Non-simultaneous blow-up in a semilinear parabolic system

July 7, 2017 | Autor: Julio Rossi | Categoria: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Blow Up, Coupled Tank System
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Non-simultaneous blow-up in a semilinear parabolic system Fernando Quir´os ∗ Departamento de Matem´aticas, U. Aut´onoma de Madrid 28049 Madrid, Spain. Julio D. Rossi † Departamento de Matem´atica, F.C.E y N., UBA (1428) Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Abstract In this paper we study the possibility of non-simultaneous blow-up for positive solutions of a fully coupled system of two semilinear heat equations, ut = ∆u + up11 v p12 , vt = ∆v + up21 v p22 . Under adequate hypotheses, we prove that if u blows up then v can fail to blow up if and only if p11 > 1 and p21 < p11 − 1.



In this note we study blowing up solutions of the following parabolic system,  ut = ∆u + up11 v p12 in IRN × (0, T ), (1.1) vt = ∆v + up21 v p22 in IRN × (0, T ), with initial data

u(x, 0) = u0 (x) v(x, 0) = v0 (x)

in IRN , in IRN .


Throughout the paper we assume that pij ≥ 0 and u0 , v0 are positive and bounded. There exist solutions (u, v) that blow up in finite time, T , if and only if the exponents pij verify any of the conditions, p11 > 1, p22 > 1 or (p11 − 1)(p22 − 1) − p12 p21 < 0, see [?]. At that time T we have, lim sup {ku(·, t)kL∞ + kv(·, t)kL∞ } = ∞. t%T ∗ e-mail:

[email protected] [email protected] AMS Subject Classification: 35B35, 35K57, 35K55. Keywords and phrases: blow-up, semilinear parabolic system. † e-mail:


However, a priori there is no reason why both functions, u and v, should go to infinity simultaneously at time T . Indeed, as we will show, for certain choices of the parameters pij there are initial data for which one of the components of the system remains bounded while the other blows up. We denote this phenomenon as non-simultaneous blow-up. In this paper we characterize the range of parameters for which non-simultaneous blow-up occurs (for suitable initial data). Our results are contained in the following two theorems. Theorem 1.1 If p11 > 1 and p21 < p11 − 1, then there exist initial data u0 , v0 such that u blows up while v remains bounded. The condition p11 > 1 guarantees blow-up for u, while the condition p21 < p11 − 1 implies that the coupling between u and v is “weak” enough to have non-simultaneous blow-up. The possibility of non-simultaneous blow-up for a non-trivial parabolic system was first shown in [?]. In that case the authors consider two porous medium equations coupled through nonlinear boundary conditions. The case we study here is the first example of such a behaviour in a semilinear parabolic system. Under a hypothesis on the blow-up rate for u we can prove the reciprocal. Theorem 1.2 If u blows up at time T at some point x0 and v remains bounded up to time T , with √ 1 (1.3) |x − x0 | ≤ K T − t u(x, t) ≥ C(T − t)− p11 −1 then p11 > 1 and p21 < p11 − 1. Remark 1: Both theorems can be extended to the case of a bounded smooth domain Ω with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary data, provided that the blowup set of u lies in a compact subset of Ω (see [?] for conditions that guarantee this fact). The only difference arises from an extra boundary term in the right hand side of (??) of the form Z tZ Γ(x − y, t − τ ) 0


∂u (y, τ ) dσ(y)dτ. ∂η

As u remains bounded in a small neighbourhood of ∂Ω, this term is negative and bounded. Hence it does not play any role in the proofs. For simplicity we perform the proofs in IRN and leave the details in the case of a bounded domain to the reader. Remark 2: The hypothesis on the blow-up rate, (??), is known to hold for p11 subcritical, i.e. 1 < p11 < (N + 2)/(N − 2)+ , both in IRN and in a bounded convex smooth domain, see [?], [?], and [?]. It also holds without any restriction on the exponent if ut ≥ 0 in the case of a bounded convex smooth domain, see [?]. However, it may fail for large p11 in high dimensions, [?]. 2



