May 28, 2017 | Autor: Jos Boven | Categoria: Spirituality
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by Ridavindra

From the First Puja with Shri Mataji (1992) until Her Mahasamadhi (2011) She has been dictating poems to me. I didn't do anything. I am not able to write poetry in English. When we went home (by car or by bus) I suddenly "received" one or more poems. The only thing I had to do, was to grasp a pencil and paper and take/receive the dictation. That took me not more than 10 to 15 minutes and I have never changed one word afterwards.
Conclusion: these are not my poems but Shri Mataji's ...which was in 1996 confirmed by Shri Mataji Herself.

Contents: you can click on the title and the poem will appear on your screen, or you can mark the title (save) and transfer it to Google, or you can go to the indicated page.

Mother Adi shakti 5
Kundaliniji 8
Meditation 6
Joy - 1 9
Joy - 2 10
In the presence of Mother 12
In the presence of Mother/2 15
Mother 18
In Mother's cove 21
Bhakti 22
Wisdom 23
Love/1 24
Love/2 25
Love/3 26
Love/4 27
Love/5 28
Love/6 29
Your Kingdom Divine 30
Shri Kalki 31
The Kingdom of Joy 32
Unio Beatifica 33
Blossom Time 35
The Kingdom of God36
My Kindest Companion 37
Impression 38
Source 39
Being Your Instrument40
Brother, Sister 41
Ganesha's Victory 42
Isa 44
The Keyword of Life45
Illusions 46
Mahamaya 47
With Irresistible Force48
Gurupada 49
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table 50
Love 56
Kundalini: the Pathway to Nirwana 57
Being an Instrument 58
Imagination 59
Shiva 60
Your Vision 61
Truth 62
Mother Kundalini 64
Vibrations 65
In the Eye of the Storm66
To the Limit 66
Getting Trough 67
Enlightenment 68
Ekakarita 69
Nirmala Chitta 70
Allah 71
Shiva Vishnu Krishna72
Shiva Shiva Shiva 73
Shiva ! Shiva !! 74
Sadashiva 75
The Unbelievable 76
Flower Lady 78
Sahaja Samadhi 79
Shivo Shakti Aham 80
The Supreme Unconscious 82
Truth and Untruth 83
the One and Not-One84
Crossing 85
"ShivoShakti Aham" 86
Knowledge 87
God - Realisation 88
Mahamaya's Way 91
Our Goal on Earth 92
In Mother's Cove 93
Ego 93
Source 97
Sahaja Yoga 98
Happy Diwali ! 99
Mahamaya 101
Durga Mahakali ! 102
Kundalini 109
Vishnumaya 111
De ogen van God 112
Vishalaksaya 114
Als de Spirit spreekt ...121
Shri Mahadevi 123
Prayer 124
Shri Kalki 2 126
Protection 127
Substanz 128
Laat het worden wat het was 129

Vishnumaya 131
Concert 132
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 123
Afscheid nemen 135
Je T'en prie Mère 135



Mother Adi shakti
When Mother looked in my eyes
I suddenly lost the weight of maya.
My body and thought shrivelled
Together to futility and nothingness
And my heart was filled with joy.

The sparks of Her Spirit ignited
A mild and cool Kundalini - fire
That softly and gently remodelled
My body into a timeless temple
To be occupied by Mother Adi Shakti.
A bundle of translucent beams
Transformed my thoughts into fountains
Of wordless prayers, extending
To the throne of the Golden Goddess
Dressed in Her gorgeous garment of Love.
A balmy breeze blew through my soul
And swept the lingering dust of ages,
Erased the stains of earlier lives
And poured a shower of lasting love
Into the chalice of my eager Self.

When I have become part of nature,
I shall know that I have got completely realised,
That I've changed into vibrations.
When the birds will take me for a tree
and sit on my branches,
I shall know that I am completely realised,
That I have changed into vibrations.
When the beetles will take me for a piece
of half decayed wood
And will put their eggs under my bark,
I shall know that I am completely realised,
That I have changed into vibrations.
When the butterflies will take me for a wild herb
And sit on me for a scented rest,
I shall know that I am completely realised,
That I have changed into vibrations.
When the ants will crawl on my leg
and take it for a pathway
On the trail of their presumed luck,
I shall know that I am completely realised,
That I have changed into vibrations.
When the deer will not be scared anymore,
But sit next to me in the grass
and put its head onto my shoulder,
As if I were just another companion,
I shall definitely know,
I have become part of nature,
that I've got completely realised,
That I've changed into vibrations.
When the flowers and the grass
will take me for a patch of earth
And shed their seeds into my
fertile womb and I will grow them to
The glory of the r Creator,
Then I shall know that I've got
completely realised, that I've
Changed into vibrations.

Curing force of God
Through the Holy Breath
Of dear Shri Mataji
You rose from the deep
Caverns of our being,
From the deeper caves
Of our eternal past.
Pure desire, hidden
Roots of our souls
By the knowing eyes
Of Mother Adi Shakti
And at Her command,
You were awakened
To restore our lives.
Sacred power of Sadashiva,
You resuscitated
Our agonising Spirit
As the remodeling energy
Of our real Self,
Our supreme Atman.

Stream of love,
River of truth,
Ocean of bliss,
Deliver us from maya,
Guard us from evil,
And be source of joy.

Joy - 1
When your Spirit is drenched
In Your never ending joy,
We want to be a mere toy
And by Your love be drenched.
In this world's wildest turmoil
You offer us Your divine bliss,
You arm us against mortal coil
In Your celestial abyss.
Mother of real joy
We want to sing Your praise
In an ethereal envoy
By which all evil we raze.
Bringer of better tidings,
In Your ever laughing eyes
We lose our conditionings
And the strains of daily dye.
Mother of pure delight
Show the world Your sublime light,
Let Your kingdom come on earth
To be the start of a new birth.

JOY - 2
When joy fills my heart,
Tears well up in my heart,
And I can see better
Than ever before.

When joy fills my heart,
Sounds penetrate into my ears
And suddenly I can hear
The music of heaven.
When joy fills my heart ,
Scents rise into my nose
And for one moment I can smell
The fragrance of Your lotuses.
When joy fills my heart,
A wonderful taste fondles my tongue
And the ambrosia of the Gods
Amrutizes my mouth.
When joy fills my heart,
All my cells awaken at once
And I can feel the benevolence
Of Your presence.
When joy fills my heart,
My Spirit can perceive
A reality beyond perception.
When joy fills my heart,
I become wonderfully new
In the land of my heritage.

In Your presence, Mother, I am strong,
Because You want me to be vigorous.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel pure,
Because You don't want to see my impurity.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel innocent,
Because You don't search for guilt.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel wise,
Because You listen with great seriousness
To my meaningless babbling.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel patient,
Because You make time for me.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel young,
Because You give me force of living.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel courageous,
Because You give me the impression that I
Have to help You in Your enormous task.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel harmonious,
Because You only appeal to the best in me.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel utterly peaceful,
Because You don't arouse my impulses.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel high,
Because You elevate me.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel rich,
Because You bestow blessings on me.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel sublime,
Because You transform me into a participant
Of the cosmic play.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel no fear,
Because You give me strength.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel wholeness,
Because You unify my scattered parts.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel serene,
Because You liberate me of my weaknesses.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel like loving,
Because You are so lovable.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel healthy,
Because You take away my inconveniences.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel detached of everything,
Because I am attached to You with all my fibres.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel divine,
Because You provide me with Your grace.
In Your presence, Mother, I feel in Wonderland,
Because with You miracles do happen.
It's therefore, Mother, that I need Your presence !

Mother, You are so pure that all impurity fades away
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so positive that all negativity breaks down
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so beautiful that all ugliness disappears
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so full of love that all hatred is dissipated
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so strong that all weaknesses dissolve
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so deep that all superficiality is dispersed
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so gentle that all harshness vanishes
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so soft that all coarseness merges into kindness
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so compassionate that all sternness melts into
Leniency in Your presence.
Mother, You are so forgiving that all mistakes are redeemed
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so inspiring that even the coldest thinker gets
Excited by Your presence.
Mother, You are so divine that devilish forces evaporate
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so innocent that all guilt is burned down
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so chaste that all perversion is annihilated
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so patient that all impatience is engulfed
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so humble that all haughtiness is obliterated
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so vital that all weariness is vaporised
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so harmonious that all instability becomes
Balanced by Your presence.
Mother, You are so divinely knowing that all obscurity becomes
Enlightened by Your presence.
Mother, You are so vigorous that all cowardice is evanesced
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so creative that all dryness of mind is watered
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so attentive that all inadvertence is scorched
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so peaceful that all contentiousness crumbles
Down by Your presence.
Mother, You are so serene that all haziness is shrivelled up
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so full of joy that all affliction is parched
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so happy that all unhappiness is pulverised
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so fearless that all fear is crushed
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so detached that all attachments are loosened
By Your presence.
Mother, You are so conscious of Your Self that all doubt passes
Away by Your presence.
Mother, You are so collective that individualism is defeated
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so respectful that all disrespect and brutality
Perish in Your presence.
Mother, You are so full of discernment that all stupidity eclipses
In Your presence.
Mother, You are so integrated that all spiritual schizophrenia is
Digested by Your presence.
Mother, You are so endless that all reduction is mouldered away
By Your presence.
Mother of Sahaja, allow us to ask You not to stop caring for us !

You are the source of my joy.
You are the well of my happiness.
You are the target of my love.
You are the cause of my hope
You are the force of my innocence.
You are the roots of my chastity.
You are the origin and goal of my wisdom.
You are the reason of my patience.
You are the manufacturer of my humility.
You are the spring of my youth.
You are the modelling of my dharma.
You are the creator of my harmony.
You are the operator of my courage.
You are the fountain of my creativity.
You are the prime mover of my knowledge.
You are the generator of my peace.
You are the focaliser of my attention.
You are the moving force of my evolution.
You are the establisher of my health.
You are the architect of my wellbeing.
You are the manipulator of my welfare.
You are the author of my consciousness.
You are the weaver of my relations.
You are the moulder of my detachment.
You are the motive of my respect.
You are the object of my speaking.
You are the driving gear of my discretion.
You are the stimulus of my forgiving capacity.
You are the domesticator of my ego.
You are the controller of my superego


You are the destination of my gratitude.
You are the incentive of my delight.
You are the contriver of my bliss.
You are the promoter of my beatitude.
You are the expression of my deepest core.
You are the force of my integration.
You are the essence of my being.
You are the force of God,
The love of God,
The Spirit of God,
You are my Spirit.
You are my very real Self.
You are Atman.
You are my total Reality.
You activated my subtle body.
You raised my Kundalini and since then
There is a steady stream of Divine Love,
Of divine longing within me.
Mother Kundalini touches all my chakras,
Keeps them into movement, cures them,
Heals them and all the parts of my body
That are connected with them.

