Kidney diseases / Ultrasound / Prospective studies / Humans / Ultrasonography / Female / Male / Pediatric radiology / Infant / ROC Curve / Newborn Infant / Diagnostic Accuracy / Area Under the Curve / Postnatal Care / Prospective Study / Predictive value of tests / Female / Male / Pediatric radiology / Infant / ROC Curve / Newborn Infant / Diagnostic Accuracy / Area Under the Curve / Postnatal Care / Prospective Study / Predictive value of tests
Cardiovascular Risk / Metabolic syndrome / Medical Physiology / Abdominal Circumference / Body Mass Index / Body mass index (BMI) / Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus / Prospective Study / Body mass index (BMI) / Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus / Prospective Study
Cognitive Science / Small for Gestational Age / Risk factors / Clinical Sciences / Risk Factors / Prospective Study / Age of Onset / Hypoxic- Ischemic Encephalopathy / Prospective Study / Age of Onset / Hypoxic- Ischemic Encephalopathy