Syllabus - Ordem Jurídica Transnacional: Conflitos, Valores e Responsabilidades - 1o semestre 2017

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UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM DIREITO Prof. Dr. Fabrício Bertini Pasquot Polido Professor Adjunto de Direito Internacional-UFMG Doutor em Direito Internacional - USP DIR 860 – TÓPICOS EM DIREITO INTERNACIONAL PÚBLICO E PRIVADO: ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL E O DIREITO INTERNACIONAL: VALORES, CONFLITOS E RESPONSABILIDADES SYLLABUS - 1º SEMESTRE – 2017 EMENTA: A disciplina pretende refletir criticamente sobre as principais escolas contemporâneas no pensamento jusinternacionalista em torno dos fundamentos teóricos e críticos da emergência e construção dos espaços e regimes legais transnacionais. É possível falar sobre a existência de uma “ordem jurídica transnacional” ou dos parâmetros de transnacionalização do direito, sem a compreensão das estruturas e limites do direito internacional (público e privado)? A noção de “transnacionalidade” aplica-se à conformação de uma ordem jurídica ou de sistemas normativos concorrentes e convergentes no tempo e espaço? Como sistemas pretensamente autônomos - lex mercatória, lex sportiva, lex informatica – interferem na dinâmica e procedimentos do direito internacional e sua legitimidade? Existem condicionantes para formular padrões normativos e processos transnacionais no Direito? O curso discutirá as formas pelas quais as principais concepções de juridicidade existentes no nosso tempo se relacionam com o fenômeno normativo internacional e como se desenvolvem as principais relações entre direito, poder, história e política na consecução da ordem jurídica transnacional; Quem são os atores? Como são os mecanismos de formulação e aplicação de normas? Quais as constrições e falácias identificadas nesse percurso? Objetiva-se analisar intersecções entre a governança global, direito internacional público e privado e a superação de dicotomias e relativizações formalistas, todos eles permitindo debate crítico a respeito dos principais argumentos adotados pela literatura especializada no direito internacional, teoria do direito, filosofia do direito internacional e relações internacionais.

PASTAS DIGITAIS DO CURSO Versão digital do Syllabus: usp=sharing Materiais de apoio: usp=sharing PPGD – ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL E O DIREITO INTERNACIONAL 2017-1


PLANEJAMENTO SEMESTRAL 1. APRESENTAÇÃO DO CURSO E ATIVIDADES Aula 01 (14.03) – Discussão sobre o programa, roteiro de leituras, atividades presenciais e não-presenciais, planejamento de pesquisa e produção científica. Estrutura de trabalhos colaborativos com PPGD-USP, PUC Rio, PPGD-UFRGS, PPGD-UnB, PPGD-UERJ, PPGD-Unesp (Prof. Dr. Fabrício B. Pasquot Polido, Profa. Dra. Nadia de Araujo, Prof. Dr. Fabio Morosini, Profa. Inez Mattos Farias Lopes e Profa. Dra. Marilda Rosado, Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo de A. Boucault). Metodologia e avaliação: Durante os encontros, os participantes serão estimulados a apresentar relatórios temáticos de leituras e comentários sobre os principais problemas de investigação propostos nos tópicos do curso, além de engajar-se criticamente sobre os temas analisados. A participação contínua dos integrantes será levada em conta para a avaliação final, composta, igualmente, pela submissão de um trabalho final individual no formato de ensaio (de 20 a 40p) refletindo sobre um tema selecionado previamente no conjunto dos tópicos do curso ou deles decorrentes. 2. BASES DO PENSAMENTO INTERNACIONALISTA NA COMPREENSÃO DE UMA ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL. GOVERNANÇA GLOBAL E ALÉM (I): Aspectos metodológicos e conceituais Aula 02 (21.03) Leituras : Keohane, Robert. O., & Nye, S. (1972). Transnational relations and world politics. International Organization, vol.25, n.3, p.329-349 (também a obra correlata de 1971, publicada pela MIT Press). Rosenau, James N. (2009). Introduction. Palgrave Advances in Global Governance. Palgrave Macmillan UK. Chicago. p.1-6. Friedman, Lawrence M. (2002), One World: Notes on the Emerging Legal Order, in Transnational Legal Processes: Globalisation and Power Disparities, Michael Likosky, ed., London: Butterworths, 2002, pp. 23-40. Nowrot, K. (2004). Global governance and international law. Inst. für Wirtschaftsrecht, p.5-20. Disponível: Wai, Robert. (2005). Transnational private law and private ordering in a contested global society. Harvard International Law Journal, 46, p. 471-486.



