Serum and bile lipid levels in a postmenopausal woman after percutaneous and oral natural estrogens

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eral density and various biochemical biopsies were taken under local anest subjects. Results: Forearm bone mine lous bone areas were significantlylower in the alcoholicpatientscomparedwith c~ntt3 0.01 fnr all measurements),but !hcse %ahaes did not differ betwan the drinkerst?d TLCdrinkers, however, had significantly less osteoblastic activity than the abstainers, dynamic bone histomorphomary (f < 0.001). Serum bone Gla-protein concentrations the abstainers than in the drinkers (P < 0.001). No differences were seen rcl mctcr; of bone resorption. although the alcoholic patients who had lower serum free testosterooe concentrations than th- control subjects also had higher urinary lrydroxyproline excretion rates. Conclusion: These data suggest that ethanol may be responsible for o&oblastic dysfunction resuhiqz in diminished bone formation and reduced bone mineralization.

Diet and plasma oodrogens in ?ostme~opau~l pnusal women witb breast cancer


and omnivorous


8rsd post?le~l~-

Adlercreutz H; Hamalainen E; Gorbach SL; Goldin BR; Woods MN; Dwyer JT Department of ClitGcncol Chemistry. University of Helsinki, SF-00280 Helsinki: Fin/and Am. J. Clin. ?hctr.; 49/3 (433-442)/1989/ We

studied 27 postmenopausal women, 9 vegetarians, 10 omnivores, and 8 apparently healthy women with breast cancer (BC), four times during 1 year. Dietary intakes were recorded and plasma androgens and sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) bindilg capacity were determined. Androstenedione (A), testosterone (T), free T (Fr). and SHBG were higher in omnivores ti’an in vegetarians. In multiple correlation analysis. intakes of protein and fat were positively correlated with A. T. and FT. whereas the intakes of carbohydrate, grain, total fiber, and grain fiber showed the opposite correlations. Protein intahe was positively correlated with percentage FT (@IoPT) and negativeti with SHBG. BC patients bad a ,irnilar paitern to omnivores with even higher levels of A and T (sit&cant compared with vegetar sns) and they showed !ignificantl, higher FT and lower SHBG than both control groups. We conclulle that a Western-type :iei in postmenopausal women is associated with high A, T, %FT. and low SHBG and this pattern was apparent in the BC patients.

Serum nod bile lipid levels in postmenopnusid woman after percntukeotu and oral nahral D’Amato G; C&ve!lini A: Me;>a C; Manyini V; Mkciagna G Deportment 7’ Obstetrrcs and Gynecologv, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, 7GiJl3 Castellana. .Wy

Am. 1. Obstet. Gyneco!.: !KV? (6OO-&Il)/lrgL/ 17 betaBstradio1 was administered for 4 weeks percutaneously (5 me/day) and. after a 6--e& period to allow the drug to wash cut, orally (2 mg/day) to a postmenopausal woman in whom a Kerr tube had been paced because of an iarrogenic lesion of the cOlumon bile duct. After both methods of administration, there was an increase in the biliary cholesterol coaretrtration, but after oral dministration, bile flow also increased and cholesterol crystals appeared in the bile. The percutaneous metnui of -*r.idiol administrtion in postmcnqaus~l women seems to be less dangerous for the biliar) ‘-32.

Wormoaes rod breast cancer Wile AG; DiSaia PJ Divirion of SurgW sexology, University of Ctilifornig Irvine Cancer Center. Orange, CA MM; U.S.A. Am. J. Sure.; 157/4 (438--442)/1989/ Patients with successfully managed breast cancer have generaily ken denied subsequent exposure increased leveis of estrogen (endogenous or exogenous) based on the belief ihat exacerbation of



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