedo. Shiroma & Coan, 2012, p.31-32) (our emphasis)

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It's actually the new looking to remake the old because "the policies may therefore include elements that are inconsistent, even contradictory to each other. Thus point to a process and outcome that are unreliable (BURTON, 2014, p.2). "In this light we must overcome, as we do below, for discussion on the elements of the reform of technical and technological education network that prove the project as part of university restructuring based on the flexibility / expansion and hybridization / regionalization of supply categories. 4. Hybridization of supply and the expansion of IFETS The recent Brazilian university reform has been going since 1990 and is the result of the restructuring of the Brazilian state proposed by FHC, and was expressed in the LDB. Government to government which are noted improvements to meet the demands of the market and civil society, until you find the consensus to return to the design claimed by international bodies proposed in the Master Plan for the Reform of the State (1995) as will be explained below: 

First in art. 20 of the LBD, to diversify private institutions of higher education, the

vagueness of the law paved the way for the vast majority of IES is considered nonprofit Community, religious and philanthropic - to use public subsidies and become protected large conglomerates the tax on the mantle of the law. 

The second part of university restructuring envisaged in the LDB (Art. 80) was the

encouragement and regulation of Distance Education: "The Government will encourage the development and diffusion of distance education programs at all levels and types of education and continuing education. "Regulated at the time, by Decree Nº 2494/98 and 2561/98 and the Ministerial Decree Nº 301 of April 7, 1998. 

Another step on the way of the weakening of public higher education was changing

teacher education:


First, the flexibility charged by international organizations and the LBD proposal also

extends to public higher education in the disorder caused by Article Art. 45; "Higher education will be taught in higher, public or private, with varying degrees of breadth or specialization education institutions." (Our Emphasis). The legislature has opened up a number of possibilities for both organized institutions (colleges, centers, institutes, colleges Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 134





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and universities included) as to the courses (face, semi-distance, distance, and we now have to flex graduations).

b) Art. 62 and 63 of the LBD put teacher training under the responsibility of universities and institutes of higher education (a new type of institution that did not exist in the organization of Brazilian higher education). Opening the way for institutes to act: "I - professional trainers courses for basic education, including higher normal course, for the training of teachers for kindergarten and the first grades of elementary school."


The institution of higher Normal (three years duration) in the legal rule also changes

the contours of the pedagogy course (Art.64 of LDB) that historically had been constituted as a training course for teachers of basic education in the early years further accelerating the training (Saviani, 2009).


With the extinction of the Superior Normal (CNE / CP Nº 5/05 and 3/06) begins the

process of effecting the expansion of teacher training, coordinated by the federal government, this in two ways with CAPES and universities. This time is establishing a national system of distance education, the Open University of Brazil (UAB) system regulated by Decree Nº 5,800 / 06. The UAB induces direct agreement between the Union and the municipalities, as the model in which the federal universities provide what courses of distance higher education and the municipalities were responsible for the installation and maintenance of pole-face support. This scheme would be severely indulged in Law Nº 12. 056, 2009 which amended § 1 of Art. 62: "The Union, the Federal District, states and municipalities, under the collaboration will provide initial training and continuing professional training of teachers ".


The other way of Capes operate at this time, is instituting the National Training

Programme for Teachers - PARFOR (Decree Nº 6,755 / 09) to aid with the Platform Freire (Normative Ruling Nº 9/09), in collaboration between states and encourage municipalities via IES training courses for teachers and classroom modular character in three dimensions 1st degree, 2nd degree (for teachers working with diverse disciplines of their training) and pedagogical training.

f) The Art.62 opens space for training using technology, "§ 2. Continuing education and professional training as a teacher may use resources and distance education technologies. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 135





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(Included by Law No. 12,056 / 09). § 3. The initial training of teaching will give preference to classroom teaching, alternatively making use of resources and distance education technologies. (Included by Law No. 12,056 / 09), "not mandatory attendance of students and teachers (art. 47 of the LDB) to meet the government's plans expressed in the decree of creation of the UAB and to standardize a common practice in private IES coming acting this way since 1998 (Decree Nº 2494/98 and 2561/98).