Theorem ??. We choose u0 and v0 radial and decreasing with |x|. Thus u and v are radial and decreasing with |x|. The idea is to fix v0 and then choose u0 large enough to guarantee that u blows up alone. Observe that as p11 > 1 every positive solution with u0 large has finite time blow-up, T . Moreover, if u0 is large with v0 fixed then T becomes small. We will consider two cases, p22 > 1 and p22 ≤ 1. In the first case, we fix 0 < v0 (x) < 1/4. We want to use the representation formula obtained from the fundamental solution. Let Γ(x, t) be the fundamental solution of the heat equation, namely   |x|2 1 exp − . Γ(x, t) = 4t (4πt)N/2 As v is a solution of vt = ∆v + up21 v p22 , we have (see [?]) Z Γ(x − y, t)v0 (y) dy

v(x, t) =



Z tZ + 0

Γ(x − y, t − τ )u(y, τ )p21 v(y, τ )p22 dydτ.


We set V (t) = supIRN ×[0,t] v. As the initial data are radial and decreasing, u verifies C u(x, t) ≤ , 1 (T − t) p11 −1 p21

with C independent of u0 , see [?]. Hence, up21 v p22 ≤ Cv p22 (T − t)− p11 −1 . Using that V (t) is nondecreasing, from (??) we obtain, Z t 1 p22 dτ. V (t) ≤ V (0) + CV (t) p21 0 (T − τ ) p11 −1 We choose u0 large enough in order to get T small. Since is smaller than 1/2C if T is small. Hence, 1 V (t) ≤ V (0) + V (t)p22 . 2

p21 p11 −1

< 1, the integral


We claim that V (t) < 1 for all 0 < t < T . Suppose not and let 0 < t0 < T be the first time such that V (t0 ) = 1 (i.e V (t) < 1 for all 0 < t < t0 ). For 0 ≤ t ≤ t0 we have V (t)p22 ≤ V (t). Therefore 1 1 V (t0 ) ≤ V (0) < , 2 4 3

a contradiction with V (t0 ) = 1. Next, assume that p22 ≤ 1. We choose C ≥ v0 ≥ 1. Thus V (t) ≥ 1. Arguing as before we obtain again (??). Now V (t)p22 ≤ V (t). Hence (??) produces, 1 V (t) ≤ V (0) ≤ C. 2


Theorem ??. The function u is a subsolution of ut = ∆u + Cup11


that has finite time blow-up. Solutions of (??) are global in time if p11 ≤ 1. To see this we can compare with a flat solution of (??), i.e. a solution of ut = Cup11 with initial data u(x, 0) = ku0 kL∞ . Hence we must have p11 > 1. Next we prove that p21 < p11 − 1. Let √ x0 be a blow-up point for u. As v(y, τ ) is bounded from below in |y − x0 | ≤ C T − τ , from formula (??) we get Z tZ V (t) ≥ v(x0 , t) ≥ C 0

{|y−x0 |≤C

up21 (y, τ )Γ(x0 − y, t − τ ) dydτ. T −τ }

By assumption, there exists a constant c such that u(y, τ ) ≥

√ |y − x0 | ≤ K T − τ .

c (T − τ )

1 p11 −1

With this bound for u we obtain, Z t Z 1 V (t) ≥ C Γ(x0 − y, t − τ ) dydτ p21 √ 0 (T − τ ) p11 −1 {|y−x0 |≤K T −τ } Z t Z 2 1 = C e−|w| /4 dw dτ p21 √ √ 0 (T − τ ) p11 −1 {|w|≤K T −τ / t−τ } Z t 1 ≥ C dτ. p21 0 (T − τ ) p11 −1 p21 If p11 −1 ≥ 1, the last integral diverges as t % T . Hence, so does v. Therefore, if v remains bounded p21 < p11 − 1. 2

Acknowledgements The first author partially supported by DGICYT grant PB94-0153 (Spain) and Fundaci´ on Antorchas (Argentina). The second author partially supported by Universidad de Buenos Aires under grant EX046, CONICET (Argentina) and Fundaci´ on Antorchas (Argentina). This paper was written while the first author was visiting Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is grateful to this institution for its hospitality. 4

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