She comes through the narrow gate of the
Agnya and widens it, and she leaves my body
Through the lotus of my Sahasrara.
Outside She enters into direct contact
With the Cosmic Energy, with the
The Paramchaitanya, with Paramatma,
With Parabrahma, with God Himself.

This means that the divine longing,
The divine love within me
Finally found its Source.
And God Himself answers to this meeting by letting His force,
His love, His Spirit, His Breath flow through the lotus
Of my Sahasrara into my subtle system
And down to the Mooladhara.
All this an much more, Mother, is why I want to offer You
This prayer and praise.


Let us, Mother, be the witness of Your play,
Let us, Mother, foster what You say,
Let us, Mother, know what work to do,
So that we ,Mother, make Your reign come true
Let us, Mother, build a throne for You,
Let us, Mother, vanquish pain and woe,
Let us, Mother, stop the to and fro,
So that we, Mother, steady stay with You.
Let us, Mother, spread You holy message,
Let us, Mother, calmly clear the passage,
Let us, Mother, build a golden bridge,
So that we, Mother, cross the devil's ridge.
Let us, Mother, sing and sit in joy,
Let us, Mother, call for heaven ahoy,
Let us, Mother, burn with sacred love,
So that we, Mother, anchor in Your Cove.

Mother, let my love be a bridge to carry me over to You.
Mother, let my faith be a pathway to my Self.
Mother, let my devotion be a trail to Your Heart.
Mother, let my attachment be the road to Your attention.
Mother, let my hope be a highway to God.
Mother, let my love be a bridge to carry me over to You.
Mother, let my love be a rainbow to carry me over to You.
Mother, let my dedication be a track to my Atman.
Mother, let my passion be a lane to Reality.
Mother, let my affinity to You be a channel to Your grace.
Mother, let my adherence to You be the road
To Your gentle remission.
Mother, let my love be a rainbow to carry me over to You.
Mother, let my love be the arch to carry me over to You.
Mother, let my loyalty be the walk that can bring me to my
Ultimate homeland.
Mother, let my solidarity with You be the alley to my
Promised compound.
Mother, let my alliance with You be the gangway to heaven.
Mother, let my adhesion to You be the avenue to Nirwana.
Mother, let my love be the arch to carry me over to You.
Mother, let my love be so ardent,
That I can carry it over to my future lives,
That I might recognize You,
That I might worship You,
That I might adore You
For all eternity
Till my Self merges into
Your greater Self.

Give me please the wisdom to be so naive,
That I can always see in people
What is positive
Give me though the capacity to detect negativity at once.
Give me enough discrimination to understand
That men stick to negative actions only because
They think to have good reasons
To do so.
Give me the powers to transform negativity
Into positivity or – if necessary –
To destroy it.
But never allow me to judge, because then I am only
Enforcing my own ego and creating negativity myself.
Give me the force just to be a witness
And nothing more than a witness.


As an extension of Your will
We want to live Your love
In the mirror of our life,
We want to be mere reflection
Of Your gracious complexion
And flash the brightening beams
Back of Your sunlike perfection.
Let us be sparkles of Your love,
Let us be breezes of Your breath,
Let us be lightnings of Your eyes,
Let us be sounds of Your voice,
Let us be thoughts of Your brain,
Let us be scents of Your fragrance,
Let us be beats of Your heart,
Let us be titillations of Your hands,
Let us be vibrations of Your feet,
Let us be cells of Your body ...
So we can convey Your grace
To all, trapped in their own maze
And show them Your manifold ways
To far better and joyous days.

LOVE / 2

Your breath overflows my Spirit
With cool and gentle love,
It inundates my wasteland
With a strong and pure desire,
It purifies my hidden mires
Into an ethereal brand,
Transforms them into open cove
As if by holy fires quit.

In a fountain of sprinkling joy
It spreads through my silted veins,
It waters my obstructed brains,
Converts them into Your alloy.
Your breath is the lovestrong life
That ripples through my barren leaves :
From where they linger, it heaves
Them up and makes them want to hive
In the windstill watchets of Your drive,
Where the rays of happiness quiver
Through the leaves of this river
Of everlasting lovesome life.
In the same harbour from above
My longing ship will anchor deep
And stay steady on Your course
With open heart and open sight,
It will softly roll in Your light
And graceful bath in its Source,
In You it will endlessly steep
And be sanctified in Your love.

LOVE / 3
Let the amount of our love make up for the lack of our wisdom.
Let the quantity of our love restore the poverty of our innocence.
Let the vigour of our love repair the shortage of our chastity.
Let the vitality of our love correct the inadequacy of our
Let the magnitude of our love revive the deficiency of our
Let the abundance of our love regenerate the shortcomings
of our creativity.
Let the extent of our love reconstruct the imperfection of
of our knowledge.
Let the vastness of our love repair the weakness of our
Let the potential of our love redress the gaps of our attention,.
Let the dimension of our love retrieve the defectiveness of
our serenity.
Let the standard of our love re-establish the infirmity of
our respect.
Let the plenitude of our love renew the want of our
Let the expansion of our love reinvigorate the failing of
our diplomacy.
Let the size of our love remodel the defect of our witnessing
Let the comprehensiveness of our love rehabilitate our
forgiving force.
Let the multiplicity of our love resuscitate the deprivation
of our harmony.
Let the power of our love diminish the overspill of our ego.
Let the polyphony of our love decrease the excesses of our
Let the increase of our love reduce the profusion of our
Let the level of our love cut back the surfeit of our illusions.
Let the multiformity of our love lower the surabondance
of our fantasy.
Mother, let our love grow under the invigorating sun of
of Your love. 

LOVE / 4
Love will chase the devils away,
Will keep them out of your array;
Love will cure your sharpest pain
And remove the heaviest strain.
Love, love, love, lasting love
Is the great force of life,
Love will take away the knife
Out of the deepest gash,
Undo the knots of the lash.
Love will smoothen your daily trail,
Love will help you to spill your sail,
Keep you always right on the rail,
And lead you to the final vale.
Love, love, love, divine love
Will enlighten your night,
This love will brighten your light;
This love will carry you tight
To unknown heavenly heights.
Let confidence reign
Reconquer your pain;
Limitless love will drain
The stain out of your brain !

LOVE / 5

Make us, Mother, change into vibration,
Let it, Mother, be the attestation
Of our ever – everlasting love to You.
Make You Holy Kingdom, Mother, become true,
Let our existence, Mother, be expression
Of Your never – abdicating vision.
Make us, Mother, live Your madrigal missing,
Let us be a polyphonous acclamation
Of our ever – everlasting love to You.
Make us, Mother, immaculately new,
Let us carry Your Holy Inspiration
Against all malicious alienation.
Let our prayers be the manifestation
Of our celestial affiliation.

LOVE / 6

Let our love to You be pure enough
To become as fruitful as a peachtree,
That can create peaches out of its love.
Let our love to You be pure enough
To become as powerful as the rosary,
That can create roses out of its love.
Let our love to You be pure enough
To become as fragrant as santal,
That can create scent out of its love.
Let our love to You be pure enough
To become as delicate as a nightingale,
That can create music out of its love.
Let our love to You be pure enough
To become as lovely as a lotus,
That can create beauty out of its love.
Let our love to You be pure enough
To make our Spirit merge into Yours
And become pure vibrations.

Let Your love rise through our spine,
Establish You Kingdom Divine,
Stop our endless daily decline,
Bring us into Your celestial time,
Where the negativity fades away;
Let us become happy and gay,
Give us a sun's glittering ray
To mount into Your array.
Let Your children be crowned
By the joy You sparkle around,
Make them by happiness be bound
To the spell of Your compound.
Don't give them permission
To follow course of collision;
In an everlasting vision,
Let them be part of Your mission.

When Shri Kalki rides ,
The devils of negativity
Lose their legitimacy,
When Shri Kalki rides.
When Shri Kalki sounds the trumpet,
People start their final march
Through hell's and heaven's arch,
When Shri Kalki sounds the trum pet.
When Shri Kalki dooms the damned,
And curses their malicious fate,
They once again sprout hate,
When Shri Kalki dooms the damned.

When Shri kalki pulls the strings
She sings the song of destruction
Of Satan's malignant production,
When Shri Kalki pulls the strings.
When Shri Kalki commands the elements,
The earth turns upside down,
The sky is set on fire,
The oceans are burning high,
The stars are tumbling by,
The creation turns into a mire,
When Shri Kalki commands the elements.
When Shri Kalki calls,
Her children assemble
In their glorious temple,
When Shri Kalki calls.
A new world is born
Out of this scorn,
It will flourish to adorn
A golden age being born

In the kingdom of joy
It is forever spring,
My interior birds sing
An everlasting envoy.
They chant a madrigal
On the sunny beaches
Of my canticle heart ;
In a dashing dart,
To heaven it reaches
To the quintessential.
My inner flowers flourish
With innumerable colours,
That perfume may manors
Of luck and nourish ...
Them with their deep fragrance.
My grass is emerald green ;
In its free exuberance
It never greener has been.
Stars twinkle in my eyes,
Pure music fondles my ears,
A taste of heaven pleases
My tongue and it eases
Down all previous fears
And flames of former fires.
All these blisses take me
Into the kingdom of joy
Where I become a mere boy
In the purest magical glee.

Body of You r body,
Brain of Your brain,
Soul of You soul,
Spirit of Your Spirit ...
Eye of Your eye,
Ear of Your ear,
Hand of Your hand
Feet of Your feet ...

