Urban Climate Framework: A System Approach Towards Climate Proof Cities
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Chapter 11
URBAN CLIMATE FRAMEWORK: A SYSTEM APPROACH TOWARDS CLIMATE PROOF CITIES Sonja Döpp (TNO Built Environment and Geosciences) Fransje Hooimeijer (TNO Built Environment and Geosciences, and University of Technology Delft) Nienke Maas (TNO Built Environment and Geosciences)
The urgency of climate proofing urban areas is increasingly recognized and various adaptation and mitigation measures are being developed. However, to combine these measures in comprehensive strategies and actually implement them is challenging. The incorporation of climate change issues in day to day urban development requires better understanding of the urban system and the relations between climate and non-climate urban issues. In this paper we describe a theoretical framework and practical method to get a grip on the urban complexity and climate change effects: the Urban Climate Framework (UCF). The UCF approach is based on different system approaches and aims to expose underlying relations in the urban system and takes the complexity perspective. This perspective takes the unpredictable behavior and unforeseen consequences as starting point and enables better understanding of second order effects of climate change impact and the identification of win-win solutions to balance between mitigation and adaptation. The framework is developed in the context of adaptive management and can be used to structure information of different fields of knowledge and stakeholder groups. The UCF serves as a knowledge brokerage method to incorporate climate change in the complex processes of urban development and can be used by researcher, policy makers, urban planners and designers.
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he major contribution of cities to the global climate change and the urgency of climate proofing urban areas are increasingly recognized (e.g., VROM 2008). Many cities are struggling with a new task: How to prevent further climate change (by CO2-reduction) and how to deal with the effects of climate change like heat, water excess and drought and their secondary effects? These effects will influence the physical characteristics and functions of cities (Figure 1) which results in various economic, social and health issues (e.g., Kuypers 2008; Döpp et al., 2009). However, development of comprehensive strategies and the actual implementation of measures contributing to sustainable urban development is still a big challenge, particularly in the dynamic and complex context of cities. In the traditional practice of urban development and design it is not common to relate interventions that are necessary to tackle the effects of climate change with ‘general’ urban issues. Successful incorporation of climate proofing elements requires ‘mainstreaming’ (Klein et al., 2005) of mitigation and adaptation into urban development. In order to find relations between general (non-climate) urban issues and those related to climate change, a good understanding of the urban system and the way the different professionals within this system as a whole is required. Cooperation between urban planners, policy makers, scientists and other actors and combining their knowledge is crucial in finding effective integral solutions. There is a need for new methods to support these processes. Existing decision support tools and methodologies for developing climate change strategies focus on measuring impacts and the modeling of scenarios (Sheppard & Shaw, 2007). These tools lack the ability to assist actors at different scales in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of climate adaptation and/or mitigation strategies (Laukkonen et al., 2009). Moreover, existing models are not designed to facilitate stakeholder participation. Here the complexity theory can offer additional value because it involves a variety of perceptions and values’ regarding what is true, relevant and desirable, and to the dynamics that results from the interactions between al these ingredients (Whitty & Maylor, 2009).
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Figure 1 Schematic representation of climate change impact on the urban system, and (examples of) adaptation and mitigation measures to be taken To support the incorporation of climate proofing in the day to day practice of city building the method Urban Climate Framework (UCF) is developed. The UCF helps understanding the urban and climate system, and to expose underlying relations in the urban system for better understanding of the first and secondary effects of climate change impact. The UCF also acts as a knowledge brokerage instrument to facilitate the dialogue between different stakeholders and find win-win solutions. The UFC is developed on the theoretical background of system approaches taking the perspective of complexity theory by first emphasizes that decision making has a nonlinear character. This results from unexpected behaviour and unforeseen consequences of interaction of agents (Koppejan & Klijn, 2011). Second in constructing a model of the landscape the agents are in to grasp onto the continuous change within the system and external influences of changing other systems that are related. Rhodes (2008) calls this the “performance landscape”. This paper explains the construction of the Urban Climate Framework as a theoretical model and practical method, shows the usability and options for improvement for the city of Rotterdam and the working of the method in workshops. Chapter 11: Urban Climate Framework | 235
