Academic English Research report

June 24, 2017 | Autor: Han Peter | Categoria: Migration, Migration Studies
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A study on What Citizens in Jakarta think about Immigrants Submitted By Han Péter Student ID:1801450926 06/10/2015

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Table of Contents A study on What Citizens in Jakarta think about Immigrants Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................i Abstract.................................................................................................................................................ii Introduction...........................................................................................................................................5 Methodology.........................................................................................................................................6 Survey outcome.....................................................................................................................................7 Legal immigrants..............................................................................................................................7 Illegal immigrants.............................................................................................................................8 Kinds of immigrants.........................................................................................................................9 Visit or permanently stay................................................................................................................10 The purpose of stay.........................................................................................................................11 Reduce or increase..........................................................................................................................12 Numbers of temporary and permanently immigrants.....................................................................13 Professionalizes of immigrants.......................................................................................................14 University Students....................................................................................................................14 Highly skilled workers...............................................................................................................14 Low skilled workers...................................................................................................................15 Business and finance professionals............................................................................................15 IT Professionals..........................................................................................................................16 Care Workers for elderly people................................................................................................16 Scientists and researchers..........................................................................................................17 The origin of respondents...............................................................................................................18 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................19 Recommendation.................................................................................................................................19 References...........................................................................................................................................20

Table of Charts Chart #1: Legal immigrants.......................................................................................................................7 Chart #2: reduction of illegal immigrants..................................................................................................8 Chart #3: Kinds of immigrants...................................................................................................................9 Chart #4: Visit or Permanently stay.........................................................................................................10 Chart #5: Purpose of stay.........................................................................................................................11 Chart #6: Reduction of immigrants..........................................................................................................12 Chart #7: Temporary immigrants.............................................................................................................13 Chart #8 Permanent immigrants..............................................................................................................13 Chart #9: University students...................................................................................................................14 Chart #10: High skilled workers.............................................................................................................14 Chart #11: Low skilled workers...............................................................................................................15 Chart #12: Business and finance professionals........................................................................................15 Chart #13: IT professionals......................................................................................................................16 Chart #14: Care workers for older people................................................................................................16 Chart #15: Scientists and researchers.......................................................................................................17 Chart #16: Respondents citizenship home country..................................................................................18

Executive Summary In this paper, a study about what Citizens of Jakarta think about Immigrants that are coming to their home country in a legal or illegal way. A survey was shared between 40 Citizens and according to them now the research will be conducted. the following questions were asked from the candidates: 1. Do you think the number of immigrants coming to Indonesia nowadays should be increased, reduced or should it remain the same? 2. Would you make a distinction between legal and illegal immigration? Which of these statements comes closest to your view about illegal immigration? 3. When you think about immigrants coming to and living in Indonesia, which of these groups would you normally think about? 4. Some people come to Indonesia from other countries to visit; others come to live here temporarily; When you think about immigrants, which of these groups of people are you generally thinking about? 5. Among which of these groups would you like to see immigration reduced? 6. Some people come to live in Indonesia for a few years and then return to their country of origin; others come to live in Indonesia for many years or for the rest of their lives. Please tell us if you think each of these groups of immigrants should be increased, kept the same, or reduced. 7. Policies on immigration often affect specific groups of people coming to Indonesia. For each of the following groups, please tell us whether the number of people coming to Indonesia should be increased, reduced or kept the same. 8. For each of the following groups of migrant workers, please tell us whether you think immigration should be reduced, increased, or kept the same 9. Which of the following best describes your citizenship and place of birth?

Abstract The main destination of this paper is for the citizens of Indonesia. I am concerned with the fact that the frequent negative events that happens nowadays in Asia, the mass migration of fugitives who are getting chased by the escalated power of the Islamic country (ISIS), change the mind of the locals about immigrants. I have collected several thoughts and opinions from citizens of Jakarta how they feel and what they think about Illegal and legal immigrants as well as their attitude against fugitives.

