Purified promyelocytic leukemia coiled-coil aggregates as a tetramer displaying low α-helical content

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Protein Expression and Purification 29 (2003) 94–102 www.elsevier.com/locate/yprep

Purified promyelocytic leukemia coiled-coil aggregates as a tetramer displaying low a-helical content Francesco Antolini,a,* Mario Lo Bello,b and Marco Settec a


Department of Internal Medicine, Applied Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry section, Via del Giochetto s.n.c., Perugia 06100, Italy b Department of Biology, University of Tor Vergata, Via della Ricerca Scientifica s.n.c, 00133 Rome, Italy INFM and Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata,’’ Via della Ricerca Scientifica s.n.c, 00133 Rome, Italy Received 11 October 2002, and in revised form 18 December 2002

Abstract The promyelocytic leukemia (PML) gene is involved in the 15/17 chromosomal translocation of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). It encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein containing an a-helical coiled-coil domain with four heptad repeats. The heptad repeats consist of four clusters of hydrophobic amino acids that mediate in vivo the complex formation between PML and other PML molecules or PML–RARa mutant protein. In this report, we show the production of PML coiled-coil (fragment 223–360) as a fusion protein, its solubilization by the combined action of two different detergents, and its purification with affinity chromatography after column proteolytic cleavage. The FPLC chromatograms of the purified coiled-coils, carried out under non-denaturing conditions, show that the peptide elutes only in the presence of Sarkosyl detergent (conc. 0.1%) and, under these conditions, elutes as a tetrameric complex. This confirms the evidence from in vivo experiments that this region is responsible for protein complex formation. The HPLC analyses show the presence of a single peak eluting under highly hydrophobic conditions, indicating the high hydrophobicity of the peptide in accordance with the primary sequence analysis. Finally, the purified peptide was structurally characterized by means of circular dichroism (CD) measurements that were carried out with low Sarkosyl concentration (0.003%). The CD spectra indicate a low a-helical content (13.5%) with respect to predictions based on the primary sequence analysis (PSIPRED, SS-PRO, and J-PRED), suggesting that the a-helix content could be modulated by coiled-coil surrounding domains and/or by other post-translational modifications, even if the effect of the Sarkosyl on the peptide secondary structure cannot be excluded. Ó 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved. Keywords: PML; FPLC purification; HPLC; Circular dichroism

The promyelocytic leukemia (PML)1 [1] gene, located on chromosome 15, is involved in a specific 15/17 chromosomal translocation, which blocks the normal differentiation pattern of promyelocytes that are responsible for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) [2]. This chromosomal translocation leads to the production of a chimeric protein that is formed by the fusion of the PML protein with the retinoic acid receptor a (RARa). * Corresponding author. Present address: Research center ENEA (Brindisi), Material Science Unit, S.S. 7 Km 714, 72100 Brindisi, Italy. Fax: +39-0831-507656. E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Antolini). 1 Abbreviations used: PML, promyelocytic leukemia; APL, acute promyelocytic leukemia; RARa, retinoic acid receptor a; NBs, nuclear bodies; CD, circular dichroism; N-CoR, nuclear corepressor; HDAC, histone deacetylase.

The normal function of PML protein is correlated with the: (i) growth suppressor activity by inducing cell death [3–5], (ii) tumor suppression [4,6], (iii) programmed cell death [7], (iv) transcriptional regulation [8–10], and (v) premature senescence induced by oncogenic Ras via p53 acetylation [11]. The involvement of PML in several biological pathways and its presence in nuclear bodies (NBs), complex structures found in the cell nucleus [12,13], are crucial for its biological function. These spherical multiprotein structures, varying in size (0.3–0.5 lm diameter) and number (10– 20), are associated with the nuclear matrix [14,15], and their function appears to be important for cell growth and development. In fact, in APL, NBs are disrupted and replaced by a micropunctated pattern [2]. The importance of the relationship between PML function

1046-5928/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S1046-5928(03)00004-4