Slaughter, Anne Marie (2004). A New World Order, Princeton University Press (esp. intro e cap.3) 3. BASES DO PENSAMENTO INTERNACIONALISTA NA COMPREENSÃO DA “ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL”. GOVERNANÇA GLOBAL E ALÉM (II): Teorias Críticas do Direito Internacional, governança e movimento do constitucionalismo global (04.04) Leituras: Kennedy, D. (1988). A new stream of international law scholarship. Wis. Int'l LJ, 7, 1; e resenha de Trimble, Phillip R. (1990), International law, world order, and critical legal studies, Stanford Law Review 42, 811-845. Rosenau, J. N. (2006). The Study of World Politics. Volume 1: theoretical and methodological challenges. Routledge. Dunoff, Jeffrey; Trachtman, Joel (2009). Ruling the World? Constitutionalism, International Law and Global Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pablo, Holmes. (2014). Constitutionalism between Fragmentation and Privatization: Arising Issues in Law and Politics in the Era of Global Governance. Dados, 57(4), 11371168. Bianchi, Andrea (2017). International Law Theories. Oxford Univ. Press (especialmente “German Constitutionalism e Global Governance”). 4. BASES DO PENSAMENTO INTERNACIONALISTA NA COMPREENSÃO DA “ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL”. PLURALISMO JURÍDICO E JURIDICIDADE (18.04) Leituras: Shaffer, G. C. (Ed.). (2012). Transnational legal ordering and state change. Cambridge University Press; idem, Transnational Legal Process and State Change (2012), Law & Social Inquiry, Vol.37(2), pp.229-264 Michaels, Ralf. Global legal pluralism (2009), Annual Review of Law and Social Science 5, 243-262. Halliday, Terence. C.; Shaffer, Gregory (2015). Transnational legal orders. Cambridge University Press (esp. Introdução p.1-74). Roughan, Nicole. (2013). Authorities: conflicts, cooperation, and transnational legal theory. Oxford University Press (Intro, Parte I, 2 e 3; retomar Parte IV). Complementares: Likosky, M. (ed.) (2002) Transnational legal processes: globalisation and power disparities. Cambridge University Press. Delmas-Marty, Mireille. (2009). Ordering pluralism: a conceptual framework for understanding the transnational legal world. Bloomsbury Publishing. PPGD – ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL E O DIREITO INTERNACIONAL 2017-1


5. BASES DO PENSAMENTO INTERNACIONALISTA NA CONFORMAÇÃO DA “ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL”. O PODER, RETÓRICA E AUTORIDADE DOS INDICADORES GLOBAIS (I): Instituições econômicas internacionais e Estados – OMC, OCDE, FMI e Banco Mundial (25.04) Leituras: Davis, K. E., Kingsbury, B., & Merry, S. E. (2012). Indicators as a technology of global governance. Law & Society Review, 46(1), 71-104. Davis, K. (2012). Governance by indicators: global power through classification and rankings. Oxford University Press Merry, S. E., Davis, K. E., & Kingsbury, B. (Eds.). (2015). The Quiet Power of Indicators: Measuring governance, corruption, and rule of law. Cambridge University Press. (Introdução e Cap. Legal Yardsticks: International Financial Institutions as Diagnosticians and Designers of the Laws of Nations, de Terence Halliday) Shaffer, G. (2015). How the World Trade Organization shapes regulatory governance. Regulation & Governance, 9(1), p. 1-15. 6. BASES DO PENSAMENTO INTERNACIONALISTA NA CONFORMAÇÃO DA “ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL”. O PODER, RETÓRICA E AUTORIDADE DOS INDICADORES GLOBAIS (II): Transnacionalização dos direitos humanos, jurisdição e sistemas de proteção. (30.04) Leituras: Halliday, Terence. C.; Shaffer, Gregory (2015). Transnational legal orders. Cambridge University Press. Merry, Sally Engle, and John M. Conley. "Measuring the world: indicators, human rights, and global governance." Current Anthropology 52.S3 (2011): Merry, S. E., Davis, K. E., & Kingsbury, B. (Eds.). (2015). The Quiet Power of Indicators: Measuring governance, corruption, and rule of law. Cambridge University Press. 7. BASES DO PENSAMENTO INTERNACIONALISTA NA CONFORMAÇÃO DA “ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL”. GOVERNANÇA PRIVADA TRANSNACIONAL (I) Transnacionalização do direito privado e de práticas empresariais (09.05) Leituras: Robé, J. P., Lyon-Caen, A., & Vernac, S. (Eds.). (2016). Multinationals and the Constitutionalization of the World Power System. Routledge. Wai, Robert. (2005). Transnational private law and private ordering in a contested global society. Harvard International Law Journal, 46, p. 471-486. Calliess, G. P., & Zumbansen, P. (2010). Rough consensus and running code: a theory of transnational private law. Bloomsbury Publishing. PPGD – ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL E O DIREITO INTERNACIONAL 2017-1