Heart of Your heart,
Breath of Your breath,
Fragrance of Your fragrance,
Taste of Your taste ...
Smell of Your smell,
Speech of Your speech,
Sound of Your sound,
Blood of Your blood ...
Innocence of Your innocence,
Chastity of Your chastity,
Wisdom of Your wisdom,
Humility of Your humility ...
Youth of Your youth,
Harmony of Your harmony,
Knowledge of Your knowledge,
Creativity of Your creativity ...
Generosity of Your generosity,
Serenity of Your serenity,
Health of Your health,
Well-being of Your well-being ...
Esteem of Your esteem,
Courage of Your courage,
Love of Your love,
Self of Your Self ...
Atman of Your Atman,
Dharma of Your Dharma,
Respect of Your respect,
Witnessing of Your witnessing ...
Discrimination of Your discrimination,
Forgiveness of Your forgiveness,
Ego of Your ego,
Superego of Your superego ...

Part of Your collectivity,
Integrating parcel of Your whole,
Surrendered to Your Love ...
Is our timeless We.

We ask You, Mother, to make our sun abundantly shine
And melt the permafrost of our ego down.
Make our grass become green to be a carpet on our
Pathway to Nirvana.
Make our flowers sprout an flourish; make them give
Their fragrance free.
Make our trees develop roots and branches and enable
Them to steady stand.
Make our birds fly free on their trail to heaven
And avoid all deviation.
Make our fruit blossom and blush and concoct
Nectar to nourish our Spirit.
Make our waters flow from Source to Origin
Into one powerful stream.

Make our soil rich enough to grow ample food
For our hungry souls ...
... and sanctify our days, let our life be an eternal puja
To You !

In the kingdom of God
Is place for us all ;
We only have to nod
To receive God's call.
We are invited to rest
In the grace of the Lord,
Safe in His heavenly chest
Protected by His fiery sword.
When wishes fade away,
When desires disappear,
When we have no more fear,
When we don't go astray,
In the kingdom of God,
Is a place for us all ;
From His celestial rod
Flow vibrations over all.
Then the kingdom of God
Is part of our way
All evil we will bray
In the holy kingdom of God.

 You show me the way, You let me feel
You lighten my day ... Your delicate appeal ...
Mother Kundalini, Mother Kundalini,
My kindest companion are You My kindest companion are You.
You teach me truth, You make me smell
You rejoice my youth ... The perfume of Your dell ...
Mother Kundalini, Mother Kundalini,
My kindest companion are You. My kindest companion are You.
You make me see, You clean my mind,
You set me free ... You are ever so kind ...
Mother Kundalini, Mother Kundalini,
My kindest companion are You. My kindest companion are You.
You have me hear You cure my heart,
The music of heaven ... Give me a new start ...
Mother Kundalini, Mother Kundalini,
My kindest companion are You. My kindest companion are You.
You allow me to taste
The heavenly paste ...
Mother Kundalini,
My kindest companion are You.
You lead me to heaven,
To make me perceive
The presence of God ...
Are YOU !


You showed me, Mother, a glimpse of You greatness
And my voice has lost itself in utter uselessness,
Images are too small to catch Your fullness
And sounds prove to be mostly meaningless.
You're empty as a desert,
Yet full as a grape :
You are filled with emptiness
And You empty every full.
You're more silent than nothingness
And this deafening tranquillity
Is much more eloquent
Than all the world's speech.
Your scentless perfume is more fragrant
Than a thousand million roses
And Your unsavoury taste
Calls to a delicious banquet.
You showed me, Mother, a glimpse of Your greatness
And I want to be nothing more than a witness
Of Your breathtaking victory on our weakness
In Your ever widening transparentness.


 Let my Spirit return to its Source
By his own irresistible force,
Make him follow his self-chosen course
By his own irresistible force.
Let my Spirit drink of his Source
By his own irresistible force
Make him follow Your divine course
By his own irresistible force.
Let my Spirit merge into his Source
By his own irresistible force,
Make him come to the end of his course
By his own irresistible force.
Let my Spirit evolve into his Source
By his own irresistible course,
Make him support other man's course
By his own irresistible force.

Let me be source of Your Source,
So that seekers can draw Your water
From my well.
Let me be bliss of Your bliss,
So that I can bless seekers
With Your grace.
Let me be goodness of Your goodness,
So that I can support seekers
With Your gentleness.
Let me be innocence of Your innocence,
So that I can call forth the innate
Innocence of Your seekers.
Let me be wisdom of Your wisdom,
So that I can put seekers
On the way to Your love.
Let me be knowledge of Your knowledge,
So that I can show seekers
A glimpse of Your Sainthood.
Let me be creativity of Your creativity,
So that I can establish the superiority
Of Your imaginative force.
Let me be serenity of Your serenity,
So that I can sooth down seekers
With Your tranquillity.

Let me be courage of Your courage,
So that I can train seekers
In Your fearlessness.
Let me be detachment of Your detachment,
So that I can teach seekers
How to become a witness of Your play.
Let me be joy of Your joy,
So that I can provide seekers
With Your happiness.
Let me be source of Your Source,
So that seekers can draw water
From my well.

Love's lingering in a corner of your heart,
It's waiting to be awakened real fast;
Don't obstruct, don't be afraid, don't try to be smart,
Give yourself a holy break, let the net be' cast
Wide and deep, let your searching soul be caught
By celestial emanations, let it feel truth,
Make clear to itself what it timelessly sought :
Its own Self's sanctified eternal youth.
Let God's breath fill all the pores of your Spirit,
Discover the secret of eternal wealth,
Construct and fortify your own heaven on earth,
Cause your spiritual senses be as vivid
As to procure you indestructible health
Through the unprecedented wonders of new birth.

When Ganesha's blessings descend
Upon us, wisdom will reign
And we shall know how to mend
The broken links of the chain.
When Ganesha's grace brakes trough
The ramparts of doubt and fear,
We shall be able to hear
The music that reverts our view.
When Ganesha's bliss pours down
On us, we'll beam with balance
And dress in the gorgeous gown
Of inciting innocence.
When Ganesha acts within us,
He will make us pure and chaste
And for others auspicious,
Adverse to all destructive taste.
When Ganesha's favour fills
Our hearts with joyous boons,
Our celestial Spirit thrills
With humble – holy tunes.
When Ganesha's benison
Settles down into our soul,
Our hearts beat in unison
For the whole of the haul.
When in harmony we stand
Out for the world, we defend
Ganesha's own holy land,
To which modestly we bend.



Dance, Isa, dance !
Give the world a chance !
Drive the devil away,
Dress it in Your array.
Show us the passage,
Teach us the message
Of real deliverance.
Speak the word,
Break the shell,
Make the bird fly free,
Way out into the sky,
Up to heaven on high,
Where the Spirit can rest
In Your divine chest,
Freed of his worldly plea,
Singing in celestial glee.
Teach us how to forgive,
Transforms the devil's greeds
Into celestial seeds !
So the Ghost from above
Can linger in the cove
Of never ending love
And show us how to live,
Show us how to forgive.

The keyword of life is eternal love,
That showers abundantly from above,
That pierces through the thickest clouds
And illuminates the widest crowds.
The password of life is Divine Love,
That showers abundantly from above,
That leads to the kingdom of God,
Love that allows you to Self-ishly nod.
The why-word of life is heavenly Love,
That showers abundantly from above,
That answers the question s of life
And removes the pain of Satan's hive.
The how-word of life is limitless Love,
That showers abundantly from above,
As wide as all the ways of the world,
Love that with holy virtues is pearled.
The joy-word of life is God's real Love,
That showers abundantly from above,
That provides celestial drive
To enlighten our life and make it revive.

When illusion spreads through my mind,
Let me become aware of reality,
Let me feel the touch of Your finger
That reminds me of my origin divine :
Let vibrations connect me forever
To the Source of my joy,
To the Core of my light.
When illusion spreads its treacherous veil
Over my eager eyes,
Let me feel the beat of Your heart,
That reminds me of my origin divine :
Let me see Your glory
And let me dwell in Your grace.
When illusion once again steals into my ears,
Let me hear the sound of the Spirit,
That shows me my origin divine;
Let me perceive the music of heaven
And make me turn away from the temptational
Voices of ether and earth.
When illusion once again touches my greedy tongue,
Let me discover the eternalizing flavour
Of Your Amrut,
That reminds me of my origin divine :
Let me taste the savour of Your kingdom,
Of Your celestial delicacies.

With each and every loving breeze
That Mahamaya does release,
The whole creation will increase
And illusion our senses tease.
Mahamaya allows the pain
To teach us how to break the chain,
That binds us to our boiling brain,
Seething, for nothing else to gain
Than more and more and much more pain.
Mahamaya admits the bad
To show us what bliss we had
In heaven, when we still were glad
About the lucky life we led
And the good we were aiming at.
Mahamaya throws into the dark
The seekers of the Holy Spark,
She makes them hear the dreadful bark,
Which is the devil's proper mark
To smother the light of the Spark.
Mahamaya instaures new shape :
That hell by everyman be made,
As he can heaven in Her shade,
Only the illusion will fade
Out and burn away all hate.


As with irresistible force
We are driven to our Source,
Let our Spirit merge into Yours.
As with irresistible force
Our inner life You endorse,
Let our Spirit merge into Yours.
As with irresistible force
You pull us out of the gorse,
Let our Spirit merge into Yours.
As with irresistible force
You guide the set of our course,
Let our Spirit merge into Yours.
As with irresistible force
We are drive to our Source,
Let our Spirit merge into Yours.

When tranquility settles down into your soul,
When your ego is no longer enemy but also friend,
When your desires are no longer scattered,
But unified into One Direction,
When serenity becomes a ladder for ascent ...
Then you, maybe, reached the very first step of guruship.
When worldly matters do not break your balance all the time,
When your Spirit aspires to communion with the Universal Line,
Then you become the instrument of the Divine ...
And you, maybe, reached the second step of guruship.
When you can put your fate into the hands of Adi Guru,
When you really know the meaning of Her Name,
When Nirmala Vidya is your mentor and your flame ...
Then you, maybe, reached the third step of guruship.
When your life is thoroughly launched
Unto the gear of the Divine,
You recognize your Spirit-Mother
As the Maker and the Keeper of this shrine ...
Then you, maybe, reached the fourth step of guruship.
When you can see yourself as part of the Divine,
As a composing cell of Her Spine,
When you become a part of Her vision and of Her plan ...
Then you, maybe, reached the fifth step of guruship.
When sweetness and compassion fill your days
And when your sleep is prayer-game
To the glory of Her Name ...
Then you, maybe, reached the sixth step of guruship.
When you are deluded as an atom in Her game,
When from this earth you left all fame,
When you can live of the living water of the same ...
Then you, maybe, reached your final guruship.