F. Antolini et al. / Protein Expression and Purification 29 (2003) 94–102

and NBs was recently clarified by showing that PML is essential [16,17] for the recruitment of several proteins such as Sp100 [18], Daxx [19], p53 [20], pRB [21], and CBP [22], and BLM helicase [23] into NBs. The essential role of PML in NB formation explains its multiple biological activity, considering the fact that the incorrect functioning of the PML abrogates the normal NB protein compartmentalization thereby disrupting several pathways, which are regulated by the above-mentioned proteins [17]. This interpretation could also explain the effect of protein delocalization found in APL [17]. In this pathological case in which the PML protein is fused with the RARa [12,13], the resulting fusion protein can heterodimerize with PML [24] by first sequestering it from the NB and then delocalizing the proteins by utilizing PML as the anchor in NB formation. The whole picture of the PML biological action becomes even more intriguing, considering the fact that the PML action can be modulated by post-translational modifications, e.g., sumoylation [25], and by different PML isoforms [26]. It was shown recently that the ability of PML to recruit p53 in NBs, in the presence of Ras, is specific to the PML3 isoform [20]. This suggests that the biological action of PML could be modulated not only by post-translational modifications but also by the splicing mechanism. Even if the levels of the PML function were elucidated, there is still no information, at the molecular level, about the whole structure of PML, the interactions of PML with all its counterparts, or the structural effect of the post-translational modifications (e.g., sumoylation). The study of the PML protein structure and the interaction with other species at the molecular level may clarify the PML function and provide useful information about the leukemogenesis mechanism, which could then be used for possible drug design against APL. From its primary protein sequence, the PML structure can be divided into at least four regions: a ring finger domain (RING), a cysteine-rich region (B1 and B2 boxes), an a-helical region, and a variable C-terminus containing several phosphorylation sites. The structure of the RING domain [27] was solved by Borden et al. and includes four b strands that coordinate two zinc atoms. Its function is not clear but its deletion produces a scattered distribution of PML– RARa in the nucleus without altering its ability to block differentiation. The function of the B-boxes [28] seems to be similar to that of the RING in that they are involved in the formation of a large multiprotein complex. The a-helical region contains a portion that can form a coiled-coil structure [29,30]. In this region, there is a cluster of four heptad repeats (H1, H2, H3, and H4) whose function is to form multimers [3,30] and homoheterodimers in APL cells [24,31,32]. The C-terminus is


a variable region; in which the variations are due to the presence of different isoforms bearing [26] several phosphorylation sites that probably influence the biological function of the PML protein. There is no direct structural information about the PML coiled-coil domain, but this region was extensively studied from a biological point of view in the fusion protein PML– RARa. Heptad region in the PML–RARa protein appears to play an important role in the function of APL, because, if deleted, the fusion protein loses its capacity to block differentiation [24,31]. It was also shown that this region is responsible for the oligomerization of PML–RARa that is supposed to be a general mechanism for the oncogenic conversion of a transcription factor in leukemias [33–35]. The biological role of the H1 and H2 heptad region was clarified with the deletion mutants of PML–RARa: the deletion of H2 abrogates the formation of PML–RARa–PML heterodimer, but not the PML–RARa homodimer, while the removal of H1 has no effect on either complex [24]. The biological importance of the coiled-coil domain in normal PML protein is that together with RING + B1 + B2, it promotes the whole growth suppression function of PML itself [5]. The structural information about the heptad region which forms the coiled-coil region is derived from the prediction of the primary sequence [30], but there are no experimental data available on the secondary and tertiary structures of this region, the mechanism of interaction at the molecular level with itself or other partners or the factors that modulate this binding. The typical heptad pattern is formed by seven amino acids called ðabcdefgÞn , where a hydrophobic amino acid, such as leucine, isoleucine or valine, is conserved in the ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘d’’ positions [36,37]. It is possible to have dimers, trimers, and tetramers, depending on which positions these amino acids occupy. The positions ‘‘e’’ and ‘‘g’’ play a role in the inter-helical interaction by forming inter-helical salt bridges. PML heptad repeat regions are not typical but (i) their primary sequence is consistent with the prediction of an a-helical structure and is homologous to other protein regions, which are known to form a coiled-coil [30] and (ii) a hydrophobic residue always occupies the ‘‘a’’ position and often occupies the ‘‘d’’ position [32]. In the present work, we focus our attention on the expression, purification, and preliminary biophysical characterization of the PML heptad region. The chromatographic analyses carried out with HPLC and FPLC revealed the high hydrophobicity of the peptide and its ability to migrate as a tetramer, confirming the in vivo experiments to form the complex. The low a-helical content, with respect to that predicted, indicates the importance of the protein domain close to the coiled-coil region [12,18] and the PML post-translational modifications (sumoylation).


