Developing effective meta-heuristics for a probabilistic location model via experimental design

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European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

Discrete Optimization

Developing effective meta-heuristics for a probabilistic location model via experimental design Hari K. Rajagopalan a, F. Elizabeth Vergara a, Cem Saydam


, Jing Xiao




Business Information Systems and Operations Management Department, The Belk College of Business, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223, United States Computer Science Department, College of Information Technology, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Charlotte, NC 28223, United States Received 7 January 2005; accepted 9 November 2005 Available online 26 January 2006

Abstract This article employs a statistical experimental design to guide and evaluate the development of four meta-heuristics applied to a probabilistic location model. The meta-heuristics evaluated include evolutionary algorithm, tabu search, simulated annealing, and a hybridized hill-climbing algorithm. Comparative results are analyzed using ANOVA. Our findings show that all four implementations produce high quality solutions. In particular, it was found that on average tabu search and simulated annealing find their best solutions in the least amount of time, with relatively small variability. This is especially important for large-size problems when dynamic redeployment is required.  2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Meta-heuristics; Experimental design; Location

1. Introduction The goal of emergency medical services (EMS) is to reduce mortality, disability, and suffering in persons [9,21]. EMS administrators and managers often face the difficult task of locating a limited *

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 704 687 2047; fax: +1 704 687 6330. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H.K. Rajagopalan), [email protected] (F.E. Vergara), [email protected] (C. Saydam), [email protected] (J. Xiao).

number of ambulances in a way that will yield the best service to a constituent population. A widely used EMS system performance metric is the response time to incidents. Typically, calls originating from a population center are assumed to be covered if they can be reached within a time threshold. This notion of coverage has been widely accepted and is written into the EMS Act of 1973, which requires that in urban areas 95% of requests be reached in 10 minutes, and in rural areas, calls should be reached in 30 minutes or less [3].

0377-2217/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2005.11.007


H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

The literature on ambulance location problems is rich and diverse. Most early models tended to be deterministic in nature and somewhat less realistic in part due to computational limitations faced by the researchers at that time. Recent advances both in hardware and software, and more importantly in meta-heuristics, as well as the availability of complex and efficient solvers have enabled researchers to develop more realistic and sophisticated models. A recent review by Brotcorne et al. is an excellent source for readers to trace the developments in this domain [9]. Also, reviews by Owen and Daskin [30], and Schilling et al. [36] examine and classify earlier models. Probabilistic location models acknowledge the possibility that a given ambulance may not be available, and therefore model this uncertainty either using a queuing framework or via a mathematical programming approach, albeit with some simplifying assumptions. Probabilistic location models built upon a mathematical programming framework have evolved from two classical deterministic location models. The first model is a coverage model, known as the set covering location problem (SCLP) developed by Toregas et al. [37]. The objective of this model is to minimize the number of facilities required to cover a set of demand points within a given response-time standard. In this model, all response units (ambulances) are assumed to be available at all times and all demand points are treated equally. The second model is the maximal covering location problem (MCLP) by Church and ReVelle [11]. The MCLP represents an important advance in that it acknowledges the reality of limited resources available to the EMS managers by fixing the number of response units while attempting to maximize the population covered within the response-time standard. Various extensions of these deterministic models have also been developed [9,11,31,35]. In contrast to previous deterministic models, Daskin’s maximum expected coverage location problem (MEXCLP) model was among the first to explicitly incorporate the probabilistic dimension of the ambulance location model [14]. Daskin removed the implicit assumption that all units are available at all times by incorporating a systemwide unit busy probability into an otherwise deter-

ministic location model. Given a predetermined number of response units, MEXCLP maximizes the expected coverage subject to a response-time standard or, equivalently, a distance threshold. Daskin also designed an efficient vertex substitution heuristic in order to solve the MEXCLP. This heuristic works well for small to medium sized problems. However, a comparative study conducted by Aytug and Saydam found that for large-scale applications genetic algorithm implementations provided faster and better results, although not sufficiently fast for real-time dynamic redeployment applications [1]. In their 1989 article, ReVelle and Hogan [31] suggest two important probabilistic formulations known as the maximum availability location problem I and problem II (MALP I & II). Both models distribute a fixed number of response units in order to maximize the population covered with a response unit available within the response-time standard with a predetermined reliability. In MALP I, a system-wide busy probability is computed for all units, which is similar to MEXCLP, while in MALP II, the region is divided into neighborhoods and local busy fractions for response units in each neighborhood is computed, assuming that the immediate area of interest is isolated from the rest of the region. Recently, Galvao et al. [16] presented a unified view of MEXCLP and MALP by dropping their simplifying assumptions and using Larson’s hypercube model [25] to compute response unit specific busy probabilities. They demonstrated, using a simulated annealing methodology, that both extended models (referred to as EMEXCLP and EMALP) produced better results over the previous models, with some additional computational burden. One of the ways that EMS managers can improve the system performance is by the dynamic redeployment of ambulances in response to demand that fluctuates throughout the week, day of the week, and even hour by hour within a given day. For example, morning rush hour commutes shift workers from suburban communities towards their workplaces in cities or major employment centers, and returns workers home at the end of the workday. Given that operating conditions fluctuate, dynamic redeployment strategies require fast

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and effective methods that can be applied in realtime for typically large-scale problem domains. To our knowledge, this problem has been scarcely studied with the notable exception of a study by Gendreau et al. [18]. In their novel approach, Gendreau et al. build upon their earlier double coverage model [17] and incorporate several practical considerations. They show that their model can be successfully solved using a parallelized version of their tabu search algorithm first developed for a static version of the double coverage model. In a recent review article, Brotcorne et al. suggests that any developments in this field are likely to take place in the area of dynamic redeployment models along with fast and accurate heuristics [9]. A crucial factor for dynamic redeployment models is the size of zones used to represent potential demand areas. The accuracy and realism of these models are increased by decreasing zone sizes, which in turn increases the number of zones. Given that the solution space of locating m response units within n zones is nm, the need for fast and powerful heuristic algorithms for largescale applications becomes self-evident. In this paper we report our work in applying four meta-heuristic approaches to the MEXCLP, the use of statistical experimental design to ensure unbiased and objective analyses [4], and present the results, findings, and comparative analyses, which demonstrate the effectiveness of each metaheuristic on small- to large-scale problems. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 MEXCLP is reviewed in detail. Section 3 describes the four meta-heuristics, and Section 4 contains the experimental design. Section 5 presents a detailed report on the results and analyses. Section 6 includes concluding remarks and suggestions for future research.


