Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Vol. 29, No. 11, pp. 1106 –1114, 2000 Copyright © 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 0891-5849/00/$–see front matter
PII S0891-5849(00)00394-4
National Institute for Food and Nutrition Research (Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca su Alimenti e Nutrizione), 546 Via Ardeatina, 00178 Rome, Italy (Received 15 November 1999; Revised 27 June 2000; Accepted 12 July 2000)
Abstract—The measure of antioxidant capacity (AC) considers the cumulative action of all the antioxidants present in plasma and body fluids, thus providing an integrated parameter rather than the simple sum of measurable antioxidants. The capacity of known and unknown antioxidants and their synergistic interaction is therefore assessed, thus giving an insight into the delicate balance in vivo between oxidants and antioxidants. Measuring plasma AC may help in the evaluation of physiological, environmental, and nutritional factors of the redox status in humans. Determining plasma AC may help to identify conditions affecting oxidative status in vivo (e.g., exposure to reactive oxygen species and antioxidant supplementation). Moreover, changes in the plasma AC after supplementation with galenic antioxidants or with antioxidant-rich foods may provide information on the absorption and bioavailability of nutritional compounds. Consequently, this review discusses the rationale, interpretation, confounding factors, measurement limits, and human applications of the measure of plasma AC. © 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. Keywords—Free radical, Antioxidant capacity, Oxidative stress, Plasma, Uric acid, Plant phenols
as inflammation, the respiratory burst, and xenobiotic killing [1]. Mammals have evolved complex antioxidant strategies to utilize oxygen and to minimize the noxious effects of its partially reduced species [2]. Antioxidants within cells, cell membranes, and extracellular fluids can be upregulated and mobilized to neutralize excessive and inappropriate ROS formation. Within the strategy to maintain redox balance against oxidant conditions (e.g., chronic inflammation, cigarette smoking, and diets poor in antioxidants and/or rich in pro-oxidants) [3,4], blood has a central role because it transports and redistributes antioxidants to every part of the body. For example, plasma can scavenge long-lived ROS, such as the super-
The increasing evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative damage is involved in several inflammatory and degenerative diseases [1] has recently stimulated much interest and concern. Oxidative damage can originate from an increase in free radical production either by exogenous radicals such as radiation, pollution, and cigarette smoking, or by endogenous sources, such Andrea Ghiselli, M.D., specialized in Internal Medicine, has been a researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca su Alimenti e Nutrizione (INRAN) since 1989. He works in the field of antioxidant modulation of platelet function and cardiovascular diseases and currently conducts studies in humans on oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants. In 1996, he actively contributed to the establishment of the Free Radical Research Group ( Mauro Serafini, Ph.D. in Experimental Physiopathology, is a researcher at the INRAN. Previously, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra, and a visiting scientist at the Nutritional Immunology Lab of the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRC) at Tufts University. His interests are in the dietary modulation of oxidative stress in humans and on the redox modulation of cell-mediated immune function. Fausta Natella is a post-doctoral fellow in the Free Radical Research Group at INRAN. She received her Degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Rome (1996). She is currently involved in research on the oxidative modification of LDL and the antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds in different model systems.