F. Antolini et al. / Protein Expression and Purification 29 (2003) 94–102

Materials and methods Materials Oligonucleotide primers for PCR amplifications were synthesized by M-Medical Genenco. The PCR amplification kit and the sequencing kit were purchased from Perkin–Elmer. The PCR amplification products were cloned using the TA Cloning system (Invitrogen). The following Pharmacia Biotech products were used: the expression vector pGEX-6P1, the GST purification system, the FPLC column Superdex 75 HR 10/30 (separation range 3000–70 000 for globular proteins), markers, the FPLC pump and controller, model P-500 and GP-250. A Jasco HPLC apparatus (Milan, Italy), equipped with two Mod. PU 880 pumps, a Reodyne 7125 injector with a 100 lL injection loop and a Vydac column (218TP5415), , 5 lm, 4:6 mm i:d:  150 mm specific for pepC18 300 A tide purifications with a C18 , 5 lm, 2  0:4 cm precolumn, were used for the HPLC analysis. A variable wavelength UV–VIS Mod. UV 975 spectrophotometer and software for chromatogram acquisition and integration (Borwin program Jasco, Milan, Italy) were used for both FPLC and HPLC analysis. The CD spectra were recorded on a Jasco 810 spectropolarimeter equipped with a Jasco interface for data acquisition and secondary structure estimation. The temperature on the cuvette was controlled by a water bath. The spectropolarimeter was calibrated with an aqueous solution of recrystallized d10 (+) camphorsulfonic acid at 290.5 nm. Coiled-coil cloning in the pGEX-6P1 expression vector The c-DNA of four heptad repeats was amplified from PML cDNA clone PML1 [26]. The oligo at the 50 is 50 -TGGACAGCgGatcCAGTGAGCTCAA-30 (the letters in italics indicate that the nucleotides are different from those of the cDNA in order to create the BamHI restriction site underlined). The oligo at the 30 is 50 TCCTaGCGCAGGCGGCAGA-30 where the nucleotide in italics has been mutated to create an amber stop codon (underlined). The PCR conditions selected were set at 2.5 mM MgCl2 , 2.5 mM dNTPs (final volume 100 ll), the two oligos at 10 pmol, Taq polymerase 2.5 U, and DMSO at a final concentration of 4% (final volume 100 ll). The times and temperature for PCR amplification were 94 °C for 5 min for the first cycle and for the next 30 cycles, the annealing temperature was 55 °C for 1 min and the polymerizing temperature was 72 °C for 1 min, except for the last cycle which lasted 10 min. The PCR product was immediately cloned in the pCR2.1 vector (TA Cloning Stratagene) and sequenced for confirmation of the fidelity of Taq polymerase. In the sequence protocols, it was very useful to add DMSO

(12%) to the reaction mixture in order to enhance sequence readings. The heptad insert was removed from pCR2.1 by digesting the plasmid with BamHI and EcoRI endonuclease and the fragment was subcloned in the pGEX-6P1 plasmid (Pharmacia Biotech) for the heptad expression as a GST fusion protein. GST coiled-coil expression and purification The GST coiled-coil (GST-CC) fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli according to the following: the synthesis of the GST-CC was induced in E. coli (HB101) containing the pGEX vector in 20 ml (1/10 of the final volume) of LB + ampicillin (1 lg/ml final concentration) and grown overnight at 37 °C. The culture was then diluted in 200 ml LB plus ampicillin and the bacteria were grown for 2.5 h at 37 °C (Abs at 600 nm > 0:8). The bacteria were then induced with isopropyl-b-D -1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (final concentration of 0.1 mM) and grown under these conditions for 4 h (Abs at 600 nm > 1:8). The bacteria were then centrifuged for 10 min at 5000 rpm at 4 °C and resuspended with cold 10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA, and 100 mM NaCl, pH 7.4, buffer (50 ll of buffer for each milliliter of LB broth). The lysozyme, at a final concentration of 100 lg/ml, was added to the suspension and put on ice for 15 min. N-Lauroyl sarcosine sodium salt (Sarkosyl) at a final concentration of 1.5% (w/v) was then added. The solubilized bacteria were sonicated three times for 10 s until the suspension became fluid. Triton X-100 was then added at a final concentration of 2% (v/v). The solution was again sonicated three times for 10 s and DTT was added at a final concentration of 5 mM. The solubilized bacteria were pelleted at 20 000 rpm for 30 min and the supernatant was first filtered through gauze and then through a 0.45 lm filter (Millipore). The solution was passed through a GST affinity column filled with 2 ml of glutathione coupled Sepharose (Pharmacia Biotech) final volume and then washed with 20 bed volumes of PBS. The bound GSTCC was digested on the column with 20 U of Prescission protease per ml of Sepharose beads with Prescission buffer, 50 mM phosphate, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, and 0.1% Triton X-100. The protease was diluted in a volume of Prescission buffer equal to the bead volume and digested for 16 h at 4 °C. The heptad region was eluted with 50 mM phosphate, pH 7.4, and 0.1% Sarkosyl elution buffer. The heptad region was collected in 0.5 ml fractions; the purified protein was present up to the 16th fraction. The PAGE was carried out according to standard protocols [38]. A portion of the purified fragment was blotted on Immobilon overnight at a constant current (150 mA). After blotting, the membrane was washed with water and stained with Coomassie (0.2% Coomassie R 250, 40% MeOH, and 10% acetic acid) for 10 min, destained with 50% MeOH,