g) Before the reform proposal for new regulations IFETs CAPES (Law 11,502 / 07) introduces another significant change: Art 2. Under § 2 of basic education, Capes will aim to induce and encourage, even in regime. collaboration with the States, the Municipalities and the Federal District and exclusively through agreements with public or private higher education institutions, the initial and continuing training of teaching, respecting the academic freedom of the partner institutions, also noted the following: I - initial training of professional teachers, will give preference to face teaching, combined with the use of resources and distance education technologies; II - in the continuing education of professional teachers, will be used, especially resources and distance education technologies.

h) In 2008 the Law 11,892 / 08 permitted the task of teacher education and also qualification (continuing education) for Federal Institutes and Article 8 of the Act, establishing minimum of 20% (twenty percent) of seats in registration of each IFET to meet such goals. 

The fourth part was the flexibility of courses in engineering and related areas of

science given the projections of the Institute of Applied Research (IPEA) that pointed two problems in Brazilian universities with demand since 2000 and low rates of graduates in the normal course period (4 7% of the tickets for engineering and the sciences 8.5%) compared to the countries that make up the OECD. This flexibility proposal to transform the engineering courses in technological courses with quality and short time is linked to global macroeconomic together.

In this sense the cumulative character of politics provokes certain disorder, since it acts in the mantle of the law to add what is required in the present moment without worrying about the results:

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This disorder is exacerbated by the defense, compromise and negotiation among the different actors and their motivations in the competition process [...]. In fact, the cumulative model can lead to a potential inconsistency and contradictory preferences of opposing groups. The result of these opposing influences are diverse and its incorporation in the creation and implementation of policies invariably lead to a set of both intended and unintended outcomes. (Burton, 2014, p.2) It is pointed out in this sense that the unfolding IFETs are two proposals for higher education institutions envisaged the great reforms of the 1990s: The higher centers of education (article 45 of the LDB 9394/96 regulated in Decree 5786 / 06) and Higher Education Institutes (art.63 of LDB regulated by Decree No. 3,276 / 99), as part of the cumulative policy and brought serious damage to three important debates in the country: the reform of secondary education, university reform and the training of teachers. Moreover, as mentioned before, the IFETs meet what the Lula government understood the purpose of higher education "a public or private university for the poor" (LULA, 2005). Explicitly the IFETs operate the proposed expansion by the Lula government. The strategy shows the levels of funding, expanding the number of campuses and the steady decrease in transfers to public universities. The maps presented below, illustrate the expansion of IFETS and federal universities in the same period:

Figure 1. Expansion of IFETS

Figure 2. Expansion of Federal Universities

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Legend 1909-2002 – 140 Campi in 120 municipalities served. 2003-2010 - 324 Campi. 2011-2014 - 562 Campi - 512 municipalities. Source: BRAZIL, 2014 with adaptations of the Adding the period of PT governments there is author.

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Legend 1808 a 2002 ( Universities and campi) 2003-2010 (University and Campuses) 2010-2014 (Campi provided) Source: BRAZIL, 2014 with adaptations of the an exponential increase of 401.42% of the author.

campi (with 422 campuses created) of the Federal Network of technical and technological education, while the expansion of the universities was only 185.1% in the same period with 14 new universities and 126 campuses created.

In the North region, the IFETs had expanded 385.7% with 41 units ranging from new institutions and new campuses, while the federal universities grew 180.9% with only 18 new campuses and 2 universities created. These universities were created in Para - Federal University of the South and Southeast of Para and Federal University of Western Para matching by more than 70% of the campi created.

However, it is imperative to demonstrate that the network expansion is technical and technological education or federal universities, placed in a privileged position north of vacancies in higher education, correcting a historical disparity between regions, exceeding the national average and several developed states of the south and southeast of the country centers, as can be seen in the chart below:

Figure 1. Expansion of places in Universities and IFETs in North - Brazil

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Source: Brasil, 2014 – elaborated by author

Although the expansion has many positive sides, the points that draw attention are the contradictions: 

The expansion of higher education for IFETs it makes turning these establishments in

hybrid institutions. Thus are institutes with the same prerogatives of universities, technical schools and universities of technology education and training units for youth and adults (Decree 5,840 / 06). Moreover, the same is liable for compensatory programs of the federal government as the Thousand Women Program (Ordinance Nº 1,015 / 11) and the National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment - PRONATEC (Law Nº 12,513 / 11).