Cristina Scaccini has been a senior scientist at the INRAN since 1993. Prior to this she held a research scientist position at the Center for Human Nutrition—Southwestern Medical School, University of Texas at Dallas (USA). Her scientific interests in the Free Radical Research Group currently range from the in vitro antioxidant activity of single molecules to the modulation by natural antioxidants of oxidative damage, and apoptotic and proliferative response in cellular systems. Address correspondence to: Andrea Ghiselli, Free Radical Research Group, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca su Alimenti e Nutrizione, 546 Via Ardeatina, 00178 Rome, Italy; Tel: ⫹(39)065032412; Fax: ⫹(39)065031592; E-Mail:
[email protected]. 1106
Plasma antioxidant capacity
oxide anion or hydrogen peroxide, thus preventing reactions with catalytic metal ions to produce more harmful species [1,5,6]. It can also reduce oxidized ascorbic acid back to ascorbate [7–10]. Hence, plasma antioxidant status is the result of the interaction of many different compounds and systemic metabolic interactions. The cooperation among the different antioxidants provides greater protection against attack by ROS, than any compound alone. A typical example of synergism between antioxidants is glutathione regenerating ascorbate [11], and ascorbate regenerating ␣-tocopherol [12]. Thus, the overall antioxidant capacity (AC) may give more biologically relevant information than that obtained from measuring concentrations of individual antioxidants. In addition, the AC of the cell is mainly attributable to the enzyme system, whereas that of plasma is mostly accounted for by low molecular weight antioxidants of dietary origin. These “sacrificial” compounds, rapidly consumed during the scavenging of ROS, need to be regenerated or replaced by new dietary-derived compounds. Thus, plasma AC is modulated either by radical overload or by the intake of dietary antioxidants and can therefore be regarded as more representative of the in vivo balance between oxidizing species and antioxidant compounds (known and unknown, measurable and not measurable) than the concentration of single, selected antioxidants. Appropriate application of AC measurement requires a clear understanding and description of what is really being measured as follows: 1) Although the terms antioxidant capacity and antioxidant activity are often used interchangeably [13–16], their real meanings are quite distinct. The antioxidant activity corresponds to the rate constant of a single antioxidant against a given free radical. The antioxidant capacity is the measure of the moles of a given free radical scavenged by a test solution, independently from the antioxidant activity of any one antioxidant present in the mixture. In biological samples such as plasma, a number of heterogeneous compounds displaying diverse antioxidant activity are present, and therefore it can be argued that the antioxidant status is better represented by its total antioxidant capacity or activity alone. 2) A particular antioxidant under testing would present different activities, depending on the species used to initiate the oxidation reaction. Superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, and hydrogen peroxide are the most frequently used compounds, because they are known to occur in vivo. However, water-soluble peroxyl radicals generated through the thermal decomposition of azoinitiators (mostly 2,2⬘-diazobis(2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride (ABAP) and 2,2⬘-diazobis(2-
amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) have also been widely used [13,17–29]. Catalytic transition metal ions are also powerful initiators of oxidative reactions, but they produce a wide range of oxidant species [30], and their presence in vivo in the catalytic form is questionable. Oxidative reactions initiated by transition metals are prevented by chelating agents, but not by chain-breaking antioxidants. As single antioxidants generally have different activities against different ROS, AC of a complex mixture depends on the radical to be scavenged. For this reason, the radical to be used to initiate the oxidation reaction must be always specified and carefully selected. 3) The overall AC of plasma is a combination of the effect of all of the chain-breaking antioxidants, including the thiol groups of proteins and uric acid. “Paradoxical” results can, therefore, occur. For example, because the concentration of uric acid in plasma is very high, it contributes substantially to plasma AC. As plasma uric acid increases in clinical conditions where oxidative stress is also implicated (e.g., kidney failure, metabolic disorders), and after strenuous physical exercise, a significant increase in AC may occur, although the opposite effect might have been anticipated [31,32]. Consequently, it is perhaps best to define the overall plasma AC as a “concept” rather than a simple analytical determination, because it results from the simultaneous presence of many poorly defined pro-oxidant and antioxidant compounds. Although a large number of methodologies have been developed in the last few years [22,29,33–39], the quantification of AC remains troublesome. Thus, the aim of this paper is to critically analyze the method used in our laboratory and to arrive at a general methodological approach to the measurement of plasma AC. Some observation from in vitro and in vivo applications of the method will be also reported.1 THE EVOLUTION OF THE METHOD: THE TRAP HISTORY
The original Total Radical-trapping Antioxidant Parameter (TRAP) assay, proposed by Wayner et al. in 1985 [28], has been the most widely used method for evaluating plasma AC. The method is based on the 1 In the present paper we describe and discuss only the method used in our laboratory. In the last decade several methods have been proposed. These methods are mostly based on the measure of inhibition of artificially generated oxidative reactions [19,22,29,36,37,39 – 43]. Although differences exist in the choice of free radical generator, target molecule, endpoint, and biological matrix, we hope that our work will provide some general indications, independent from the methodological approach adopted.