F. Antolini et al. / Protein Expression and Purification 29 (2003) 94–102 Table 1 Recovery and purity of the heptad region after the main stages of the preparation Peptide



GST-CC (bacterial lysate) CC (after affinity chromatography) CC (after FPLC)

100 mgb 30 mg (80%)c 24 mg (80%)c

27% 64% 88%


The purity was determined via ImageQuant program produced by molecular dynamics. b This value is the amount of GST-CC achieved from 1 liter (1012 cell/liter) of bacterial culture. c In parentheses is reported the percentage of the yield.

and kept at room temperature. The membrane containing the HEPTAD band was sequenced with an automatic sequencer for the first 15 amino acids. The evaluation of the protein purity after all the purification steps (Table 1) was achieved via software, using the image processing program ImageQuant. The percentage was evaluated from the ‘‘volume quantitation report’’ of the ImageQuant dividing the value representing the intensity of the band of interest by the sum of the values representing all the bands of the lane. In particular, the purity after the extraction was calculated dividing the value representing the band PML-GST by the sum of the values representing all the bands of lane 3 (Fig. 2, lane 3). The purity after affinity chromatography was achieved dividing the value associated to the ‘‘heptad region’’ (lane heptad region) by the sum of the values associated to all the bands of the PAGE (Fig. 3b, lanes A and B and heptad region). The purity after FPLC chromatography was achieved dividing the value representing the band of the heptad region by the sum of the values associated to the bands belonging to the lane ‘‘PML-heptads’’ (Fig. 3b). FPLC purification of coiled-coil Before loading the sample, a calibration curve was carried out using IgG (150 kDa), ovalbumin (43 kDa), ribonuclease A (13.7 kDa), and vitamin B12 (0.135 kDa) as standards. The eluent was 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, and 0.1% Sarkosyl at a flow rate of 0.3 ml/min. The distribution coefficients (Kd ) were calculated using the expression Kd ¼ ðVe  V0 Þ=ðVt  V0 Þ, where Ve is the elution volume of the solute, V0 is the void volume (the elution volume of blue dextran), and Vt is the total accessible volume of the column (elution volume of 2mercaptoethanol). The fractions containing the protein from the affinity chromatography were collected together and concentrated with Centricon 10 (Cutoff 10 kDa, Amicon Millipore, USA). The concentrated peptide was then analyzed with FPLC. The injected volume was 200 ll (from 50 up to 200 lg) and the detection wavelength was at 280 nm. The purified fractions were concentrated with Centricon 10. The Bradford