ability, p. If a zone is covered by i units (i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , m), then the probability that it is covered by at least one unit is 1  pi. Let hj denote the demand at node j, thus the expected coverage of zone j is hj (1  pi). Let akj = 1 if response unit in zone k is within distance r of zone j (covers j), 0 otherwise; yij = 1 if zone j is covered at least i times, 0 otherwise; and let xj = the number of units located in zone j. Daskin formulates the MEXCLP as an integer linear programming (ILP) model as follows: Maximize

n X m X j¼1

Subject to

m X i¼1 n X

ð1  pÞpi1 hj y ij



y ij 

n X

akj xk 6 0





xj 6 m;


xj ¼ 0; 1; 2 . . . ; m y ij ¼ 0; 1 8i; j.


ð4Þ ð5Þ

The objective function (1) maximizes the expected number of calls that can be covered, constraint (2) counts the number of times zone j is covered and relates the decision variables yij to the first set of decision variables, xj. Constraint (3) specifies the number of response units available, and constraint (4) allows multiple units to be located at any zone. This formulation can be rewritten using fewer variables with a non-linear objective function [34]. Let yj denote the number of times zone j is covered and rewrite the expected coverage P for zone j as hj ð1  py j Þ and constraint (2) as nk¼1 akj xk ¼ y j . The non-linear version is formulated as follows: Maximize

n X

hj ð1  py j Þ



2. A probabilistic location model Subject to MEXCLP proposed by Daskin [13,14] maximizes the expected coverage of demand subject to a distance r (or time threshold t) by locating m response units on a network of n zones. MEXCLP assumes that all units operate independently and each has an identical system-wide busy prob-

n X k¼1 n X

akj xk ¼ y j


ð7Þ ð8Þ

xk 6 m;


xk ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; m



y j ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; m




H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

The original MEXCLP and the non-linear formulation above are theoretically identical since MEXCLP searches the feasible space using binary variables that sum up to the number of times each node is covered whereas the non-linear version searches the feasible space using positive integers which count the number of times each zone is covered. The MEXCLP model is useful for implementation via software like CPLEX [12]. We use CPLEX to determine the optimal solution for the MEXCLP ILP formulation. The non-linear model lends itself to easier implementation for meta-heuristic search methods such as tabu search and evolutionary algorithms where the objective function (Eq. (6)) can be directly coded as the fitness function. In order to solve MEXCLP, we begin by generating a hypothetical city (county, region) spread across 1024 sq. miles and impose a 32 mile by 32 mile grid over it. Each problem size utilizes this grid; however each problem size imposes a different level of granularity. For example, an 8 · 8 grid would contain 64 zones with each zone being a square of 4 miles by 4 miles, a 16 · 16 grid would contain 256 zones with each zone being a square of 2 miles by 2 miles, and a 32 · 32 grid would contain 1024 zones with each zone being a square of 1 mile by 1 mile. Furthermore, we randomly generated uniformly and non-uniformly distributed call (demand) rates for each of 1024 zones. Uniform distribution spreads demand for calls somewhat evenly across the region. However, non-uniformly distributed demand simulates a more realistic scenario for calls where there are significant variations across the region as shown in Fig. 1. The demand rates for 64 and 256 zone problems are then computed by a straightforward aggregation scheme using the demand rates for the 1024 zone representation. Furthermore, for each grid (problem) size twenty demand (call) distributions are generated, 10 having a uniform demand distribution and 10 having a non-uniform distribution. These two elements, the grid representation and demand distributions, define the basis for the problem which can be briefly restated as follows: for a given problem size and call demand distribution, locate m units (ambulances) to maximize the expected coverage.

0.02 30 0.01 0

20 10

10 20 30

Fig. 1. Non-uniformly distributed call (demand) data.

3. Meta-heuristic search methods Location/relocation problems are typically NPcomplete problems [33]. The size of the solution space of locating m response units in n zones is nm. Because of the complex combinatorial nature of these problems, there have been various attempts to identify near-optimal solutions through the use of meta-heuristic search methods; most recently, evolutionary algorithms [1,5,7,8,17, 18,23,33,34]. Meta-heuristic search methods try to find good solutions by searching the solution space using two kinds of search pressures: (1) exploration, and (2) exploitation. Exploration pressures cause the meta-heuristics to evaluate solutions which are outside the current neighborhood of a given solution, while exploitation pressures help the metaheuristics use the current position of a solution in a neighborhood to search for better solutions within that neighborhood. In this paper, we consider four meta-heuristic search methods, evolutionary algorithm (EA), tabu search (TS), simulated annealing (SA), and hybridized hill-climbing (HC), and attempt to adapt each meta-heuristic’s method of exploration and exploitation to help identify good solutions in MEXCLP. EA is a meta-heuristic search method that uses the concept of evolution to generate solutions to complex problems that typically have very large

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search spaces, and hence are difficult to solve [22]. EAs ‘‘are a class of general purpose (domain independent) search methods’’ [26]. There are numerous and varied examples of how EAs can be applied to complex problems [2,26,38], including the problems in the location domain [1,6]. TS is a meta-heuristic search method developed by Glover [19,20]. A unique feature of TS is its use of a memory, or list. Once a solution is entered into a TS memory, they are then tabu, or disallowed, for some time. The idea is to restrict the algorithm from visiting the same solution more than once in a given time period. The exploration pressure in TS is its ability to accept a worse solution as it progresses through its search. Tabu search has been successfully applied to various problem domains [29], including covering location models [17,18]. SA is a meta-heuristic that accepts a worse solution with some probability [24]. The ability of SA to ‘‘go downhill’’ by accepting a worse solution acts as a mechanism for exploratory pressure and can help SA escape local maxima. SA has been successfully used for location modeling [9,15]. HC is an iterative improvement search method. Therefore, strictly speaking HC is not a meta-heuristic, however in our implementation HC is hybridized via the inclusion of mutation operators. The algorithm, as originally devised, ‘‘is a strategy which exploits the best solution for possible improvement; [however] it neglects exploration of the search space’’ [26]. The addition of the mutation operators in the hybridized HC greatly improves exploration of the search space; allowing HC to search each neighborhood where it lands in a systematic way before moving to the next randomly determined location in the search space.