ities are considered as complex adaptive systems (Benton-Short & Short, 2008); they are dynamic, connected and open systems which continually evolve to internal interactions and external factors (Holling, 2002; Bai, 2003). In order to deal with climate change in these complex environments, there is a need for ‘adaptive co-management’ or adaptive governance. This involves the ‘evolution of new governance institutions capable of generating long-term, sustainable policy solutions to wicked problems through coordinated efforts involving previously independent systems of users, knowledge, authorities, and organized interests’ (Scholz & Stiftel, 2005). Managing complex systems is not easy given the dynamics, unexpected coevolution and self organizing character of systems. Adaptive management is adapting to the evolution of systems and using the possibilities that the dynamics create (Koppejan & Klijn, 2011). Adaptive governance in cities requires a thorough understanding of the potential of the “performance landscape” that Rhodes defines: the urban system and input of a multidisciplinary and multi-perspective group of stakeholders. The complexity perspective focuses on the interactions within the decision making system and with other systems. The UCF is developed to connect problems solutions and choice opportunities in facilitating the process of gathering and combining this information in an effective way to steer decision making. A system approach makes it possible to understand the city and the issues of climate change in relation to each other. The use of system approaches emerged in the 1950s as a reaction on the reductionist approach where the issues were de-contextualized and reduced to their essence but made complexity too simple (Flood, 2001). As Einstein advised: ‘make your object of study simple as possible but no simpler’. The system approach is a method to study phenomena as emergent properties of the interrelated whole with a mutual consistency and in interaction with the surroundings (Heylighen, 2000). This makes the object of study simpler, but still enables to give meaningful understanding of issues that deal with elements of a different nature and coherence. The latter is specifically interesting in the issue of climate and cities, since there is a mix of elements like urban structures and users that are both part of the problem and part of the solution.
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The UCF, built upon several system approach methods, aims to investigate the city as a complex adaptive system including the impact of climate change, and to act as a knowledge brokerage method. Complex systems are systems comprised of numerous interacting identities (parts) each of which is behaving in its local context according to some rule(s), law(s) or force(s) (Maguire & McKelvey, 1990: 26). Therefore framework should enable to set together and bring order in information of different nature, from different fields of knowledge and stakeholder groups. It should be simple but comprehensive, easy to understand, offering insights in the relations in the city and possible interventions. Elements were used from four system approach methods: •
DPSIR framework (EEA, 1994); causal framework to asses interactions between social and environmental system, based on Driving forces, Pressure, State, Impacts and Response;
SCENE-model (Rotmans, 1998); supporting tool for regional sustainability analyses, based on stocks and flows in the SoCial, Environment and Economic sustainability-capital domains;
Layers Approach (Hoog, Sijmons & Verschuuren, 1998); conceptual framework to guide spatial planning policy;
Vulnerability Approach (e.g., De Graaf 2009); general approach to identify vulnerability of a system and ability to deal with impacts, based on threshold capacity, coping capacity, recovery capacity and adaptive capacity.
he Urban Climate Framework can be described as a system modulation with a four-step approach that facilitates stakeholder participation. Starting point for the construction of the UCF are the three key urban functions for maintaining healthy and livable cities: living, working and amenities. In order to investigate how and to which extent these functions are subjected to climate change and the influence on the urban system and potential solutions, we identified their main stocks (based on SCENE-model). The functions and stocks for which information can be collected are displayed in Figure 2.
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Social Behavior
Social Structure
Living Housing
Nature Living environment
Energy Material Air Waste Food Products
Network Mobility Soil conditions
Working Labour capital
Business Buildings
Figure 2 Essential Urban Functions And Required Stocks The second approach that is used is the Layers Approach (Hoog, Sijmons & Verschuuren, 1998). In the original approach, three types of connected layers can be distinguished that are characterized by different rates and types of spatial development and change: subsoil (soil, water, nature, and landscape), network (infrastructure) and occupation layer (living and working). In relation to climate change, the original layer approach is a good starting point but not refined enough for the complex urban system. For the purpose of the UCF the original layers approach is extended by the layers public space and users, and the layer metabolism (flows of energy, water, air, goods etc.) based on work of Heeling et al. (2002) and Van Schaik & Klaasen (2007) respectively (see Table 1).