method [38] was used to determine the protein concentration. HPLC assay of purified PML coiled-coil The heptad chromatography was carried out using a binary gradient system, at 1 ml/min flow, according to the following elution program, expressed as percent of phase B: 0 min, 0%; 20 min, 100%; 5 min, 100%; and 10 min, 0%. After 35 min, the HPLC was ready for another analysis. Phase A was made up of 50 mM potassium dihydrogen phosphate, pH 4.5. Phase B was the same as phase A plus 60% acetonitrile. The injected volume ranged from 25 to 50 ll at a concentration of 1 mg/ml. The analyte was detected at 280 nm. CD spectra of coiled-coil The CD spectra were carried out in phosphate buffer with low Sarkosyl concentration. A volume of 400 ll of FPLC-purified sample containing Sarkosyl was diluted to 1.5 ml with phosphate buffer and concentrated with Centricon 10 for 15 min at 5000g. A volume of 500 ll of supernatant was recovered and the same procedure was repeated three times (final Sarkosyl concentration 0.003%). The final solution was used for the CD measurements in the 185–260 nm region at 25 °C at the following settings: scan speed 20 nm/min, response time 1 s, resolution 0.2 nm, and band width 1 nm. Each spectrum was an average of three scans. A quartz cuvette with 1 mm of path length was used. The blank was subtracted from all the spectra. The molar ellipticity ½H (deg*cm2 *dmol1 ) was determined with the following formula: Hobs MRW ; 10lc where Hobs is the ellipticity measured in millidegrees, MRW is the mean residue molecular weight of the heptad region (molecular weight divided by residue number 143 for PML heptad region), ‘‘l’’ is the path length of the cuvette in cm (0.1 cm), and ‘‘c’’ is the concentration in mg/ml. The calculation of a-helix content was carried out using the CD signal at 222 nm [39] and the total secondary structure prediction was determined with the Jasco program for secondary structure prediction. The secondary structure prediction from the primary heptad sequence was carried out with the following programs: PSI-PRED, SS-pro (http://obelix.bio.uniroma2.it/www/predictprotein/), and J-PRED (http:// jura.ebi.ac.uk:8888/). The probability to form multiple coiled-coils was examined with the MultiCoil program [40] (http://nightingale.lcs.mit.edu/cgi-bin/multicoil), giving a score different from zero from residues 218 to 347. ½H ¼


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Fig. 1. Block scheme of the whole PML protein structure. The fragment under study extends from amino acids 223 up to 360 (for the total protein sequence see [29,30]). The a-helix fragment containing the four heptad repeats (I, II, III, and IV) is expanded and the amino acids belonging to the four heptad repeats are boxed. The triangles show the hydrophobic amino acids found in each seventh position and the numbers indicate the start and the end of each heptad.

Results Heptad purification The block scheme of the whole PML protein structure and the details of the four heptad repeats are shown in Fig. 1. PerezÕs definition of heptad limits was used [32] and therefore the total fragment length, considering the 5 amino acid residues of the pGEX plasmid, is 143 amino acids with an estimated molecular weight of about 15.5 kDa. The main problem for heptad region purification was its insolubility. The GST-CC fusion protein was practically insoluble when the standard protocol [38] for protein expression was used (data not shown). The

Fig. 2. PAGE (15% acrylamide) analysis of the purification process of the PML heptad region after their expression in E. coli. Lane 1 contains the molecular mass marker (size indicated on the left in kDa), lane 2 is the purified coiled-coil region after affinity chromatography, lane 3 is the supernatant after extraction with triton and Sarkosyl, lane 4 is the bacterial pellet after extraction, and lane 5 is the not induced E. coli culture.

problem was overcome by using lysozyme in order to help disrupt the bacteria and by using detergents such as Triton X-100 and Sarkosyl. The final results of the protocol used for heptad purification are shown in Fig. 2. The PAGE shows that almost all the GST-CC fusion protein, of an estimated Mw of 42 kDa (Fig. 2, lane 3), is found in the supernatant after centrifuging at 20 000 rpm. The solubilized GST fusion protein was then passed through

Fig. 3. Heptad region elution with FPLC chromatography. The elution of the PML heptad region purified by affinity chromatography shows three different peaks (A). The peaks were analyzed with the PAGE (B), which displays that the A and B peaks are contaminants and the peak eluting as a tetramer is the PML coiled-coil. The fractions corresponding to A and B were concentrated from 800 to 100 ll before loading.

