Historia Antiga

Contemporary issues in historical archaeology, public archaeology

Ancient History / Archaeology / Historical Archaeology / Public Archaeology / Historia Antiga / Roman Archaeology

O Julgamento de Jesus

Historical Jesus / Historia Antiga / Jesus / Jesus Christ / Historical Jesus Research

A infância em Roma, não tão distante de nós

Ancient History / Historia Antiga / Infancia / Roman Archaeology

A fúria de Vulcano em Pompeia

Ancient History / Pompeii (Archaeology) / Historia Antiga / Pompeii / Pompeii and Herculaneum / Roman Archaeology

Júlio César , o populista romano

Ancient History / Roman History / Historia Antiga / Julius Caesar / Roman Archaeology / Julio Cesar

Caderno de Resumos - I Encontro de História Antiga e I Colóquio de Estudos Orientais (Ist Metting of Ancient and Medieval History and Ist Oriental Studies Colloquium)

Ancient History / Japanese Studies / Medieval History / Medieval Studies / Indian studies / China / China studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Egyptian History / Historia Antiga / Ancient Near Eastern History / Historia / Historia Medieval / Egiptologia / Japão / China / China studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Egyptian History / Historia Antiga / Ancient Near Eastern History / Historia / Historia Medieval / Egiptologia / Japão

História Augusta

Historia Antiga

Imagens do Egito Antigo, um estudo de representações históricas

Egyptology / Teaching History / Ancient Egyptian History / Historia Antiga / Ancient Egypt / Ensino de História / Egito Antigo / Ensino de História / Egito Antigo

Uma obra que renova a História Militar do Mundo Antigo

Ancient History / Military History / Cultural History of War / Historia Antiga

História Militar Resenha de Ariane Pedroso

Ancient History / Military History / Historia Antiga / Historia Militar

Resenha de Sexo e Violência

Ancient History / Violence / Sexology / Gender and Sexuality / Historia Antiga

Memorial de Mestrado

Ancient History / Anthropology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Historia Antiga / Arqueologia / Roman Archaeology

Estudos durante mestrado 1982 - 1985

Latin Language and Literature / Latin Epigraphy / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Historia Antiga / Arqueologia / Antropología Social / Roman Amphorae / Antropología Social / Roman Amphorae

História Antiga em Documentos - uma coletânea

Ancient History / Documentation / Historia Antiga / Roman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
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