Arthur, King at God's command,
Mighty master in his own free land,
Assembled his companion - knights
Around the sacred table – oak
To reveal the message of the Lord;
He sent out his valiant cavaliers
To search and find the Holy Truth,
Sealed safely, as was told of yore,
In the vessel of the Sacred Grail,
Guarded by a multitude of jealous Gods,
Containing the Light of the Lord
To feed the Serpent Power of men .

And Lancelot,
More famous than them all,
Did not fulfil his pledge,
But sought his passion's end :
Instead of paining on his quest,
He pondered to beguile his queen,
And Gwenhyvar, who was to be
Her husband's strongest stay,
Was flattered by his youth
And the freshness of his limbs :
She gave him way to what for God
She promised to her betrayed King.

Keye, master of the sword,
Married to his horse and spear,
Rode out with clever skill.
He fought when fighting was required,
But mostly rove on hidden path
To find the sages of the woods
And many improper fact he found,
But none of them could satisfy
His thirst to know the real truth,
None could guide him to his goal.

Machelaos, noble Prince of Youth
And Sire of the Isle of Glass,
Where eternal spring does reign,
Drove out with pomp and splendour
And on his rambles in the woods
Of wonder met with Blondamors,
To whom he used to bear great passion.
Struck by the beauty of her limbs,
They drank the wine of love
And ate the cake of idle prey,
But satiated by their futile pleasure,
They were grudging and grumbling
And digressed in the devious ways
Of thought and inappropriate pride.

Erec, once a knight of great valour,
Had become the slowest of them all.
Lover of sumptuous banquets and wine.
He went straight to a witch in the woods
And urged her to reveal the secret
Of the last and ultimate truth.
"Not yet," she said. "Go to the big water
In the middle of the forest and fast
For seven days ... then you will see
The first ray of truth coming to you
On the wings of the Mother of the Woods."
But abstain from food he could not ;
So, with guilt in his mind
He returned to his world of illusion,
Where he could satisfy his belly
But was not able to satisfy his heart.

Iwein, of very great descent,
Courageous more than all ,
Strove to slay untruth
With battlesword in hand
And so gave way to truth.
His quest was full of deeds,
The very last more brilliant
Than the first,
But discover he did not.
With great contempt
He rode straight on,
Removed the hurdles
One by one
And pushed his way
Through the darkest of woods
Into the land of sham
And shadow,
Where he lost his way
And was condemned
To err forever.

Menagormon, in his brilliant panoply,
Very pleased with the unsought quest
-Sure as he was to win the Holy Grail -
Rode through the woods and drowsy villages
On his beautiful fiery black stallion
Until he reached the higher lands,
Where he crossed many a fairy vale
And suddenly saw himself blocked
Before a deep enchanting crevice :
From far below came soft enticing voices
Meandering up to where he stood.
A sweet breeze of fresh seducing air
Tied him up and pulled him down
And the smell of a thousand promises
Challenged his legendary wit.
Enthralled, he unchivalrously slipped
Down a twisting lane
And reached his passion's paradise :
A river of golden sparkling wine
In which a bunch of swarming witches
Tried to attract him by gorgeous feint
And as he tasted from this fare
Forgot about his quest.

The only one to unravel the knot
Was °Perceval, the humble herald of God.
Because he was innocent, chaste and wise,
Patient, humble and stable, he could rise
Above all others and as a real knight
Brought to his King and kin the light
Of the Sacred Vessel, which he didn't find
In the dales and mountains of the mind,
Nor in the woods and villages of desire,
But in the gentle force of his own inner fire,
That crossed his Mediterranean and emerged
Out of the verges of the past and so urged
The Serpent Power to climb to the height
Of the heavens to lose itself in the Light
Of the Lord.

The devlish forces of the right
Could not bind him tight,
Nor could the enchanting voices
Of the left tempt him to choices
Unsound to the goal of his quest.
His innocent wisdom won the test
And he so saved the honour of the rest
By adding the seed of Divine Zest.

Let my love be stronger
Than all negativity,
Let my love be the monger
Of loving creativity.
Let my love be the carrier
Of overall positive weight,
Let no mountain or barrier
Obstruct its heavenly freight.
Let my love be messenger
Of happiness and bliss,
Let my love be sounder
Of heaven's deepest abyss.
Let my love be richer
Than any worldly treasure,
Let my love be greater
Than most material measure.


Follow that way,
The way of your heart.
Don't try to stay,
Don't try to be smart.
Follow that way,
The way She will impel,
Not the way of decay,
But the way of respell.
She will save you from error,
She will save you from pain,
She will save you from terror,
She will help you to restrain
The fears of the past,
She will guide you to the vast
Band of happiness,
To chain them in holiness.
Invite your vibrations
To be your vahana,
To carry you without aberrations
Along the pathway to Nirwana.


Love be our weapon
Against lovelessness
Of in the deepest soul
Forsaken people.
Hope be our weapon
Against the hopelessness
Of an uncontrolled
And drifting world.
Faith be our strongest weapon
Against the manifold attacks
Of the deceiving devils
Of doubt and unknowing.
Innocence be the weapon of wisdom,
That can disarm and expose
Fake masters and false prophets
With naive and simple love.
Loosened, but in freedom fast
Connected, we shall be witnesses
Of the Divine unconscious play
In which we instruments may be.

Imagination makes me see
A fairy tale as reality ;
Imagination makes me see
Reality as a tale of fairy.
Imagination causes illusion,
Takes me to the wrong end of fact ;
Imagination creates delusion,
Provokes me to nebulous act.
... BUT:

Imagination also opens the gates
To a world discarded of matter,
Where the Spirit relentlessly dates
And the baits of Maya are torn to tatter.

You work without working,
You think without thoughts,
You love without loving,
You speak without words :

You are our Paradox – God !

You move without motion,
You fight without arms,
You care without caution,
You join without junction :
You are our Paradox – God !

Good and bad are but one in Your play,
You deal with Gods and Asuras,
You are man and woman alike,
Born out of Your own glorious Self :
You surely are our Paradox – God !

You care and still do not,
You spare and still do not,
You create and still annihilate,
You annihilate and still create :
You are our Paradox – God !


Your vision is too great for us, Mother,
We can't possibly see that far.
We sense the veracity of Your words,
But we don't grasp the reality behind them.
We try to surmise the width of Your work ,
But we don't have the necessary imagination.
Still, out of Your immense compassion,
Out of Your indestructible love,
You want us to be Your instruments.
You surely don't need us at all,
But You want to grant us self – respect,
You want to give us real dignity,
You want to give us that feeling of value,
You want to see us joyful, sinless,
Healthy, innocent, wise and holy.
You want to raise us to Your level ...
That's why You became Mahamaya ...


Truth is Mahamaya : 
Truth is the veil of matter
Between us and Her ;
Truth is what we consider as
The rules of the Play Divine :
Truth is the smoke we glimpse,
Emerging from the Fire of Love ;
Truth is what separates us from Reality

Truth is Mahamaya
In Her manifold appearance :
Yes ànd no
Minus ànd plus
Left ànd right
High ànd low
Sharp ànd sweet
Matter ànd anti-matter
Good ànd bad
Warm ànd cold ...
Trtuth is All and Everything,
Truth is Mahamaya.


Truth is Mahamaya :
When Mahamaya casts Her veil,
The light grew dim,
Faith became hope,
Love developed
A beginning and an end,
Eternal bliss
Transformed us in a mirror
In which we see
The troubled Truth
As bubbles in a lake.

Truth is Mahamaya :
So shining that nothing else
Can reach our seeking eyes.

Mother Kundalini ,
Your presence feels like sweet flowers,
Raining down on us in heavenly showers.
Your presence inspires us to heavenly love,
Torrentiously descending upon us from above.
Mother Kundalini,
Your wisdom fills us with pride,
Your patience makes us wider than wide,
We feel the attraction of heaven
Through the instigation of our seven
Centres that make us lighter than light.
You make us flow with the tide
Of our eternal Divine Creation.
Our future becomes brighter than bright
Since You are our innermost guide
To a shiningly bright illumination.

When vibrations take the lead
On ordinary life,
Heaven is not far.
When vibrations fill the hollow breach
In our illusory self,
We are connected to the Source.
When vibrations dispel suspicion
And fill our brain with faith,
We start to think with our heart.
When vibrations remove the hurdles
Of a meaningless samsara
We learn to speak the Word of the Lord.
When vibrations lift the cross
Of our futile daily worries,
We see the glory of God's Creation.
When vibrations throw us back upon our
Self for the last and ultimate judgment,
We have reached the core of Reality.
When vibrations take the lead
On ordinary life,
Heaven is not far.


Go deep, real deep into your heart 
And find the source of everlasting love.
Go deep, real deep into your heart :
Enjoy the stillness in the eye of the storm.
Be the witness of worldly commotion,
Be the witness of your inner confusion,
Be the witness of your own strain and pain
And stand forever steadfast still !
Go deep, real deep into your heart
And discover the ever holy Nothingness,
The emptiness of the vessel without clay,
The utter formlessness of all form,
The secret of all existing Energy,
Deep, real deep into your own heart.


Your mouth be the power of my words,
Your eyes be the strength of my look,
Your feet be the endurance of my journey,
Your blessings be the fulfilment of my joy.
Your love be the limit of my vision,
Your vision be the limit of my life,
My life be a toy in Your hands,
Your hands be the kumba of my Spirit.
My Spirit be the reflection of Your light,
So that Your light may reverberate
In the mirroring hearts of all men
And mould the darkness of ignorance
Into the cleansing fires of wisdom,
Of joy, of happiness, of peace and of bliss.