Introduction Since the middle of the 19th century, the formal documentation of illegal immigrants movement got uncontrollable. According to Oxford’s dictionary, immigrants are those people who are constantly living in a country that is not their own homeland. Papademetriou (2005), the Director of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), enumerated several explanations about illegal immigrants and the most common forms. The first type, the most frequent one, of illegal immigrants is those who are staying in a country without any kind of documentation, wherewith the process to justify their identity could happen. The illegal immigration can happen on land, on water and, also to avoid detection and hence inspection, by airplanes. The second type of illegal immigration is those individuals, whom although get inspected at the entry, but by using “fraudulent documents” causes difficulties in the support of admission at any kind of identification. The third type refers to those who overstay, exceeding the time of their visa. These kinds of individuals enter the country legally but after the visa expires, they willingly overstay, violating the law of immigration. The fourth kind of illegality is to purposely violate the terms and conditions of the visa. The most common example is the “acceptance of employment”, which means that the individual might have a legal visa, but also signs up for work that is not covered by the visa. Consequently, the effect of the uncontrollable situation could have a startling, negative outcome on the locals attitude against the immigrants. As Hatton & Williamson have conducted, local people of the countries which were illegal settled, were always afraid that the newcomers will “rob” all the jobs from them (1998). In most of the local people’s mind, the economic structure of of these invaded countries got labile. (Borjas & Freeman) However, some people stated that illegal immigration might help growing a country’s economic structure at several areas like additional tax, low cost labor. The low cost labor could be expanded and increase money in circulation. A study, made by l ManeP. and his coworkers shows, that due to the unauthorized Latino population of California, the state has lost more than 2.2 billion dollar in each year due to their lack of legal status. Another Report from the american action forum, authored by former CBO director Hernandez J., stated that a reform in immigration would “raise GDP per capita by over $1,500 and reduce the cumulative federal deficit by over $2.5 trillion” Several countries see that by granting illegal immigrants the citizenship and they become full citizen might lead to economic strength.

In order to get a full picture about illegal immigrants, the first thing that need to be understood is why people migrate in the first place. The Website of BBC’s educational section, enlightens us with the proper informations. Migration refers to moving from one place to another. There are two types of migration which are Internal migration which refers to moving to another city inside the same country, like example From Jakarta to Malang or on the other hand there is the international migration which refers to moving from a country to another country like example from Hungary To Indonesia. The reason for migration can based on economical development, social development, political or environmental differentiations. The reason economic migration refers to moving to a new place hoping that a new work might offer a better career path. Social immigration is reasoned because of hoping for a better life quality or to be closer to family and friends. The cause of political migration is mostly escaping from political persecution or war, and finally Environmental migration is mostly caused by natural disasters, such as tornado, or earthquake in the home country. Sometimes, an individual can not find the Ideal land to migrate or does not have any relatives to stay by, this people are the so called refugees. The website specify two factors that are strongly influenced to leave an area or move to an are. The push factors refers to why people leave an area and the pull factors refers to why people move to a particular are. The Push factors include lack of services, like example deficit electricity, lack of safety, high crime, crop failure, drought, flooding, poverty and war. On the other hand, Pull factors include higher employment, more wealth, better services, good climate, the area is much safer which means less crime, political stability, more fertile land which secures viands and lower risk or natural hazards. Nowadays, one of the most problematic cause of migration is war and the most affected region is the eastern asian countries. (Arnold & Shas, 2013) The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has been created in 2006 by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and after its founder’s death, it merged with eight other groups from the Islamic state of Iraq, ( ISIS is the successor of al-Qaeda, which one of the most brutal, infamous terrorist group of Iraq. Since the withdrawal of American military forces from Iraq in 2011, and the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in the same year, their power has rose to an overly dangerous level attacking cities inside Iraq and neighbour countries, causing mass migration in several Asian countries. One of the threatened country is Indonesia, according to Sri L. (2014), the world's largest muslim religious country. Beside Legal migrants, who might come to Indonesia to look for a better future, the fugitives, pursued by ISIS tries to migrate to Indonesia by the enumerated methods above. This paper will describe the cause of emigration and immigration and will mostly focus on the question of What is in the expectation of Indonesian citizens about legal and illegal immigrants.