Table 1 The Ordering Of The Stock In The Layers Of The City 238 | Sonja Döpp, Fransje Hooimeijer and Nienke Maas
By structuring the stocks (from the SCENE-model) according to the different layers, it is possible to understand the size and impact of climate change for the specific layers. Moreover, it gives an indication on the ease and speed with which changes can be achieved, e.g., by interventions for climate adaptation. For example, adaptation measures like simple changes in behavior (user layer) could be achieved on shorter notice and with less investment than some infrastructural adjustments (infrastructure layer). The stocks ordered by layers make up the y-axis of the UCF supporting table (Table 2). System analysis
Problem analysis
Figure 3 Scheme Of The System Approach Of The UCF The elements along the x-axis of the UCF supporting table represents the four-step system approach of the framework (Figure 3) which is derived from DPSIR. Collecting data and information per stock following these four steps supports developing integral climate adaptation strategies. The system analysis aims at a good overview of the local conditions and current state of the urban system, and the (future) pressures that the system is subjected to. In the UCF table, information for the system analyses is placed in the columns State and Pressure. Relevant questions in the system analysis are: what are the social, physical, chemical and/or biological characteristics and current conditions of the different stocks? The description of the current situation, the state of the different stocks within the layers, can take in existing problems and qualities that characterizes the specific layer. The second part of the system analyses is a description of the physical and social-economic pressure for each stock. Here the connection between climate impact and contemporary urban development can be made since both pressures are ordered by stocks right next to each other.
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Relevant questions in the Problem Analysis are: how vulnerable are the stocks for the effects of climate change and/or social-economic pressures, what is the potential impact on the urban system? The impact of climate change in one stock might results in negative results in other stocks as well. Understanding the vulnerability of the system is useful in the third step of Interventions. Options for measures are based on a strategy of lowering vulnerability by increasing the threshold capacity, coping-, recovery- and/or adaptive capacity. More in general: UCF could connect the physical and social component in urban development and climate change issues. Public services, looking for new cooperation and communication strategies, could jointly provide and combine relevant information on climate and environmental aspects in development projects. system approach
La yer
Pr essure Climate (drought, he at, flood) From system/ur ban tasks
Impa ct
Response Mitigation interv entions
Response Adaptation Interventions - Threshold - C oping - R ec ove ry - Ada ptation
Soci al structu re Soci al behaviou r Labour productivity Labour capital
City metaboli sm
En ergy Food Water Waste Ai r Material Prod ucts
Occup ation
Offi ces
System analysis
Problem analysis
Housing Util ity Culture Public space
Living environ men t Culture Natur e
Infra structure
Mobi lity Netw ork
Underg round
Netw ork
Soi l c onditions
Table 2 The Urban Climate Framework Knowledge Brokerage Method (source: TNO) The fourth step of the system approach cycle is the Evaluation phase, the continuous learning process. The aim of this step is to determine the influence (direct and indirect) of the proposed adaptation and mitigation measures at other elements (stocks and layers) of the city, positive and negative effects. 240 | Sonja Döpp, Fransje Hooimeijer and Nienke Maas
Within a cyclic approach this is not the last step, but again the first where the new state is analyzed.
n order to examine the usability of the UCF, interviews were conducted with several municipal services (OBR, DCMR, dS+V, Gemeentewerken), a housing corporation and Rotterdam city council. Beforehand the interviewees received an explanation to the UCF and the table including information about Rotterdam. During the interviews the focus was on the usability of the UCF as a practical method for the specific services, and improvement of the content and structure of the supporting table. It is recognized by all municipal services that there is a need for a wider perspective of urban development and the integration of climate issues. The scale of traditional approaches (e.g., environmental impact assessments) is often too narrow to make well considered decisions; the scope should be broader, not only in terms of space but also in terms of sectors and disciplines. The UCF is seen as an opportunity to bring more disciplines together, and act as a discussion method for people from different backgrounds. There is a particular interest in connecting the physical and social component in urban development and climate change issues. In some cases, social developments are barely considered in physical investments, while there are a lot of potential win-win solutions. This is also recognized by the municipal Urbanism and Housing of Rotterdam (dS+V) department for whom ‘social-physical connection’ is one of its central spatial planning themes. Combining physical and social (non)climate issues in the UCF approach could help to make this connection. Lack of communication is indicated as one of the main problems in finding effective integral solutions for climate and non-climate urban issues. Furthermore, services are looking for new cooperation strategies in order to jointly provide and combine relevant information on climate and environmental aspects in development projects. The interviewees indicated the suitability of UCF to support this process by enabling knowledge to be shared in a structured way. The use of the UCF table in a multi-disciplinary interactive process is seen as a powerful method for sharing knowledge and raising awareness for coherence between different domains. Much ignorance