fv 12 28 0




3 …



Fig. 2. Data representation.

through m, represents a specific response unit and the value recorded within each of these indices indicates the zone to which that unit is assigned. The zone numbers range between 1 and n, where n is the number of zones in the grid. Therefore, n equals 64, 256, and 1024 for each problem size, respectively. Fig. 2 illustrates the data representation, i.e., vector, used for all meta-heuristics. 3.2. Algorithm structure All four meta-heuristic algorithms have the following common structure: BEGIN Initialization Evaluation of data vector(s) LOOP: Operation(s) to alter data vector(s) Evaluation of data vector(s) UNTIL termination condition END

3.1. Data representation

3.2.1. Initialization and evaluation In the initialization step each response unit is randomly assigned a zone number within the problem grid; this random solution is then evaluated using Eq. (6). The fitness value is then stored in a vector. TS, SA, and HC perform their search using a single vector; in contrast, EA uses a population of vectors. Given that the objective is to maximize expected coverage, higher evaluation, i.e. larger fitness values, represent better solutions.

The data representation used for all meta-heuristics is a vector. A vector is a one-dimensional array of size m + 1, where m is the number of response units in the system. Index 0 in each vector contains the vector’s fitness value (fv) as determined by the evaluation function. Each of the remaining indices within a vector, indices 1

3.2.2. Operators Operators are procedures used within metaheuristics that help define the different levels of search pressures: exploration and exploitation. In this study we utilize a number of operators such as low-order mutation, high-order mutation, and crossover. However, due to the structure of the


H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

different meta-heuristics, not all operators are used in all the meta-heuristics. Crossover is a genetic operator that needs at least two vectors to create new vectors, called offspring. We use a one-point crossover where two parents create two offspring [26,27]. Crossover is used to promote exploratory pressure which forces the meta-heuristic to look for a solution that is in between other solutions already identified within the search space. The idea behind the mutation operator is to provide exploitation pressure in order to search the neighborhood for a better solution. In our implementation, the low-order mutation operator is used to perform a neighborhood search. Neighborhood searches are commonly encountered in meta-heuristics [27]. The definition of a neighborhood emphasizes the difference between the competing search pressures of exploration and exploitation. We define a neighborhood as the adjacent zones immediately surrounding a given response unit’s location. For example, in Fig. 3, given a response unit in zone 28 the neighborhood zones are 19, 20, 21, 27, 29, 35, 36 and 37. When this procedure is called, the algorithm reads the zone within a selected index of a vector. The neighborhood zones are then systematically placed in the selected index within the vector, freezing the values in all other indices, and the fitness value for the resulting vector is calculated. At the end of the neighborhood search, the vector that has the highest fitness value is returned. The low-order mutation operator promotes exploitation pressure. It is possible to design an algorithm with stronger exploitation pressure by searching the entire neighborhood for all m response units. That is, completing a comprehensive neighborhood search for all indices simulta1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57

2 10 18 26 34 42 50 58

3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59

4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60

5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61

6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62

7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64

Fig. 3. Grid representation of zones for 64 zone (8 · 8) problem.

neously. However, this would require 8m evaluations, which may not be computationally feasible for large values of m. Consequently, for each implementation of the low-order mutation operator we compute, on average, 8 * m evaluations searching within one selected index, while holding all other indices constant. High-order mutation is another genetic mutation operator, and is applied to one parent vector in order to create one offspring. To begin the highorder mutation, two cut locations are randomly determined. A third number, between 0 and 1, is then randomly generated. If the number is less than 0.5, then the ‘‘genetic material’’ between the cut points remains unaltered and the data outside the cuts is changed. The selected indices are filled in with randomly generated numbers between 1 and n where n is the number of zones in the problem grid. However, if the third randomly generated number is greater than or equal to 0.5, then the ‘‘genetic material’’ outside the cuts remains unaltered and the data between the cuts is changed by filling in the selected indices with randomly generated numbers between 1 and n. Fig. 4 illustrates the high-order mutation operator. The high-order mutation operator is desirable because it keeps part of the earlier solution while moving away from the neighborhood. High-order mutation has higher exploratory pressure than low-order mutation. 3.2.3. Termination condition Preliminary tests indicated that the improvements experienced by all four meta-heuristics were less significant after 100 iterations. For that reason, all meta-heuristics for all problem sizes were programmed to terminate after 100 iterations, unless a significant improvement had occurred in the last 20 iterations. If so, the algorithm was allowed to run longer. An algorithm requiring more than 100 iterations continues to run until no improvements are identified for 20 successive iterations. 3.3. Evolutionary algorithm (EA) EAs create, manipulate, and maintain a population of solutions to problems, where each solution

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Parent: fv 0

















Parent: fv 0

















Randomly selected indices


Randomly selected indices







































*Assuming a 8x8 grid, i.e., 64 possible zones *Random number less than 0.5

*Assuming a 8x8 grid, i.e., 64 possible zones *Random number greater than or equal to 0.5

Fig. 4. High-order mutation (mutate ends).

is called a vector (commonly referred to as chromosome) representing a possible solution to the problem. Interestingly, one can think of the EAs as performing multiple searches in ‘‘parallel because each [chromosome] in the population can be seen as a separate search’’ [32]. The larger the population size, typically, the better the final solution is; however, computation time increases proportionally with an increase in population size. Preliminary tests were run to determine the population size, and the optimal genetic operator probability rates; these parameters are in Table 2. The initial experiments were run by taking a candidate problem and running it using crossover, high-order, and low-order mutation rates from 0.1 to 0.9 (increasing increments of 0.1). This was done for population sizes of 20, 50, and 100. Therefore, we collected data from 2187 runs (9 * 9 * 9 * 3 = 2187). From this data, we examined the payoff between solution quality and time to get to the solution and decided on the following parameters: population size = 20, crossover rate = 0.5, high-order mutation rate = 0.1, and low-order mutation rate = 0.1. The EA procedure is as follows: 1. Generate a population of vectors of size 20. 2. Each vector has a probability of being selected for crossover, high-order or low-order mutation as described in Table 2. The vector with the highest evaluation function has a probability of 1.0 of being selected for all three operations. 3. A vector will not have multiple operations done on it in the same generation, but two copies of

the same vector can be selected for two different operations. For example, a result of mutation in one generation will not be used for crossover in the same generation however; the parent which was used for mutation may be selected for crossover. 4. The operators of crossover, high-order, and low-order mutation are applied to the selected vectors. 5. The old population and the offspring are put together in a pool and the next generation is created by tournament selection [26,27] preformed on two randomly selected vectors from the pool. Of the two vectors, the vector with a higher evaluation function is the winner and is copied into the next generation’s population. An elitist strategy is also employed, where the best vector is always carried forward. 6. Once the new population is selected, the process goes back to step 2 until the termination condition is reached.

