" "26 de dezembro de 2016 às 08:34 "
[email protected] "
"Exmos. Srs, "
" "
"Venho por este meio requerer a abertura da instrução, suscitando a "
"intervenção hierárquica Artigo 278.º, nº 2 CPP, pois o processo sem "
"qualquer examinação medica ou autorização para tal foi arquivado, "
"suponho que o mesmo não tera sido por acharem que eu estava "falecida""
"tal como escreveram na carta que me enviaram pois mesmo assim teria "
""supostamente" direito a ter uma autopsia, mas talvez como esta vitima"
"de experiencias Nazis esperavam que quando eu recebesse a vossa carta "
"ja estivesse falecida..."I think they were hoping that I would die so "
"that it could all be forgotten "
"about,"https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/apr/26/kateconnolly "
" "
" "
"Se o Hospital de Santa maria anda a usar os pacientes sem autorização"
"para experimentar novas tecnologias a questão é porque nega o "
"estado ate a autorização dos exames medicos sabendo que os mesmo não "
"se efectuam no privado??? "
" "
"se nao houvesse tortura e uma total ausencia do estado para proteger "
"os cidadãos, teria sido efectuada logo uma examinacao mal a suspeita "
"foi levantada...tenho o corpo a emitir Radio frequencias de diversos "
"sitios pois as mesmas estimulam as nanoparticulas...a este "estado" "
"nao interessa investigar pois e pago para fechar os olhos a tortura..."
"estes artigos sao de US National Library of Medicine National "
"Institutes of Health : "
" "
"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4610430/ "
""...So instead of using electrodes, her team injected "
"magnetic nanoparticles into a particular region in the brains . They "
"then zapped the mice's brains with low radio-frequency magnetic "
"fields. "
"timulate-brain-wirelessly.html#.VRQDDsup3IU "
""EPILEPSY....Herein we put forward a new accurate brain mapping "
"technique using superparamagnetic nanoparticles (SPMNs). The main "
"hypothesis in this new approach is the creation of super-paramagnetic "
"aggregates in the epileptic foci due to high electrical and magnetic "
"activities. "
" nanoparticles, particularly superparamagnetic nanoparticles (SPMNs), "
"have attracted the attention of many researchers for the development "
"of novel techniques for the detection of different diseases such as "
"cancer and Alzheimer's , less effort has been applied to nanoparticles"
"for mapping the epilepsy zone. "
" "
""Magnetic analyses of hippocampal material from deceased normal and "
"epileptic subjects, and from the surgically removed epileptogenic zone"
"of a living patient have been carried out. All had magnetic "
"characteristics similar to those reported for other parts of the brain"
"[6]. These characteristics along with low temperature analysis "
"indicate that the magnetic material is present in a wide range of "
"grain sizes." "
" "
" "
" "
""Do nanoparticles INDUCE neurodegenerative diseases? ....Therefore, "
"the goals for the next years is to consolidate the biomedical devices "
"developed in the past (lab-on-a-chip, neural electrodes, chip-size "
"antenna for implantable devices) and to start the development of "
"nanodevices, especially related with CarbonNanoTubes (CNT) for neural "
"applications and food safety with the support of the International "
"Nanotechnology Laboratory that will be located in Braga and it "
"is sponsored by Portuguese and Spanish Governments, and European "
"Commission as an European Laboratory." http://www.neuronano.eu/ "
" "
" "
""A Universidade de LISBOA aderiu esta semana à Rede Nacional de "
"Imagiologia Funcional Cerebral, um consórcio formado por mais cinco "
"instituições universitárias que desenvolve, de forma conjugada, "
"investigação avançada sobre o CEREBRO "
"Criado em 2007, e liderado pela Universidade de Coimbra, este "
"consórcio, com a configuração jurídica de associação, agregava até "
"agora também as universidades de Aveiro, MINHO, Porto e Católica." "
"o=Sa%FAde "
" "
" "A equipa de electronica Biomedica da universidade do Minho...está "
"tambem a desenvolver...projectos de nanotecnologia apllicados à "
"medicina...o projecto não está ainda concluido mas ideia é construir "
"sobre silico antenas do tamanho de um chip (inferiores a 10 mm) com "
"possivel integração no corpo humano funcionando como um estimulador de"
"nervos e de musculos..." "
"http://dei-s1.dei.uminho.pt/pessoas/higino/pampus/Ex_informatica.pdf "
" "
"- a universidade de lisboa anda a fazer estudos de medo e telepatia "
"com coelhos...como se fosse possivel saber o que um Coelho pensa, "
"muito mais transmite por pensamento a outro coelho...outras "
"universidades no mundo dizem que esses estudos sao feitos com "
"epilepticos apos cirurgia... "
" "
"- diversos investigadores da universidade lisboa (e antigos "
"colaboradores) andam a escrever artigos de medo auditivo (telepatia) ,"
"inducao de medo ( feito atraves das mesmas tortura que a pide "
"usava...mas com metodos mais cientificos usando com epilepticos apos "
"cirurgia e sabe-se la com que outros pacientes das "
"maternidades/hospitais...mas como nao se induz medo se dissermos a "
"alguem que o iremos fazer e normal que nao andem a dizer aos "
"epilepticos que os irao usar para tortura ou como um psiquiatra de uma"
"universidade no Canada disse, terrorismo mental/telepatia "
" "
"- as universidades portuguesas andam a ser financiadas para testar "
"nanotecnologias em medicina (neuronano/nanoci) para verificarem se as "
"mesmas causas danos corporais/musculos/nervos...mas ninguem sabe quem "
"sao as cobaias e se um cidadao solicita um exame de despiste desta "
"tecnologia nem no privado se fazem.... nao daria jeito dizer aos "
"cidadaos que os iriam usar para testar algo cujo objectivo e mesmo "
"causar danos..muitos mortais ou degenerativos, logo nem comentam e nao"
"poem exames disponiveis... "
""Do nanoparticles INDUCE neurodegenerative diseases? ....Therefore, "
"the goals for the next years is to consolidate the biomedical devices "
"developed in the past (lab-on-a-chip, neural electrodes, chip-size "
"antenna for implantable devices) and to start the development of "
"nanodevices, especially related with CarbonNanoTubes (CNT) for neural "
"applications and food safety with the support of the International "
"Nanotechnology Laboratory that will be located in Braga and it "
"is sponsored by Portuguese and Spanish Governments, and European "
"Commission as an European Laboratory." http://www.neuronano.eu/ "
" "
""The human amygdala and the induction and experience of fearAntonio R."