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property of “azo-initiators,” such as ABAP, to decompose, producing a peroxyl radical flow at a constant temperature-dependent rate. These peroxyl radicals have enough energy to abstract hydrogen from a (lipid) substrate, thus initiating a (lipid) peroxidation chain. In the Wayner assay, the consumption of dissolved oxygen is the marker of the rate of lipid peroxidation and, therefore, an indirect measure of plasma’s ability to inhibit the reaction. The lag phase induced by plasma on the rate of oxygen consumption is compared with the lag phase induced by a known amount of trolox, the water-soluble analog of ␣-tocopherol. In this assay, TRAP is expressed as micromoles of peroxyl radicals scavenged by a liter of plasma. This method is time-consuming (2 h per sample), and therefore only a limited number of samples can be handled daily. Another, more relevant, problem in the TRAP assay originates from the high dilution of plasma required to produce a suitable lag phase. This dilution makes the propagation chain reaction between fatty acids “physically” difficult [44]. In fact, the TRAP value proportionally increases with dilution. The authors overcame this problem by adding a small amount of linoleic acid to the reaction mixture [44], potentially introducing an additional source of error. A few years later, DeLange and colleagues [23] proposed the utilization of an external probe (R-phycoerythrin (R-PE), a protein extracted from Corallina officinalis) to measure AC. ROS produce a decrease in R-PE fluorescence, which is slowed down by antioxidants, allowing the monitoring of oxidative reactions. This assay measures directly the attack of peroxyl radical upon the target molecule, rather than oxygen consumed during chain reactions of lipid peroxidation. Although this innovative aspect rendered the methodology more rapid, reliable, and sensitive, the authors could only measure the effect of single antioxidants on R-PE oxidation (reported as percentage of inhibition) rather than the overall AC of solutions or biological fluids. We merged the approaches of Wayner and De-Lange, utilizing R-PE as an external probe and the comparison between the lag-phase produced by plasma to that produced by trolox, to calculate the concentration of peroxyl radicals quenched. Details of the analytical conditions are reported in the footnote.2 2 Human plasma is collected after an overnight fast in a prechilled EDTA Vacutainer. The blood is immediately centrifuged at 1200 ⫻ g for 5 min and plasma is separated and kept at 4°C. Samples are assayed for AC within 5–10 min. The reaction mixture consists in 15 nM R-PE in 75 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. After addition of plasma, trolox, or other compounds, the oxidation reaction is started by adding AAPH to a final concentration of 5.0 mM. The loss of R-PE fluorescence is monitored every 5 min on a luminescence spectrometer equipped with a thermostated cell-holder; monochromators are operating at an exci-
Fig. 1. Kinetics of oxidation reaction initiated by AAPH (5 mM). In the absence of antioxidants (sample 1) a linear decrease of R-PE fluorescence is observed. The addition of antioxidants (4, 6, and 8 mM trolox, samples 2, 3, and 4, respectively) induces a lag phase proportional to the amount of the antioxidant added.