3.4. Tabu search (TS) TS uses only one vector to traverse the search space, consequently the quality of the final solution for TS is dependent on the quality of the initial vector. As with all the meta-heuristics, TS uses the low-order mutation operator to provide exploitation pressure, and the best vector found by using the low-order mutation operator is accepted regardless of whether it is worse than the original solution. By continually accepting


H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

the best solution in a vector’s neighborhood, TS is able to systematically search the problem’s search space. The best solution found throughout the run of the TS algorithm is always recorded. However, the best solution found might not be the solution contained in the final (last) vector when the algorithm terminates. To tune the memory parameter a candidate problem was selected randomly and was run for tabu list sizes from 10 chromosomes to 200 (increasing increments of 10) for 8, 9, 10, 11 servers (total runs 20 * 4 = 80). We noticed in our initial runs that there were minor fluctuations close to the values which were multiples of servers. We hypothesized that since our greedy search operator, or low-order mutation operator, changes only one index in the vector at every iteration, systematically starting from the first index and moving to the last index, and since the vector size is m, or the number of servers, having m chromosomes in the tabu list stores the zones of all the servers being changed once. Having 3 * m in the tabu list stores the zones of all the servers being changed three times. The reason that we did not use just the zones that are being changed, but included the entire chromosome as tabu was due to the fact that the problem does not depend upon one location but the location of all servers at any point of time. Again, the tabu list size of 3 * m was decided upon by running initial experiments with values from 1 * m to 20 * m for a candidate problem. 3.5. Simulated annealing (SA) SA, like TS, uses a single vector to search for a good solution to a given problem, and like TS the final solution is also dependent on the quality of the initial vector. SA starts by using a randomly generated vector, and then uses the low-order mutation operator to evolve the solution. After initial trial runs with problem sizes of 64, 256 and 1024 zones, we noticed that SA tends to get stuck at local optima, especially for larger sized problems. The problem of getting stuck at local optima was more pronounced for SA than for any of the other methods. Upon closer investigation, it was determined that the temperature parameter had not been properly tuned. Due to

the large number of problems to be solved it was not practical to tune the temperature for every problem. Therefore, in our implementation, we use an approach developed by Chiyoshi et al. [10] to automatically adjust the temperature parameter during runtime through the use of a feedback loop. This method employs the ratio of the number of solutions accepted to the number of solutions generated as a feedback loop from the system. When this ratio drops below 40% the exploration pressure is not strong enough and the temperature is raised, however, when the ratio goes above 60% the exploration pressure is too high and the temperature is lowered. After some experimentation with initial temperature values of 20, 40 and 60, an initial temperature of 60 was selected. 3.6. Hill-climbing (HC) HC also maintains a single vector throughout the run of the algorithm, which is altered at each generation by searching the neighborhood for better solutions. After initial trial runs with small problem sizes (64 zones with 8 response units), HC often got stuck at local optima when using the low-order mutation operator. The randomrestart operator provides enormous exploratory pressure, and forces the meta-heuristic to begin searching in a different region within the search space, thus escaping local optima. This process was not sufficient for HC to effectively compete with the other three meta-heuristics. Therefore, in an effort to hybridize HC, the high-order mutation operator was introduced as an intermediate step between the low-order mutation operator and random-restart procedure to alleviate this problem. HC begins with a randomly generated vector, and then employs the low-order mutation operator. Only if the new vector is better than the old vector will the new vector be passed to the next iteration. The low-order mutation operator is used until m iterations have passed without any new solution being accepted, where m is the number of servers. We use m iterations because of the way the low-order mutation operator is designed. The low-order mutation operator, regardless of

· · ·

· · ·

· · ·

· · ·

• Prob(crossover) • Prob(mutation) • Low-order • High-order ·






· · ·









Randomly generated initial vector(s) Common data representation Selection Mutation

Operators used Meta-heuristic

Table 1 Summary of all meta-heuristics


4. Experimental design To test the meta-heuristics we use a statistical experimental design approach advocated by Barr et al. [4] which enables objective analyses and provides statistically significant conclusions, including interactions among independent variables. Table 1 summarizes the elements unique to each of the four meta-heuristics. Table 2 summarizes the unique parameters used by each meta-heuristic, and Table 3 summarizes the approximate number of evaluation functions required for each metaheuristic. Table 4 shows the different independent variables and dependent variables. There are three independent variables, (1) distribution (D), (2) size (S), and (3) heuristic search method (HS), and two


Uses single vector

Common fitness evaluation function

Other unique parameters

whether employed in HC, SA, TS, or EA, always takes the first index of the vector which represents the first server and mutates it with a greedy neighborhood search. This constitutes one iteration for HC. This new vector will only be accepted if it is better than existing vector. In the second iteration, the second server is mutated and so on. Therefore, after m iterations, all m server positions have been changed. If in HC, m iterations have passed and no new solution has been accepted, then it means that an attempt has been made to change all the server positions individually and that the current position is the local optimum. Once no more improvements can be found through the use of the low-order mutation operator, the algorithm then performs high-order mutation on the vector. After the vector undergoes the high-order mutation, the algorithm begins searching the new neighborhood using the low-order mutation operator again. After the high-order mutation is applied m times without an improvement it is determined that the neighborhood has been exploited. The random-restart procedure is then used to start the search in a new neighborhood. The ‘‘best’’ result from the multiple restarts is deemed to be the ‘‘best’’ solution achieved by the HC algorithm. This procedure is referred to as random-restart hill-climbing [32].