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the GST affinity column. By use of Prescission protease, the fused protein could be cleaved without coeluting the protease with the heptad because the Prescission protease, fused with the GST, binds to the Sepharose beads during the column elution. Lane 2 in Fig. 2 shows the purified heptad region after enzymatic cleavage and elution. This band, with an expected Mw of 15.5 kDa, was confirmed to belong to the PML coiled-coil region by means of aminoterminal sequencing. Sarkosyl was used for the heptad elution because, without the detergent, it is not possible to efficiently elute the heptad region from the Sepharose beads. The affinity chromatography purification left a faint band at a high molecular weight, which was probably due to a non-specific binding of some bacterial protein to the Sepharose column that coeluted with the heptad region. The yield of GST-CC fused protein was approximately 100 mg per 1 liter of bacteria and the yield of heptad region after affinity chromatography and prescission cleavage was 80% (Table 1). FPLC and HPLC analyses The purified protein was analyzed with FPLC equipped with a gel filtration column (Fig. 3) in order to further clean the sample and to check its association properties under non-denaturing conditions. The chromatogram shows the presence of three peaks at elution volumes of 7.32, 8.45, and 9.27 ml (Fig. 3) and an absorption band from minutes 33 to 56. The absorption from minutes 33 to 56 could be due to a small difference in Sarkosyl concentration between the sample and elution buffer. In fact, the collected fractions from minutes 33 to 56 did not show any band when analyzed with PAGE (data not shown). The eluted fractions, corresponding to the three peaks, were then loaded on a PAGE. The results showed that only the fractions eluted at 9.27 ml correspond to the PML coiled-coil (Fig. 3b). The elution volume of the peptide, however, corresponds to a molecular mass of approximately 66 kDa, in contrast to the expected value of 15.5 kDa. The ratio between the observed molecular mass and the expected one is 4.2 which suggests that, under the present conditions, the PML heptad region migrates as a tetramer. The HPLC analysis (Fig. 4), carried out on the purified FPLC fraction, directly demonstrates the hydrophobicity and the purity of the peptide. The peptide hydrophobicity is indicated by the long elution time (Tr ¼ 30:25 min) in the C18 column, which is longer than the retention time of Sarkosyl (Tr ¼ 27:18 min.). The peak was eluted only when the organic modifier (CH3 CN) was at its maximun concentration. Circular dichroism The CD spectra carried out in the presence of Sarkosyl at 0.1% are strongly affected by the presence


Fig. 4. HPLC of PML coiled-coil purified with FPLC and of lysozyme and ribonuclease. The coiled-coil peak elutes in high hydrophobic conditions (Tr 30.25 min) with respect to Sarkosyl (27.18 min) and charged proteins such as lysozyme (2.23 min) and ribonuclease (4.30 min).

of the detergent. To avoid this problem, the detergent concentration was decreased by ultrafiltering the sample solution with phosphate buffer without Sarkosyl. This treatment resulted in a partial loss of the sample due to the precipitation of the peptide, which was too hydrophobic for the aqueous environment. However, the ultrafiltrate solution contained enough material for CD spectra analysis (PAGE was used to check for the presence of the peptide data not shown). The CD spectrum of PML heptad region is shown in Fig. 5. This spectrum shows a minimum in the 222 and 208 nm region, which is typical of an a-helix and bstructure. The a-helix, b-sheet, and random coil structures account for 14.4, 62.6, and 23%, respectively. The a-helix value, calculated as reported by Okamoto et al. [39], is 13.5%. The above determined value of a-helix content is not typical as for a peptide forming an a-helical coiled-coil [41], considering the fact that several secondary structure prediction programs, such as PSI-PRED, SS-PRO, and J-PRED, predict an a-helix content ranging from 84 to 94%. However, the predicted structure of the tetramer was determined, considering the structure of the monomer as the one predicted by the PSI-PRED program.

Fig. 5. The CD spectrum of PML heptad region in phosphate buffer 50 mM, pH 7.4, without Sarkosyl. The a-helix content is 14.4%. The signal is an average of three measurements in the region of 185– 260 nm.