Allow me, Mother, to lose myself into You,
Defend me against every villain foe,
Take away, please, all treacherous woe
And teach me Your divine work to do.
Mother of heavenly light,
Give me weapons to fight
The most error – stricken side
Of darkest samsara – night.
O Mother, reach me Your hand
And heave me up to stand
Firm in Your heavenly land,
Keep me away from the dead – end.
Mother of celestial grace,
Keep me at Your godly pace,
Hold me tight, pull me out of the maze,
Let me Your divinity praise.
Allow me, Mother, to lose myself into You,
Make an end to my endless to and fro,
Let Your heavenly Kingdom come anew
In my plain – trodden soul and get trough.

Cell after cell is permeated
By Your light and liberated
From its lifelong stains.
Cell after cell is integrated
In Your Body and illuminated,
When connected to the mains.
Cell after cell You ignite
With Your all-pervading love,
You pull them up to Your height
And harbour them in Your cove
Of cool and soothing fire.
You patiently guide me to dharma,
You pull me out of the mire,
Deliver me from the burden of karma.

Shri Ganesha
Let us be one in love,
Let us be one in joy,
Let us be one in bliss,
Let us be one in happiness,
Make us, in unison,
Conquer the world
To put it to the Lotus Feet
Of our Divine Mother.
Shri Ganesha,
Make us wise,
Make us wise enough to be chaste,
Make us wise enough to be innocent,
Make us wise enough to be patient,
Make us wise enough
To be just instruments
In the Divine Play
Of our Beloved Mother.

Shri Ganesha,
Make us innocent,
Make us innocent enough to be wise,
Make us innocent enough to be chaste,
So that, in complete harmony
With our divine Self,
We can transform
Our material substance
Into an immortal temple
Of our Great Goddess.

Mother Kundalini,
When my thoughts wander away
From the core-business of life,
Pull them back, make them stay
Steadfast for the endless strife
Against my dearest enemy.
Don't let me squander Your treasures
For a palmful of worldly pleasures,
Keep me within Divine Reality.
Don't allow me to play a game
With my own imagination,
Keep me far from all trepidation.

Make me part of Your all-over aim,
Grant me sahaj – maturation
To go the way of illumination.

 God of mercy,
God of love,
Betrayed by the world,
Save Your ignorant children,
Heal them from samsara – night
And lead them to Your glorious light
In Your kingdom of joy and everlasting delight.
God of mercy,
God of love,
Creator of universes,
Father of Gods, Mother of men,
Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent,
The sole and only refuge, the sole and only Source.
God of mercy,
God of love,
Make Your huris guide us
Through tickles and thorns,
Pull us out of poisonous scrubs
And lead us to Your harbour of heaven.
God of mercy,
God of love,
Betrayed by the world,
Save Your ignorant children,
Heal them from samsara – night
And lead them to Your glorious light
In Your kingdom of joy and everlasting delight.

When the light of the Spirit shines in me,
I feel like Shiva.
When the force of the Spirit works in me,
I feel like Vishnu.
When the grace of the Spirit spreads in me,
I feel like Krishna.
The finger is not conscious
Of being part of a hand,
The hand is not conscious
Of being part of an arm,
The arm is not conscious
Of being part of a trunk,
The trunk is not conscious
Of being part of a man,
But man is conscious
Of being part of All
When the light of the Spirit shines in me,
I feel like Shiva.
When the force of the Spirit works in me,
I feel like Vishnu.
When the grace of the Spirit spreads in me,
I feel like Krishna.
... the days and the weeks,
The months and the year
Pass away; they are ripples
Driven across the lake
By the breath of mighty Vayu ...
We walk over the plains of ages
And follow the trail of death,
We are reborn to be ultimate sages
In the realm of divine progress .

When your heart is beating
On the rhythm of your Spirit,
You come home
In the House of Krishna.
When your desire adopts
The shape of Divine Desire
You come home
In the House of Shiva.

When the universal Divine Energy
Pervades your system,
You stay wherever you are
To transform human illusion
Into Divine Reality.

Step by step go down into your heart,
Deep deep down, and discover the art
Of love : love that doesn't bind,
Love that doesn't affect the mind,
Love that sets the beloved free,
Love that makes the beloved see,
Love that doesn't always ask,
Love that will in hardship last.
Let it be love without limits,
Love that doesn't count in digits,
Let it be love for love's sake,
Let it be love that doesn't fake,
Love of origin real Divine,
Love that does never resign.

Many praise Him,
Many cherish Him,
But no one knows Him.
Many claim Him,
Many explain Him,
But no one owns Him.
Many deny Him,
Many despise Him,
No one can describe Him.
Many love Him,
Many pray to Him,
No one can grasp Him.
Many fear Him,
Many abhor Him,
No one can fathom Him.
Many long for Him,
A few, only a few
Come near to Him.
Praised be the Lord !

How can you see the Unseen ?
How can you see the Unseeable ?
With your inner eyes
You can perceive the form
Of the Formless,
Because the Formless
Is omnipresent
In all material forms
That emanate from Him.
How can you hear the Ever Silent ?
How can you hear the Never Heard ?
With your inner ears
You can catch the sound
Of the Ever Silent,
Because the Ever Silent
Is omnipresent
In all material sounds
That His mouth gives forth.
How can you taste the Tasteless ?
How can you taste the Untastable ?
With your inner sense of taste
You can sense the flavour
Of the Untastable,
Because the Untastable
Is omnipresent
In all tastable flavours
That drive away from Him.

How can you smell the Odourless ?
How can you smell the One
That has no fragrance,
But who is the essence
Of all existing fragrances ?
With your inner sense of smell
You can absorb the fragrance
Of the Unfragrant,
Because the Unfragrant
Is omnipresent
In all material fragrances
That float away from Him.
How can you feel the Unsensitive ?
How can you feel the Unimpressionable ?
With your inner sense of touch
You can feel the sensations
That come forth from
The Unimpressionable,
Because the Unimpressionable
Is omnipresent
In all material sensations
That well up from Him.
How can you think the Unthought ?
How can you think the Unthinkable ?
With your inner consciousness
You can capture the thoughts
Of the Unthought,
Because the Unthought
Is reflected in every,
Every single thought.

Vibrating trough the petals
Is the perfume of Your love.
Your blessings float around us
In a swarm of golden hugs.
A wonderworld of colours
Comes hovering to our eyes
And makes them faintly see
Creator's endless fantasy.
Your uncountable manifestations
Shines through forms and figures
In unnameable variations
Of the One and Only You.
A concert of numerous sounds
Reaches our innermost ears
And bend themselves together
To a heavenly melody.
The peace of Your heaven
Settles down in our beings
And we feel endlessly blessed
By Your Flowery Essence.
A medley of sweet feelings
Shimmers softly through our soul;
They call to our Spirit
A message of purest joy.
Flowery Lady,
Let this memory last
Through all our days,
Let us never forget
The Light You ignited
In the core of our hearts.

When the Light of the Lord
Is calling at every horizon,
When the sound of His Voice
Is overruling every noise,
You might enter in Sahaja Samadhi.

When worldly images fade away
And lose their luring appeal,
When the Light of the Lord
Is melting your stubborn appearance,
You might enter in Sahaja Samadhi.
When your body doesn't hinder
The ascent of your Spirit,
But helps you to reach
The Light of the Lord,
You enter into Sahaja Samadhi.

When SadaShiva and Adishakti
Wake up to each other
The universe takes place :
They àre each and every object
And each and every object
Is ShivaShakti.

AdiShakti and Sadashiva
Are totally one and the same
In Divine all - embracing love ...
Out of that heavenly union AdiShakti
Emerges as the irreversible will of God,
To be expressed in love and creation
In celestial assembly arises
The Eternal Witness, Sadashiva,
Originator and destroyer of worlds.

AdiShakti and Sadashiva
Are totally one and the same
In Divine all – embracing love ...
Unmanifested in Divine Reality,
Manifested in the world of maya :
Hidden in matter, revealed in the Spirit.

When Sadashiva and AdiShakti
Wake up to each other
The universe takes place :
They àre each and every object
And each and every object
Is ShivaShakti !

As consciousness cannot be conscious
Of its own consciousness
- Though it can be aware of itself -
God, who is pure consciousness,
Cannot be conscious of His own
Therefore He is called
the supreme Unconsciousness !
But then also, God cannot be unconscious
Of His own unconsciousness.
Therefore He is called
the Supreme Consciousness !
But as words cannot 'word'
themselves as words
God can never be
Caught in words !

If there is truth,
can there ever be untruth ?
When truth has sprouted within you,
the soil of your soul will be totally
barren to lies and falsity
and untruth.
But ...
When your soul is filled with distrust,
or disbelief,
or despair,
or hatred,
or ignorance,
there will be no room for confidence
and faith
and hope
and love
and knowledge.
If we think, we cannot be thoughtless,
But if we are connected to the Thoughtless One,
We cannot think.
If we are connected to the Speechless,
we shall use no words.
If we are connected to the Eternal Witness,
we shall not act.
If we are connected to the Desireless,
we'll not be driven by our wishes.
If we are connected to the Emotionless,
we'll not be stirred by passions.
All the time that we think,
or speak,
or act,
or desire,
or feel ...
We are moved by MAHAMYA in the world of twilight and doubt.

"All the Gods asked the Goddess :
O Mahadevi, Great Goddess,
Who are You ? "
She is nothingness and beyond nothingness.
She is joy and beyond joy.
She is knowledge and beyond knowledge.
She is illusion and beyond illusion.
She is creation and beyond creation.
She is born and unborn.
She is wisdom and beyond wisdom.
She is attention and beyond attention.
She is detachment and beyond detachment.
She is consciousness and beyond consciousness.
She is unconsciousness and beyond unconsciousness.
She is freedom and beyond freedom.
She is love and beyond love.
She is harmony and beyond harmony.
She is peace and beyond peace.
She is sahaj and beyond sahaj.
She is integration and beyond integration.
She is the great Guru
and therefore She is unborn –
yet She was born to the world !