91 Temperature Memory (list) size

H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

3 * m, where m = the # of response units in the system N/A 1 N/A N/A TS


N/A N/A • Probability = # of solutions accepted/# of solutions generated • Feedback Loop: – if (Probability < 0.4), then Temperature = Temperature * (1 + ((0.4  Probability)/0.4)) – else if (Probability P 0.6), then Temperature = Temperature * (1/(1 + ((Probability  0.6)/0.4))) 20 1 1 0.5 N/A N/A 0.1 N/A N/A 0.1 N/A N/A EA HC SA

Temperature Population size Probability of crossover Probability of high-order mutation Probability of low-order mutation

Parameters Meta-heuristic

Table 2 Summary of unique parameters used for each meta-heuristic


H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

Memory (list) size


dependent variables, (1) quality of solution (QOS) and (2) time to reach best solution (TBS). Problems with demand that is distributed uniformly across a grid are easier for all heuristic methods to solve as opposed to when demand is distributed non-uniformly. With regard to a uniform demand distribution, randomly assigned locations for response units have less deviation in the quality of their solutions, and are faster to identify solutions that adequately cover demand. For non-uniform demand distributions, the random assignment does not give any assurance that the quality of the solution will be consistent. In the case of non-uniform demand distributions, the initial randomly generated chromosome can have vastly different fitness values. Therefore, we can hypothesize that (H1) problems with uniformly distributed demand will be solved with a better QOS and with smaller TBS values (faster), than problems with non-uniform demand distribution. In our implementation of the different metaheuristic methods, the exploitation pressure is the same. All of the methods use the low-order mutation operator for exploitation. However each meta-heuristic has different degrees of exploration pressures. HC uses high-order mutation and a random-restart procedure, SA and TS can accept worse solutions, and EA uses random generation of an initial population, a crossover and a highorder mutation operators. Therefore, we hypothesize that (H2) the four heuristic search methods will solve problems with different values of TBS and QOS. As can be seen from Table 4, all the independent variables are categorical, and the dependent variables are continuous. Since there is more than one independent variable it is necessary to setup the experiment to consider the effects of each independent variable upon each of the dependent variables individually. This process also takes into consideration interactions between independent variables. Therefore, we use a randomized factorial design and ANOVA [4,28] to test for direct effects of the independent variables and their interactions. A problem configuration is defined as the problem’s grid size and the type of demand distribution

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Table 3 The approximate number of evaluation functions required for each meta-heuristic Meta-heuristic


Initial number of evaluations

Approximate number of evaluations per 100 iterations

Random generation


High-order mutation

Low-order mutation

Random restart


20 1 1 1

8 * 100 N/A N/A N/A

2 * 100 3*1 N/A N/A

16 * 100 8 * 95 8 * 100 8 * 100

N/A 2*1 N/A N/A

2620 766 801 801

Table 4 Experimental setup Independent variables

Dependent variables

(1) Distribution (D) a. Uniform (U) b. Non-uniform (NU)

(1) Quality of solution (measured as the ratio of given solution to optimum solution) (QOS) (2) Time to reach the best solution (TBS)

(2) Size (S) a. 64 Zone (64) b. 256 Zone (256) c. 1024 Zone (1024) (3) Heuristic search method (HS) b. Tabu search (TS) a. Hill-climbing (HC) c. Simulated annealing (SA) d. Evolutionary algorithm (EA)

age time at which the best solution (TBS) was found by each meta-heuristic. When comparing the computing effort of the different algorithms, the number of iterations is a misleading metric since a meta-heuristic search method might require fewer iterations, and yet still perform more evaluation functions, thereby requiring more time to complete than another meta-heuristic. The number of evaluations done for each meta-heuristic during an iteration can also vary substantially; therefore, the number of iterations to reach the ‘‘best’’ solution is not strictly comparable. For these reasons, we use time (seconds) to reach the ‘‘best’’ solution for each meta-heuristic as a proxy for computing effort.

5. Results and discussion for all four values of m (8, 9, 10 and 11), where m is the number of response units in the system. There are six problem configurations (three sizes and two distributions). Each problem configuration has 10 demand distributions and each demand distribution is run 10 times for each of the four values of m for a total of 400 test problems. This is done for each of the four meta-heuristics. When testing across the four meta-heuristics there are a total of 1600 (4 · 400) data points. The solutions for each of the four meta-heuristic methods were compared with the optimum solution identified through integer linear programming using CPLEX. All runs are done on a Dell PC with an Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz processor, and 512MB of RAM. When evaluating the results, two metrics are used: (1) the average quality of solution (QOS), or how close the solution given by each meta-heuristic is to the optimum solution, and (2) the aver-

We solved 400 problems and computed the average and standard deviation of solution quality (QOS) and time to best solution (TBS) for each of the six problem configurations and heuristic combinations. The total number of problems solved was 9600. Therefore, the sample size for the experiments is 400. Table 5 displays the mean and standard deviation for solution quality (QOS) and time (TBS), respectively. Overall, the results show that our implementations of all four meta-heuristics produce very good results, particularly with respect to solution quality. The average of solution quality is nearly 99% with a standard deviation of about 1% across all problem configurations and all meta-heuristics (9600 problems). The data was tested using ANOVA, and post hoc Tamhane’s analysis was completed to find specific differences. Tamhane’s analysis was chosen over Bonferroni’s or Tukey’s


H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

Table 5 Performance of different meta-heuristic search methods with respect to the quality of solution (QOS) and time (in seconds) needed to reach the best solution (TBS) Distribution



64 256 1024


64 256 1024

Mean (std. dev.) N = 9600 CPLEX






1.0000 (0.00) 0.19 (0.15) 1.0000 (0.00) 3.92 (28.83) 1.0000 (0.00) 137.16 (61.42)

0.9924 (0.76) 0.36 (0.17) 0.9906 (0.94) 2.35 (0.79) 0.9873 (1.18) 37.67 (13.98)

0.9882 (1.09) 0.20 (0.09) 0.9893 (1.05) 1.88 (0.68) 0.9885 (1.05) 37.96 (14.84)

0.9884 (0.93) 0.19 (0.08) 0.9899 (0.97) 1.86 (0.68) 0.9873 (1.26) 38.11 (13.41)

