Brazil / Air pollution / Air Pollution and Health Effects / Humans / Child / Infant / Newborn Infant / Public health systems and services research / Time Factors / Seasons / Environmental Exposure / Air Pollutants / Infant / Newborn Infant / Public health systems and services research / Time Factors / Seasons / Environmental Exposure / Air Pollutants
Brazil / Air pollution / Air Pollution and Health Effects / Humans / Child / Infant / Newborn Infant / Public health systems and services research / Time Factors / Seasons / Environmental Exposure / Air Pollutants / Infant / Newborn Infant / Public health systems and services research / Time Factors / Seasons / Environmental Exposure / Air Pollutants
Public sector / Portugal / Workplace / Humans / Nicotine / Universities / Indoor air pollution / Public health systems and services research / Private Sector / Environmental Exposure / Leisure Activities / Public Facilities / Universities / Indoor air pollution / Public health systems and services research / Private Sector / Environmental Exposure / Leisure Activities / Public Facilities
Psychoacoustics / Developing Countries / Humans / Noise / Social Environment / Developed Countries / Public health systems and services research / Environmental Exposure / Developed Countries / Public health systems and services research / Environmental Exposure