Kundalini will show us
How to use vibrations
To describe the real essence of God
Into the language of Love.
Kundalini will us the lines
And colours of vibrations
To paint a fair image of God
In the sanctuary of our soul.
Kundalini will use the stones
And mortar of vibrations
To rebuild us into temples
of God.
Kundalini will steer
Our wandering vibrations
To dance the great secret
of God.
Kundalini will ply the gauge
Of vibrations to carve
The mark of God
Into our Spirit.
Kundalini will remodel
Our lives into an everlasting
Oblation to the glory
Of God.


But that is not a thing to say
In the presence of God,
As God is not present in words.
On the other hand : if we can see
God in the mirror of ourselves,
God must also be 'mirrored'
In our speech about Him.
Even if our speech is about
Non – God, it is speaking
About God.
There is nothing we can say
That would not be God,
But we will never be able
To put God into words.
The reflection of God into words
Can never give an adequate image
Of God, because the quality of
The mirror and the quality of the
Mirror's speaking capacity.

Therefore it is better
To see God (everywhere),
To hear God (in anything),
To feel God (all over),
To smell God (in every odour),
To taste God (in every flavour),
To meet God (in every cell of our being),
To 'speak' God (in every syllable)
Than to speak about God.

What knowledge do we know ?
Shall we call it ignorance,
Or is it real knowledge though ?
Or is its name 'deliverance' ?
Does it pull the clouds away,
Or is it just another play
Of Mahamaya's broad array ?
Or is it lure from devil's bay ?
O Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma,
Draw the heavy curtains aside
That the rays of Reality hide,
O Gauri, Lakshmi, Durga, Radha,
Show us the knowledge from above :
Reveal us Your Kingdom of Love,
Accept us in Your Kingdom of Sooth,
Let us share Your Realm of Truth ...

When a thought meets Thoughtlesness,
It surrenders happily to the serenity
Of being devoid of Thinking.

When action encounters
The calm extensiveness of non – action
It surrenders to Equanimity.
When desire leaves the heart of people,
They verily enter into a Harbour of Peace.
When darkness tries to invade into Light,
It sheds all its gloom
And transforms into Brightness.
When sadness bumps into Joy,
It loses its sorrow
An annihilates into Delight.
When hatred collides with Love,
It's no longer able to keep up
Its cloudy appearance,
But changes into Devotion.
When ignorance comes across Knowledge,
Ignorance fades away
And Wisdom will always be victorious.
When the Destroyer meets the Creator
- And the One cannot without the Other –
They fuse into one Glorious God.


Shri Bhaasvati
When Shiva comes into your heart,
The blazing fires of passion
Go to ashes, the sparkling embers
Turn into a gentle cooling glow.
Shri Spanda
When Shiva comes into your heart,
The stormy winds of woe die down
And a sweet breeze of heaven heals
The smarting gashes of your soul.
Shri Dhumaavati
When Shiva comes into your heart,
The quicksands of samsara condense
Into the salt of resurrection
And the fertile soil of your ascent.
Shri Hlaada
When Shiva comes into your heart,
The cinders of the past get washed down
Into the ocean of love and bliss
That leads you to your healing heaven.

Shri Vibhvi
When Shiva comes into your heart,
You spread His All – pervading Power
Into the hearts of willing men
And clear the world for His return.

It's Mahamaya's way
To give us One as Many,
To fool us with diversity
And beguile us in Her play.
It's Mahamaya's way
To break the mirror's ray
And let us go astray
In this jungle of decay.
It's Mahamaya's way
To make us chase for prey,
Without a hope for pay,
Without prospect to stay
But also :
It's Mahamaya's way
To deliver us from decay,
To make us happy and gay,
Accept us in heaven's bay.
It's Mahamaya's way
To save us from the mêlée
Of battle and make us stay
In the ever – lasting quay.
It's Mahamaya's way
To show us One as Many,
But from these Many – Many
Leads us to the Only.




Let us, Mother, be the witness of Your play,
Let us, Mother foster what You say,
Let us, Mother know what work to do,
so that we, Mother, make You reign come true.
Let us, Mother, build a throne for you,
Let us, Mother, vanquish pain and woe,
Let us, Mother, stop the to and fro,
 so that we, Mother steady stay with You.
Let us, Mother, spread Your holy message,
Let us, Mother, calmly clear the passage,
Let us, Mother, build a golden bridge,
so that we, Mother, cross the devil's ridge.
Let us, Mother sing and sit in joy,
Let us, Mother, call for heaven ahoy,
Let us, mother, burn with sacred love,
so that we, Mother, anchor in You cove.


God created us out o f pure love
He created us to be happy,
If we are not happy, it's not God that made us unhappy,
but our ego that wants that get more than it received already.
God created us out of pure love.
He created us to enjoy ourselves.
If we are not joyful, it's not God who filled our soul with sadness,
but our ego that wants to get more than it receive already.
God created us out of pure love.
He created us to be free.
If we are not free, it's not God who made us unfree,
but our ego that wants to get more than it received already.
God created us out of pure love.
He created us to be innocent.
If we are not innocent, it's not God who drove us out of paradise,
but our ego that wanted to get more than it received already.
God created us out of pure love.
He created us to be chaste.
If we are not pure, it's not God who made us impure,
but our ego that wants to get more than it received already.
God created us out of pure love.
He created us to be wise.
If we are not wise, it's not God who made us foolish,
but our ego that wants to get more than it received already.
God created us out of pure love.
He created us to be healthy.
I we are not healthy, it's not God who made us ill,
But our ego that wants to get more than it receive d already.
God created us out of pure love.
He created us to be free from anger.
If we are infuriated, it's not God who made us furious,
but our ego that wants to get more than it received already.
God created us out of pure love.
He created us to be free from fear.
If we are anxious, it's not God who made us afraid,
But our ego that wants to get more than it received already.
God created us out of pure love.
He created us to be free from doubt.
If we are doubting, it's not God who takes away our faith,
but our ego that wants to get more than it received already.
God creates us out of pure love.
He creates us to be free from attachments.
If we are attached, it's not God who attached us,
If we are attached, it's not God who attached us,
but our ego that all the time wants to get more
than it received already from the beginning.

Each sound of Your voice
is a sacred mantra
to open my clogged ears.
Each ray of Your eyes
is a sacred key
to liberate my mouth.
Each gesture of Your hands
lifts me up
to a new heaven.
Each movement of Your feet
brings me closer
to my ultimate goal.

Each sound of Your voice
is a sacred mantra
to emancipate my Spirit.

Let my Spirit return to his Source
by his own irresistible force,
make him follow the self-choosen course
by his own irresistible force.

Let my Spirit drink of his Source
by his own irresistible force,
make him follow Your divine course
by his own irresistible force.
Let my Spirit merge into his Source
by his own irresistible force,
make him come to the end of his course
by his own irresistible force.
Let my Spirit evolve to his Source
by his own irresistible force,
make him support other people's course
by his own irresistible force.


Sahaja Yoga
Take this freedom from me away
and put me on the track of no return;
let me in Your attention stay,
make me to Your holy kingdom yearn.

Make Your fire in me burn
and put me on the track of no return;
let me in Your attention stay,
make me play the divine play.
Let this fire in me grow,
let the wind of inspiration blow;
make me bring Your Holy Light
to the deepest dale and the highest height.
Don't let it become wild,
make it gentle, make it mild;
make it enlighten without fright
the gloomiest of all nights.

Happy Diwali !
When Your light, O Mother,
enlightens our Spirit,
the flames of Your love
Tend to our Lord.
When Your light, O Mother,
enlightens our Spirit,
the fragrance of our love will spread
to the outer limits of life.
When Your light, O Mother,
enlightens our Spirit,
the warmth of our love will spread
on the wings of the wind.

When Your light, O Mother,
enlightens our Spirit,
the depth of our love will remove
the mountains of fear.
When Your light, O Mother,
enlightens our Spirit,
the soothing peace of our love will calm down
the harshness of our lives.
In uw ogen,Moeder,
gaat een wereld open,
wordt de wet geschapen
van dit nieuwe land.
Door uw handen, Moeder,
golft het eeuwig leven
in een liefde volle bries
van koel en veilig weten.
Van uw lippen, Moeder,
vloeien wijze woorden
en een eeuwig milde
zuivere zomerlach.
Uit uw voorhoofd, Moeder,
straalt de zon van vreugde
en van het zacht beseffen
dat de tijden eindig zijn.
Door uw voeten, Moeder,
stroomt de kracht van eeuwen
die we wereld zuivert
van uiterlijke schijn.
Durga Mahakali

Als Devi -Durga op de schelphoorn blaast,
de laatste ruiter door de hemel raast,
die oproept tot de allerlaatste strijd,
waarin goed van kwaad, kwaad van goed zich scheidt:
demonen rukken op in grote drommen
en zij dreigen, roepen,stappen, grommen,
een dof gerommel bezwaart de trommen,
die onheilspellend-boosaardig brommen.
Woeste rakshasa's janken naar de maan,
honderdduizend ogen schieten vuur
en honderdduizend ruige tongen slaan
van dood en haat het eindelijke uur.

Mahishasura, voor de val beducht,
vervloekt de dag waarop deez' klucht
een aanvang nam, hij grauwt en gromt en zucht,
begerig als hij is naar hoger vrucht.
Maar als hij voor zijn ruwe scharen staat,
zweept hij ze op tot groter haat:
ze zwaaien stokken, zwaarden, knotsen , 
en spies, schild en boog grimmig heen en weer.
Woeste woede schuimbekt op hun tronies;
Shumba en Nishumba vrezen verlies,
Dhumralocana stoot dreigen d zijn spies,
maar Munda was het die ten aanval blies.
Devi Durga zit onwrikbaar, wacht,
Haar donkere ogen schieten vonken
_ verre sterren in een duistere nacht,
Die onbewogen naar de vijand lonken _
Met ingehouden adem staat de leeuw
paraat, zijn klauwen martelen de sneeuw,
uit zijn muil grauwt een vervaarlijke geeuw
en op zijn lippen schuimt dodelijk reeuw.
Plots stormen, in een explosie van haat,
de opgezweepte horden van het kwaad
als een springvloed van zengende lava
van rondomom los op Devi Durga.
Met honderdduizend duizenden en meer
zwaaien ze knotsen,gooien ze spies en speer,
schichten ze assegaaien heen en weer
en schieten pijlenregens op Haar neer.
Devi Durga, geboren uit het licht
van duizend deva's, slingert bliksemschich-
ten op hen neer, verdelgt rakshasa's
en kraakt de kracht van hun helse bada's.