0.9927 (0.62) 2.39 (1.95) 0.9936 (0.58) 9.82 (4.69) 0.9918 (0.76) 143.47 (45.73)


1.0000 (0.00) 0.16 (0.11) 1.0000 (0.00) 2.66 (2.00) 1.0000 (0.00) 146.33 (78.79)

0.9926 (0.84) 0.36 (0.18) 0.9903 (0.89) 2.35 (0.79) 0.9861 (1.20) 37.07 (14.67)

0.9886 (1.11) 0.20 (0.09) 0.9890 (1.02) 1.98 (0.73) 0.9852 (1.38) 35.75 (13.60)

0.9885 (1.11) 0.19 (0.09) 0.9890 (1.01) 1.84 (0.68) 0.9857 (1.15) 37.78 (13.84)

0.9940 (0.62) 2.56 (2.30) 0.9937 (0.61) 10.30 (4.84) 0.9918 (0.71) 147.47 (48.63)

because we could not assume equal variances among the different categories of the independent variables. Tables 6–8 show the ANOVA and the post hoc Tamhane’s analysis done with respect to QOS. An alpha of 0.05 was set for statistical significance. The ANOVA results from Table 6 show that the variables S (size) and HS (heuristic search) significantly (alpha < 0.01) affect QOS. We can also see that variable D (distribution) also significantly affects QOS (alpha < 0.05). Therefore we can infer from Table 6 that the quality of solution depends on problem size, the type of meta-heuristic, and the kind of demand distribution.

Table 6 also shows significant two way interactions between the variables S and D (alpha < 0.01), S and HS (alpha < 0.01) and between D and HS (alpha < 0.05). The three way interaction between S, D and HS is insignificant (alpha = 0.39). Closer examination of the interaction between S and HS shows that for 64 zone problems HC performs significantly better than TS and SA, but for 256 zone and 1024 zone problems there is no significant difference among these three meta-heuristics. Investigation into the interaction between D and HS shows that while HC, SA and TS do significantly better with uniform demand distributions than non-uniform distributions, EA

Table 6 ANOVA results: Dependent variable quality of solution Source

Sum of squares

Degrees of freedom

Mean square



Observed powera

Corrected model Intercept Size (S) Distribution (D) Heuristics (HS) S*D S * HS D * HS S * D * HS Error Total Corrected Total

0.0617b 9404.6136 0.0157 0.0005 0.0368 0.0017 0.0056 0.0008 0.0006 0.9128 9405.5881 0.9745

23 1 2 1 3 2 6 3 6 9576 9600 9599

0.0027 9404.6136 0.0079 0.0005 0.0123 0.0009 0.0009 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001

28.148 98,661,395.587 82.425 4.814 128.628 8.973 9.814 2.922 1.045

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.033 0.393

1.000 1.000 1.000 0.593 1.000 0.974 1.000 0.698 0.421

a b

Computed using alpha = .05. R-Squared = .063 (adjusted R-squared = .061).

H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

does better with non-uniform demand distribution than it does with uniform demand distributions. Finally, the examination of the interaction between D and S shows that for problems with uniform distribution the QOS does not deteriorate when S increases from 64 zones to 256 zones, but does deteriorate for 1024 zone problems; while for non-uniform distribution, the QOS does deteriorate when S increases from 64 zone to 256 zone problems. The post hoc Tamhane’s tests in Table 7 shows that for all problem configurations, EA tends to provide slightly better solution quality than the other three algorithms. The slightly better performance of EA might be explained by the fact that


EA performs, on average, more than three times as many evaluation functions as the other three algorithms, as illustrated in Table 3. Also, although statistically significant, these differences are (a) practically negligible, and (b) are achieved at great costs in terms of time (Table 5). Also Table 7 shows that HC performs better than SA and TS. However, this result can be explained when taking into account the significant interaction between variables HS and S. It is only in 64-zone problems HC solutions are better than TS and SA solutions. However, this affects the entire average as a whole and post hoc analysis shows that HC performs better than SA and TS. Removing 64 zone size problems shows that HC

Table 7 Post hoc analysis (Tamhane’s test) for factor heuristic search method and dependent variable quality of solution Heuristic search method (I)

Heuristic search method (J)

Mean difference (I  J)

Std. error



0.001743* 0.001769* 0.003035*

0.0003095 0.0003028 0.0002463



0.001743* 0.000026 0.004779*







95% Confidence interval Lower bound

Upper bound

0.000 0.000 0.000

0.000929 0.000972 0.003684

0.002558 0.002566 0.002387

0.0003095 0.0003197 0.0002668

0.000 1.000 0.000

0.002558 0.000816 0.005481

0.000929 0.000867 0.004076

0.001769* 0.000026 0.004805*

0.0003028 0.0003197 0.0002590

0.000 1.000 0.000

0.002566 0.000867 0.005486

0.000972 0.000816 0.004123

0.003035* 0.004779* 0.004805*

0.0002463 0.0002668 0.0002590

0.000 0.000 0.000

0.002387 0.004076 0.004123

0.003684 0.005481 0.005486

The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Table 8 Post hoc analysis (Tamhane’s test) for factor size and dependent variable quality of solution Size (I)

Size (J)

Mean difference (I  J)

Std. error


64 Zone

256 Zone 1024 Zone

.000005 .002711*

.0002313 .0002596

1.000 .000

.000557 .002092

.000547 .003331

256 Zone

64 Zone 1024 Zone

.000005 .002717*

.0002313 .0002578

1.000 .000

.000547 .002101

.000557 .003332

1024 Zone

64 Zone 256 Zone

.002711* .002717*

.0002596 .0002578

.000 .000

.003331 .003332

.002092 .002101

95% Confidence interval Lower bound


The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Upper bound


H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

does not perform significantly better than SA or TS. This result for small sized problems might be explained by considering the exploratory pressure used by HC. The random-restart procedure works very well in small problems when the algorithm randomly jumps around the solution space trolling for the best solution. In larger problems, however, jumping around is not as effective because the solution space is bigger, which negates any advantage random jumping has over the more systematic exploratory pressures of SA and TS. In general, there is no statistically significant difference between the quality of the solutions for SA and TS. Table 8 breaks down the effect of variable S on QOS. As can be seen from the Tamhane’s test in Table 8 there is no significant difference between the QOS value when the problem size increases from 64 to 256 zones. However, with 1024 zone problems the QOS deteriorates by a very small (0.0027) but statistically significant amount (alpha < 0.001). Tables 9 and 10 show the ANOVA and Tables 11 and 12 show the post hoc Tamhane’s analysis done with respect to TBS. Table 9 shows the ANOVA results for the different meta-heuristic search methods without CPLEX as a category. As can be seen all three independent variables S, D and HS (alpha < 0.01) significantly affect time to best solution. Also, all two way interactions, S and D, S and HS, and D and HS (alpha < 0.01), are significant. The three