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still prevails, both on this coherence and on the (indirect) effects of and responses to climate change. For the practical use of the framework in interactive processes, people indicated that the table offers a good base for organizing information. However, a single session will probably not be enough to consider the whole framework on a city scale. The framework should be comprehensible for people unfamiliar with this kind of information and system approach. Including more facts and figures like maps and working with flowcharts can contribute to this. Furthermore, a clear explanation about the context and purpose of the framework before use is necessary. The interviewees also noticed that the information in the table can be quite subjective. A clear distinction between objective and subjective data in relation to how the UCF table is used (knowledge base or discussion method) is important. The climate is not on the priority list of the housing association. Only when the effects of climate change start to have an influence on the interests of the association, like building costs and materials, will it become an issue. Either that or the association must take a moral stance to improve their business profile and show social commitment. The housing association, as in other sectors, cannot oversee the climate issue. The issue is complex in its components and time-frame, therefore it is easier to keep out of the complexity and keep to one’s own turf. That is why integration between the sectors, necessary to get a grip on the climate issue, has failed to transpire despite all the efforts. The fear of complexity and of the unknown puts up an enormous barrier; the UCF is an analysis method that could help sectors look beyond their borders and gain some insight into the complexity free of fear. From the political viewpoint the UCF could be useful to make the necessary connection between the macro and the micro levels; some climate measures are required at micro level (in the urban system) in order to have impact on the macro level (of climate change). This connection is crucial but often difficult to make clear to the stakeholders that micro-level participants. It is especially difficult to create support amongst city residents to make changes to improve the macro climate since they are more connected and concerned with the micro climate in their direct surroundings and their culture. By relating climate issues to the cultural aspects of the city (e.g., in the layer users), the UCF can contribute to the better incorporation of climate measures at micro level.
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In a city like Rotterdam, where the harbor and its industry are the main contributors to the city’s CO2 emissions, macro-level mitigation measures are much more effective than micro-level measures and even though the latter up to effects on a macro level, it could be more effective to tackle the industrial sector than the private sector. The UFC makes it possible to weigh up the measures and effects on the different levels. The interviews show that all public services in Rotterdam are struggling with the complexity of incorporating climate issues into urban development, and that there is need for methods or instruments to support this process. The systematic, integral approach of our framework has been very positively received and further development of the UCF as a practical method is being strongly encouraged.
he theoretical model is tested by master students in urbanism at the University of Technology in Delft. They applied the UCF and their experiences were used in the construction of the framework. A draft version of the framework was applied to the city of Rotterdam. The functioning and potential use of the model was discussed with the different domains in Rotterdam as described above. Then the final model was tested in two workshops: the Climate Campus workshop and for the 7-UP study by a group of urbanists and architects. The first workshop was held at the opening event of the Delft Research Initiative Environment of the Technical University in Delft. In the interdisciplinary research initiative the campus is used as a pilot project to test technology that is developed in the faculties in real time. The workshop used the UCF as a brainstorm method to get grip on the problems in the public space and the domains of the measures to solve those. This was an interesting way of using the framework because the issues in the other layers were not prominent in the discussion but can easily be connected to the outcome of this workshop. The results were, see Figure 4, that the most urgent problems in the public space of the campus are water and wind. With heavy rain storms the water can not be processed by the artificial water system that is constructed there. The high buildings take the wind down and this is very uncomfortable, especially since the new design of the campus is all about hanging around on the new lawns. Chapter 11: Urban Climate Framework | 243
The use of the layers by the UCF made clear that a lot of solutions for the problems in one layer are situated in the other layers. State: users
New state
BBQ events Let users make gradual change to the campus by use
New state
connect buildings for pedestrians Catching water in buildings Green facades/roofs Air-catchers
State:public space
Flood wind
State: infra
New state
Water storage (wadi, open water, tanks, square) Vegetation to block wind and absorb humidity water harvesting
New state
Wind highway to steer the wind into the city Sheltered bike roads
State: underground
New state
Underground building connections, water storage
Figure 4 Scheme Of UCF Applied To The Climate Campus The second workshop was based on the research done into a district in Rotterdam, Zevenkamp, by a group of spatial designers. This is an area in Rotterdam built in the 1970s. They focused on the generic aspects of the neighborhood to develop more insight into what to do with the 1970s legacy that is in the line for restructuring. Their analysis concerns almost all the physical layers of the city and making the neighborhood climate proof (there is no question of urban heat island and flooding). As a test the group put all the information of the Zevenkamp into the framework and conclusions were drawn. Firstly, the layers contained information from the study only and, secondly, this was done by one of the members of the project team so were not representative of the professional domain of the different layers. The framework was experienced in a positive way because it was able to incorporate all the very different information (social, physical, economic) and the activity of filling in of the table made the 244 | Sonja Döpp, Fransje Hooimeijer and Nienke Maas
