SDRAM controller for real time digital image processing systems

June 7, 2017 | Autor: Rafal Kielbik | Categoria: Digital Image Processing, Architecture and Memory, Digital Systems, Data transfer
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CA DS1W~:2001 Proceedings


SDRAM controller for real time digital image processing systems Tomasz Szymanski, Rafak Kiekbik, Andrzej Napieralski A h t n i c t - Nowadays a lot of modern digital systems are based on processor-memory architeclure. Additionally when large capacity and data transfer rate i s required, SDKAM memory is used. Moreover there is a trend to combine multi-chip systems into one device, so called on-chip systems. In such defined systems a built-in SDRAM controller is needed. This paper presents a SDRAM controller adapted to work in fast digital image processing systems. Interface of controller was simplified to give more flexibility in usage for designers. Keywords - Digital image processing, SDRAM controller.

I n other words price will incrcase. For this reason an optimization of controller in dependence of problem type being resolvcd must be taken into account. As in specific system not all functions of SDRAM must be supported, connected with it controller can be area reduced without performance decreasing. Other advantage of such solution is that memory controlling' becomes easier.


In this article a SDRAM controller optimized for real timc Rapidly

growing development of silicon technology

increases performance of digital systems and logical capacity of devices. Level of nowadays technology provides designers with integrate multi chip systems into one device. Many parts of old-systems can now coexist on a single silicon wafer. I t

causes dramatically increase of performance with cost.

digital video stream servicing is described. Adaptation to digital video stream makes the controller easier in use and less resource consuming. Moreover access to the memory is easier by choosing only two commands (read and write) along with cell address. All other necessary fimctions, as initialize or rcfresh, are executed automatically without user interference.

reduction. Indispensable part of today's systems is a processor


connected to a memory. Performance of such architecturc mainly depends on clock speed and data access time. .The best

SDRAM memory is a next generation of silicon data

results are obtained with a static mcniory but capacity is very

storage after common DRAM'S. The main difference between

small. For solution, which requires big data storage and

them is a clock. In new generation type of DRAMS, data,

relatively short random access time, SDRAMs (Synchronous

address and control lines are latched on the clock. Because of


synchronous access style in SDRAMs, controlling and

disadvantage of that is an extra logic called SDRAM

performance can be better in comparison with standard

controller needed to operate. The controller is being used not

DRAM's. New generation of memory supports also new

orily for read and write operation but also acts as an cxccutor

features makes the functionality much more efficient.

Dynamic '






of another necessary functions like refrcsh, sleep or initialize after power-on. Because of additional logic existence, the onchip system that uses SDRAM in comparison with system that uses SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) will be bigger.

SDRAM controlling is made by latching special commands applied on the control lines. All supported commands with logic states of control lines are given in TABLE 1 and shortly described below. For more precise information look at [ I ] and

Tomasz Szymanski E-mail: [email protected] Rafat Kielbik E-mail: RKI ELB I K(6Jdmcs.p. Andrzej Napieralski E-mail: Technical University of Lodz. Department o t Microelectronics and Computer Scicnce (K-25). AI.Politechniki I I , 93-590 Lodz, POLAND. This paper was supported by grant No. 8TI I BO3618 of Statc Committee for Scientific Research.

PI. 'fwo NOP Commands prevents other commands from being cxccuted by the SDRAM. The first onc makes a chip disabled for the clock. Second one prevents unwanted commands from

being registel-ed during idle or wait-states. ACTIVE prepares

CADSM”2001 Proceecliizgs


desired data to be accessed. During this operation one part of

rcduction. In this application controller is based on finitc state

the address is loaded. READ and WRITE exchangc data by

machine. All states of it are divided into four function paths

applying second part of address. Onc of supported featurcs of

and one ‘Idlc State’ (Fig. I )

SDRAM memory is Burst Mode. In this modc SDRAM lcts to transfer data in so called packets. One packet can include iiiore than one data word, which appears one by one. In this


way consecutive data in memory can bc accessible faster. BURST TERMINATE command breaks a Burst Mode while packet is reading or writing. Each access to the data must be

lnit Path

Refresh Path

finished by PRECHARGE. This command lets the memory to Read Path

be prepared to the next operation. Because of dynamic character of data storage, cells have to be refreshed periodically





Write Path


REGISTER is applied during initialization process at the beginning of m e m o y usage. With this command a special Fig. 1 Controller functionality

attributes are set (i.e. Burst packet length, access type, CAS latency and other). From this moment the functionality of the memory is,detemiined.