way interaction between S, D and HS is not significant (alpha = 0.080 and power = 0.707). Investigation into the interaction between S and D shows that problems with 64 zones and uniform demand distributions were solved faster than problems with 64 zones and non-uniform demand. However, for 256 zones and 1024 zones the TBS values were not statistically different for uniform and non-uniform demand distributions. Similarly, the interaction between S and HS reveals that even though EA was slower than the other three metaheuristics in all three problem sizes (64, 256 and 1024), it is at 1024 zone problems where this difference becomes dramatic. Finally, the interaction between D and HS reveals that while the TBS values for TS and SA are different for uniform and non-uniform demand distributions, they are more noticeable for EA. To compare CPLEX with other meta-heuristics, CPLEX times were included as another category in the variable HS; ANOVA results change (Table 10). Variable D is no longer significant (alpha = 0.146) and all two way interactions involving variable D become insignificant (S and D alpha = 0.078, and D and HS alpha = 0.052). This can be explained by the fact that the TBS values for CPLEX are not affected significantly by the demand distributions while the meta-heuristic’s TBS values are. The interaction between S and HS can be explained from the data in Table 5. The real difference in time between CPLEX and

Table 9 ANOVA results: Dependent variable time to best solution (HS not including CPLEX solutions) Source

Sum of squares

Degrees of freedom

Mean square



Observed powera

Corrected model Intercept S D HS S*D S * HS D * HS S * D * HS Error Total Corrected total

1.5E+13b 5.3E+12 8E+12 3.2E+09 2.9E+12 5E+09 4.1E+12 6.5E+09 2.7E+09 2.3E+12 2.3E+13 1.7E+13

23 1 2 1 3 2 6 3 6 9576 9600 9599

6.6E+11 5.3E+12 4E+12 3.2E+09 9.8E+11 2.5E+09 6.9E+11 2.2E+09 4.5E+08 2.4E+08

2749.84 22432 16747 13.29 4105.67 10.53 2893.74 9.09 1.88

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.080

1.000 1.000 1.000 0.954 1.000 0.989 1.000 0.996 0.707

a b

Computed using alpha = .05. R-Squared = .869 (adjusted R-squared = .868).

H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101


Table 10 ANOVA results: Dependent variable time to best solution (HS includes CPLEX solutions) Source

Sum of squares

Degrees of freedom

Mean square



Observed powera

Corrected model Intercept S D HSc S*D S * HSc D * HSc S *D * HSc Error Total Corrected total

2.70E+07b 9.50E+06 1.61E+07 1.09E+03 4.04E+06 2.63E+03 6.86E+06 4.83E+03 1.30E+04 6.17E+06 4.26E+07 3.31E+07

29 1 2 1 4 2 8 4 8 11,970 12,000 11,999

9.30E+05 9.50E+06 8.03E+06 1.09E+03 1.01E+06 1.32E+03 8.57E+05 1.21E+03 1.62E+03 5.16E+02

1803.87 18427.11 15571.53 2.12 1956.92 2.55 1662.47 2.34 3.15

.000 .000 .000 .146 .000 .078 .000 .052 .001

1.000 1.000 1.000 .307 1.000 .512 1.000 .684 .970

a b c

Computed using alpha = .05. R-Squared = .814 (adjusted R-squared = .813). HS includes CPLEX as the fifth category.

Table 11 Post hoc analysis (Tamhane’s test) for factor heuristic search method and dependent variable time to best solution Heuristic type (I)

Heuristic type (J)

Mean difference (I  J)

Std. error


95% Confidence interval Lower bound

Upper bound



.36433 .09662 39.31011* 35.04816*

.544182 .547622 1.503689 1.626450

.999 1.000 .000 .000

1.15988 1.43722 43.52328 39.60536

1.88854 1.63046 35.09694 30.49096



.36433 .26771 39.67444* 35.41248*

.544182 .545975 1.503090 1.625896

.999 1.000 .000 .000

1.88854 1.79694 43.88593 39.96814

1.15988 1.26152 35.46294 30.85683



.09662 .26771 39.40673* 35.14478*

.547622 .545975 1.504339 1.627050

1.000 1.000 .000 .000

1.63046 1.26152 43.62171 39.70366

1.43722 1.79694 35.19175 30.58590



39.31011* 39.67444* 39.40673* 4.26195

1.503689 1.503090 1.504339 2.146738

.000 .000 .000 .383

35.09694 35.46294 35.19175 1.75090

43.52328 43.88593 43.62171 10.27480



35.04816* 35.41248* 35.14478* 4.26195

1.626450 1.625896 1.627050 2.146738

.000 .000 .000 .383

30.49096 30.85683 30.58590 10.27480

39.60536 39.96814 39.70366 1.75090


The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

EA on the one hand, and HC, TS, and SA on the other occurs in 1024 size problems. At smaller problem sizes the difference is much less. Also, average and standard deviation of TBS values

for CPLEX deteriorate much quicker as problem sizes grow larger. The post hoc Tamhane’s analysis in Table 11 shows that there is a significant difference between


H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

Table 12 Post hoc analysis (Tamhane’s test) for factor size and dependent variable time to best solution Size (I)

Size (J)

Mean difference (I  J)