Methodology In the time period between may and june, a questionnaire about legal and illegal immigrants were conducted with several citizens of Jakarta. The information was collected by a questionnaire, which was conducted as a survey. The survey was created by Google Forms, which is a specialized online application specifically made for creating surveys and questionnaires. The survey included ten questions inquiring their opinions about legal and illegal immigrants. tThe answer were given in advance in a form of multiple choices. Forty local, originally inhabitant Indonesian citizen filled the survey, from an age virality between seventeen and forty. Most of the candidates, are students, but the rest are from different background and have different jobs. The survey were handed out to the candidates through online social media sites, emails, and through personal, deep interview. The result of the survey, were collected and automatically Summarized by Google Forms as well as the pie charts that shows the final result and divide the answers into sections variant of the answer.

Survey outcome Legal immigrants The First question in the survey inquired what the citizen of Jakarta is thinking about legal immigrants

Chart #1: Legal immigrants

As the Chart shows,41.5% of the Interviewed people answered, that the number of immigrants should be increased. 21.6% have chosen to reduce the number and 16.2% of them had no specific thoughts about legal immigrants. The reason for this high need for legal immigrants, might get answered later.

Illegal immigrants On the next Pie chart, the answers for the illegal immigrants is resulted.

Chart #2: reduction of illegal immigrants

As the chart says, 65% of the interviewed feel strongly that illegal immigration should be reduced. Mostly because of their negative effects. Another 20% answered that they tend to feel that illegal immigration should be reduced nad 8% do not mind it at all that illegal immigrants are reduced or not. At the two question about that illegal immigrants should not be reduced, 3-3 percent answered that they feel tend or feel strongly about it. Another 3% did not have any feedback for this question.

Kinds of immigrants On the next Pie chart, the result will show what groups of immigrants the citizens of Jakarta are thinking about what kind or immigrant groups would might come and live in Indonesia

Chart #3: Kinds of immigrants The question resulted, that 40% answered that the immigrants who might come and live in Indonesia is someone who came to the country as a foreign, non Indonesian and later by applying the application form for citizenship, became naturalized as Indonesian citizen. 20% answered that the person is coming from another asian country like Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand or Philippines. The same amount of answers resulted that the person might be a citizen of a non-Asian Region, like example Europe or the USA. 10% think, that the person or the group is from originally from Indonesia, but his parents had foreign nationality. This group is sometimes known as the “second Generation” (Bauer, 2007) Only 5% chosed that the person is an Indonesian citizens who were born in Indonesia, moved abroad for several years, and then returned to Indonesia.

Visit or permanently stay In the next question the candidates answers about how long the immigrants would stay in Indonesia

Chart #4: Visit or Permanently stay As it visible here, 33% of the respondents answered that they think that immigrants who comes here would stay permanently in Indonesia. 30% thinks that The person from abroad will just stay several years. 23% answered that immigrants will stay in Indonesia at least five years but not more. This may be related to those businessmen or workers, whose company sent to work at one of the companies office located in that country. 8% choose that one of the available answers are fitting their visual thinking and the same amount don’t know about it.

The purpose of stay The purposes that makes an immigrant to stay in indonesia are diversal. It can be work, education, social or refugee status related. Sometimes the mix of different pulling forces are responsible ( for migration.

Chart #5: Purpose of stay The reasons for staying due to a good paying job opportunity, according to the respondents, is the most possible reason, 47.5% says that Immigrants are coming here for jobs. Since jakarta is the second largest city in the world ( there are tremendous job opportunities for everyone. The second most reasonable purpose is with 25.5% that people who come here to live with their spouse or civil partner. Like in almost every country, a foreigner can get legal citizenship by getting married to a local person. ( 17.5% think that immigrants come to indonesia to apply for a refugee status. Unfortunately, there are hips filled with Rohingya refugees from Burma, who are fleeing from ISIS to Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand and according to Peter P., a journalist of, said that in February 2015, Indonesian seaforce police refused to to give permission for the refugees to stay in Indonesia. Only 5% thinks that Immigrants would live in Indonesia for educational reasons. 15% either don’t know about it or either none of these answers were fitting.

Reduce or increase In the following part, the candidates were asked to answer the question which inquired that rather legal or illegal immigrants should be reduced?