Ribeiro, Marilda R. S. (2008) As empresas transnacionais e os novos paradigmas do comércio internacional. Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Celso RD de A. Mello. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar. Scott, C., Cafaggi, F., & Senden, L. (2011). The conceptual and constitutional challenge of transnational private regulation. Journal of Law and Society, 38(1), 1-19. Grünberger, Michael. (2016). Transnationales Recht als responsiver Rechtspluralismus?. Der Staat, 55(1), 117-133. Clark, D. S. (1998). Transnational Legal Practice: The Need for Global Law Schools. American Journal of Comparative Law 46, 261 8. BASES DO PENSAMENTO INTERNACIONALISTA NA CONFORMAÇÃO DA “ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL”. GOVERNANÇA PRIVADA TRANSNACIONAL (II) As narrativas da lex mercatoria, da lex sportiva e lex informatica (16.05) Leituras: Berman, Paul Schiff (2005). From International Law to Law and Globalization. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 43, p. 485. Bradlow, D., & Grossman, C. (1993). Are We Being Propelled Towards a People-Centered Transnational Legal Order? American University International Law Review. vol. 9, no. 1 p.125. Cafaggi, Fabrizio (2011). New foundations of transnational private regulation. Journal of law and society. vol. 38.1 p. 20-49. Fischer-Lescano, Andreas (2007), Luhmanns Staat und der transnationale Konstitutionalismus. In Die Staaten der Weltgesellschaft (pp. 99-114). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. Senghaas, Dieter., 2011. La gobemanza mundial y el derecho mundial en un mundo fragmentado. Estudios Internacionales, 43(168), pp.151-162. Senghaas, D. (2009). Weltordnungspolitik und Weltrecht in einer zerklüfteten Welt. VN Vereinte Nationen, 57(1), 11-16. 9. BASES DO PENSAMENTO INTERNACIONALISTA NA CONFORMAÇÃO DA “ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL”. GOVERNANÇA GLOBAL e FUNÇÔES REGULATÓRIAS DO DIREITO INTERNACIONAL PRIVADO (I) (23.05) Leituras Ribeiro, Marilda R.S. , & Almeida, Bruno. (2011). A cinemática juridica global: conteúdo do direito Internacional Privado Contemporâneo. In: Revista da Faculdade de Direito, vol.1, n.20. Wai, Robert (2001). "Transnational Liftoff and Juridicial Touchdown: The Regulatory Function of Private International Law in an Era of Globalization, in Columbia Journal of Transnational Law vol 40, p. 209-35.



Michaels, Ralf e Jansen, Nils (2006). Private Law Beyond the State? Europeanization, Globalization, Privatization, in American Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 54, n. 4. Mills, Alex (2008)."The Dimensions of Public Policy in Private International Law” in Journal of Private International Law, n.4, p. 201-36 Muir Watt (2001). "Les modèles familiaux à l'épreuve de la mondialisation (aspects de droit international privé)" Archives de philosophie du droit. Vol. 45 (2001).p. 271-284. Muir Watt, Horatia (2011). Private international law beyond the schism. Transnational legal theory, 2(3), 347-428. 10. BASES DO PENSAMENTO INTERNACIONALISTA NA CONFORMAÇÃO DA “ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL”. GOVERNANÇA GLOBAL e FUNÇÔES REGULATÓRIAS DO DIREITO INTERNACIONAL PRIVADO (II) (30.05) Leituras Mills, Alex. (2009). The Confluence of Public and Private International Law. Justice, Pluralism and Subsidiarity in the International Constitutional Ordering of Private Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Shaffer, G., Nedumpara, J., & Sinha, A. (2015). State Transformation and the Role of Lawyers: The WTO, India, and Transnational Legal Ordering. Law & Society Review, 49(3), 595-629. Radicati di Brozolo, L.G. (2012). Non-national Rules and Conflicts of Law: Reflections in Light of the Unidroit and Hague Principles, in Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, p. 841-864. Michaels, Ralf e Jansen, Nils (2006). Private Law Beyond the State? Europeanization, Globalization, Privatization, in American Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 54, n. 4. Mills, Alex (2008)."The Dimensions of Public Policy in Private International Law” in Journal of Private International Law, n.4, p. 201-36 Muir Watt (2001). "Les modèles familiaux à l'épreuve de la mondialisation (aspects de droit international privé)" Archives de philosophie du droit. Vol. 45 (2001).p. 271-284. Muir Watt, Horatia (2011). Private international law beyond the schism. Transnational legal theory, 2(3), 347-428. REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS SUGERIDAS Livros Benda-Beckmann, Franz v., Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, e Anne Griffiths (2005). Mobile people, mobile law: expanding legal relations in a contracting world. Ashgate. Bianchi, Andrea (2017). International Law Theories. Oxford Univ. Press.



Calliess, G. P., & Zumbansen, P. (2010). Rough consensus and running code: a theory of transnational private law. Bloomsbury Publishing. Davis, K. (2012). Governance by indicators: global power through classification and rankings. Oxford University Press. Delmas-Marty, Mireille. (2009). Ordering pluralism: a conceptual framework for understanding the transnational legal world. Bloomsbury Publishing. Dezalay, Yves, & Garth, B. G. (1998). Dealing in virtue: International commercial arbitration and the construction of a transnational legal order. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Dietz, T. (2014). Global Order Beyond Law: How Information and Communication Technologies Facilitate Relational Contracting in International Trade. Bloomsbury Publishing. Dunoff, Jeffrey; Trachtman, Joel (2009). Ruling the World? Constitutionalism, International Law and Global Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ferrarese, M. R. (2000). Le istituzioni della globalizzazione: diritto e diritti nella società transnazionale. Il mulino. Ferrarese, M. R. (2015). Diritto sconfinato: inventiva giuridica e spazi nel mondo globale. Gius. Laterza & Figli Spa. Ferrarese, Maria Rosaria (2000). Il diritto al presente: globalizzazione e tempo delle istituzioni. Il mulino. Fischer-Lescano, A., & Teubner, G. (2006). Regime-Kollisionen. Zur Fragmentierung des globalen Rechts. Frankfurt a.M. Suhrkamp. Halliday, Terence. C.; Shaffer, Gregory (2015). Transnational legal orders. Cambridge University Press. Ipsen, Niels. C. (2009). Private Normenordnungen als transnationales Recht?. Duncker & Humblot. Jackson, D. W. et alli (2010). Globalizing justice: Critical perspectives on transnational law and the cross-border migration of legal norms. NYU Press. Joerges, Christian, Sand, Inger-Johanne e Teubner, Gunther (eds.) (2004). Transnational governance and constitutionalism. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2004. Keohane, Robert. O., & Nye, . S. (1972). Transnational relations and world politics. Harvard University Press. Likosky, M. (ed.) (2002) Transnational legal processes: globalisation and power disparities. Cambridge University Press. Mills, Alex. (2009). The Confluence of Public and Private International Law. Justice, Pluralism and Subsidiarity in the International Constitutional Ordering of Private Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Muir Watt, Horatia. & Arroyo, Diego P. F. (Eds.). (2015). Private International Law and Global Governance. Oxford University Press, USA. Pager, Sean A., e Adam Candeub (eds.) (2012). Transnational culture in the internet age. Edward Elgar Publishing. Renner, M. (2010). Zwingendes transnationales Recht. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. Robé, J. P., Lyon-Caen, A., & Vernac, S. (Eds.). (2016). Multinationals and the Constitutionalization of the World Power System. Routledge. Rosenau, J. N. (2006). The Study of World Politics. Volume 1: theoretical and methodological challenges. Routledge. Roughan, N. (2013). Authorities: conflicts, cooperation, and transnational legal theory. Oxford University Press. Shaffer, G. C. (Ed.). (2012). Transnational legal ordering and state change. Cambridge University Press. Artigos em Revistas e Capítulos de Livros: Benda-Beckmann, Franz v., Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, e Anne Griffiths (2012). The power of law in a transnational world: anthropological enquiries. Berghahn Books. Berman, Paul Schiff (2005). From International Law to Law and Globalization. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 43, p. 485. Bradlow, D., & Grossman, C. (1993). Are We Being Propelled Towards a People-Centered Transnational Legal Order? American University International Law Review. vol. 9, no. 1 p.125. Cafaggi, Fabrizio (2011). New foundations of transnational private regulation. Journal of law and society. vol. 38.1 p. 20-49. Clark, D. S. (1998). Transnational Legal Practice: The Need for Global Law Schools. American Journal of Comparative Law 46, 261 Dammann, Jens e Hansmann, Henry (2008). Globalizing Commercial Litigation, Cornell L. Rev. vol.98, n. 1. p.1-71 Disponível: Danielsen, D. (2005). How corporations govern: Taking corporate power seriously in transnational regulation and governance. Harvard International law Journal, vol. 46, p. 411. Davis, K. E., Kingsbury, B., & Merry, S. E. (2012). Indicators as a technology of global governance. Law & Society Review, 46(1), 71-104. Fischer-Lescano, A. (2003). Die Emergenz der Globalverfassung. Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 63(3), 717-760.



Friedman, Lawrence M (2001). Erewhon: the coming global legal order" Stanford J. International Law. Vol. 37. p. 347. Gaillard, E. (2001). Transnational Law: A Legal System or a Method of Decision Making?. Arbitration International, 17(1), 59-72. Disponível: podzim2008/MP504Z/um/6874101/lex_mercatoria4.pdf Harding, M. (2011), The Harmonisation of Private International Law in Europe: Taking the New Character Out of Family Law. Journal of Private International Laww. vol.7, n.1. pp. 203-229. Kennedy, D. (1988). A new stream of international law scholarship. Wis. Int'l LJ, 7, 1 Friedman, Lawrence M. (2002), One World: Notes on the Emerging Legal Order, in Transnational Legal Processes: Globalisation and Power Disparities, Michael Likosky, ed., London: Butterworths, 2002, pp. 23-40 Michaels, Ralf e Jansen, Nils (2006). Private Law Beyond the State? Europeanization, Globalization, Privatization, in American Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 54, n. 4. Mills, Alex (2008)."The Dimensions of Public Policy in Private International Law” in Journal of Private International Law, n.4, p. 201-36 Muir Watt (2001). "Les modèles familiaux à l'épreuve de la mondialisation (aspects de droit international privé)" Archives de philosophie du droit. Vol. 45 (2001).p. 271-284. Muir Watt, Horatia (2011). Private international law beyond the schism. Transnational legal theory, 2(3), 347-428. Nowrot, K. (2004). Global governance and international law. Inst. für Wirtschaftsrecht, p.5-20. Disponível: Pablo, Holmes. (2014). Constitutionalism between Fragmentation and Privatization: Arising Issues in Law and Politics in the Era of Global Governance. Dados, 57(4), 11371168. Radicati di Brozolo, L.G. (2012). Non-national Rules and Conflicts of Law: Reflections in Light of the Unidroit and Hague Principles, in Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, p. 841-864. Ribeiro, Marilda R. S. (2008) As empresas transnacionais e os novos paradigmas do comércio internacional. Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Celso RD de A. Mello. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar. Ribeiro, Marilda R.S. , & Almeida, Bruno. (2011). A cinemática juridica global: conteúdo do direito Internacional Privado Contemporâneo. In: Revista da Faculdade de Direito, vol.1, n.20. Rosenau, James N. (2009). Introduction. Palgrave Advances in Global Governance. Palgrave Macmillan UK. Chicago. p.1-6. Scott, C., Cafaggi, F., & Senden, L. (2011). The conceptual and constitutional challenge of transnational private regulation. Journal of Law and Society, 38(1), 1-19. PPGD – ORDEM JURÍDICA TRANSNACIONAL E O DIREITO INTERNACIONAL 2017-1


Shaffer, G. (2012). Transnational legal process and state change. Law & Social Inquiry, 37(2), 229-264. Shaffer, G. (2015). How the World Trade Organization shapes regulatory governance. Regulation & Governance, 9(1), p. 1-15. Shaffer, G., Nedumpara, J., & Sinha, A. (2015). State Transformation and the Role of Lawyers: The WTO, India, and Transnational Legal Ordering. Law & Society Review, 49(3), 595-629. Trimble, Phillip R. (1990), International law, world order, and critical legal studies, Stanford Law Review 42, 811-845. Wai, Robert (2001). "Transnational Liftoff and Juridicial Touchdown: The Regulatory Function of Private International Law in an Era of Globalization, in Columbia Journal of Transnational Law vol 40, p. 209-35. Wai, Robert. (2005). Transnational private law and private ordering in a contested global society. Harvard International Law Journal, 46, p. 471-486. Zumbansen, P. (2012). Comparative, global and transnational constitutionalism: The emergence of a transnational legal-pluralist order. Global Constitutionalism, 1(01), 16-52 Zumbansen, Peer. (2011). Neither ‘Public’ nor ‘Private’,‘ National’ nor ‘International’: Transnational corporate governance from a legal pluralist perspective. Journal of law and Society, vol. 38, n.1, p. 50-75. Complementar Benda-Beckmannn, F., & von Benda-Beckmannn, K. (2006). The dynamics of change and continuity in plural legal orders. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 38(53-54), 1-44. Boyle, Allan; Chinkin, Christine (2007). The Making of International Law. Oxford: OUP. Brownlie, Ian (1964) The Place of the Individual in International Law. Virginia Law Review: 435-462. Buchanan, Allan (2007). Justice, Legitimacy, and Self-Determination: Moral Foundations for International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Coleman, J.; Himma, K. e Shapiro, S. (eds) (2004) The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law. Oxford: Oxford Press. Crawford, James (2012). The Cambridge Companion to International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Fichtelberg, A. (2008), Law at the Vanishing Point: a Philosophical Analysis of International Law, Aldershot, Ashgate.


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Gaillard, Emmanuel (1995). "Trente ans de lex mercatoria. Pour une application selective de la methode des principes generaux du droit", in Journal du Droit International. vol.122. n.1, p.5-30. Gaillard, Emmanuel (2007). "Souveraineté et autonomie: réflexions sur les représentations de l'arbitrage international" Journal du Droit International. vol.134, n.4, p.1163-73. Kingsbury, Benedict (2012). "Indicators as a Technology of Global Governance," 46 Law and Society Review 71 Kingsbury, Benedict; Krisch, Nico (2006); "Introduction: Global Governance and Global Administrative Law in the International Legal Order," 17 European Journal of International Law Klabbers, J., Peters, A., & Ulfstein, G. (2009). The constitutionalization of international law. Oxford University Press. Koskenniemi, Martti (2006). From Apology to Utopia: The Structure of International Legal Argument. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Muir Watt, Horatia (2010). “Party Autonomy” in international contracts: from the makings of a myth to the requirements of global governance”. European Review of Contract Law , vol. 6, n.3, p.250-283. Teubner, Gunther (2012). Constitutional Fragments: Globalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.




Trachtman, Joel (2013). The Future of International Law: Global Government. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Waldron, J. (2005). “Foreign law and the modern Ius Gentium”. Harvard Law Review, 129147. Waldron, J. (2012). " Partly Laws Common to All Mankind": Foreign Law in American Courts. Yale University Press. Waldron, Jeremy (2006). “The rule of international law”. In: Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Vol. 30 n.1, Disponível em: . Waldron, Jeremy (2013) “International Law: 'A Relatively Small and Unimportant' Part of Jurisprudence?” In: Public Law Research. NYU School of Law, October 2013, Paper No. 13-56. Disponível em: ou . Recueil des Cours (Academia da Haia de Direito Internacional) Crawford, James Richard. Chance, Order, Change: The Course of International Law (RdC, volume 365, 2013) Gaja, Giorgio. The Protection of General Interests in the International Community (RdC 364, 2013)


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Hafner, Gerhard. "The Emancipation of the Individual from the State under International Law (RdC 358, 2011). Chemillier-Gendreau, Monique. "À quelles conditions l'universalité du droit international est-elle possible?: conférence inaugurale, session de droit international public, (RdC 355, 2011). Tomuschat, Christian. "International law : ensuring the survival of mankind on the eve of a new century : general course on public international law (RdC 281, 1999) Reeves, Jesse S. "La communauté internationale (volume 003, 1924) Lowenfeld, Andreas F. (1979). Public law in the international arena: conflict of laws, international law, and some suggestions for their interaction. Recueil des Cours, vol. 163, p. 311-436.

FONTES DE PESQUISA NA INTERNET E VÍDEOS History and Theory of International Law (NYU): Journal of Philosophy of International Law (JPIL) Peace Palace Library- Philosophy of International Law (JPIL) Discussion of Shapiro and Oona Hathaway on journal "Opinio Juris": Joseph Raz, Public Lecture: Sovereignty & Legitimacy: On the Changing Face of Law, Questions & Speculations. Ver: Scott Shapiro, "The Law of the World". Inaugural Lecture at Yale. Ver:

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