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Discussion The PML heptad repeats characterize the coiled-coil domain of PML. This protein fragment is the interface of homo- and hetero-dimerization of PML–RARa [24] and multimerization of PML [33]. The key role played by this fragment in APL is due to its ability to mediate the PML–RARa multimerization [33]. In fact, the oncogenic potential of PML–RARa is expressed only when the chimeric protein forms multimers. In this condition, PML–RARa recruits the nuclear corepressor (N-CoR)/histone deacetylase (HDAC) with high affinity, which leads to the differentiation block and the differential response to APL [33,34]. The possibility of forming oligomers increases this capacity due to the association with multiple corepressor molecules. The ability of this region to form multimers has already been reported in the literature [33], but the exact stoichiometry of the complex has not been determined. It has been shown that, after size exclusion chromatography, PML coiled-coil elutes as a complex ranging from 60 to 150 kDa that, in in vitro cross-linking assays, appears as a di-trimeric complex [33]. Under our experimental conditions a better separation was achieved and it was possible to determine the molecular weight of the multimeter that was compatible with four subunits. The difficulty in determining the exact stoichiometry of the coiled-coil domain strictly depends upon the experimental setup, which proves the structural sensitivity of this region to the surrounding physico-chemical conditions. The potential to form multimers has also been confirmed by theoretical models based on the primary sequence analysis [40] and the tetramerization, which seems to be a common method by which the nature modulates the transcriptional activation [42,43]. At the molecular level, the formation of the tetramer can be explained by considering the peptide hydrophobicity. This characteristic is confirmed by the presence of many hydrophobic amino acids (52.3%) and by experimental evidence. A high peptide hydrophobicity is suggested by: (i) the use of the detergent during the elution of the affinity and size-exclusion chromatography columns; (ii) the HPLC analysis in which the elution times of the peptide were longer than those of the detergent; and (iii) the fact that the peptide eluted only in the presence of 50% acetonitrile. The low a-helix content, with respect to that predicted, and the high b-structure content (a and b structures account for 77%) suggest that the peptide is probably not in its typical conformation (almost all ahelix) but is enough for the formation of the complex. The unexpectedly low a-helix content could be due to the absence of other PML domains or other biochemical conditions such as the presence of the Sarkosyl, even if at low concentration, which influence the domain structure.

The functional effects of other protein domains in PML have been shown through in vitro experiments by Fagioli et al. [5] in which the maximum growth suppressive action of PML occurs only when the heptad region is connected with the RING, B1 and B2 boxes and is low when they are alone [5]. The importance of the B box domains for the correct arrangement of the coiled-coil domain was already suggested for the proper oligomerization via the coiled-coil motif of ret finger protein [44]. This inter-domain modulation is also exerted by the coiled-coil domain towards the RING domain. In fact, the removal of the coiled-coil fragment causes a transactivation activity of the RING domain itself [45]. The influence on secondary structure could also be modulated by other protein modifications such as sumoylation [25] and splicing [20], which suggests a new hypothesis about the molecular mechanisms in NB assembling of PML. The PML has three sumoylation sites [46] outside of the region under study; these sites are essential for sumoylation and, in turn, for NB formation [17]. At the molecular level, sumoylation could modulate the homo-multimerization of PML in NBs by controlling the secondary structural arrangement of the coiled-coils. In addition, considering the fact that different isoforms are sumoylated differently [47], the NB assembling through PML could be regulated in a very refined way. In the same way, the splicing, especially in the central part of the gene (exons 4–6), produces a protein in which the Ring B boxes and CC fragment are joined to a different length of a-helix (exons 4–6) [26] that could influence the degree of PML assembling and therefore the structure/function of the NBs. The additional a-helix close to the coiled-coil could induce an ahelix increase of the coiled-coil domain. However, a decrease of the a-helix content could also be induced by the presence of the detergent. Since sarkosyl absorbs in the UV region, its presence can contribute to the observed spectrum even at a low concentration used in the experiment (100 lM). On the other hand, we cannot exclude the fact that this very low concentration of detergent could influence the structural arrangement of the PML heptad region [48] covering hydrophobic domains during refolding [49]. The low detergent concentration prevents denaturation of the heptad region allowing the complex formation, but it could be enough to cause the loss of a-helix structure and the increase of b-sheet. To summarize, even in the presence of low detergent concentration the PML heptad region migrates as a four-unit complex with low a-helical content. The main parameter for the complex formation appears to be the peptide hydrophobicity. The low a-helical content with respect to the predicted one indicates that the peptide structure is modulated by several structural and biochemical parameters. RING and B boxes, sumoylation, and splicing can be the molecular mechanisms by which PML self-assembling is finely regulated, allowing for an

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equally fine regulation of NB assembling. However, the molecular mechanism by which PML protein self-assembles and the role of post-translational modifications, at molecular level, need further studies to be elucidated. The biochemical environment and, in particular, the effect of the detergent have to be considered as a factor determining the loss of a-helix content with respect to the predicted one.

Acknowledgments We thank Prof. Pelicci for the helpful discussions and for allowing us to carry out all the molecular biology procedures in his laboratory. (Department of Internal Medicine, Perugia) and the Biophysics laboratory (Department of Physics, University of Perugia) for the CD measurements.

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