Pijlenwolken blikkeren, bliksemflit-
sen schichten flikkerend en zwepen klit-
sen heen en weer, korte krissen blit-
sen, zware onweerswolken, zwart als git,
verduisteren de hemel keer op keer,
dolken ritsen op en neer, zeisen zich-
ten, trommen rommelen en speren spich-
ten, rakshasa's vluchten weg, keren weer.
Vurige bollen dollen wild dooreen,
de wereld houdt de adem in en waakt,
de hemel wacht gespannen almeteen,
terwijl de aarde in haar voegen kraakt.
Stemmen brullen, dollen en knetteren,
ratels klepperen, zwaarden kletteren,
boogsnaren zingeln, bazuinen schetteren,
knotsen bonken en vonken spetteren.

Donkere wolken kolkten samen rond
het strijdtoneel,als uit De Durga's
voorhoofd de grimmige Kali ontstond:
het wrekende oordeel van de deva's.
Haar wrede rode ogen spuwen vuur,
uit haar gruwelijke mond druipt bijtend zuur,
tornado's kolken om haar heen en guur
is de adem van de ijzende natuur.
Mahakali punteert haar eeuwig lied:
Om, aum, aum _ om, aum, aum !
de schedelketting ratelrammelt; niet
één demon ontloopt zijn duister fatum.
Zij gooit haar bliksem, discus en ook speer,
haar tanden vermalen het ganse heer,
zij spant de boog en splijt de pijlen weer
die rakshasa's hagelen op haar neer.

Zij bijt en steekt en snijdt en slaat met taal:
een snedig zwaard van scherpe klanken kerft
wreedaardig door de ziel, met veel verbaal
kabaal, waarvan menige demon sterft.
Maar de duivellegioenen wijken niet;
pas als het leger Devi Durga ziet,
stokt de mars en de helse horde schiet
uiteen, als de eerste charge vervliedt.
Mahishsura wankelt, uit zijn mond
Gulpt bloed, zijn ogen schieten schichtig rond,
Zuur vreet door zijn ingewanden, hij torst
de hemel en de arde op zijn borst,
als duizend armen van Devi durga
hem omprangen. Munda en Chamunda
en de demonenschaar, Ugravirya,
Durdhura, Durmukha, Raktabija,

Shumba en Nishumbha, allen willen
om hun dorst naar groter macht te koelen
de helse horden tot meer strijdlust drillen,
 maar de shakti's van de deva's spoelen
in wassende golven over hen heen:
gestreden is de grote strijd meteen,
de rakshasa's gillen wild dooreen,
want aan de hemelwraak ontkomt niet één.
Ere zij U, Narayana, zingen
de deva's in koor, laat het kwaad voorgoed
begraven zijn; wij vragen U, behoed
de wereld voor alle slechte dingen.
Duizendmaal ere zij U, Bagavati,
het grootse werk is volbracht, samadhi _
het zijn zo – nirvichara samadhi,
aum, aum, nirvikalpa samadhi !
Ere zij U, Shri Mataji, die
Devi Durga zijt en Mahakali,
geef ons de kracht om uw droom te voltooien:
de wereld naar uw genade te plooien.


Ingesponnen in een Kundalini-coccon
blijf ik niet beperkt tot mezelf;
ik vloei naar de wereld open
en wordt weldadig uitgerokken tot
een strakgespannen verbindingssnaar
tussen hemel en aarde, waarop God
zijn eigen melodische akkoorden tokkelt.
Ingesponnen in een Kundalini-coccon
blijf ik niet beperkt tot mezelf:
ik wordt vloeibaar en wonderlijk licht,
ik spreek woorden van woelige wijsheid
die ik nergens geleerd heb
en die toch hun weg konden vinden
tot in mijn weigerige mond.
Ingesponnen in een Kundalini-coccon
blijf ik niet beperkt tot mezelf;
ik word mild als een zonnige zefier
een zachte bries spoelt speels om mij heen,
soms drijf ik weg van mijn wereldse oevers
naar de stranden van een hemelser eiland
 en word tot golf van louter gebed.
Ingesponnen in een Kundalini-coccon
blijf ik niet beperkt tot mezelf;
ik drijf met het Goddelijke streven mee
naar een wijds en weergaloos elders
waar tijd en ruimte niet meer bestaan:
waar gedachten in woordloosheid vergaan,
waar verleden en toekomst beide in ondergaan.


Met het wit-verblindend gezicht
van een flitsende bliksemschicht,
door een Goddelijke hand verdicht
tot vurige bal van vlammend licht
klieft Vishnumaya door de lucht
en slingert met donderende kracht
met luid en ratelend gerucht
in een wild' en woelige jacht
haar zinderend-zuiverend vuur
over bhoot en duivel en demoon
en breekt bulderend door de muur
van kwaad en lust en hoon.

Zij slaat haar slinger om hen heen,
verscheurt ze met vel, bot en been,
verpulvert ze tot gruis en steen,
strooit het stof wijd en zijd uiteen.
En dan, verstild en uitgeraasd,
werpt z'een hemelsblauw gewaad
over de wereld, die verbaasd
dit nieuwe wonder gadeslaat.

De ogen van God

De bomen kijken naar ons
met de ogen van God ;
laat ons naar de bomen kijken
alsof we naar God kijken.
De bergen kijken naar ons
met de ogen van God ;
laat ons naar de bergen kijken
alsof we naar God kijken.
De bloemen kijken naar ons
met de ogen van God ;
laat ons naar de bloemen kijken
alsof we naar God kijken.
De dieren kijken naar ons
met de ogen van God ;
laat ons naar de dieren kijken
alsof we naar God kijken.
De wolken kijken naar ons
met de ogen van God ;
laat ons naar de wolken kijken
alsof we naar God kijken.
De mensen kijken naar ons
met de ogen van God ;
laat ons naar de mensen kijken
alsof we naar God kijken.


Vishalaksaya 1
Door uw ogen, Moeder,
vloeit mij wijsheid toe
en het wijds vermogen
tot een alomvattend
en genadig mededogen.
Door uw ogen, Moeder,
stroomt een gloed van liefde
en het eeuwig weten
van de wetten en de wegen.

Door uw ogen, Moeder,
golft mij zachtheid toe
en de tederheid van eeuwen;
door uw ogen, Moeder,
straalt een groot geheim.
Door uw ogen, Moeder,
brandt het Goddelijk verlangen
en schroeien duizend zonnen
ziltig zeelt uit onze zielen.
Door uw ogen, Moeder,
kijkt Shri Gauri
mij welwillend aan
tot aan de stranden
in de diepste binnenlanden
van mijn allerdiepste wezen.

Door uw ogen, Moeder,
vloeit de nectar ampel aan
en weeft de Nirmal Vidya
haar godgegeven filigraan.


Vishalaksaya 2
Door uw ogen, Moeder,
bot de lente van de liefde
duizendvoudig uit
en wordt mijn voelen
opgetild tot weten
van de Goddelijke wet.
In uw ogen, Moeder,
lees ik mededogen
en een zachte goedheid
boven aards vermogen.
In uw ogen, Moeder,
lees ik passieloze
liefde van een vreugde-
vol en blij bestaan.
In uw ogen, Moeder,
lees ik milde zegen
en een zoete balsem
voor mijn ergste wonden.
In uw ogen, Moeder,
lees ik eindeloze goedheid
en vergeving voor mijn
allerdomste zonden.
In uw ogen, Moeder,
lees ik allerhoogste
wijsheid en de milde
harmonie van hoger sferen.
In uw ogen, Moeder,
lees ik mijn eigen lot
en de vele wijzen
waarop ik mezelf bedot.
In uw ogen, Moeder,
lees ik een groots verhaal
van wijsheid en van onschuld
van vol en vrij vermaan.
In uw ogen, Moeder,
zie ik mijn eigen Zelf,
weerkaatst in onschuld
en in ongedeelde aandacht.
In uw ogen, Moeder,
trilt in duizenden van talen
het eeuwigdurend zijn,
vonkt de Geest van God
en brandt een hemeldiep,
oneindig groot geheim.
Vishalaksaya 3
In de werelden van uw ogen
onderga ik vele, vele levens,
geschreven door oneindig mededogen
en geduldig hemelstreven.
In de werelden van uw ogen
vervaagt het vloeien van de tijd,
de ruimte wordt saâmgezogen
tot kristallen van eeuwigheid.
In de werelden van uw ogen
vergloeit het vuur van het verlangen
tot een needriger vermogen
dat van onschuld is bevangen.
In de werelden van uw ogen
parelt argwaanvrije vreugde
zonder achterdocht of achterdenken
zoals het mij van olim heugde.
In de werelden van uw ogen
vlammen vuren van vertrouwen,
glinstert gedachteloos verpozen
bij het groot en mooi geheim …

Als de Spirit spreekt,
vertelt Zij van een wonderland
waar de branding breekt
op stranden van het eeuwig zand.
Als de Spirit spreekt,
vertelt Zij een verhaal va licht
dat zoete koelte weekt
uit ogen in een mooi gezicht.
Als de Spirit spreekt,
luistert elke vogel, dier en plant:
lome stilte leekt
van 's hemels wijde schaduwkant.
Als de Spirit spreekt,
vertelt Zij ons een rijke droom
die om leven smeekt
uit de wortels van de levensboom.
Als de Spirit spreekt:
Zij druppelt dauw in onze ziel
die bikt en boort en breekt
de mortel van onz' levenswiel.
Als de Spirit spreekt,
wordt heel de wereld louter oor
en luistert naar Gods gouden koor
dat de stilte breekt.
Als de Spirit spreekt,
wordt heel de wereld enkel oog
en kijkt naar licht dat van omhoog
door de schaduw leekt.
Als de Spirit spreekt,
ontplooit een gouden morgenland;
als de spirit spreekt,
smeedt God een nieuwe hechte band.
Als de Spirit spreekt,
dan wordt de wereld beter:
wie naar waarheid streeft,
deint uit, wordt diep en hoog en breder.