Chart #6: Reduction of immigrants According to the chart, 53% of the respondents answered that they want to see only illegal immigrant’s number should be reduced. 35% said that mostly illegal immigrants numbers should be reduced. 5% would reduce equally and 3-3% would reduce legal immigrants number.

Numbers of temporary and permanently immigrants Some Immigrants comes to indonesia only for temporary time like for only 3 to 5 years. on the other hand there are immigrants, who stays permanently. On the next chart, the information about which time period of immigrants abidance does Jakartan citizens prefer the most.

Chart #7: Temporary immigrants

Chart #8 Permanent immigrants As we look at the two table, we can compare and evaluate, the differentiations between chart #7 and #8. 50% of the inquired people said the the number of temporary immigrants should be increased. On the other hand, only 40% said that and increase should be implemented in the number of permanent immigrants 25% answered that temporary immigrants’ number is enough and need no change. However, 10% more of the respondents said, that permanent Immigrants number should keep the same amount. 18% of the respondents said that the number of temporary immigrants should be reduced and on the other had 20% had the same opinion about permanent immigrants. 7% did not have any opinion for temporary immigrants and 10% for the permanent immigrants was on the same opinion.

Professionalizes of immigrants University Students The following research will process the professionality of the immigrants. Because the mos importan that matter when it is about an immigrant, that how will he contribute to the country’s economy. The following charts will give us information, which professionality is that, that the citizens of jakarta are expecting.

Chart #9: University students As the table says,73% of the respondents think that the number of immigrants, who would contribute to the wealth of the country as a university students and 27% thinks that the number of foreigner or not Indonesian citizens, should be kept on the same amount.

Highly skilled workers The next chart will show the opinions about the highly skilled workers

Chart #10: High skilled workers As it is visible on the chart, the need for highly skilled workers among the respondents is 63%, but 8% thinks that their numbers should be reduced.

Low skilled workers

The next chart will show the opinions about the low skilled workers

Chart #11: Low skilled workers As the chart shows, low skilled workers are not expected to be increased. 40% of the respondent said, that the number of them should be kept on the same level as now. on the other hand, almost the same amount, 33% said that it should be reduced.

Business and finance professionals On the next chart, the need for Business and finance professionals will be shown

Chart #12: Business and finance professionals According to most of the respondents, 53% said that the number of Business and finance professionals should be increased on a high number. Surprisingly, 18% said that the number should be reduced.

IT Professionals It professional are mostly needed in almost all country of the world. However, maybe Indonesians think it differently.

Chart #13: IT professionals Not surprisingly, 53% of the respondent said, that the number of IT professionals should be increased. 28% for keep the same number and 13% to reduce.

Care Workers for elderly people Elderly people, especially those , who cannot support themselves, need helpers. Luckily, there are professional trained workers, who can provide this kind of service. On the next chart, the need of of immigrants with this kind kind of profession will be discussed.

Chart #14: Care workers for older people 55% of the respondents think that more workers with this profession is needed. However, 28 percent think that the number of immigrants is adequate.

Scientists and researchers The demand for scientists and researcher are high in almost every country in the world. In the next chart, the need for this profession will be discussed.

Chart #15: Scientists and researchers The chart shows that Scientists and researchers are highly needed. 70% of the respondents said that Indonesia needs Scientists and researchers. surprisingly, 25% said that that there is no need for increasing their number. It may relate to that, that Indonesians want their own kind to learn more and reach higher educations.

The origin of respondents Finally, the origins of the respondents himself will come to light.

Chart #16: Respondents citizenship home country The bigger part of the respondents, accurately the 75%, are native Indonesians. The second largest part, with 10%, are those who are not indonesian citizens, but born in indonesia. 8% are non Indonesians and born abroad and 3% Are not Indonesian citizens and do not call Indonesia as their homeland.

Conclusion In conclusion, It is clearly visible, that the Indonesian citizens are not afraid to let immigrants into their life. Most of the respondents, would like to increase the number of immigrants in Indonesia in order to develop the country’s economic system. However, there are some volunteer who participated in the questioner, who thinks that the Immigrants’ help is not necessary for their country.

Recommendation I personally recommend to Indonesian citizens, that they should think more open minded in order to let Indonesia develop much faster in either economically and technically too.

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