Morphological & Physiololgical response JBES-V 1No 2-p22-36

June 15, 2017 | Autor: Bogale Ashinie | Categoria: Soil Science, Agronomy, Ecology, Agriculture
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Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) ISSN: 2220-6663 (Print) 2222-3045 (Online) Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 22-36, 2011 RESEARCH PAPER


Morphological and physiological attributes associated to drought tolerance of Ethiopian durum wheat genotypes under water deficit condition Ashinie Bogale1*, Kindie Tesfaye2, Tilahun Geleto3 1,3

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, PO Box 312 code 1250, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Haramaya University, Department of Plant Sciences, PO Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia.


Received: 11 January 2011 Revised: 12 February 2011 Accepted: 14 April 2011

Key words: Durum wheat, leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, relative water content. Abstract The experiment was conducted to assess the differential morpho-physiological response to stimulated water deficit and to determine the relationship between some of these morphological and physiological traits and yield components of eighteen durum wheat genotypes grown in pots under lathhouse condition. Water deficit significantly affected gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. It reduced the net photosynthesis rate (P n), transpiration rate (E) and stomatal conductance (gs) measured both at anthesis and grain-filling stages. Similarly, the value of initial fluorescence (Fo) was increased while variable fluorescence (Fv), maximum fluorescence (Fm) and optimum quantum yield fluorescence (Fv/Fm) were decreased under water deficit. RWC of the leaves was decreased by 36.7% while SLA increased by 12.6% due to moisture stress relative to the well-watered control. No significant correlations were found between chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and grain yield under water deficit condition. Similarly, no significant correlations were found between leaf gas exchange parameters and grain yield. On the other hand, peduncle length and excursion were positively correlated with grain yield while negatively correlated with drought susceptibility index under water deficit condition. Leaf posture and rolling had also a profound effect on grain yield and other attributes. Erectleaved genotypes had more grain yield, HI, kernel numbers per spikelet and grain-filling rate but had lower kernel weight than droopy leaved. Similarly, genotypes exhibited strong leaf rolling under water deficit condition had more grain yield, kernel numbers per spike and water use efficiency. The genetic variability found for leaf posture, leaf rolling, peduncle length and excursion among the Ethiopian durum wheat genotypes suggests the opportunity for selection superior and adapted genotype in water-limited environments. These can be achieved by integrating these morphological traits as indirect selection in conjunction with other yield components.

*Corresponding Author: Ashinie Bogale  [email protected]

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photosynthetic apparatus to environmental stress

Drought is one of the most common environmental

(Maxwell and Johnson, 2000). Dark-adapted values

stresses that limit durum wheat production in

of Fv/Fm reflect the potential quantum efficiency of

drought-prone areas of Ethiopia. Changes in global

PSII and are used as a sensitive indicator of

climate are forecast to increase the extension of

photosynthetic performance, with optimal values of

drought-prone areas. A viable solution for crop

around 0.832 measured from most plant species

production in these areas is to develop drought

(Johnson et al., 1993). Values lower than this are

tolerant varieties. A physiological approach would be

measured when the plant is exposed to stress,

the most attractive way to develop new varieties

indicating a particular phenomenon of photo-damage

(Araus et al., 2008), but breeding for specific, sub-

to PSII reaction centers, and the development of


slowly relaxing quenching process (Maxwell and





Johnson, 2000; Baker and Rosenqvist, 2004) which

understanding of yield-determining process.

reduce Photosynthesis, which is the most significant process







influence crop production, is also inhibited by drought stress. Studies have shown that the photosynthetic

There are also several approaches to investigate

rate (Pn) of leaves of both C3 and C4 plants decreases

morphological traits for the purpose of increasing

as relative water content (RWC) and water potential

yield under water-limited conditions. Leaf rolling,

(Ψ) decrease (Cornic and Massacci, 1996). Limitation

induced by loss of turgor and poor osmotic

of net photosynthetic rate in low moisture stressed


plant is mainly through stomatal closure (Cornic and


Massacci, 1996; Cronic, 2000) and/or by metabolic

drought condition, leaf rolling decreased stomatal

impairment (Flexas and Medrano, 2002). The relative

closure (O’Toole et al., 1979). The erectophile leaf

magnitude of stomatal and non-stomatal factors

canopy has been also proposed as a trait that could

limiting photosynthesis depends on the severity of

increase crop yield potential by improving radiation

drought. High photosynthetic rate is considered to be


one of the most important breeding strategies for crop

(Reynolds et al., 1999). Peduncle length has been also

improvement (El Hafid et al., 1998; Richards, 2000).

suggested as useful indicator of yield capacity in dry



environments. Kaya et al. (2002) have been found a

photosynthesis has not generally improved the yield

strong positive correlation between peduncle length

in favorable environments, most probably because the

and grain yield. In other cases, such relationship has

source is less limiting than the sink (Abbad et al.,

been found inverse (Briggs and Aytenfisu, 1980) or no

2004) and greater success might be expected for

relationship (Villegas et al., 2006) depending on the

higher rates under water stress.


Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis may also provide a

The effect of water stress on the yield and yield

sensitive indicator of stress condition in plants. It can

components of durum wheat at different growth

also be used to estimate the activity of the thermal

stages have been the subject of many studies (Simane

energy dissipation in photosystem II, which protects

et al., 1993; Solomon et al., 2003). However, no study

photosytems from the adverse effect of light and heat

had been conducted on the physiological and

stress. The measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence

morphological response of diverse Ethiopian durum

in situ is a useful tool to evaluate the tolerance of the







represents mechanism


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Therefore, the present study aims to determine water

each pot every other day for a period of a month until

deficit effects on leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll

the plants reach four leaf growth stages.

fluorescence parameters in leaves of eighteen durum wheat (Triticum tugidium L. durum) genotypes and

Water deficit treatment



Following the Zadock’s scale [Zadock et al., 1974],

morphological and physiological traits and yield

plants were subjected to water stress at different

under water deficit conditions.

growth stages: stress continuously from tillering to





physiological maturity (M1), stress from anthesis to

Materials and methods

physiological maturity (M2), and stress from grain-

Plating materials

filling stage to physiological maturity (M3) and well-

The study was conducted in a lathhouse at Sinana

watered control (C) treatments. The water levels were

Agricultural Research Center (SARC) during the

maintained in the range of 35-50% field capacity in

7’N latitude,

the stress treatments while above 75% in the control

10’ E longitude and 2400 m.a.s.l altitude in Bale

treatment. These water stress conditions are designed

Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia. To embrace the

to simulate the environments that experience very low

variability existing among the Ethiopian durum wheat

water supply after crop establishment in different

genotypes, three landrace [B5-5B, S-17B, and WA-13],

parts of the country. During the stress period, plants

thirteen commercial cultivars [Asassa, Bekelcha,

were left without water for 12 days by withholding

Boohai, Egersa, Foka, Gerardo, Ilani, Kilinto, Obsa,

irrigation until early morning wilting is observed.

Oda, Quamy, Tob-66 and Yeror] and two advanced

Then pots were weighted and irrigated until the

lines from the breeding program [CDSS93Y107 and

weight of every pot became equal to the weight of the

CD94523] were used for this study. The examined

predetermined water level. The amount of water

genotypes are different in genetic background, origin

depleted from pots was obtained by weighing pots

and several characteristics.

every two to three days, and the loss in weight was

2006/07 main season. It is located at 400


restored by watering pots with the amount of water equal to the loss in weight.

Experimental design Plants were grown in 21 cm diameter and 18 cm length plastic pots filled with a textural class of clay

Gas exchange parameters

(49.7% clay, 27.3% silt and 23% sand). Each pot was

Gas exchange was measured on the flag leaves of

filled with 4 kg uniformly air-dried soil (17.1%

fully-grown stressed and unstressed of the main tiller

moisture). The field capacity and permanent wilting


point of the soil were 47.8% and 11.5%, respectively.

photosynthesis system (CI-301PS CO2 Gas Analyzers,

Pots were arranged in Randomized Complete Block

CID Inc., 1996, USA). The traits measured were net

Design (RCBD) in factorial combination of the

photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs),

eighteen genotypes and four water regimes with three

transpiration rate (E), and internal carbon dioxide

replications. A total of 216 pots, 12 pots were assigned

concentration (Ci). In addition, apparent mesophyll

to each genotype. 2g N and 2 g P2O5 fertilizers were

conductance (the conductance of CO2 from the

applied to each pot during planting and additional 0.5

stomatal cavity to the chloroplast) was determined as

g N was applied at the first tillering. Planting was

the ratio Pn and Ci following the procedure of Fischer

done on August 10, 2006. Eight seeds were sown per

et al. (1998) to produce information on the relative

pot and the seedlings were thinned to four at two leaf

importance of the mesophyll limitation to Pn.

growth stages. Five hundred ml of water was added to

Instantaneous water use efficiency (iWUE) was also


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calculated as the ratio of net photosynthesis rate to

s-1 provided by an array of six light emitting diodes

transpiration rate. Measurements were made on non-

(peak 650 nm). Measurement was performed during

overcast days at 9:00 - 11:00 am at anthesis and grain

day time (between 10:00 and 4:00).

filling stages. Morphological parameters Relative water content (RWC)

Rolling of leaves under stressed condition was also

RWC was measured from flag leaves at anthesis.

assessed visually using 1 to 3 scale (1 = no rolling of

Immediately after cutting at the base of lamina, leaves

leaf, 2 = intermediate rolling and 3 = complete

were sealed within plastic bags and transferred to the

rolling) and leaf posture was assessed visually using 1

laboratory. Fresh weight (FW) was measured after

to 3 scale (1 = erect, 2 = semi-erect and 3 = droopy).

excision and the full turgid weight (TW) after the

Peduncle length (cm) was determined as average

dehydration of the leaves by placing them in a test

height of peduncle from the last node of the main

tube containing 100 ml distilled water for 24 h at

stem to the initial tip of the spike and peduncle

room temperature (about 21°C). After soaking, leaves

excursion was measured as the distance from the flag

were carefully blotted dried with tissue paper. Dry

leaf ligule to the base of spike from four plants per

weight (DW) was measured after oven drying at 70 0C


for 72 hrs. The RWC was calculated from the equation given by Schonfeld et al. (1988) as: RWC = (FW-DW)/

Yield and yield component

(TW- DW) x 100, where FW, TW and DW are fresh,

Data were also collected for number of kernels per

turgid, and dry weight of the leaf, respectively.

spike, 100 kernel weight, spike length, air-dried aboveground biomass and grain yield per plant.

