Global Health / Blindness / Visual acuity / Humans / Low vision / Clinical Sciences / Prevalence / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Public health systems and services research / Retinal Diseases / Clinical Sciences / Prevalence / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Public health systems and services research / Retinal Diseases
Brachytherapy / Safety / Humans / Female / Melanoma / Male / American / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Public health systems and services research / Retrospective Studies / Retinal Diseases / Vitrectomy / Male / American / Clinical Sciences / Aged / Middle Aged / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Public health systems and services research / Retrospective Studies / Retinal Diseases / Vitrectomy
Case Report / Humans / Female / Bacteria / Clinical Sciences / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Bacterial Endocarditis / Retinal Diseases / Embolism / Mitral valve prolapse / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Bacterial Endocarditis / Retinal Diseases / Embolism / Mitral valve prolapse
Case Report / Humans / Female / Bacteria / Clinical Sciences / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Bacterial Endocarditis / Retinal Diseases / Embolism / Mitral valve prolapse / Optometry and Ophthalmology / Adult / Public health systems and services research / Bacterial Endocarditis / Retinal Diseases / Embolism / Mitral valve prolapse