The method Based on the original TRAP assay [28], we proposed an assay [24] based on the ability of plasma to trap a flow of water-soluble peroxyl radicals produced at constant rate, through thermal decomposition of AAPH. The addition of AAPH produces a linear decrease of R-PE fluorescence (Sample 1 of Fig. 1), and addition of plasma or single antioxidants induces a lag proportional to the amount of the antioxidant added (Samples 2– 4 of Fig. 1). In a recent review [45], Prior and Cao raised concerns on the linearity of fluorescence decrease on the basis of their personal results. However, R-PE has been utilised successfully by other researchers before we started working in this topic and a linear decrease of R-PE with time was clearly reported by Glazer [23,46, 47], Packer [48], Stocker [49], and others [50,51]. Chain-breaking antioxidants react with peroxyl radicals 100-fold faster than does R-PE, thus representing the fast-reacting substances in the reaction [23]. At the end of the lag phase, when all these fast-reacting antioxidants are completely used up, R-PE begins to be oxidized and to lose its fluorescence properties. The results are quantified by standardizing the lag phase of plasma by the lag phase of a known amount of trolox 30 – 40 min after the initiation of the reaction. When R-PE fluorescence is about 50% of the initial value, trolox is added and the reaction is followed until the loss of fluorescence is linear again (Fig. 2). The lag phase is then calculated by extrapolating the slope of maximal R-PE oxidation before and after trolox addition, up to the intersection of the slopes of induction phases of plasma and trolox. Both tation wavelength of 495 nm/10 nm slit width and an emission wavelength of 575 nm/5 nm slit width.
Plasma antioxidant capacity
Fig. 2. The kinetics of R-PE oxidation initiated by 5 mM AAPH in the presence of plasma (8 l) before and after trolox addition (1.8 M final solution). The antioxidant capacity of each plasma sample is calculated by comparing the two lag phases obtained in the presence and in the absence of trolox. Redrawn from Ghiselli et al. [24].
slopes of maximal R-PE oxidation in any assay are the same. Plasma AC value is obtained by comparing the lag phase of plasma to that of trolox: Ctrolox/Ttrolox ⫽ X/Tplasma
where Ctrolox is the concentration of the trolox added, Ttrolox the lag phase induced by trolox, X the AC of plasma (or other matrix), and Tplasma the lag phase induced by plasma. The resulting value of X is then multiplied by 2.0 (the stoichiometric factor of trolox) and by plasma dilution factor. Values are expressed as M (micromoles of peroxyl radicals trapped by 1 liter of plasma).
Methodological problems: tips & tricks, unanswered questions Plasma or serum? The instability of antioxidants in biological samples, especially when they are exposed to air and light at room temperature, suggests that plasma and serum cannot be interchangeably used for total AC measurement. Some authors reported to have used plasma [19,23,24,28,37,52– 60], and some others serum [40,61– 70]. No differences were seen between plasma and serum TRAP by some authors [28], whereas others found higher values in serum than in plasma [71]. This last observation is quite surprising, because serum is obtained after clotting blood at room temperature. Time and temperature are indeed crucial when dealing with antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, glutathione, and ubiquinol, which are relatively unstable at neutral pH [72,73]. Moreover, during aggregation, platelets release ROS [74,
75], also suggesting that plasma and not serum is to be preferred. To attempt to clarify the disparity in the literature, we collected two different blood samples after an overnight fast from 10 healthy adults (5 smokers, 5 non-smokers) in prechilled Vacutainers with or without EDTA as anticoagulant. Serum was obtained by clotting blood samples at 22°C for 30 min, while EDTA-treated blood samples were immediately centrifuged and the harvested plasma maintained in an ice-bath in the dark. Plasma and serum AC values were significantly different (1500 ⫾ 455 M and 1061 ⫾ 514 M, respectively, p ⬍ .05). However, within groups analysis revealed that this difference was due to the presence of smokers in the group. Smoker’s AC was significantly higher in plasma than in serum (1480 ⫾ 183 M and 700 ⫾ 391 M, p ⬍ .01, respectively). Plasma and serum AC values in nonsmokers were slightly, though not significantly different (6%). This observation indicates that serum and plasma AC can be significantly different, according to the specific conditions of the subjects. Preparation of serum may expose the blood of smokers to higher pro-oxidant conditions than non-smokers, causing a more marked loss of antioxidants. The reason for this smoking-related effect is unclear, although the hemorheological consequences of chronic cigarette smoking (higher hematocrit, platelet hyperfunction, higher white cell count) [76] may give rise to “oxidative conditions” during blood clotting. Therefore, plasma should be used to assess AC rather than serum, and the assay should be performed immediately after blood collection. The use of a refrigerated microcentrifuge is also needed to rapidly prepare plasma to avoid any thermal stress.