Specific leaf area (SLA) and kernel ash content

Harvest index was determined as the proportion of


grain yield to the overall aboveground biomass per

SLA of the flag leaf was also determined as the ratio of leaf area



to dry mass (g). Kernel ash content

which is expressed in dry weight basis (%), was

Crop water use efficiency



WUE was determined as the ratio of grain yield to

combustion of the grain powder at 575 0C for 16 h

seasonal plant water use. The seasonal water use was

(until light gray ash was obtained) in a muffle electric

obtained by summing up the difference in soil water

furnace and then the weight the residue was recorded.

between measurements just before and after irrigation





of each pot. Chlorophyll fluorescence The polyphasic rise of fluorescence transients was

Statistical data analysis

measured at tillering, anthesis and grain filing stage

The data were subject variance analysis using SAS

using a portable Plant Efficiency Analyzer (PEA,

GLM procedure release 8.02 (SAS Institute Inc.,

Hansanthech, UK) from three leaves per pot. The

2001). Means comparisons were carried out to

initial fluorescence (Fo) and maximal fluorescence

estimate the differences between water

(Fm), variable fluorescence (Fv) and


treatments and genotypes using Duncan’s Multiple

photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) were

Range Test. Linear correlation analyses were used to

measured immediately after dark-adapted the leaves

determine the association between grain yields,

for 30 minute using leaf clips provided with PEA. The

physiological and morphological traits using SPSS.

transients were induced by red light of 3000 μmol


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Results Leaf gas exchange parameters

Table 1.

Mean value of photosynthetically active



net photosynthetic rate


transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs) and

The photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) level

instantaneous water use efficiency (iWUE) of durum

during measurement both at anthesis and grain-filling

wheat genotypes grown under water deficit and well-

stages was greater than the saturating photosynthetic

watered conditions during anthesis and grain-filling

capacity of wheat crop (i.e. 1500 µmol m-2 s-1) (Blum,


1990). Water deficit treatment both at anthesis and grain-filling stages significantly affected the gas

Growth PAR Pn E gs iWUE stage (µmol m- (µ mol m-2 (mmol m-2 s- (mmol m-2s-1) (µ mol 2 s-1) -1 1 s ) ) /mmol)

exchange parameters. The reduction was more pronounced at grain-filling stage. Pn and E were reduced by 30.2% and 52.3% due to the stress induced at anthesis as compared to the control treatment, respectively. It reduced by 59.0% and 71.7% as compared to the control treatment at grain-filling stage, respectively (Table 1). Similarly, the stomatal conductance






instantaneous water use efficiency was significantly increased as compared to the control at both stages. An increase in iWUE could be due to more reduction in E than Pn by water deficit. The ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 concentration (Ci:Ca) and the internal CO2 concentration were not affected by water deficit induced at anthesis and grain-filling stages (Table 2). Variability for net photosynthesis rate, stomatal and mesophyll conductances and instantaneous water use efficiency was observed among genotypes both at anthesis and grain-filling stage (Table 2).

Anthesis Grainfilling Mean

(µ S molCm2 s-1)(µ 1994.8 mol 8.1 m 11.6 -2 s1) 2084.8 4.3 10.5


0.88 109.1 195.5 28.8 15.8


0.53 43.9 115.8 33.5 23.5

2039.8 6.2 11.1

0.29 0.71 76.5 155.7 31.2 19.7







S-Stress, C-Control

Relative water content, specific leaf area and ash content The mean values of the RWC across genotypes under well watered and water deficit treatments were 87.6% and 55.7%, respectively. Water deficit caused a 36.7% reduction of the RWC of the leaves but genotypes were varied in maintaining their RWC under both water deficit and well-watered conditions. Specific leaf area (SLA) was significantly influenced by water regimes and genotypes but not by their interaction (Table 2). The SLA of all the genotypes was increased under water deficit by an average value of 12.6% relative to the well-watered treatment. Mean ash

No significant correlations were found between net photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance and photosynthesis and transpiration rates (at both stages under stress and well-watered conditions. Similarly, no overall correlations were found between Pn and gs and Pn and Ci:Ca both under stress and well-watered conditions. However, strong correlations were noted between net photosynthesis rate and mesophyll conductance under both stress (r = 0.603, P
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