The legislative rule succeeded in creating, "the first time in the history of this country," an umbrella institution pluricurricular and multicampi. Hybridization of the offer seeks to solve some specific problems unresolved by previous educational reform:


In the case of university restructuring going on since 1968. Pires (2006, p.04) says: (...) By means of Decree-Law 547/69, technical schools in general were allowed to keep operating engineering courses, but then the Decree-Law 796/69 authorized, in particular, the creation of these courses federal technical schools in Minas Gerais, Paraná and Rio de Janeiro, which would become later in CEFETs, becoming thus constitute a new area of higher education, also in line with the university reform implemented by Law 5.540 / 68, which provided, among other issues, accelerating the training process through the implementation of short duration courses. (Our emphasis)

Note that the idea of reforming higher education in its structural basis has always been present since the early 1960s and now is consolidated and universal, faster and cheaper technological higher education through the federal institutes opposing the project training Brazilian public university.

b) Another solution is pointed out that the training of teachers is the responsibility of passing IFETs, who had no experience with this type of training, but we have to protect 20% of their places for this type of training, focusing on areas of sciences and biological - mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics (Article 8 of law 11,892 / 08).

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c) Following this way, the institutional model established, mark the orientation of the technical high school. It is professional technical secondary education in the form of integrated courses ". I - teach technical vocational secondary education, primarily in the form of integrated courses for graduates from elementary education to the public and the youth and adult education" What may be performed in two ways: concomitant and subsequent. (Art.07 Art. 8 of Law 11,892 / 08). However, do not exceed the vision of EFA reform undertaken by the Cardoso government, when the Law 11,892 / 08 characterizes as IFETs: Art. 2. The Federal Institutes are institutions of higher education, basic and professional, pluricurriculars and multicampi, specialize in offering professional and technical education in the various methods of teaching, based on a combination of technical and technological knowledge with their teaching practices in under this Act. (our emphasis) Art. 6. The Federal Institutes have the purposes and characteristics: I - offering professional and technological education at all levels and modes, training and qualifying nationals with a view to professional performance in diverse industries, with an emphasis on local, regional and national socioeconomic development. (our emphasis)

d) Another unusual step was to determine which of these will be accrediting and certifying institutions of vocational skills (Art.02 §2). This fact is quite relevant to the Brazilian context, because the legislature has allowed these institutions recognize "professional knowledge" giving the opportunity for the worker to enter the job market or in formal schools.

e) The offer also significant change involves the identification of technological ingredients technology base - the logical packaging made of these bases - technological headquarters and the center line that runs through this base and this matrix - technological hub - and ultimately considered the identity of this course with local clusters (APL) capable of producing development in the region and allowing the verticality of the entry of basic education to higher education (Art.06). Perhaps, this change is not perceived in its entirety in most IFETs. 

And besides, the hybridization / flexibility of IFETs try to account for the lack of

Brazilian professionals and is repeating the recipe that technology can solve almost all problems. But, undermines the formation of technological level, since the law applied in a bet generation and adaptation of technical and technological solutions to social needs and regional peculiarities (Ar.6 II). It is an educational institution and a development agency.

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Therefore, as seen reforming the Federal Network for Technical and Technological Education becomes repeating old problems already present in the network of technical schools and trying, with legal text, reform the Brazilian public university system.

The expansion / regionalization of units is done in obedience to the principles of endogenous development, as well as reactivating the Territories of Citizenship project, the Lula government that barely got off the ground. Thus, they are defined campuses will prefer to settle in the cities of G100 (100 municipalities brazilians with 80,000 or more inhabitants with per capita income less than 1000 dollars).

In another sense, the reform is forming hybrid institutions that were not present in the Brazilian public education system. This practice of institutions that use the same legal status to work in the basic and higher education is an invention of the private system. In Brazil, there are several private schools that meet basic, technical and university education. This seems to be a way also pointed to IFETS when the legal text, according to Silva (2009, p. 24) provides that: [...] Is to be noted that the undergraduate courses, the bachelor and engineering should circumscribe the areas of knowledge related to the natural sciences, mathematics and technologies. These same observations fit to the specialization courses sensu lato and in the case of post-graduate sensu, becomes relevant to the provision of professional masters and doctoral degrees.

Thus, one can infer that the university reform also processed via IFETs with the deepest gap than current analyzes show. This reform via IFETs tend to not only consolidate itself as a decrease in investments of the public university and can induce a structural reform of vocational education, supply and objectives of degrees from these institutions.

5. Conclusions The public policy is an arena of disputes text to approval and approval to the action. Inserted in complex governmental and extra-governmental ideologies of nation and society. Most often, this is done by playing old concepts because they meet a set of interest group in power at that time or the laws of capital, not leaving room for changes pointed criticism, and theory. This causes serious damage to the construction of a project of society, because the legal text Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 141





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ends up making over or between the lines of the ancient text and the changes tend to be punctual. Therefore, the discussions raised here six possible inferences:

1) The expansion and the precarious future of public education in this direction was given by the LDB itself, when the legislature opened cool space for any institution or sponsor is deemed eligible to receive tax incentives.

2) The government has always had clear plans to relax and lower the cost of teacher training and tried to do this in several ways: instituting a new type of institution (higher institutes), establishing distance learning as the possibility of training, streamlining the courses with the return of Normal upper course, creating your own model of distance learning (UAB), blaming the Capes design training, opening the possibility of partnerships with private institutions, changing the shape of training for classroom teaching combined with the use of resources and technologies distance education (Art. 2 of Law 11.502 / 07).

3) The government plan since 1968, it is understood the need for flexibility in engineering and training of allied professionals who are replaced by technological graduations to meet the market and did so largely open space for EAD in private IES and attributing this competence to IFETS - in other words, an assignment of expanding CEFETs given by FHC government.

4) The CEFET was "a political project, which binds to industrial and trade policies, contributing to raising economic competitiveness." (PIRES, 2006, p.02). Is your success as technological training unit that directs the creation of IFETS. However, taking advantage of the spaces in the law, the government creates hybrid institutions - Umbrellas policies for technical education, technology, licensure and training for youth and adults.

5) The Institutes are configured as another phase of the expansion process, flexibility and precariousness of public higher education. It's recent strategy of offering higher level quickly (technological and engineering technology courses) and low cost compared with federal universities, and teacher training complementing (perhaps eventually replace) the liability of CAPES and federal universities, by this training. However, legally all the bases for his constitution had already been built in the Brazilian educational legislation.

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6) The government creates hybrid institutions - defocusing the debate on the reform of technical education, teacher training and technology degrees. Indicating that the process is aligned with the reform of higher education imposed by international bodies. Furthermore, aligns these new institutions in order to develop the regions where they are installed.

The expansion of higher education is inherent to cognitive reorganization of the workforce. The Lula government has provided the flexibility and expansion, without concern for the conditions of teaching and technical work, with investments to keep the student on quality of laboratories, libraries and schools. For Lula: Look, while we do not build all public universities we need, we have to be creative, go creating opportunities for more young people to study. So this year, our Minister of Education has received the determination, already has next week, a meeting of several ministers to produce a new proposal so that we can announce to Brazil more seats for students at the university in this country whether public or private. If public, is free, if private, we have to give scholarship to students to study in this country. What is important to stress to you is that we are not only thinking in universities. We are thinking in technical school, because Brazil can not be a citizen who has no profession and an engineer. (...) So you need technical school. And so, too, we make the determination, as announced by our Prime Minister, we're getting 32 new technical schools in Brazil, preferably distributed across regions of Brazil, not to concentrate all in one place. (Lula, 2005 p.3 - 4) (our emphasis)

Therefore, as can be seen behind the speech is the precariousness of the qualification of the worker process. For the model of forming IFETs focuses the competency model. This model reinforces the progressive deskilling and relative, altering the parameters of the positions levels, the value of salaries, benefits, incentive structure and profit already denounced by Mourao (2006, p.97-8).

Showing, in full, that the growing public-private entanglement, to "produce" (and not to form) professionals for "productive environment" quickly and cost, is instigated by both legal frameworks such as federal programs (for PRONATEC, PROUNI, FIES) to optimize the value of workforce. Why the proposal of forming a techie IFETS is not bachelor - a new cognitive reorganization of the workforce to meet the standards of capital accumulation.

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