Each path is made up of consecutive states without branches and flow conditions. While inserting into specific state,

memory is loaded with certain command. At ‘Idle State’ the


SDRAM COMMANDS Command m m e

I csx

/Command inhibit (NOP)


IN^ operation (NOP)


NOP command is executed. Below detailed functionality of paths is described. ‘Init Path’ - After power-on, SDRAM have to be prepared

and configured to be ready to operate. This process is carried out, by executing thirteen commands s h o k in Fig. 2.



, i.

The main aim of-that path is to.configure memory during LMR command preceded by two refresh cycles.





called refresh procedure to renew data stored in capacitors.



This operation must be done for. all memory cells once per



specific time period. For application discussed in this paper,



‘Refresh Path’. Dynamic type of memory requires so .


refresh is done in four clock periods represented by states given in Fig. 3 .

111. CONTROLLER SPECIFICATION As the controller being described in this article is intendcd to work within real time digital picture processing system, some of SDRAM features can bc oinittcd without performance

Lviv-Slavsko, Ukraine. VI-th International Cotifercticc llic tiupcricncc 1 1I i h i g i i i t i g atid Applicntioii ofC.4D Systems




CADSIC1*2001 Proceedings

9 begin




-Valid data

Fig. 5 Write process

Fig. 2 Initialize process

cF> begin

Controllcr moves between discussed above four paths but sometimes stays in ‘Idle State’. Decision “Where to go” is taken in ‘Command Resolving’ box (Fig. I ) . This box is responsible for refresh time counting also. The most

Fig. 3 Refresh process

importance has ‘Init Path’, which is called once after poweron. After initialization is done the ‘Refresh Path’ captures a priority over other paths. Whenever resolving box calculates that refresh is needed and the last path is done controller enters into ‘Refresh Path’. If refresh is not required user CMD line is sampled to determine if the read or write path should be executed. When no access to the memory is needed CS (Chip Select) must be deselected and than controller goes into the ‘Idle State’. Deselecting CS signal prevents executing read or write operation only. It does not affect on initialization or

Fig. 4 Read process

refresh processes.

‘Read Path’ and ‘Write Path’ are responsible for data

The architecture defined in this chapter makes the controller

exchanging. T o increase performance of memory, data is read

interface simpler and easier to apply in a large system. The

or written in four word packets (‘Burst Mode’), so the address

only signals required to control SDRAM are shown on the left

is given once per packet (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). The only

edge of the box given in Fig. 6. CMD determine if the data

requirement is that all words in packet have to be consecutive

will be read or written. CMD is sampled (when C S is active)

in address space. In the event of video systems it is not

at the end of executing of any path or while the controller

onerous because in most cases algorithms are executed on

stays a‘t the ‘Idle State’. RD-VAL indicates valid data to be

neighboring pixels. As it can be seen boot paths are very

read. WR-VAL demands data to be written. ADDR indicates

similar and executes in eight cycles each. The first path diffcrs

location of first word to be read or written. In Fig. 6 the data

form second one in third command and in location of valid

bus is not shown.

data presence. While reading, the first word is valid during transition to state five and while writing, the first word must be valid before transition to state three.

Lviv-Slavsko. Ukrdiiic. V I - t h Intcrnalional Conference the Expcricncc cif Designing and

.Application of CAI) Systems i n






appioxnrlgtcly*Fan obtain 400 Mbytes pcr second It means


that data corresponding to pixel can be transfcrrcd to or from



iiicniory fifteen times during pixel presence. Such ratlo in most cases is sufficient

A[11:0] DQMB[7:0]


v. CONCLUSION In this papcr SDRAM controller optiniizcd to digital vidco

Fig. 6 Controller interface

strcain transferring was presented. As it was shown in chapter IV performance of the controller mostly dcpends on clock


frequency. Bccause amount of resources needcd to controller

Because lengths of paths described in previous chapter are

building is very low, clock frequency as large as 100 MHz is

constant, performance of controller can be calculated in

very easy to obtain even in obsolete technologies. As a

fiinction of clock frequency. Execution tiines of significant

practical application “The Reprograillnlable Digital Image

paths are:

Processing System” can be mentioned. This application is trcf=







based on FPGA technology. Details are available in [4].






/\pplicatioii of(’AD. Systems in Microclcctronics


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