Std. error


Lower bound

Upper bound

64 Zone

256 Zone 1024 Zone

3.21646* 79.15633*

.066322 1.031603

.000 .000

3.37487 81.62056

3.05804 76.69210

256 Zone

64 Zone 1024 Zone

3.21646* 75.93987*

.066322 1.033314

.000 .000

3.05804 78.40818

3.37487 73.47156

1024 Zone

64 Zone 256 Zone

79.15633* 75.93987*

1.031603 1.033314

.000 .000

76.69210 73.47156

81.62056 78.40818


95% Confidence interval

The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

the population based meta-heuristic, EA, and other three single chromosome based meta-heuristics. As expected, EA is much slower than the other three meta-heuristics HC, TS, and SA. Even though TS is the fastest meta-heuristic, it is not significantly faster than the other two single chromosome meta-heuristics (SA and HC). The single chromosome meta-heuristics outperform CPLEX significantly, whereas the difference between EA and CPLEX is not statistically significant. Finally, Table 12 shows that as the problem size increases, TBS increases significantly (alpha < 0.001). The hypotheses that the four heuristic search methods will solve problems at different values of TBS and QOS can be partially accepted. EA is definitely statistically different from the other three meta-heuristics both in TBS (worse) and QOS (better). The other three meta-heuristics are statistically different only under certain conditions (e.g., problem size). The hypothesis that problems with uniformly distributed demand will be solved with a better QOS and with smaller TBS values than problems with non-uniform demand distribution also can be accepted. The demand distribution does make a difference in the performance of the meta-heuristic methods, but does not affect CPLEX. The process of developing these different implementations of meta-heuristics gave the researchers some insights into the problem domain and certain operator settings. It appears that neighborhood size and the quality of initial (starting) solution (vector) have a significant effect on the performance of the algorithms.

The effectiveness of the low-order mutation operator designed for the four meta-heuristics depends heavily on the size of the neighborhood. For this research the neighborhood size was determined as those zones immediately adjacent to a given zone, as illustrated in Fig. 3. In preliminary tests, neighborhood size was set equal to n, the number of zones in the problem grid, and an entire set of tests for the meta-heuristics and for all problem sizes was run. The quality of solutions improved noticeably for all the meta-heuristics with the average quality of solution very close to 100% of optimum, and standard deviation reduced to less than 0.2% in the worst case. However, the time needed to run the algorithms became prohibitive, especially for 1024-zone problems. Future research might attempt to estimate the optimum neighborhood size for this problem domain. While running our initial experiments we noticed that the quality of an initial vector makes a tremendous difference in the final quality of solutions for TS and SA. It is also important for HC, and the impact is felt every time HC does a random restart. The average fitness value of a randomly generated vector is approximately 80% of the optimum solution. It is proposed that an effective way to promote good results for TS, SA, and HC might be to generate, say, 50 vectors randomly, and then take the best vector as the starting vector, thereby increasing the average value of the initial vector to approximately 90%. This method could also be used by HC as a modified randomrestart procedure. Overall, TS and SA on average find their best solutions in the least amount of time and with rel-

H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

atively small variability as indicated by the standard deviation for the computing times (Table 5). With the exception of EA, the meta-heuristics significantly outperform CPLEX as the problem size gets larger both in average times and standard deviations. Indeed, relatively large standard deviations in CPLEX times are indicative of the fact that these are NP-hard problems. For any given problem instance it is possible for ILP solvers like CPLEX to take an extraordinary amount of time [1], therefore, ILP solvers are not viable alternatives for time critical applications. This is quite important for particularly large-size problems (1024 zones) where dynamic redeployment practices will demand fast and accurate solutions. Under the most realistic of all scenarios with 1024 zones, non-uniformly distributed demand, TS performs the best with an average time of 35.75 seconds and a standard deviation of 13.60, which implies that a limit of 1 minute delay to find the best redeployment strategy can be met (solved) accurately with a probability of 96.25%.

6. Conclusions The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, to our knowledge this is the first time that multiple meta-heuristics have been systematically developed and applied to the maximum expected covering location problem (MEXCLP). This allowed us to objectively evaluate the performance of various meta-heuristics for a given problem. There was a concerted effort to code each meta-heuristic in a like manner and utilize like procedures so that results would be meaningful and generalizable. Specifically, the meta-heuristics used common data representation, common evaluation function, and a common mutation operator. In addition, the initial vector(s) of all meta-heuristics were randomly generated. Second, we confirm and strengthen the earlier findings reported in [1] that an EA can produce high quality solutions, however, non-EA approaches such as TS can be used to solve largescale implementations of MEXCLP with a high degree of confidence in QOS, in less time. Finally, this research is unique in that it is an experimentally designed comparative study. The results of the four


meta-heuristics are statistically compared. The mean and standard deviation are reported for each heuristic for six different problem configurations (i.e., 2 distribution types · 3 problem sizes). The significance of the statistical tests, using ANOVA, between meta-heuristics and their interaction with other variables is also reported. This allows for a clear, unbiased assessment of the performance of each meta-heuristic for this problem instance. Results suggest that any one of the four metaheuristics could be used for this problem domain while there are pros and cons to each meta-heuristic examined. However, it is important for the successful implementation of EA, SA, and TS that the parameters be tuned properly. For HC, the only parameter to be tuned is the size of neighborhood; this makes HC very simple to use. Overall TS and SA give very good results with minimal computational effort (time) for particularly large problems. As can be seen from our implementation of the four meta-heuristic methods, common operators were developed that can be used in various applications. In addition, as we demonstrated with SA, parameters need not be static. Parameters can dynamically evolve as an algorithm runs; this eliminates the necessity to run a plethora of preliminary tests in an effort to identify optimal parameter values. Trying to identify optimal static parameter values can be problematic since there is no guarantee that these parameter values will remain constant for different implementations of a problem, or different problem sizes. Therefore, we support the process of dynamically adapting parameter values based on conditions of the algorithm through the use of feedback loops. Another variation that might warrant investigation is the use of the crossover operator within HC. The idea is to apply the crossover operator to the chromosome recorded as the best solution found in different runs to create new search areas, in lieu of the random-restart operator. It is also possible to merge the different strengths of these meta-heuristics by having them cooperate with each other. One idea might be to run EA for a short time in order to get a population of good solutions, and then randomly select chromosomes from that population to be used for the initial chromosomes for HC, SA, or TS.


H.K. Rajagopalan et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2007) 83–101

Finally, this experiment has focused on the different exploratory pressures unique to each metaheuristic by keeping the exploitative pressure constant. Future research might explore the impact of different exploitative pressures with respect to local search methods, like vertex substitution, [15] and comparing these results with the greedy neighborhood search algorithm, i.e., low-order mutation operator, which is currently being used.

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