 Shri Mahadevi
Shri Mahadevi, Great Devi,
dressed in Your gorgeous
garment of LOVE ...

Your weapons, Mother,
are not material weapons;
Your weapons
are the weapons of LOVE ...

You have slain
the armies of Mahishasura,
of Narakasura, Bandhasura
and many others,
by the force of Your LOVE...

Allow us to send them
and hand them the hope
of being able
to come back to You,

even if it would be
in a million years:
a sparkle of hope
in a world of darkness ...

You are everywhere, every time,
You are your own whole creation.
You can't be otherwise than creating.
Your creation is pure Love.
By Your pure Love You gave us freedom
to choose the positive side
or the negative side of evolution.
If we choose for the positive side,
we support the desire of God to Himself.
If we choose the negative side,
we oppose to the desire of God.

You are Love, compassion and forgiveness ...
You are all possible aspects.

But You are also wrath,
the wrath that obliges us
to follow our own free choice :
if it is negative to reincarnate
and reincarnate and reincarnate ...
until we are ready to support the Divine Plan...

The final battle has begun: :
Let's throw them out of Kali Yuga ...

The last battle is on high :
Let's move them out of Kali Yuga ...

The ultimate battle is raging on :
once again,
but when Shri Kalki strikes,
They have to go astray ...

When Shri Kalki rides,
the forces of negativity
will be driven out
by the manifold powers of LOVE ...

A white horse wé will be
to support Shri Kalki's
emanative powers
of heaven's preparation ...

Your Kisses, Mother, protect me
from negativity.
Your Fire, Mother, protects me
from futility.
Your Love, Mother, protects me
from human stupidity.
Your Blessings, Mother, protect me
from absurdity.
Your Divinity, Mother, protects me
from nothingness.
Your Powers, Mother, protect me
from selfishness.
Your Compassion, Mother, protects me
from sinfulness.
Your Miracles, Mother, protect me
From all bindings ...

Die Vögel singen lebenslang ihr lebenslustig liebes Lied. Sogar Insekten summen froh und sanft eine kurze Melodie. Nur die bösen Menschen bellen wie tolle, zornige Hunde.
Blumen blühen schon immer umsonst, Bäume sprechen ihre Sprache: wundervoll, gnädig und ganz kühl mit einem ständig-leisen Rinseln und der Mensch , der versteht das nie.
Nur wenn er wirklich lauschen wird, sein Ohr und Auge, sein ganzes Wesen den Kräften der Natur zuwend't und deren Göttlichkeit erkennt, kann er wieder die Verbundenheit erleben mit der eigenen Substanz.
Dieses Lied wird ewig dauern,
hat sogar vor Gott kein Ende mehr
der Mensch wird Gottesstaub erwerben
und mit den Göttern göttlich sein.

Laat het worden wat het was
Mijn hart wou nergens rusten
tot het in Sahaja vrede vond.
Nu slaat het pozend op het
tempo van de eeuwen
en tikt de tijd weg die het
scheidt van Uw genadigheid.
Mijn verstand wou zegevieren :
meer en beter, verder denken
dan de beste ooit gedacht !
En toch : het vond zijn meester
in gedachteloos verwijlen
bij Uw eindeloze kracht.

Mijn vele schijngestalten heb ik af-
gegooid : ik heb mezelf geschild
tot op de laatste harde kern.
Űw werk kan nu beginnen :
omkleed mijn Zelf met vruchtvlees,
tooi het met bloesem en met bloem.

Laat het bij U gedijen ;
laat het wórden wat het wás.
Laat het in Uw liefde groeien ;
laat het wórden wat het wás.
Wil het opnieuw gedogen
als de Spirit van Uw Geest :

Laat ons God zijn met de Goden
en in de Goden eeuwig God.
Laat mijn Spirit in U opgaan
en verdwijnen in Uw Goddelijke Glans.
Laat Uw Nirwana
vonken in ons hart,
laat onze Spirit gloeiend branden
in Uw eeuwig laaiend liefdevuur.

Met het wit-verblindend gezicht van een flitsende bliksemschicht, door een goddelijke hand verdicht tot een vurige bal van vlammend licht
klieft Vishnumaya door de lucht en slingert met donderende kracht met luid en ratelend gerucht in een wild' en woelige jacht
haar zinderend – zuiverend vuur over bhoot en duivel en demoon en breekt bulderend door de muur van kwaad en lust en hoon.
Zij slaat haar slinger om hen heen, verscheurt ze met vel, bot en been, verpulvert ze tot gruis en steen, strooit het stof wijd en zijd uiteen.
En dan, verstild en uitgeraasd, werpt z'een hemelsblauw gewaad over de wereld, die verbaasd dit nieuwe wonder gadeslaat.

Eén vogel zingt … aarzelend en stil … de lof van het eerste licht …
Een tweede begroet - onwennig nog - de eerste kleur van de dag –
Dan – luider – weerklinkt een trillerig duet, een trio, een voldragen kwartet …
Plotseling schettert het hele rettegettet van een schelle vogeltrompet !
Ergens koekoekt een hemelse hobo een klankvolle solo.
Drie – vier vogelviolen stemmen de snaren : alten, bassen, cello's en contrabas …
En dan barst luide een eerste klankenballet door het wordende licht van een paradijslijke morgen …
De fluiten stemmen in, cymbalen, triangels, pauken - een enkele fijnere hoorn - in de verte een volle fagot, en een luit, een harde castagnet, een overdadige sax, bongo's en bellen, een banjo, timbaal en tom-tom, een vibro, een xylo, een heldere klarinet, slagwerk, trombone, belletjes, kornet … het krassen van kraaien, het gespetter van eksters, het lied van de gaai en de spreeuw, de merel, de vink, de mus en de specht … het hele koor, het volle orkest blaast en fluit en drumt en strijkt en schudt klanken en kleuren en kleuren en klanken, klankenranken en toonspiralen over de nieuwe morgen uit !!!!!

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Primordial Mother, Eternal Mother, our very real Mother !
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, You never deceive us, You are always there for us, You always love us.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, You care for our health, You even look after our wealth and You cure us of spells.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Goddess of pure light, show us Your might and envelop us in Your sight.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Source of our joy, this is Your prince's envoi : let us be of the better alloy, so that we may live in Your Joy.

Afscheid nemen
Afscheid nemen is een dure, dure plicht die ons leven bundelend verdicht tot een zwaar, maar o zo licht gewicht.
Afscheid nemen is een eeuwig-durend lot, geboren worden en afscheid nemen, eerst van God, later van je vrienden, van je ouders, door het god- delijk gebod, en ooit eens van je eigen been en bot.
Afscheid nemen doet vaak pijn, omwille van het niet – meer – zijn, door de volle leegte van de schijn en door het breken van de levenslijn.
Maar afscheid nemen is ook wederkeer, het laten vallen van het oude zeer, teruggaan naar de koelte van de Heer, de rust, de vrede, het geluk … Oneindig méér !

Je T'en prie, Mère …
Je T'en prie, Mère, prends moi par la main et aide moi à trouver l'issue de ce labyrinthe de l'égo, pour que je découvre mon vrai Moi.
Je T'en prie, Mère, prends moi par la main et fais de moi Ton instrument, pour que je puisse m'incliner devant la loi motrice de Ta création.
Je T'en prie, Mère, prends moi par la main et arrête la roue de mon karma, pour que je puisse redevenir ce que j'étais au début du voyage :
sagesse de Ta sagesse,
harmonie de Ton harmonie,
connaissance de Tes connaissances,
beauté de Ta beauté,
créativité de Ta créativité ,
paix de Ta paix,
sérénité de Ta sérénité,
attention de Ton attention,
amour de Ton amour,
esprit de Ton Esprit,
courage de Ton courage,
joie de Ta joie,
mouvement de Ton mouvement,
partie de Ton Tout,
parole de Ta parole,
compassion de Ta compassion,
pardon de Ton pardon,
force intégrante qui rejoint
Ton intégration et s'y fond …

... And after so many years the writing
suddenly started again ... (2015)


... never never never ever ...
... never, Mother, never
leave us ever,
be our Guide forever.
Pull us out of wordly fever,
be our Divine Retriever:
for you, for me, for us -
limitless believer
of Your heavenly Forever ...

DIPAWALI (30.10.2016, Löffingen, Schwarzwald, Germany)

Rose of light,
lightning of roses,
let please
Your loving desire
come down upon us
Make the Gods
and Goddesses
enlighten our soul
and empower our Spirits
Rose of roses,
burst in a million
flower powers :
firecrackers of Love
Your Divine Blessings
pour upon us,
make us free
from worldly desires,
and beware us a stay
at Your side ...



When the Cool Breeze
Enlightens our body
And transforms it
Into a glorious temple
Of Shri Mahalakshmi:

When Gods and Angels
Are moving down
To protect us
From evil forces

And our hands
Speak the language
Of Sadashiva
And Adi Shakti

To please the
Great, Great Goddess,
Who showers down
Her blessings upon us

And make us drunk
Of Your Eternal Love,
Shri Mahamata,
Sadashiva, Adi Sahkti.

The Silence of the Lord

In the silence of the Lord
I can hear His Voice
That calls me aboard
To be part of His convoy.

In the silence of the Lord
My body easily surrenders
To the force of the Spirit
And leaves the power of matter.

My Spirit speaks words
Of bliss and of wonder,
Of unconditional surrender
To the laws of the Lord.

When Deities descend
On my spiritual grounds,
My worries come to an end
And my sorrows are mend

in the silence of the Lord;
It's the pre-feeling of heaven
In the bliss of my Lord:
Seven plus four makes eleven

to ascend on the ladder
And become one with my Lord,
Wield His transforming sword
To get rid of the malicious adder.

In thoughtless awareness,
In blissful collective connection
Just "be" in an utterly wordless
And new divine resurrection.


Your hands will speak
the language of the Lord ;
your hands will speak
the language of the Gods.

They will tell you
a story of ages,
they will tell you
the tale of Vaikuntha :

of Gods and Goddesses,
of universes being born
out of the Holy Breath
of Parabrahma's desire

and Adi Shakti's creative
impuls : Mahasaraswati,
Mahakali, Mahalakshmi ...
A thousand times and more.










































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