From Austria to Asturias
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Giulio Pizzati
AUSTRIA means star, very similar to ASTURIAS in Spain. The name Austria has been interpreted coming from aust, Eastern State. It's always been a not convincing etymology. In the light of recent discoveries place names seems much more logical that AUSTRIA as ASTURIAS derives both from Latin ASTRUM, star. Meaning siver mines (Austria) golden mines (Asturia). Except for Sun and Moon, Venus is the only star that people give a name. Austria is the planet Venus
In this denarius of Julius Caesar of 45 bc, one year before his assasination, you can see in front the profile of Venus with the lituus , the surveyors tool. In hair has the STAR. Reverse the trophy with shields, captives, and legend CAESAR.
Planet Venus.
In Virgil's Aeneid, the Trojan hero Aeneas is led to Latium by his mother in her celestial form: the evening star. It is this same star which Vergil accounts lifts Julius Caesar's soul to the heavens. This is also the secondary name for the planet Venus, because it so bright and discernible in the night's sky. But Virgil refer two different stars: Planet Venus and Comet of March 16-23 of 44 bc.
Denarius with laureate head of Julius Caesar and Planet Venus
August with Comet of Caesar in his haed. Commentarii preserved in Pliny, Historia Naturalis: "iis ipsis ludorum meorum diebus sidus crinitum per septem dies in regione caeli sub septentrionibus est conspectum. id oriebatur circa undecimam horam" (North-North-East)
Comet of Caesar. March 16-23 of 44 bc.
Here the Comet is in the front of the temple and Caesar or his statue is under the colomns whith Lituus in his hand.
August and reverse Antony with comet of Caesar. March 16-23 of 44 bc.
We have two celestial bodies: a. The Planet Venus that appears in coins before 44 bc. b. The Comet of Caesar visible for 7 days in 44 bc that appears in coins from 43 bc to 12 bc. It is clear that there is a cause with striping in place names referring to the current name star from AUSTRIA to ASTURIA. 1. First hypothesis: the stakeout with the star name refers to the planet Venus was begun by Caesar. Undoubtedly the lituus that appears along with the profile of Venus with the star in hair suggest a relationship between geographical surveys and astronomy. 2. Second Hypothesis: The tracings were begun by Augustus after the funeral of Caesar when a comet appeared. 3. Third Hypotesis: From Pliny we know that Agrippa had to remeasure Baetica, Spain. The stakeout with the star name could refers to this remeasurement. The modern direction of strar lines are 65,66° East, perhaps connectable to astronomy orbits of sprint sunset or Venus rise. A group of testers (mensores) could align scattered at regular distance along the Atlantic coast of Portugal and Spain. At Venus rise at same day of the year they could determinate the direction (65.66°) and draw the parallel lines that today we can see unmistakable and differentiated. Google provides a lot of data on the positions of celestial bodies in the history that would determine with sufficient accuracy the date of the surveyngs.
The road to Santiago de Compostela is one of the way of the stars.
The pilgrims walking to Santiago de Compostella in Spain do not know that the roads on which they walk have been traced by the ancient Romans. The Emperor Augustus had emptied the Venice by its inhabitants and there had concentrated all the troops. Venice was strategic: East silver mines of Illyria, in the West in Spain the gold mines of Asturias. To go directly with the legions in Asturias served direct routes. The direct tracings were made by the army corps of engineers. Today these tracings are easily found in place names. To plot the consular roads to Asturia along the way was repeated the name star: in Latin sterula, ster'la, stella and astrum. Asturia cams from astrum.
Northern STAR line runs from ESTONILLO on the Atlantic coast to O CASTRO, SESTELLO, O CASTRO, CASTELLO, STRACASTRO O CASTRO, ASTURIE and ETOILE d'Alai in France to STELVIO in Italy. In the year 1090 the name of Stelvio / Stilfs village is registered as STILVIS (read stiluis) and the emblem of the Stelvio village is a six rays star. The same of Caesar and Augustus coins. Finally reach Austria.
Stelvio/Stilfs emblem
Star line in North West Spain
Star lines in South Central France
Star lines in Northern Italy to Austria.
Lines are many more. Only five was detected. A line running from locations STELAR in Asiago to location BOSTEL in Rotzo, to CA-STELLE-TTO at ASTE(L) in Valarsa to ETOILE near Valence in France, to BEAUCH-ASTEL, to ASTET then in Spain to ASTERRICA, then to the city of Augusta ASTURICA end finally to ESTELA in Portugal on the Atlantic. All Stars in perfect line, one after the other. Very easy to control with Google Earth ruler.
Another line well defined ranges from STAR in Slovenia, passes near Gorizia, Italy, to Opacchia STELLA above Monfalcon to Palazzetto dello STELLA at Latisana, to Contrà STELLA near Quarnienta of Brogliano to STELLAvena on Veronese, to CASTELET, France and Spain until GASTERIZ, ESTEL Portugal. This line continues to Peru' inside Lima City. See maps.
Longest line goes from Slovenia to Lima Peru: ESTELA.
OLD and GOLD (Recently discover) Old, in italian VECCHIO, comes from popular latin VEC'LUS created for concealment from syncopated VET'LUS diminutive of VETVS. There are other latin terms such as VEHIA-AE and VEHIS, vehicle, wagon from the verb VEHO–IS, VEXI, VECTUM, VEXARE, to lead. VEHA -AE is the way. Finally VEIVS means irrelevant. Location name VECCHIO, old is frequently aligned in parallel to Cardo and to Decumanus of Roman camps of the Venice. It comes near to many place names ORO gold, more frequent. On Decuman Maximum of Prunello at Tezze Arignano there are two Contrà Cà Dalla VECCHIA, just south of Contrà dell'ORA, GOLD. You also find location name VIVECHE. Also Contrà dell' ORA comes from GOLD. More East: Becco d'ORO.
Prunello Cardus. 2 Dalla Vecchia, Boldoro (Val d'ORO), SORIO , and RIO along Cardo Maxus of Prunello.Prunello Decumanus. 2 Dalla Vecchia, Contrà dell'ORA and Becco d'ORO.
The Romans were very familiar with the stars. Studying the sky was very extensive. Witness the large number of planetary of Mithra. Night sky was depicted in every planetary with some constellations: Virgo Cancer, Crater, Corvus, Hydra. The Taurus was the central constellation that indicated the precession of the equinoxes. The axis of the earth 2000 years ago passed from the Aries to Taurus. The bull, the constellation of Taurus took the place of Leo. The sword stuck in his heart was the Earth's axis which cyclically transited from the constellation of Aries to Taurus. Represented the precession of the equinoxes in the best possible way to the understanding of men of two thousand years ago.
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