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to a slope determined in the absence of plasma [24]. The protein interference represents a major drawback in methods, such as ORAC [22], in which protein contribution to total plasma AC is as high as 86%. It would be very difficult (if not impossible) to discriminate between different plasma samples with similar levels of fast reactive antioxidants (14% of total AC) and different levels of protein (86%). To avoid this kind of interference, our method uses trolox as an internal standard, so that the slopes of both plasma and plasma ⫹ trolox share the same “noise” from the proteins (1).
Fig. 3. Stability of plasma samples (n ⫽ 6) stored at ⫺80°C for different times. Values are expressed as percentage from T0 (100%). Each analysis requires about 1 h to reach its completion, thus the storage time “1 hour” is referred to as the beginning of the assay (1 h from blood withdrawal).
Storage condition. As a consequence of the short lifetime of some antioxidant compounds, the effect of storage on plasma AC must also be considered. In fact, the measure of AC at different timepoints (0 – 4 h and 3–20 d) of the same sample stored at ⫺80°C indicates a modest drop in the first 4 h, followed by a significant and rapid loss within the first 3 d of storage (Fig. 3). On this basis, AC assay must be run immediately after blood collection and plasma separation. When laboratory conditions do not allow this procedure (such as during a field study), quick plasma separation should be followed by storage at ⫺80°C and samples should be analyzed for AC within 3 d. Protein. Protein interference is another important confounder in the measurement of total plasma AC. Protein sulphydryl groups participate physiologically to the overall redox balance and modulate oxidative stress generating reversible semi-oxidized species (mixed disulfides with non-protein low-molecular-weight thiols [77, 78]. Protein sulfydryl groups are responsible for part of plasma AC, because they react with peroxyl radicals during the very first steps of the oxidation reaction and contribute to the duration of the lag phase. The protein skeleton only reacts slowly with peroxyl radicals in the R-PE oxidation phase (60-fold less than R-PE [23]). However, plasma protein concentration (more than 50 g/liter) is high enough to be competitive with R-PE oxidation, thus producing interference. When all fastreacting compounds are completely exhausted, a competition for peroxyl radicals between proteins and R-PE begins (Fig. 2). Therefore, different plasma samples produce different slopes of maximal R-PE oxidation. These differences depend on their protein content (lower protein concentration corresponding to steeper slopes). The slope obtained from deproteinized plasma is comparable
Uric acid. Uric acid has powerful antioxidant activity, and its concentration in plasma is almost 10-fold higher than other antioxidants, such as vitamin C or vitamin E. Plasma levels of uric acid can range from 200 to 450 M, which corresponds to about 400 M AC. Gender and metabolic differences, as well as some pathological conditions (kidney diseases, metabolic disorders) [79,80], diet [80,81], and strenuous exercise [59], may be associated with an increase of plasma uric acid, thus introducing another possible confounding factor in the measure of plasma AC. For example, a significant AC increase has been observed in rats fed an ethanol-supplemented diet (1.1 g/100 g) for 6 weeks [82]. This AC increase was explained by the simultaneous increase of plasma uric acid concentration due to ethanol-induced purine degradation. Thus, the toxic effect of chronic ethanol consumption [83] resulted in a paradoxical increase on plasma AC. Similar results have been reported by MacKinnon and colleagues [32] in patients with a renal dysfunction, in which the increase in uric acid levels gave a parallel increase in total antioxidant capacity. In conclusion, the potential confounding effects of uric acid indicates that AC assays should be accompanied by the measure of plasma uric acid concentration. APPLICATIONS: WHEN AND WHERE TO UTILIZE AC
An assay should be ideally adaptable to every substrate and condition. However, AC assays are subject to artefactual confounding (see above) and results have to be interpreted with caution. Below we report and discuss some application using data coming exclusively from our laboratory.
In vitro and in vivo antioxidant capacity of complex mixtures: the case of a single dose of phenolic-rich beverages Some dietary plant constituents, such as flavonoids and related phenolics, are powerful antioxidants in vitro, and may also have a protective role in several human
Plasma antioxidant capacity Table 1. Differences Between the in Vitro Antioxidant Capacity (in the Presence and in the Absence of Milk) and in the in Vivo Antioxidant Capacity Before and After Supplementation with Black and Green Tea In vivo AC (M)
Black tea Black tea and milk Green tea Green tea and milk
In vitro AC (mM)
3.54 ⫾ 0.15 3.42 ⫾ 0.16 17.85 ⫾ 0.13 17.20 ⫾ 0.17
1300 ⫾ 190 1270 ⫾ 170 1330 ⫾ 170 1240 ⫾ 190
1680 ⫾ 130 1170 ⫾ 160 1790 ⫾ 210 1360 ⫾ 90
From Serafini et al. [90].
pathologies [84,85]. However, their absorption, metabolic fate, and availability for antioxidant protection in humans are not fully understood [86 – 88]. Moreover, the definition “plant phenolics” includes thousand of compounds with different activities and different chemical structure. The chemical structure (number of phenolic rings, aromatic substitution, glycosylation, conjugation with other phenolics or organic acids) can be an important determinant in their bioavailability. However, the profile of phenolic compounds in plasma can potentially be quite different from that of the original dietary source due to metabolization and biotransformation. In this contest, the measure of plasma AC can represent a tool for indirectly investigating bioavailability of compounds present in plant foods. Monitoring changes in plasma AC after administration of polyphenol-rich foods may represent a kinetic marker of phenolic bioavailability. In the studies reported below, beverages rich in phenolic compounds but almost free from other antioxidants (green and black tea, white and red wine) were used. Tea represents an excellent example of the lack of correspondence between the in vitro AC of a phenolicrich beverage and its capacity to induce an increase in plasma AC after supplementation (Table 1). Phenolic patterns of black and green teas are very different, and black tea may be considered the oxidized form of green tea. During the processes to obtain black tea, oxidation of polyphenols occurs, thus decreasing the levels of simple compounds and increasing condensed compounds. In agreement with other authors [89], we showed that tea processing profoundly affects the in vitro AC of the infusion. In fact, green tea displayed an AC 5 times higher than black tea [90] (Table 1). In vivo green and black tea beverages (300 ml) induced a rapid increase in plasma AC; however, the relative increase was the same for both teas (40% at 30 min and 48% at 50 min, respectively, for green and black tea). This discrepancy between in vitro and in vivo experiments suggests that acid gastric juice might rapidly break down the condensed phenols of black tea. Simple
polyphenols produced by the hydrolysis of theaflavins and thearubigins would thus become available for absorption and exert their antioxidant action in the blood stream. The time course of antioxidant response (30 –50 min) indicates that these modifications and the subsequent polyphenol absorption occur in the higher region of the gastrointestinal system, probably starting from the stomach. Interestingly, the addition of milk to black tea decreased its capacity to increase plasma AC (Table 1). This could be explained by the known capacity of milk proteins to bind with high-molecular-weight phenols, rendering them resistant to gastric hydrolysis, or somehow reducing their bioavailability. On the other hand, milk proteins did not affect tea AC in the in vitro tests [90]. Based on these experiments, we proceeded to the evaluation of the in vitro and in vivo AC of red and white wine [91]. To avoid any interference from acute ethanol ingestion, dealcoholized wine was used both for the in vitro and for the in vivo experiment. Also in this case, there was a significant difference between the in vitro and in vivo AC of the two wines. The in vitro AC of the wines was of 40.0 and 1.9 mM for red and white wine, respectively, reflecting their total phenol contents (3630 and 31 mg/l, respectively). Only the ingestion of red wine induced a significant increase in plasma AC in humans, whereas white wine did not produce any appreciable change. The results described here indicate that polyphenolrich beverages are able to transfer their antioxidant capacity to body fluids. However, the phenolic content itself is not a comprehensive index of antioxidant capacity; the chemical nature of phenols must be taken into account when evaluating the AC of polyphenol-rich beverages. These data corroborate the concept that simple in vitro AC analysis of food can be misleading, as different factors, such as metabolic transformation and dietary interactions, might affect plant phenols availability and activity in vivo. Long-term counteraction of oxidative stress induced by cigarette smoking In vivo oxidative stress can be counteracted by therapeutic interventions aimed at either decreasing the risk of the patient of being exposed to ROS or at supplementing the patient with antioxidants. The measurement of changes in AC may represent a suitable indicator of the success of either intervention. To assess this possibility, we measured plasma AC of smokers before and after 4 weeks of abstention from smoking (A. Ghiselli and M. Serafini, unpublished observations). Smokers were used as a model of chronic
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exposition to high ROS flux, mostly peroxyl radicals, and to a lesser extent, carbon-centered radicals [1,4]. Sixteen subjects (smoking ⬎250 mg of tar/day and not taking any drug or vitamin supplementation) were recruited in a group attending a “stop smoking program” organized by the Italian League Against Cancer. A group of 10 non-smokers was used as control. The abstinence from smoking corresponded to a 42% increase in plasma AC (963 ⫾ 369 M before stopping smoking vs. 1363 ⫾ 473 M after stopping smoking, p ⬍ .05); these values were close to those found in non-smokers (1288 ⫾ 350 M). The rise in plasma AC was partially due to an increase in thiol groups (34%), whereas no changes in ␣-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and uric acid were detected. Another group of smokers (16 subjects) was divided in two subgroups, which were given either a placebo (sucrose tablets) or an antioxidant supplement (1 g of vitamin C, 600 mg of vitamin E, and 25 mg of -carotene) daily for 4 weeks. Supplementation significantly increased plasma AC (1349 ⫾ 249 vs. 1721 ⫾ 345 M; p ⬍ .001). This increase was mainly, but not totally, ascribed to the rise of plasma antioxidant levels. In fact, vitamin C, ␣-tocopherol, and -carotene would have had to increase by 10- to 20-fold to achieve the observed 400 M increase of AC. These results further demonstrate that the measure of AC represents the body redox status better than does the measure of the single circulating antioxidants. CONCLUSIONS
AC is a sensitive and reliable marker to detect changes of in vivo oxidative stress, which may not be detectable through the measure of single “specific” antioxidants. The method can be used for evaluating the effect of different treatments on plasma redox status in healthy subjects when the results are expressed as change with respect to the basal value. However, several clinical, metabolic, or physiological conditions, not necessarily related to oxidative stress, may result in different plasma values of AC. For this reason the comparison of plasma AC of different population groups should be performed following strictly controlled protocols and accompanied by analysis of single antioxidant compounds. REFERENCES [1] Halliwell, B.; Gutteridge, J. M. C., eds. Free radicals in biology and medicine. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1989. [2] Halliwell, B.; Gutteridge, J. M. The antioxidants of human extracellular fluids. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 280:1– 8; 1990. [3] Halliwell, B.; Cross, C. E. Oxygen-derived species: their relation to human disease and environmental stress. Environ. Health Perspect. 102(Suppl. 10):5–12; 1994. [4] Davies, K. J. Oxidative stress: the paradox of aerobic life. Biochem. Soc. Symp. 61:1–31; 1995.
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AC—antioxidant capacity AAPH—2,2⬘-diazobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride ABAP—2,2⬘-diazobis(2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride EDTA— ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid TRAP—Total Radical-trapping Antioxidant Parameter R-PE—R-phycoerythrin ROS—reactive oxygen species