

Pharmacology / Implantology / Pharmacy / Polymers / Pharmaceutics / In Situ Gel / Application / In Situ Gel / Application

Three-dimensional electron cryo-microscopy as a powerful structural tool in molecular medicine

Pathology / Crystallography / Electron Microscopy / Molecular Biology / Molecular Medicine / RADIATION DAMAGE / Electron Tomography / Transmission Electron Microscopy / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography / Humans / Image Reconstruction / Viruses / Technique / Three Dimensional Imaging / Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors / Protein structure / Proteins / Application / Protein Complex Detection / Cryo Electron Microscopy / Three Dimensional / Three dimensional Reconstruction / Ribosomes / Signal to Noise Ratio / Structure Determination / Molecular Structure / Electron Crystallography / RADIATION DAMAGE / Electron Tomography / Transmission Electron Microscopy / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography / Humans / Image Reconstruction / Viruses / Technique / Three Dimensional Imaging / Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors / Protein structure / Proteins / Application / Protein Complex Detection / Cryo Electron Microscopy / Three Dimensional / Three dimensional Reconstruction / Ribosomes / Signal to Noise Ratio / Structure Determination / Molecular Structure / Electron Crystallography

Nanostructed Cubosomes as Advanced Drug Delivery System

Drug delivery / Nanostructures / Characteristics / Preparation / Application / Cubosomes / Cubic Phase / Liquid Crystalline / Cubosomes / Cubic Phase / Liquid Crystalline

Approximate equilibria for Bayesian games

Applied Mathematics / Pure Mathematics / Mathematical Analysis / Application / Non-Cooperative Game Theory / Electrical And Electronic Engineering

Data acquisition system for ion-selective potentiometric sensors

Water / Hydraulics / Photonics / Microcontrollers / Measurement systems / Sensors / Chemicals / Data acquisition / Data Fusion / Accuracy / Implementation / Application / Precision / Transient Response / Ions / Amplifiers / Data Acquisition System / Sensors / Chemicals / Data acquisition / Data Fusion / Accuracy / Implementation / Application / Precision / Transient Response / Ions / Amplifiers / Data Acquisition System

A tribute to Professor Kiyosi Itô

Stochastic Process / Statistics / Application

Distribution, biology, and agricultural importance of Galinsoga parviflora (Asteraceae)

Management / Production / Irrigation / Control / Seed dormancy / Growth / Tropics / Cotton / Pesticides / Habitats / Application / Weed Control / Tillage / Photoperiod / Dormancy / Mulching / Rotations / Vegetative Propagation / Subtropics / Growth / Tropics / Cotton / Pesticides / Habitats / Application / Weed Control / Tillage / Photoperiod / Dormancy / Mulching / Rotations / Vegetative Propagation / Subtropics

Privacy-preserving content-based recommender system

Design / Privacy / Performance / Algorithm / Recommender System / Application / Homomorphic Encryption / Service Provider / E Commerce / Trusted Third Party / Privacy Preservation / Application / Homomorphic Encryption / Service Provider / E Commerce / Trusted Third Party / Privacy Preservation

Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Recommender System

Design / Privacy / Performance / Algorithm / Recommender System / Application / Homomorphic Encryption / Service Provider / E Commerce / Trusted Third Party / Privacy Preservation / Application / Homomorphic Encryption / Service Provider / E Commerce / Trusted Third Party / Privacy Preservation
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