workshop participants think about and discuss their analyses again. Filling in the framework is time-consuming but it is necessary to indicate per layer on what scale the information is situated. For example, energy systems are on a larger scale than green structures. The results of the workshop are worked out for three layers (as a sample), see Figure 5. The connection between the different layers is made visible. The impacts on the layers housing and occupation have a secondary impact on the layer users and the other way around. Also the responses in the different layers have effects on the new state of the other ones. In this example the explicit climate tasks were not focussed on but in these layers also the effects and measures of the climate tasks can easily been taken in. For example the causalities of heat could be prevented by the cooling of the city in the layer of public space that contains trees for shadow and cooling water surface. State: users 44% families Middle income Low social cohesion Large part first dwellers (older) en new families
State:occupation Living quarter with small shopping centre, one cultural building some schools Build 1979-1986 Small family dwellings of 64% (popular) rental 36% privately owned
State:public space
More green space around than in the quarters High sealed percentage waterstructure
pressure Decreasing schooling level Decreasing income level Increasing diversity People with social/economical problems
pressure Bad maintenance Fungi in cellars Small Bad isolation
Vandalism Heating Commitment users
New state
Pre-obsolescence Kids that hang around Cultural differences
Decresing social cohesion Decresing care for maintenace of houses and public space Rental and sale of houses decreases
Jobs (at home)
More divers population in income, schooling and background, social and economical healthy, lively neighborhood
New state
bad climate (too warm too cold) Inflexible in use 4-6 under NAP No elderly housing
Less rental and sales of dwellings Casualties of heat
Isolation Green roofs/ sun cells Adding storage to houses Merging dwellings
Divers typologies, well kept and energy neutral
New state
Biodiversity Filthiness
Asocial behaviour Livability goes down Spatial quality
Clear boarder between public and private More green More biodiversity Specific public places
More divers public space with clear boundaries and usage for specific groups, more green surface
Figure 5 Scheme UCF For Zevenkamp The workshop confirmed that the framework produces a combination of information that leads, as expected, to discussion, with the subjectivity of input from people playing a significant role. The use of the UCF is easier when well defined area is examined since the information is more concise and precise. Filling in the table for the whole of Rotterdam was evidence of this. That means that the use of UCF is optimized when the location and the goal of the system analyses are very distinct because the results are dependent Chapter 11: Urban Climate Framework | 245
on the actors in the session. They define the relevant elements of the system and decide what type of guidance is necessary on evaluating the multitude of extremely difficult empirical questions they have. To use the framework as an interactive instrument it would be interesting to learn more about dynamic system modelling, which would make the session conclusions interdependent, and also possibly showing this in a timerelated model.
he urban climate framework is not a method that can be used for long-term predictions or to describe scenarios. It is a transdisciplinary approach in bringing together agents and their knowledge fields and giving insight in the “performance landscape” to be able to find a balance between measures for a certain goal or to explore the results of a specific scenario. The goal of the urban climate framework is to connect climate issues with common city development as part of adaptive management. It takes the complexity perspective by looking for the explanation of decision making mainly at the interplay of agents and their behavior, the resulting outcomes and how the interactions within the system are influenced by interactions in other system. Complexity perspective requires analyzing the patterns of interaction, the resulting punctuated equilibrium and the feedback mechanisms that produce those outcomes (Koppejan & Klijn, 2012). The UCF does this by offering a framework where this takes place in order to integrate the climate issues in day to day city development: adaptive management. The capacity of a society to anticipate uncertain future developments means that the developments will be such that adjustments can be effected to provide safeguards from climate changes in the coming centuries. Measures that are within this range of the adaptive capacity are ‘no-regret’ actions that make sense or are worthwhile regardless of the additional or exacerbated impact of climate change. ‘Win-win’ actions that provide adaptation benefits while meeting other social, environmental or economic objectives, include climate change mitigation and ‘low-regret actions’, measures with relatively low costs for which benefits under climate change scenarios are high. The measures taken should not imply the solution of an end situation (for a certain budget)
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but must always be open, adaptive and future oriented to safeguard society from climate change.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With thanks to the interviewees Rick Grashoff (alderman Rotterdam), Peter van Haasteren (OBR), Patrick Kaashoek (Woonstad Rotterdam), Edwin Koopmanschap and Boukje van der Lecq (DCMR), Lissy Nijhuis (Gemeentewerken Rotterdam), Nico Tillie (dS+V Rotterdam), Eric-Jan Wesemann (policy services Rotterdam).
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