"Damasio We define fear induction as the exposure to stimuli capable"
"of triggering a state of fear....." in another woman who underwent "
"right amygdalohippocampectomy to control severe epilepsy. "
"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3030206/. "
" Telepathy machine reconstructs speech from brainwaves…The team "
"presented spoken words and sentences to 15 people having surgery for "
"epilepsy or a brain tumour" "
"ucts-speech-from-brainwaves.html?page=1#.VNWP9cup3I "
" "Telepathic behaviour associated with biochemical and neuroendocrine "
"parameters" "
"Investigadores/Researchers: Prof. Doutora Maria Carlota Lopes "
"Saldanha, Prof. Doutor Alberto Albino Granado Escalda, Dra. Teresa "
"Raquel Duarte Pacheco, Dra. Ana Rosa Miranda dos Santos Silva "
"Instituição/Institution: Unidade de Biopatologia Vascular, Instituto "
"de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (Portugal) "
" "Telepathy experiments in 2 couples of rabbits were performed with "
"simultaneously arterial plethysmography monitorization for each "
"pair; one scared and other not scared." "
"https://www.bial.com/imagem/Bolsa12804.pdf "
"Telepathy as thought transmission...."Telepathy is the purported "
"transmission of information from one person to another without using "
"any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction" "
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telepathy "
" "
""Freedom of thought...is the freedom of an individual to hold or "
"consider a fact, viewpoint, or thought, independent of others' "
"viewpoints.... "
"Freedom of thought... is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of "
"nearly every other form of freedom. With rare aberrations a pervasive "
"recognition of this truth can be traced in our history, political and "
"legal. "
"Such ideas are also a vital part of international human rights law. In"
"the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which is legally "
"binding on member states of the International Covenant on Civil and "
"Political Rights (ICCPR), freedom of thought is listed under Article "
"18...." "
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_thought "
" "
"o alto comissariado lucrou com a cirurgia financiada pela a Europa...e"
"continua a lucrar com a tortura... "
""Do nanoparticles INDUCE neurodegenerative diseases? ....Therefore, "
"the goals for the next years is to consolidate the biomedical devices "
"developed in the past (lab-on-a-chip, neural electrodes, chip-size "
"antenna for implantable devices) and to start the development of "
"nanodevices, especially related with CarbonNanoTubes (CNT) for neural "
"applications and food safety with the support of the International "
"Nanotechnology Laboratory that will be located in Braga and it "
"is sponsored by Portuguese and Spanish Governments, and European "
"Commission as an European Laboratory." http://www.neuronano.eu/ "
" "De acordo com o Código Penal Português, artigo 299, atribui-se o "
"crime de associação criminosa a quem promover, fundar, participar ou "
"apoiar grupo, organização ou associação destinada à prática de crimes."
"Não se estabelece o número mínimo de integrantes..." "
"https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrilha_(crime) "
" "
" "26 de dezembro de 2016 às 18:03 "
[email protected] "
" "
"Exmos. senhores, "
" "
"Com 2 casos de vitimas apos cirurgia da epilepsia no mesmo hospital "
"santa maria e com o mesmo neurocirurgião que dirige o departamento de"
"investigação antes dirigido por damasio...telepatia com "
"coelhos...telepatia (aversive loud noise= auditory fear), punishment= "
"choques electricos.... amygdala= amygdala/epilepsysurgery...e nenhuma "
"investigação mesmo apos queixas nenhum exame medico... "
" "
""United Nations Convention against Torture "
"The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading "
"Treatment or Punishment (commonly known as the United Nations "
"Convention against Torture) "
"Article 1.1 of the Convention defines torture as: "
"For the purpose of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act "
"by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is "
"intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as...punishing "
"him ...or intimidating or coercing ...when such pain or suffering is "
"inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or "
"acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an "
"official capacity.." "
" "
""DAMASIO...A neural basis for collecting behaviour in humans....The "
"subjects had no history of psychiatric disease or abnormal collecting "
"behaviour prior to lesion onset." "
"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15548551 "
" "
"Damasio H, Damasio AR "
"... they received a reward or a punishment .... whereas amygdala "
"patients failed to do so. In a Pavlovian conditioning "
"experiment...paired with an aversive loud sound "
"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10377356 "
" "
" "
"The human amygdala and the induction and experience of fear Antonio R."
"Damasio "
" "
"We define fear induction as the exposure to stimuli capable of "
"triggering a state of fear.....To further investigate SM's emotional "
"experiences in everyday life, ...captures emotional experiences in "
"real-time as they unfold in the subject's natural environment... "
"in another woman who underwent right amygdalohippocampectomy to "
"control severe epilepsy. "
"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3030206 "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "