
Polifonia e emoções: um estudo sobre a construção da subjetividade em Crime e castigo de Dostoiévski

Russian Literature / Psychology of art / Literary Criticism / Vygotsky / Dostoevsky / 19th Century Russian Literature

Experiências fora do corpo: aspectos históricos e neurocientíficos

Ancient Egyptian Religion / Neuroscience / Clinical Neuroscience / Epilepsy / Tibetan Buddhism / Carl G. Jung / Spiritualism / Cognitive Neuroscience / Dostoevsky / Theosophy / Near-Death Experiences / Lucid Dreaming / Spiritism / Astral Projection / Out-Of-Body Experiences / Carl Gustav Jung / Egyptian Mythology / Otto Rank / Autoscopy / Neurosciencia / Ciencias Cognitivas / Allan Kardec / Michael Shermer / Madame Blavatsky / Carl G. Jung / Spiritualism / Cognitive Neuroscience / Dostoevsky / Theosophy / Near-Death Experiences / Lucid Dreaming / Spiritism / Astral Projection / Out-Of-Body Experiences / Carl Gustav Jung / Egyptian Mythology / Otto Rank / Autoscopy / Neurosciencia / Ciencias Cognitivas / Allan Kardec / Michael Shermer / Madame Blavatsky

Teologia da Beleza - a partir de Dostoievsky

Aesthetics / Theology / Nietzsche / Dostoevsky / Beauty

Poderes do Horror, de Julia Kristeva, Capítulo 1

Literature / Julia Kristeva / Dostoevsky / The uncanny / Lacanian psychoanalysis / Horror Literature / Horror / The Abject (Kristeva) / Kristevan Abject and Intertextuality / Horror Literature / Horror / The Abject (Kristeva) / Kristevan Abject and Intertextuality

Levinas\'s Dostoevsky: A Response to “Dostoevsky’s Derrida”

Russian Literature / Jacques Derrida / Dostoevsky / The Brothers Karamazov

A ironia do fracasso: Nícias e Tucídides, Aníbal e Políbio (2015)

Intellectual History / Comparative Literature / Classics / Greek Literature / Roman Historiography / Reception Studies / Narrative / Historiography / Hermeneutics / Ancient Historiography / Theory of History / Polybius / Hermeneutics and Narrative / Hermeneutic Phenomenology / Narrative Theory / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Dostoevsky / Ancient Greek Historiography / Romantic Irony / Irony / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Claude Romano / Martin Jay / Reception Studies / Narrative / Historiography / Hermeneutics / Ancient Historiography / Theory of History / Polybius / Hermeneutics and Narrative / Hermeneutic Phenomenology / Narrative Theory / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Dostoevsky / Ancient Greek Historiography / Romantic Irony / Irony / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Claude Romano / Martin Jay

O narrador de Crime e castigo segundo Gary Rosenshield: o romance polifônico em xeque

Russian Studies / Russian Literature / Narrative / Narrative Theory / Dostoevsky / Narration / Crime and punishment / Narrators / Poliphony / Fiodor Dostoievski / Narration / Crime and punishment / Narrators / Poliphony / Fiodor Dostoievski

Fisiologia e Filosofia: Despojamento filosófico e a criação sem amanhã ( 2015 )

Epilepsy / Friedrich Nietzsche / Dostoevsky / Albert Camus / Emil Cioran

O ressentido e as memórias do subsolo

Friedrich Nietzsche / Dostoevsky / Resentment

Aunque Dios no exista, no todo está permitido, por Antonia Tejeda Barros

Atheism / Jean Paul Sartre / Dostoevsky / Existentialism

\"A beleza salvará o mundo\": a filosofia da história de Fiódor Dostoiévski

Intellectual History / Aesthetics / Philosophy of History / Dostoevsky


Russian Studies / Russian Literature / Literature / Literary Criticism / Fedor Dostoevsky / Dostoevsky / Literary studies / Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky / Crime and punishment / Dostoevskij / Dostoievskij / Double / Dostoevsky / Literary studies / Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky / Crime and punishment / Dostoevskij / Dostoievskij / Double

Jorge Semprún Memoria cultural y escritura. Vida virtual y texto vital

Comparative Literature / Franz Kafka / Cultural Memory / Dostoevsky / Jorge Semprun / Paul Nizan / Artemisia Gentileschi / Paul Nizan / Artemisia Gentileschi
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